Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1105: Quarrel

Chapter 1105

A huge array shield shrouded the valley. In the valley, a bunch of kebabs were neatly inserted on the ground, looking quite spectacular.

The body of the three-tailed white fox is not too big, so there are not too many kebabs, but every piece of the flesh and blood of the seventh-order demon king is radiant and vigorous, and it makes people feel refreshed by smelling it.

Han Yu and Xiao Jiao opened the battle, and with the sound of the start, the two were crazy looting kebabs.

Now that the little horn has broken through to the first-order demon king, he has just broken through a large realm, and the subsequent breakthrough of the small realm should not have much impact on the bloodline trauma. Han Yu does not have to worry about the little horn eating too much meat to break through again and cause harm.

Although the flesh and blood of the three-tailed white fox are not much, the energy contained in each piece is massive, and the small horns only eat one piece, the stomach is bulged, and the flesh cannot absorb so much energy at once.

But Han Yu didn't need to worry about anything. The more energy he had, the more energetic he was. No amount of energy will be swallowed by the black hole in an instant.

That's why Han Yu's speed surpassed Xiaojiao when he started eating the first piece. Xiaojiao suddenly became a little anxious, using her four feet together, and stuffing her mouth frantically.

This is also a small horn, if it is replaced by the other monsters of the first-order demon king level, I am afraid that a string of kebabs can break its body.

Han Yu laughed, not giving Xiaojiao any face, and gobbled it up. It didn't take long before Han Yu ate half of the portion. Xiao Jiao suddenly became irritable and constantly threatened Han Yu so that Han Yu would not grab his share.

Han Yu made a move, but Xiao Jiao rushed over and tried to fight Han Yu.

"That's it, I'm afraid you won't succeed, I won't rob you." Han Yu smiled slightly, stepped aside and sat cross-legged, and began to refine the aura in his body.

He didn't mean to **** with the little corner, just now he was just teasing the little guy.

The little corner snorted triumphantly, let go, and began to taste the delicious food slowly.

The weight of the kebab this time can be said to be the least barbecued since Han Yu came to Wuzhou, but it is the most tangible one. After Xiaojiao ate about two-thirds of the portion, he couldn’t eat it anymore. Lying on the ground didn't even want to move.

But I'm afraid of being persecuted by Han Yu in Niu Moshan last time, and I'm afraid that its deliciousness will eventually be destroyed. The little horn took a rest, then slowly got up, and started to stuff the barbecue into his mouth.

Han Yu controlled the Dragon Lord Bible to run wildly, rapidly refining the spiritual energy spit out from the black hole, and the newly refining vitality, 90% of which is white, and 10% is black.

The white vitality is full of awe-inspiring righteousness, while the black vitality is full of magic.

If the two vitality are of the same weight, the black vitality is even more terrifying. The two kinds of vitality merged and turned into light gray vitality, which was injected into the lake formed by vitality in the Dantian.

The lake that was originally like milk has also turned light gray.

The six dragons, some resting on the shore, some hovering in the void, and some sleeping in the lake, a magical and tranquil scene.

When the sun came out the next morning, Xiaojiao ate all the barbecue into his stomach. At this time, its belly has more than doubled, and it looks quite funny. Han Yu feels that if he throws the little horn in the water at this time, he will probably float without swimming.

The little horns after eating and eating, as always, started to fall asleep. I don't know when to sleep in this sleep, this sleep must be a breakthrough.

Han Yu wiped away the traces in the valley, picked up Xiaojiao, left quietly, and returned to Fenglie City.

The day when Hu Lielie and Qin Yin battled is not far away, and Han Yu has to go back and stare at the people of the ancient school.

When Han Yu went back, three people were standing at the gate of his palace, and they seemed to be waiting for him here. All three were young people in their twenties. One of them was wearing a large flower robe. Even if he was in the crowd, Han Yu could recognize him at a glance. It was Ye Xunhua.

Han Yu covered his little horn body with a blanket, only showing his head outside. A few people heard the footsteps and turned their heads to see Han Yu. Ye Xunhua was overjoyed, strode up to greet him, and said, "Brother Han, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Han Yu frowned slightly. Yesterday Ye Xunhua didn't know who his last name was, so today he called him Brother Han directly, apparently investigating him secretly. Although Han Yu's name is not a secret, and it is not that he does not want others to know it, what Ye Xunhua did made Han Yu a little unhappy. Coldly said: "What are you waiting for me?"

Ye Xunhua didn't expect Han Yu to have such a bad temper. After a moment, he smiled awkwardly: "Brother Han redeemed your sins. I found your name from a servant in your palace. I just wanted to tell Brother Han. There is a deeper understanding, and there is no other intention."

Han Yu glanced at Ye Xunhua coldly, ignored it, and walked straight to the palace.

The two people who followed Ye Xunhua had extraordinary temperaments, with a look of pride, Han Yu ignored them, and they ignored Han Yu.

"Brother Ye, who is this person, who doesn't know how to promote him, and doesn't even give you face?" The young man in a light gray robe asked in surprise.

Ye Xunhua told him to stay safe and not restless, and followed Han Yu in a few steps: "Brother Han, I am here to invite you to our banquet. I hope you can show your face."

"Not interested." Han Yu responded coldly.

"Brother Ye, I thought you were doing it. It turned out that you were inviting him to our banquet. Not everyone can attend our banquet. Let's go. They may be impatient already." The young man in black said lukewarmly.

They are all people from the ancient forces, and their banquet can only be attended by people from the ancient forces.

Not only had they never seen Han Yu, they hadn't even heard of it before. They concluded that Han Yu was not a member of the ancient forces, and seemed to be superior when speaking.

"Yes, Brother Ye, no matter what your personal relationship is, I don't think this person is qualified to participate in our banquet, let's go." The gray-clothed youth said lightly.

Han Yu suddenly stopped, turned around, glanced over the two indifferently, and said, "No matter what your banquet, it has nothing to do with me, but don't presume the word qualification before me."

Han Yu on the left is not qualified, and Han Yu on the right is not qualified. They obviously look down on Han Yu.

"It's not a blow to you, you really are not eligible to participate." The black-clothed youth looked mocking and paused, "Forget it, I wanted to tell you what the banquet was, but even if I tell you, you don't know. ."

Han Yu glanced at the black-clothed youth coldly, and said unceremoniously: "Isn't it just a group of you gathered together, relying on your background, bragging and bragging party? It sounds like a fairy tale society!"

Han Yu finished speaking, turned around and walked into the palace.

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