Martial Arts World

Chapter 2689: The letter hand stirs the situation

There is Buddha smiling at the flowers...

There are Guanyin Pudu people...

There is the Xitian Wanfa Dharma...

There are sky girls throwing smallpox all over the sky...

At this moment, the clouds over the capital city appeared in the same way, and various scenes of the Buddha's family appeared, and the people were stunned and shocked.

It's just that I haven't waited to find out what the people in the heavens have reacted to. Suddenly the sky is surging and the original images of the Buddha's grand scene are all gone. Even the gusty clouds and winds are spreading out like a heavy blow. , The Langlang sky appeared again at once.

Ordinary people in Beijing just feel curious, but whenever there is a realm of entry into the Dao, whether it is an orthodox sword repair, a junior rune, or a Dao martial arts, an angry dragon roar suddenly sounds in the soul of the moment.

The monks who reached the realm of fairyland could see the Golden Dragon of the National Games with a huge and majestic sky above the imperial palace, and suddenly opened the dragon mouth and issued an angry roar.

Then, the stormy clouds over the capital and the wonders of the Buddha dissipated in a blink of an eye.

The Golden Dragon of the National Games lifted the head of the brave dragon, and suddenly a pair of huge dragon heads shot two dazzling golden lights. The space passing by was rippling up and down, and suddenly violently collided with several strong and powerful gods above the void.

The void collapsed instantly, revealing a huge black hole, and the huge suction sucked everything around into the deep black hole and disappeared.

The air, the gusty wind, the scattered clouds, and the light are all absorbed in an instant, and the black hole fills the space and returns to normal at the next moment.

"Masters, don't overdo it!"

After all calm, the voice of Li Jingxu, the bliss live-action person, came out leisurely and immediately crossed a distance of tens of millions of miles, directly resounding in the ears of several monks and dades: "For ordinary things, you should not shoot!"


Several Buddha horns sounded one after another, also crossing thousands of miles away, directly into the palace, and then fell into a long silence.

In the palace palace, Lin Shaduan sat on the dragon chair with a calm expression on his face, said indifferently; "It seems that the old monks can't sit still!"

"The court's movement this time is too great, there is a posture to sweep the secular Buddhist gates clean, and it is no wonder that they will have an unknown fire!"

Li Jing, a blissful real person sitting on the side of the cloud bed, smiled bitterly: "If you change a certain one, it is estimated that it will be more intense than the old monks!"

"Huh, since they are already high-ranking monks, they should study meditation and study Buddha!"

Lin Sha disdainfully said: "Among the secular Buddhist gates, there are a few more sincerely devoted to the existence of Buddha, are these old monks still reluctant to abandon?"

"Can't say that!"

Li Jingxu's mouth showed a bit of sarcasm and chuckled lightly; "The secular Buddhist doors can have the momentum right now, and they really have to rely on these fellows who don't care about participating in the Buddha, otherwise they're just afraid that the momentum hasn't been two or thirty percent!"

"No matter what, this time the secular Buddhist doors must be cleaned up for a while. They have too many resources that they shouldn't have. There are still some people who sell sheep meat on the head of the sheep. All of them must be cleaned up, so that the Buddhist temple becomes a real retreat. Not a place to hide dirt!"

"I'm afraid the old monks won't agree!"

Li Jingxu said with a smile: "Is it possible that your Excellency is ready to start with them?"

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Sha didn't care at all, and chuckled lightly; "If you really want to do it, then let them come, even though they are here, I really want to measure the true strength of the Buddha!"

"You can do it!"

Li Jing smiled bitterly; "Isn't your first move just to cover the power of the two sidemen? How did the cover's movement become provocative?"

"Well, this seat has no intention to specifically focus on the Buddha, but the things found in this operation are very uncomfortable for this seat!"

Lin Sha chuckled; "That is, the imperial court and the local government did not pay enough attention to the Buddhist gates, which allowed them to take advantage of the loopholes, but did a lot of breaking things. At this time, they did not take the opportunity to clean it up and waited until the secular Buddhist gates came out. Don’t worry about big problems?"

Li Jing was silent, and the imperial court and the local government suddenly shot, hitting the secular Buddhist door by surprise.

As a result, a lot of unsightly dirt was naturally detected. Obviously, Emperor Xinming wanted to take the opportunity to clean up the Buddhist scum, and at the same time establish a normal management method.

As Lin Sha said, there are too many resources in the hands of secular Buddhas.

Since the establishment of the New Ming Dynasty, even the squires and scholar groups have been beaten enough to control the right to speak in the world. Why can a secular Buddhist temple of similar nature be able to protect itself?

It’s okay if you don’t find the problem. Once you find the problem, it’s still a big problem and a series of problems. Lin Sha, the new emperor, naturally doesn’t mind giving a profound lesson to the secular Buddhas, and set them a good way. Never give them a second chance!

Although at the beginning, Lin Sha's eyes and ears were really just to buy time for the scorpion Yixiu and the strange screamer Hua Linghun to attract the attention of Buddhist monks.

However, since the problem was found, Lin Sha wouldn't be polite with Buddhism, and he would act directly. If the old monks and nuns are honest, if they want to forcibly intervene, then speak with strength.

"Troublesome real people have taken a few more trips recently!"

Lin Sha said, "Go directly to the old monks and make it clear that there will be a lot of fighting, can real people take over?"

"Come on, little things!"

Li Jingxu showed a little confidence on his face and said leisurely; "I have followed you all these years, and I feel that no matter the state or the understanding of the rules of the world, I have gone upstairs. I am worried that I can't find an opponent that can be verified. Great opportunity!"

Zunsheng, Tianmeng, White Eyebrow Monk%

Which one of these Buddhist doors is not a cultivation base to reach the fairyland early, but it has never been in a hurry to ascend.

What are the thoughts in their hearts? Li Jingxu, who is also an old brand of immortals, is too familiar, but he just wants to accumulate enough good works in order to reach the quasi-jinxian realm, and then quickly reach the immortal gold immortal realm after soaring!

Don’t look at the fact that these old monks have always been hidden, but their reputation is indeed quite loud among the high-level monks, and even considered the strongest monk in this world.

Although Li Jingxu was dissatisfied in the past, he did not have the slightest certainty to be able to overcome these old monks with profound heritage, but it is still unknown who will die.

In recent years, he has followed Lin Sha, although he has not directly preached the law, but he has learned a lot from Lin Sha, and has a deeper understanding of the rules of the world. Even the realm that has not been entered for many years has begun to loosen and there are signs of progress. He was naturally willing to find opportunities to try a few hands with the famous monks.

"Take the twelve little golden men too, maybe they will come in handy!"

Lin Sha thought about it and suddenly suggested.

"No need!"

Li Jingxu proudly said: "A certain confidence surprised the old monks!"


Not to mention that Bliss Liver Li Jingxu quietly rushed to several Tianxian-level Buddhist gates and took the initiative to provoke a fight, which triggered a series of incidents.

Here, Emei was shocked by the means made by the Xinming dynasty. This is to show that the chariots and horses are going to fight with the Buddha. After hearing the news of the heavy loss of the secular Buddha, they released it. In a worldly Buddhist temple that has suffered a great disaster, how can one care about others?

"It seems that Emei still has to shoot!"

Mrs. Gou Lan, the Miaoyi, was not depressed because she was still expecting the Buddha to be able to shoot. Who knows what happened at this time.

However, once Emei personally took action, as long as the **** camel Yixiu and the strange name Hualing did not die, the relationship with Emei would become an enemy in the future.

Whatever happens next to you, blocking the way is like killing your parents.

With Goran’s resources in her hands, she can’t see how as the two sidemen were able to hold two consecutive seminars on doctrine exchanges for overseas sidemen’s casual repairs, both of them gathered together more luck, and she could perceive The matter arrived, it didn't make sense for the two sidemen to respond with no idea.

At this time, Emei intervened, making it clear that they wanted to spoil their good deeds. Once such a thing was done, it would be absolutely good in the future.

"Successfully invite Senior Yan Yingmu to come to Jiuhuashan to recount!"

But no matter what, the secret contract can't be broken, Gou Lan has to be reluctant even if he is very At this time, he has to deal with the trouble caused by the two sidemen.

It's exhausting to think about it. In the past few years, as Emei approached the government, various accidents happened frequently. I wonder if it is a test of heaven?

"Isn't this appropriate?"

Yan Yingmu claimed to be the first female fairy in the world, and naturally reached the fairyland early. She was clear about some common things among the top powers. She got rushed by Mrs. Miaoyi’s letter and listened to her ideas. He was hesitant afterwards.

It’s not that she was afraid of the **** camel Yixiu and the strange name Hua Linghun. She didn’t really want to hurt the killer. It was inappropriate to intervene so rashly. She said that she would not be able to bring disaster to herself or her bloodline descendants. This is inevitable.

Besides, the situation on the side of the Central Plains practice is not very good. With the strong rise of the court, she is really not willing to leave at will. No one knows whether there will be any accidents during this period.

Somehow, she felt uneasy in her heart, as if she took over this request, something very bad would happen.

This made Yan Yingmu feel awe-inspiring. With his strength, such a hunch will appear. Obviously, things will definitely not be simple, that is, I don’t know how serious the consequences will be.

However, Yan Yingmu was not good at refusing Mrs. Miaoyi’s request, let’s not say that she was already in line with Emei, and could no longer separate each other. Even for the future life of Yan Renying, she could not refuse Mrs. Miaoyi at will. Goulin's request.

At this moment, there was a sudden news that Qi Jinchan and Xiao Monk, who had been detained in the secular world capital for more than a year, had already been released from prison, and now the younger generations of Emei have returned to Emei. Bringing news that is not good or bad...

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