Martial Arts World

Chapter 2680: Layout side door

"Ling Hun, real person, generous real person also..."

A large square box with a square shape on one side is a piece of glass. At this time, the upper half of the figure of Emperor Linsha appeared on the glass. It seems that you can still see the strange monster called Hua Linghun on the opposite side through the glass screen. The generous live-action **** camel Yixiu, greeted with a smile.

this is……

Ling Hun and Yi Xiu were a little stunned, staring blankly at the glass screen on which Lin Sha's half-length image was released, all puzzled in his eyes.

This is not their mysticism, nor the mana fluctuations unique to mysticism.

To the surprise of the two sidemen, it was originally thought that only the border general Li Ning came to convey the news of the court and the emperor, and Yixiu did not plan to show up at the beginning.

How to say, the two sidemen are able to come together quietly. If the news comes out, it will definitely cause a storm, and others will surely guess what is the secret of their secret together?

This is not a good thing, it may cause unnecessary trouble and misunderstanding.

The two sidemen are naturally not afraid of rumors, but they don’t want to affect their reputation and status at the sidemen because of Pang’s things.

When the strength reaches their level, they naturally want to make a difference. Let's say that they can achieve the level of long-browed real people. At least they should be the same as Master Lianshan, the master of the side door, right?

Master Lianshan is not only the great master of the side door, but also the elders of the long-browed real person. He is definitely a very amazing strange person. The influence on the side door is extremely profound, and the side door is still affected by him.

I just didn't expect that this time it wasn't the border general Li Ning who was talking to them, but that Emperor Linsha of the Ming Dynasty directly talked to them face-to-face through this means.

"Haha, no doubt, this is a newly developed means of rune communication. It's just that compared to the voice that was passed before, the image is now passed!"

Seeing that the two sidemen were very surprised, Lin Sha revealed the upper body in the glass screen, Xiao Yinyin said.

"Then how did Emperor Xinming see us?"

Ling Hun asked curiously: "Isn't it just to transfer images?"

"Aren't the two on the screen images?"

Lin Sha laughed, and then Feng Feng said with a smile; "I don't mention the gossip. I am looking for two people in this seat. I want to invite the next year to talk about things in the capital!"

Shentuo Yixiu sneered: "Don't you humiliate enough last time, are you planning to come again this time?"

Obviously, the previous trip to the Imperial Palace in Beijing had stimulated him a lot.

"It's boring for real people to say that!"

Lin Sha sneered; "Why did the two of you come here? I don't want to say more. Under those circumstances, do you still want to make concessions?"

There was a flush in Yixiu's face, embarrassment and frustration. He thought that this emperor of Xinming was really welcome. Everyone knew what was going on. It was awkward to say.

"Haha, is there anything wrong with Emperor Xinming this time? Let's talk about it so that we can be mentally prepared!"

The strange temperament is strange, but it hasn't reached the point where it doesn't know. Seeing the situation going wrong, he hurriedly called out haha ​​to change the subject.

"About the monks at the door, you should be right about finding two!"

On the glass screen, Lin Sha gave a deep smile and said leisurely; "I don't know if the two are interested in listening. I sincerely invite the two to go to Beijing!"

This is almost the same!

With the steps to go down, Yi Xiu's complexion calmed down and said in a deep voice: "I don't know what Emperor Xinming wants to say, the side door doesn't seem to have much contact with the Xinming Dynasty?"

This is true. The number of monks at the side gates is the most in the spiritual world, but the base camp of the side gates is overseas. Although it is not influential in the Central Plains area, it can be relatively worthwhile to the Taoist and Devil forces. The influence of the side gates in the Central Plains area is almost worthless. Mention.

In this way, the entanglement between the side door and the Central Plains dynasty is naturally very small. I wonder what the emperor Xinming is doing?

"This seat has some thoughts on the situation at the side door!"

On the glass screen, Lin Sha said bluntly: "When the practice world is surging, if the side door stands by without any ideas, then it will really disappoint!"

"That also has nothing to do with Emperor Xinming!"

Despite Lin Sha’s words, Yi Xiu’s heart was still in his heart, but he still put on an unwilling look, and sneered sneeredly; “Can you think of the Emperor Xinming, as the idea of ​​the Ming Dynasty Head, can you intervene in the next door?"

"Whether this seat can intervene in the side door affairs is not a real person's final decision, nor is this seat's final decision, but the side door monk's own words!"

Lin Sha was also polite and said directly: "Some things may be said, and the real people may not believe it, but there is nothing. The future facts will prove everything!"

He said something inexplicable to the two sidemen, and continued to laugh: "I don't know the two, will you accept the invitation from this seat?"

Go, go, of course!

Before they ate at the Imperial Palace in Beijing, how could it be possible to say that there was no idea to retaliate back?

However, the two of them did not take the initiative to come to the door, the strength is obviously not in the same grade, and it is embarrassing to go, mainly because the two sidemen are really unable to understand the face.

In fact, they are very interested in the formation of the royal palace, and the twelve statues whose size can be changed, and the amazing combination of amazing power.

The twelve little golden men are obviously not the means of ordinary monks. They feel a little bit of magic Taoism, but they are a little different from the magic Taoism they know, but it is a bit confusing.

In short, the two sidemen were very powerful and were very curious about the means of Emperor Xinsha Linsha.

After they came back, they did not discuss it in every city. They felt that the method of Emperor Xinming was not so simple. There must be other skills that were not used. It was just that the strength of the two was too low to force this person to use other methods. My sister was very upset when she thought of this dim sum.

What is the role of the two, but the power of the side door is one of the best, strangely called Hua Linghun has the power of the second robbery, and the scorpion Yi Xiu has the strength of the three robbery.

The two of them joined forces, and even the specific strength of the Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty was not forced out, which really made the two feel dull. However, they knew in their hearts that the strength of the Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty had definitely surpassed the Celestial Realm, otherwise it would not be so scary.

Whether it is the scorpion Yixiu or the strange name Hua Linghun, they are very curious about the strength of Emperor Xinsha Linsha. If you want to explore the truth, you have to have close contact with Linsha.

Fortunately now, Lin Sha invited them to Beijing in person, which was a great opportunity. They just took a little master's restraint from the county, and soon agreed to the invitation of the Emperor Xinming.

Since you have invited so warmly, it’s okay for both of them to show mercy, and by the way, explore the foundation of Emperor Xinming, and also take the opportunity to say two good words for Emei’s captured disciples. Such a good thing is happy. .

Don’t blame them for always thinking about helping Emei. After all, they are all Emei’s allies. They are still the firmer ones. Not so readily agreed to shoot.

They just touched the hard nails and were utterly embarrassed. If they had the opportunity to help Emei, they would not miss it easily. This is the power of Emei's operation for many years!


After the rune video communication ended, Yi Xiu and Ling Hun no longer be hypocritical. They told the border general Li Ning that they would depart for Beijing at the latest three days later.

Li Ning didn't have much time to get an accurate doctor. He casually said a few words of politeness and then left. He took hundreds of shuttle-shaped short-wing runes to return to the border station.

The sound is indeed not small. Hundreds of rune cars covered the small sky along the way. They flew up and down and moved around. They were all flexible and swift. The squealing sound made by the violent friction with the air was screaming and harsh. Earth-shattering, the birds and beasts running along the way ran away from the monk's profile, really arrogant to the extreme.

Anyway, the Frontier Rune Flying Team was dispatched once, and it caused a huge sensational impact on the Qinghai-Tibet border. All well-informed people knew for the first time that the Frontier had many tools for ordinary sergeants to fly ~www.NovelMTL. com~ This is a serious blow to the morale of some people and forces.

Not only is the border troops on the Qinghai-Tibet border acting so high-profile, so that the forces and personnel know that there are a large number of runes in the army, the other local garrisons all announce this matter in high-profile, and the entire Central Plains dynasty sensationed up and down, and the people were stunned. Before being able to figure out the specific strength of these runes, some monks and outside forces suddenly lost their thoughts.

This is the result of the opinion of Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the opinions of the court. In short, everything is based on stability. As long as the social environment is stable, the national power of the Xinming dynasty will continue to rise. When the strength grows to a certain level, certain unscrupulous forces and individuals will naturally dispel some unrealistic ideas.

Not to mention the emergence of a large number of runes, and the sensation in the Central Plains region, only to say that after ending the remote video call with the two sidemen’s powers, I waited for Lin Sha to have other actions, and I sat silently as the background board of bliss The real person Li Jingxu suddenly said: "Hello, do you want to lay out the side door?"

"Why not?"

Lin Sha smiled and asked: "There are so many monks in the side door, and there are not many masters among them. As long as a little half of the monks in the side door are integrated, it is an absolutely powerful force!"

"But most of the monks beside the door are overseas, and your hand is too long, it might be wrong!"

Li Jingxu directly pointed out Lin Sha’s short board and said with a smile: "The gang of monks who are overseas are estimated to be curious and afraid of you now, and will definitely not give the court the slightest opportunity!"

Lin Sha didn't take it seriously and smiled; "Isn't this this time I invited two sidemen to come to the capital to discuss major events..."

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