Martial Arts World

Chapter 2669: 1 blood hit the iron plate

Emei and his party naturally cannot extinguish the idea of ​​saving people because of the generous human reality camel Yixiu's words. If they spread the word, how could they be confused in the spiritual world?

However, as soon as Emei went to work as an elder, as well as the newly arrived Buddhist monks and priests, they were much more cautious.

Even the generous live-action **** Yi Xiu, who went to the palace for a long time, suffered a loss. It can be seen that the strength of Emperor Xinming and the court is not as simple as imagined.

The elders and teachers were naturally cautious and cautious. Not to mention, the coercion brought to them by the capital alone was enough to shock them.

I haven't been to Beijing before, but now I know that it seems very unfriendly to monks?

When elders discuss things, they naturally have no qualifications for juniors to participate.

The younger Emei, headed by Li Yingqiong, was very eager to try.

"Let's go to the capital and see what kind of Longtan Tiger Cave is here!"

Li Yingqiong's face was resolute, and her eyes were faint, and she didn't know if she was stimulated by the lessons of the squirrel Yixiu before. Her tone of voice was very hot in her heart.

A few juniors were already arrogant, and they were all kind of impulsive. After being stimulated by Li Yingqiong, they suddenly thought.

When the elders negotiated and dispersed, the juniors took the opportunity to get together and then went to the capital directly to save people.


"Why, just a few of Emei's younger disciples entered the city?"

In the palace's partial hall, Lin Shaduan sat on the dragon chair and asked with a relaxed expression.


The secret agent standing underneath had a strange smile and no good air: "They are not guts, they went directly to the palace of the capital after entering the city!"

"Then let the masters of the Guanfu teach them how to be humans!"

Lin Sha didn't care at all and chuckled lightly; "A bunch of juniors dare to be so arrogant, it seems that Emei's arrogance is too strong, so I have to find a chance to beat it once!"

The standing detective bowed his head and said nothing, seeing that the emperor had nothing to say, so he said carefully; "Your Majesty, the leader of the gang of Emei juniors is Li Ning, the deputy general of Sichuan and Tibet stationed in the second rank."

"Oh, it's him!"

Lin Sha nodded, glanced at the dark detective lightly, and said leisurely: "When you go out, let's talk to Shangshu Shangshu, and let the military urgently transfer Li Ning back to Beijing!"

With that, he waved his hands away.

Really do not know life and death, do you think this is the site that Emei can affect?

The capital of Beijing is the headquarters of the Oriental people, and the humane luck is extremely strong. As long as he is willing, he can even use the strong humane power to directly shield the laws of heaven and earth.

He wanted to see how much strength a monk who can't be linked to the laws of heaven and earth can exert?

Not to mention, he can control the rich humane power by sitting in the flood, and directly form a humane space that isolates the inside and outside. At that time, he is the master of this space. How do you want to squeeze a little Emei Junior, is it not a simple thing? ?


Li Yingqiong and other core juniors are not really stupid.

After they entered the capital, they were also suppressed by the majestic officialdom, and the strength of all of them fell by one class. Only Li Yingqiong, with the help of Ziying Excalibur, reluctantly reduced a small order of strength.

This is how the capital has given them a downhill ride, just like a pot of cold water, directly extinguishing the fire in their hearts.

But young people, it's more important to look at face than anything, so naturally they won't shrink back easily.

Originally according to Li Yingqiong's idea, they were prepared to go straight to the palace to save people. But as soon as he entered the city he ate Ma Wei, and he was unafraid and timid.

So he shifted his goal and prepared to find Zhou Qingyun, who was already in the city, as well as Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen, and other sisters and sisters, and asked them all about the situation in the capital.

Li Yingqiong, with a group of peers, rushed directly to the Royal Academy, and as a result clashed with the guard who guarded the gate.

Originally it was nothing. The doorman asked them about their intentions, and asked if they knew the specific classes of Wu Wenqi and Sister Zhu Wen, as well as the training venue and other information, mainly just in case.

If it weren’t for Li Yingqiong and a bunch of young people, it wouldn’t be like the old yokos in the society. I’m afraid the guards had to ask them if they had an appointment before putting them in.

Although the Royal Academy's access control is not strict, it is not for everyone.

The strength of the rune inside is not bad. The closer to the core area, the stronger the rune's strength is. The general thief has only one dead path to touch.

This was a normal procedure. As a result, Li Yingqiong and other teenagers who were accustomed to various ‘preferred treatments’ thought that the guards looked down on them, and even started to do so when they got into trouble.

But with a hands-on, a young Emei Junior was dumbfounded.

The guards of the Royal Academy are all martial arts masters in the later period of enlightenment, and their strength is stronger than the suppressed Emei juniors. As a result, only a few breathing skills can be used to win or lose. Li Yingqiong and even Zi Yingjian have no time to call out. He was caught directly and could not move.

Extremely awkward!

This kind of experience is quite terrifying to the morale of the former confident Emei Junior.

Even Li Yingqiong, who has always been tough, has a short-hearted and depressed mood.

They were detained in the guard room for two hours, until the guards found Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen through the internal communication channel of the college, and the two women came forward to release Li Yingqiong and his party.

Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen couldn't help crying for a while. They dared not bring their resentful companions into the academy. They had to bring them to the small courtyard under the auspices of the academy and inquire about their intentions.

"We came to the city to save people!"

Li Yingqiong recovered quickly. When she arrived at the small courtyard blocked by Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen, she returned to her normal attitude. At this time, she listened to the inquiry of the two women and said in a loud voice: "We don’t want to see Brother Jin Chan and Brother Brother Liao. Grieved, so I plan to enter the city directly to save people!"

"Did you plan to forcibly enter the government house?"

The two women, Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen, were startled, and kept busy to persuade them: "The strength of the warrior in the government house is very strong. Don't do stupid things!"

If there is no shameful encounter at the gate of the Royal Academy, it is estimated that Li Yingqiong and others cannot hear the two women making such remarks, but now it is natural to have a heart.

The warriors in the capital are really powerful. They have five or six men. They have no power to fight against the three or four college guards. They were directly overthrown and directly captured. The fact is that they are not convinced.

"You can't just watch Brother Jin Chan, they are suffering!"

Li Yingqiong's temperament is really hard, despite her warrior strength in the city, but her bullish temper is above her, and the shame between the eyebrows is indeed amazing, coldly humming; The magic weapon is!"

"Don't don't, don't use magical treasures!"

Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen were startled and hurriedly persuaded to say: "It is nothing to use force in the capital, at most it is fighting and fighting, and the government office will not be too concerned. If you have invited your opponent to fight on the ring, you will not even Will attract the slightest waves!"

"However, once you have used weapons or magic weapons, the government will definitely take out people. This is something that cannot be discussed, because such behavior has broken the rules!"

Li Yingqiong was very impatient and waved his hand without a good airway; "What rules are broken, let's talk about it depending on the situation!"

With that said, she shifted the subject and asked about the situation in the capital.

Although the two women were displeased when they saw them, they honestly told what they knew. 1510 originally stated that Li Yingqiong and others did not stay in the yard for a long time, and took the initiative to leave.

Obviously, Li Yingqiong and his party, especially Li Yingqiong, have opinions on the two women, but it is not easy to say.

Wu Wenqi and Zhu Wen couldn't help, and they also had the idea of ​​letting Li Yingqiong suffer a little loss, ignoring their actions and intending to watch with cold eyes.

As a result, I did not expect that Li Yingqiong and others did not blindly impulse. Instead, they first found Zhou Qingyun in the martial arts hall. They said their thoughts and immediately aroused Zhou Qingyun's interest. They directly joined in and prepared to join Li Yingqiong and others. People act together.

As for the martial arts hall where she is located doesn't have too many restrictions, she doesn't study on weekdays, she doesn't even come or not depends on her own consciousness. She is not a personal disciple of the martial arts pavilion master and head teacher, it's not that important.

As a result, as soon as the younger disciples of Emei were engaged, it was so simple that Dan Mao hastily made a decision and plan to kill the government and save people.

Their action was quite good. They decided to take the shot immediately. When they reached the ground, they just checked it a little, and then directly used the magic weapon Feijian to go straight to the capital city government prison!

Needless to say, the final result does not mean that Dalhou has already prepared here, even if it is not prepared, it is not that the younger disciples of Emei who are not very capable can break through the defense and kill them.

Li Yingqiong, who was the most brave and wounded several good players with the might of the Excalibur, was slapped by the master in the jail and slapped. After that, he didn't know anything.

When Li Ning received an order from the Ministry of Military Affairs and hurried back to Beijing, he was immediately notified to go to the prison in Beijing.

He was stunned for a moment, wondering why there was such an inexplicable command above him?

But when he rushed to the big prison in Beijing, he picked up the unconscious girl from the cell, and knew the ‘grand victories’ of his girl, and he almost vomited blood. Her own girl was taken to the post.

Afterwards, what kind of quarrel occurred between the father and the daughter needn't say much. Besides, Elder Emei outside the city soon discovered the rash actions of a junior.

With the signboard of Emei, they don’t worry about the danger to their younger disciples. Since they have such confidence, it’s okay for them to try it.

As a result, even in a day, bad news came from the city...

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