Martial Arts World

Chapter 2657: Thunder 1 blow

On this day, the sun was shining bright and sunny.

Hengshan Suoyun Cave here is a group of miserable winds in the dark wind, the green ghost fire is flashing, the sound of ghost crying wolf howling is terrible.

Suddenly, a turquoise sword light traversed back and forth in the misty wind and mist. The passing place was like chopping waves, and the misty wind and mist made way all the way, and the sound of the crying wolf and wolf was even more harsh and harsh.

Souls of ghosts and spirits, revealing the inside or the grim, or the fear, or the blank face, when the green sword light flew, just like the milk eaves thrown into the forest one after another, followed by the deafening sound of the trembling sound, the green sword The starting point of the flooding is rippled, like a giant mouth with an infinite belly, swallowing all the spirits and ghosts, and the green sword light is more and more green and infiltrating, with a terrible death.

It's just that when the green sword light is getting longer and longer, engulfing the ghost ghost fire of some amount of panic and screaming, when the sword light is more green and strange, the sword body buzzes from time to time, as if there is something to break the sword and Out, even affected Jianguang's flight trajectory and speed.

If there is a powerful monk here, if you open the eunuch, you will surely be surprised to find that a green light and worrying flying sword face, one piece of hideous terror reveals one layer after another, makes a sound There was no roar, and the starting point of the roll was rippled, which affected the flying of the flying sword.


It seems that Feijian has eaten enough, or that Feijian has already endured the greatest amount of soul swallowing. Yue Qinbin Meng's hand-holding tricks standing on the law platform in the Suoyun Cave. The green color on his face is rich and direct. Retract the flying sword that was swimming in the misty wind.

When the green sword light went away, the cloudy wind and mist in the sky seemed to have lost the power to continue. They all did bird and beast disperse, and the gust of wind caused the mountain forest to shake violently, and the momentum was really not trivial.

But the beasts and birds in the forests were frightened, their hairs were raised up, and they screamed and fled.

For a time, Suo Yundong is located in the Hengshan mountain forest, and there is nothing wrong with chaos.

However, Yue Qinbin couldn't take care of so many. At this time, he already had a large broad-faced sword, just the appearance and light of the green oil, and the screams from time to time, which made people feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, his face was serious, the magic inside his body was rolling like a tide, and he followed the magic formula to become a black streamer, and all his brain poured into the broad-faced sword in his hand.


At the same time, above the broad-faced large sword body, there were countless ugly faces appearing densely, eyes violently bursting out, revealing the colors of anger and fear, and mouths roared silently.

Suddenly there were winds and winds on the tower, Yue Qinbin's heart was full of screams, as if to tear him to pieces completely, the big sweat beads rolled down from the forehead, and his teeth were exposed, and obviously he was also quite at this time. Strenuous.

Could it be hard to devour the nine hundred ninety-nine fierce souls that I had acquired for a few years at once, not to mention that the magic sword in his hand could not be suppressed, just because his cultivation at this time was extremely difficult.

It is very risky to do this. Once an accident occurs, not only the long-sacred magic sword will be seriously damaged, but it may even lose its spirituality directly into scrap iron.

The ninety-nine and ninety-nine bitter soul bites, as well as the ghost whistle sounds they make, can then directly hit his gods and souls, and a bad one will lead to a big leak.

Originally with his temperament, he would never be so risky.

Instead, it should be operated slowly, dividing the accumulated soul in his hand into a number of splits according to a certain amount, and then offering the sword at a specific time and hour, so this is the most stable and safe way of sword making.

Even if it fails, the impact on the magic sword and itself is very weak.

But now he felt a crisis. Although he didn't realize that he was fully prepared, the feeling in his heart was to tell him that if he didn't make preparations, it was estimated that something very bad might happen.

He believed in his feeling very much, he couldn't figure out what was going on, and he didn't wait for the best time for sacrifice to come. When his state reached its peak, he forcibly sacrificed the powerful and powerful sword in his hands.

I just didn't expect that the counter-talk about the forced offering of the magic sword was so intense that he even felt a little overwhelmed.

At this time, the situation is quite dangerous. Yue Qinbin is stalemate with the 999 people in the magic sword. Anyone who can't bear will suffer serious consequences.

But just then...

"Yue Qinbin, you are so wicked, dare to force the flesh and spirit of living people, and the soul to worship the evil sword. I will come to take you at the order of His Majesty the Emperor, and will you catch him without speed?"

Suddenly, a violent drink sounded outside Suoyun Cave, followed by a continuous violent bombardment.

However, for a moment, the protective array around the lock cloud cave was shattered by dozens of magic weapons, and the dense fog formed by the formation quickly dissipated, revealing the lock cloud cave shaking on the ground.


Shocked, Yueqinbin yelled badly, and then came from the magic sword with endless coldness and resentment. The brain spouted a spit of blood in a sudden pain. , The whole person seemed depressed.

But he was secretly relieved in his heart, knowing who the sacred person was, it was better than worrying about him in the day, even though he had already been sacrificed and seriously wounded.

At this time, the protective formation outside the lock cloud cave made a wailing sound, which was directly forcibly broken, and there were endless noises. In the blink of an eye, dozens of fierce monks appeared in the lock cloud cave. .

"You guys, **** it!"

The magic sword was basically obsolete. Yue Qinbin almost vomited blood with rage, his face roared with anger and rage, and he pointed at the black air in the air, haunting the ghost and crying wolf.

At the next moment, the damaged magic sword suddenly became green and gleaming with a deep and deep light, and an annihilation breath suddenly filled the whole lock cloud cave.

"Huh, Yue Qinbin, you want to explode the magic sword to run away, which is so easy, stay!"

A sound familiar to Yue Qinbin, but quite shocked, appeared suddenly, and then a bright sword shot through the light. The surrounding space seemed to be twisted and broken, and just passed by near the severely injured Yue Qinbin dial.

This sword light was incredibly fast. After passing Yue Qinbin's neck, he only made a small circle in the air, and then flew into the hands of a beautiful element in the lightening. It was Xu Feiniang who walked in.


It was only then that Yue Qinbin's head was washed away from his neck by a column of blood, and he had just encountered the damaged body of the Hundred Ghosts, and he fell straight to the ground.

With such a change, the monk who had arrived one step ahead was seen dumbfounded, but the reaction was not overwhelming for a while.

But at this moment, only listening to the slamming noise, the green sword that had already been damaged, and almost exploded directly just now, suddenly collapsed automatically.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine faces with grievances and resentment rushed out of the magic sword cage, just like the hungry tigers rushing to the first two points of Yue Qinbin. Swallow directly.

The immortal sword immortal Yue Qinbin, actually witnessed by the same colleagues, directly disappeared into the end.

Looking at the crazy pole, the nine hundred and ninety-nine strong souls that rolled up the Dao Dao wind, the monks on the scene all changed color, and their contempt for Yue Qinbin was even worse.

Sure enough, it is a monk of the evil faction, and he will play such vicious and evil techniques of evil gates. Now that he is ready to fight back, he can't even do the reincarnation reincarnation?

Deserve it!

It's just that the nine hundred and ninety-nine fierce souls are not easy to deal with. They die miserably one by one, full of resentment, but not ordinary people can resolve it.

Especially those souls who have devoured Yue Qinbin’s soul are growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and even the grievances on their bodies are gradually starting to materialize. This is to become the rhythm of Rusto.

Don’t say that if you don’t do any deep self-cultivation, even Xu Feiniang is a little dumbfounded at this time. I don’t know how to deal with the poor souls in front of me.

It wouldn't be a joke if she directly killed her in accordance with her previous practice, so as to prevent them from being rusted and harming the world.

It can be called nine hundred and ninety-nine violent souls at In addition to the demon monks who have no fear of karma, any monk who wants to make a shot must weigh the consequences.

Even Xu Feiniang did not want to be easily contaminated with such things, because karma was too unworthy.

"Let's come!"

Just as the first monk was very hesitant, when nearly Qianli soul gradually began to transform to Shura, the first accompanying entourage finally rushed over.

They saw the previous scene also stunned, but soon recovered, led by the middle-level rune took out a rune with a hint of nether breath directly from his arms.

"The runes open, the ghost door closes!"

He was also polite, and started the rune directly. After a loud drink, a wolf-shaped lock cloud cave suddenly breeze, a door made of white bones suddenly appeared, and a terrifying ghostly breath came.

With the opening of the ghost gate Guandong, the two envoys of the Ngau Tau Ma Nian, led a group of Nether Soldiers to go directly out of the door, without saying a word, they rushed to the nine hundred and ninety-nine souls who were about to transform.

Things changed too fast, and all the monks who had fled to the court, including Xu Feiniang, could only stand in a daze at this time, witnessing the coming of the local government to take away the nearly thousand souls without any politeness. Don't drag mud and water.

The two ghost messengers of Ngau Tau Mian's body were murky and unclear, but none of the monks on the scene dared to stab them with their brothers. With only one body, the Ngau Tau Mian would shock all the monks present.

They acted happily. They grabbed the gang of spirits and returned directly to the Ghost Gate. They refused to stay in their eyes. They waited until the Ghost Gate closed again and disappeared. The monks on the scene seemed to finally return to their spirits. Without the joy of winning the first battle...

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