Martial Arts World

Chapter 2652: Frightened Elder Emei

When the drunken Taoist reappeared in the backyard vegetable garden with a single Taoist temple, he looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and half an hour had passed!

Bastard, is there such a hello?

Spiritual consciousness spread for ten miles in an instant, and just caught the tail that the guys left. An old face was as dark as ink, and he was so helpless that he gritted his teeth.

Just now, he was trapped in a large array of four elephants, and then he was overwhelmed by the endless wave of four-element element attacks.

Fortunately, he had sufficient strength at this time, and he just relied on a grown-up to cultivate a way out of the endless four-elements elemental attack wave.

But then, the four elephants array explained to him, what is the advantage of the array!

Anyway, he contacted to resist the four-image attack, which didn't know how many waves. Although the power of each hit was only in the middle of Jindan, but the number of attacks could not be too much, he simply had no time to react and could only be beaten to death.

At this time, the details of his edge role in Elder Emei were undoubtedly revealed, and there was not even a powerful defensive treasure.

If it is replaced by other elder core elders, at least one self-defense magic weapon is not lacking. In such a sudden attack, at least you can earn a little breathing time.

As a result, the unlucky drunken Daoist was trapped in the Sixiang Formation and enjoyed a special hospitality for half an hour.

When the time came, the original storm-like attack immediately took the rain off, and then a particularly angry voice came into the ears of the drunken people. When he felt the sky turn again, he recovered and found that everything was normal.

Nima, it turns out that this accident of innocence was caused by Emperor Xinming greeting him.

The following specific execution guys secretly planted a large array of four elephants in the Taoyuan backyard vegetable garden, gave the drunk Taoist a very impressive dismount, and then directly put away the array method and patted the buttocks and walked away. The action was clean and sharp. Overbearing, making the drunken people stunned for a while.

Who did he mess with?

At the same time, he had a deeper understanding of the court's strength.

To say that ambush is ambush is still aimed at an infant monk like him, and the ambush is still very successful. If you continue to spend it, the drunken people know in their hearts that their end is definitely not going to be better, and the other party has a formation to help. The counterattack on his dying, even if the formation was broken, was only countered by the idea, it was nothing.

The other party is not a monk!

Drunken Daoist still has some eyesight. There is no mana fluctuation in the other party. Either the realm is stronger than him, or it is not a monk at all. Obviously the latter may be bigger.


Or the warrior in the middle and late stage of Jindan?

Suddenly a flash of enlightenment flashed in my heart, and the drunken Daoist face was bitter and depressed.

This way of saying hello is very'chic', which makes him feel overwhelmed, and at the same time has a new understanding of the strength of the human dynasty.

Randomly sent five or six martial arts masters in the middle and late stages of Jindan, and could also lay four elephant arrays in ambush. I have never heard of such a method.

Wait, can it be said that Xiu Wei, who has arrived at the Golden Pill Realm, can lay down such a powerful four-image formation?


The drunken man suddenly thought of something, and his face stiffened with a smile on his face like a smile, and there was a flash in the depths of his eyes. It should be like that.

The five or six Jindan martial artists who left just now must have used rune equipment, otherwise they wouldn't be able to get out of the four elephants of such momentum!

But he had just experienced it for a while, the violent elements of the four elephants in the large array were surging terror!

That's a real scene, it can't be his momentary illusion, let's talk about wanting to let the authentic adult monk in the hall of the Xuan Men, who should not have the illusion, shouldn't be difficult?

And the other party made such a big movement that he did not even disturb the Taoist Taoist in front!

Thinking of this, the body of the drunken Taoist disappeared for a while, suddenly disappeared in place, swam the entire Taoist temple at an alarming speed, and finally returned to his room and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the things he worried about did not happen. The Taoist priests in Taoist Temple were all safe and sound. Just now he checked, and each one slept very sweetly.

These methods really made the drunk Taoist feel terrified. If he had promised the head lady before, he would have the urge to turn around and step on the sword to leave.

How do you feel that Beijing has the meaning of Longtan Tiger Cave?

and many more……

With a bitter smile on his face, the drunken Taoist suddenly thought of a very bad thing. The guys just wanted to say hello to him, and they had such a big battle. Like yourself, will you suddenly encounter a surprise attack from a master of martial arts?

The purpose of the two people's trip is the same. Doesn't it make sense that the court sent someone to greet him specifically?

Besides, Master Xia Xia is a veteran adult infant realm monk, and the threat is much greater than his recent adult infant realm monk. He does not believe that the imperial court will not take this into account.

Thinking of this, the drunk Taoist turned to go out, stepped on his sword and flew into the air, and went straight to Antang, who was a hang order from Master Xia Xia. Although he knew he could not help, he still had to say something?

When he hurriedly rushed Yu Jian to fly to the temple where Master Xia Xia had a pending order, it happened to see this well-known practitioner in the practice circle standing at the hillside where Antang was, staring into the distance... in a daze!

From the chaotic breath flowing in the air, we can see that something very unusual has just happened here.

"Teacher is too well, did anyone ambush just now?"

Master Xia Xia raised her head too slowly, watching the drunk Taoist Yu Jian flying, his face blank and expressionless, saying indifferently: "The gang just left, saying hello to Poor Ni!"

Her voice was erratic, and her face was very ugly. Apparently she hadn't asked for a discount for the hello.

It was too natural for Master Xia Xia to meet the martial arts masters sent by the court and fight hard.

It's just that her experience is different from the drunken Taoist.

Master Xia Xia is not as drunk as Taoist. After ordering this temple, she really devotes herself to chanting the Buddha every day, and does not give outsiders the opportunity to arrange sneak attacks in the temple.

Fortunately, the master of martial arts sent by the court did not mean to break into the temple, and just invited her out for a while using the method of "transmitting voice to secret".

Fanxia Master Taiyi is bold and has no doubt that there is any fraud. When he left the temple quietly, he found it directly according to the route guide of "Transmitting Voice to Secret".

Unexpectedly, the other party set up a five-element hiding method on the top of the mountain. When she arrived, she directly launched it and trapped her in the five-element method.

Then, there were six martial arts masters in the lineup, all of which were good players in the later stage of Jin Dan. Directly clarifying this intention is to say hello on behalf of the court.

What kind of **** is saying hello, this is a downright mawei. How could Dian Xia Shi provoke the existence at will, when even choked up with the six martial arts masters, and then directly started speaking with strength.

Tanxia Master Tai Nai is a veteran veteran of the infant realm. He is very powerful in mana and magic. Even if he is surrounded by six Jindan post-martial arts masters, he is not afraid of fighting. With her strength, she wants to solve the six martial arts in front of her. Master, really is not a difficult thing.

But it turned out to be quite different.

The six martial arts masters of Jindan's later stage are indeed not enemies of Master Xia Xia. Even if the six of them join forces, facing the deep means of Master Xia Xia, Jian Qi thunder screams loudly, even difficult to get close, almost Only the beaten ones were helpless.

Although she didn't have the heart to kill, she was full of warnings. Although she had reservations about her actions, the six martial arts masters who wanted to carry them had to be seriously injured.

But it turns out...

When the six martial arts masters saw something bad, they immediately took out six high-level armor runes and directly urged them to put a sticker on them. Suddenly, there was an additional rune light armor on the body of the six people. The defensive power was amazing. A great record of Ling Jianmang!

The six martial arts masters rely on the armor of their body to be very powerful. They actually fought against the Xia Xia master too much. After half an hour of fighting, they suddenly launched a formation to hide the body. When the Xia Xia master responded too, they Already received the formation method and left directly.

She was hesitating if she wouldn't go directly into the capital, and the drunken Taoist came flying from Don't do it, don't risk it too, Master Tai! "

After hearing the brief remarks of Shi Xia Shitai and her thoughts at this time, the drunk Taoist was shocked and hurriedly stopped to say: "Shitai could not have forgotten, but Beijing has two immortals sitting in town!"

Master Xia Xia looked awkward, her cold breath slowly dissipated, and nodded; "Daoyou reminded you in time, otherwise Poor Ni really had the idea of ​​rushing into the capital!"

I'm afraid it's hard to get ahead!

The drunken people laughed bitterly, recounted their experiences, and finally shook their heads; "Shitai is still more careful. The court's strength is not simple. Who knows whether the good hands they showed before are the strongest in the Ming Dynasty. Criticism?"

Master Xia Xia was so disappointed that she nodded and said, "Dao Brother's words are not bad. The court's strength is not as simple as it seems on the surface. If we are right, we really need to be careful!"

Speaking of this, she turned coldly; "But we are not a role of bullying. If we don't give this group a profound lesson, who knows whether this will happen in the future?"

"I'm afraid it won't happen!"

The drunken man smiled bitterly; "This time it's just a hello, if we don't listen to what we want to do to enter the city and say that we can't wait for us next time, it's the other party's merciless hands!"

"Let the court have the ability to come, is it that poor Nepali is afraid that they will not succeed?"

Mr. Xia Xia's attitude is quite tough, but what he said is not so hard: "In the future, unless those few small summons, we still stay outside the city, so that our actions will not affect the small ones in the city. Has a bad influence!"

The drunk Taoist breathed a sigh of relief, saying that as long as you are not hard to break into the capital, just follow the smile and say: "Master Shi said very much..."

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