Martial Arts World

Chapter 2611: Great luck

The court issued an official document, and all the provincial capitals and cities in the world have enthusiastically built the branch of the Royal Academy!

Now that there is a rune communication system, no matter where you are, you can get in touch with Beijing as soon as possible. Provincial officials have not dared to be negligent, and the consequences of the founding emperor are not something they can afford.

However, some small actions in the dark are inevitable.

These, of course, cannot hide Lin Sha's eyes in the dark, but as long as the local people have not done too much, he doesn't mean to be overly concerned.

After the establishment of the Royal College branch in various provinces and cities, he immediately transferred nearly 20,000 junior runes from the Royal College. He was led by hundreds of intermediate runes to disperse the provincial branches to serve as teachers and backbones of the branches.

Soon, the enrollment of the Royal College branch started in full swing.

In this process, the rune speakers and rune sound array played a large role, allowing outsiders to personally feel the convenience brought by the runes.

A tumult of tide has begun to accumulate quickly within the new Ming Dynasty, just waiting for the opportunity to rush through the opening and closing, and become the mainstream of the era with a vast and unstoppable trend.

Some people and forces have already seen this, so they are very active in cooperating and even want to secretly intervene in the training of Rune, and then follow the trend and even become the trend of the times.

Others and forces are stubborn and firmly adhere to the so-called traditions and rules, reject all changes and changes, and are extremely hostile to the emergence of runes and social changes.

There are also people and forces that remain neutral. They don’t want to join in any battles, they just want to have their own small days. Such people and forces naturally follow the wave, don’t expect them to do anything amazing, don’t expect them to The head was used as a knife in the hands of others.

The emergence of runes, especially the emergence of various convenient rune appliances, can be said to gradually change some of people's living habits, whether they like it or not, this change will gradually deepen, which will increasingly affect people's lifestyles and Concept.

Not to mention, seeing the benefits of rune speakers and rune sound arrays, local garrisons have already placed orders for the first time, and some big landlords and big businessmen are not willing to be outdone. They do have such a demand.

On the contrary, the government’s response was the slowest, but it could not be said that they did nothing, but because of many years of officialdom tradition, we can’t count on the traditional officials from these imperial examinations to hold a big horn and talk to a group of fart people. The truth and the truth?

Dozens of provinces have opened branches of the Royal College, and they have recruited more than 200,000 new colleges at once. As long as they have gradually formed traditional learning after two to three years, they can basically become formal primary runes to temporarily meet the needs of various places Not a problem.

Those who are genuinely interested in runes, or have talented elementary runes, will be selected for further study and sent directly to the headquarters of the Royal Academy of Beijing to learn from time to time to receive personal instruction and lessons from His Majesty the Emperor.

Only the core members of the Royal Academy know that the real rune-making master is His Majesty the Founding Emperor. Those powerful rune appliances that deter monks are basically researched by His Majesty the Emperor, and then form the core version of the Academy. Make.

Only runes who have reached the intermediate level can barely understand the emperor's rune portrayal methods, and he admires his emperor very much.

And Her Majesty’s understanding of the runes has reached a height of'Dao'. Many doubts in the hearts of middle-level runes suddenly became bright after listening to the instructions of His Majesty the Emperor. The understanding of runes and the use of runes, Have further thoughts and actions.

This matter is only known to the core members of the Academy, but they know how difficult it is to get the personal guidance of His Majesty the Emperor. Naturally, such an opportunity is strictly controlled, and it will not be a waste of great opportunities for the indiscriminate guys.

Lin Sha didn't feel much. As long as he had free time, he would happily go to the Royal Academy to inspect it and see if there were any new things to research.

He didn't have any special instructions, all were freely played by the teachers and students of the college, and he was curious to what extent he could finally develop.

He is still very satisfied with the learning progress of the teachers and students of the college. At present, there are nearly 80,000 students in the college, which is definitely an amazing number at the moment.

Fortunately, when the Royal College was established, he specially selected the wasteland outside the city for construction. At this time, the Royal College was just like a small city, except that the residents in the city were all students and honest.

Once the students of the college have succeeded in learning and become junior runes, they can easily accumulate a certain amount of wealth, so they have spontaneously formed a prosperous market outside the college, and the entire Royal College has formed a good learning and business atmosphere. Lin Sha expressed satisfaction with the result.

This is almost the same as the modern university city, except that the management of the Royal Academy is more strict. The demilitarized management allows the teachers and students of the Academy not to waste too much free time.

It was not that Lin Sha was so cruel to see others, but at this time the Confucian disciples watched the delay and wished to seize the wrong place of the Rune Academy. Although Lin Sha was not afraid, he was not willing to always cause trouble. It's a headache.

Once some things start, there is no turning back. Besides, Confucianism is good as a kind of philosophical thought, but it is very wrong as a concept of governing the country.

Confucianism bears a great responsibility in the end of the previous Ming Dynasty. Lin Shake did not allow Confucianism to continue to grow bigger. Previously, it was only one of them to vigorously promote the status of military commanders and officers and men. Important means.

It would be better if the influence of Confucianism could be removed from the court by means of runes, and the entire Xinming dynasty would be upgraded to the state he imagined.

In short, before the Rune class can truly stand up and fear the destruction of the outside world, Lin Sha still needs to protect the Rune's living soil.

When everyone can become a Rune, and Rune has completely become the mainstream of the society, then when Lin Sha really wants to exert his power, he does not believe that there are any forces that can stop the vast momentum.

With the rapid increase in the number of runes, which was recognized and respected by people, Lin Sha noticed the luck of the famous news dynasty, and the rate of increase was visible to the naked eye.

The void above the palace, the gigantic circling golden dragon, the scale armor on his body shined even more, and even gave him a feeling that he was also growing rapidly.

Obviously, he was vigorously cultivating runes and wanted to upgrade the dynasty. The path was right. At least for him, as for the status of other forces, he was too lazy to care.

Lin Sha is very clear that there is a lot of luck in this world. The luck of the Xinming dynasty has been greatly strengthened, and naturally the luck of other places will be weakened.

As for which aspects of luck were weakened, Lin Sha didn't have the interest to explore, even if he knew what it was, could he not go back on his own initiative?

Moreover, he vaguely perceives that once the upgrade of the Xinming dynasty is successful, it will be of great benefit to the entire world. These are not necessary to ignore for the time being. Anyway, he will not allow any forces to hinder the development of the Xinming dynasty, otherwise God will kill the Buddha. There is nothing wrong with stopping and killing the Buddha.

The monks who had a close relationship with the court were the first to benefit from the promotion of court luck.

The bliss boy Li Jingxu was surprised to find that he had been quiet for hundreds of years and had not moved at all in the realm of cultivation, even in the most recent period of time, there was a faint loosening.

This shock was like Xiao Ke, Li Jingxu was suddenly ignorant. I don't understand how this would happen?

However, he quickly sobered up, pressured his heart and explored it with joy, and finally obtained the result that he was very satisfied. His realm cultivation did indeed show signs of improvement, but the improvement was very insignificant. The temptation to move is too obvious at the moment, and it may not be possible to notice the subtle changes for a while.

With the vision and insight of the Bliss boy, he naturally understands the changes in himself. What is the reason? It should be because he reached an ally relationship with Emperor Lin Sha of the Ming Dynasty!

It's incredible!

This is how long the ally agreement has been reached, not even five years, and even such an obvious effect has been achieved, which has made his hidden state of improvement for hundreds of years have a hidden ~Be aware that Xiu Wei has reached the level of his heavenly heaven, and is already the pinnacle of this world. If you want to go further, you can only fly to the sky of the Celestial Realm.

It is a pity that he is not willing to be restrained by others. He has always suppressed Xiu Xiu's unwillingness to ascend, and the realm Xiu Qiu has been fluctuating in nature.

If it weren’t for Lin Sha’s existence, knowing that there are limitations in this world, he still has room to improve his realm, but it’s hard to rise to the realm, which is the truth of spiritual practice, especially to him This kind of state is harder and harder to go further.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long to make friends with Emperor Xinming, and there was no wave in the world for many years. There were signs of improvement faintly, which is really gratifying.

I'm just happy, but I also have doubts in my heart. I don't know what the reason is, and is there any place I can use?

It is a pity that his knowledge is of little use in this, and he can't get in through hard thinking and meditation. Finally, he directly asked Lin Sha to ask him what was going on.

"It's simple, good luck!"

Lin Sha smiled and replied, not hiding anything at all.


Li Jingxu didn't believe it. Why didn't he feel his luck rising?

Besides, with his cultivation level at the level of heaven, he wants to improve his realm, how much luck he needs to improve.

"It is the luck of the Xinming dynasty that increases the speed!"

Lin Sha saw Li Jingxu's doubts in his heart and smiled casually: "If you don't believe it, Li Daoyou can go and experience the power of the virtual air transport Jinlong personally, and the key will soon be clear!"

Li Jingxu couldn't help but roll his eyes. Was he so pitious, how could the luck of the Golden Dragon feel so good?

But he was relieved in his heart, as long as he knew the reason...

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