Martial Arts World

Chapter 2600: Qingluoyu

In a flash, another year has passed, and the capital has changed a bit.

On this day, a group of students of the Royal Academy, led by their teachers, entered the Royal Palace with full curiosity, and installed something in the main palace of the Royal Palace and after some busy palaces.

This scene aroused the attention and dissatisfaction of the ministers of the court. How can the imperial palace allow casual people to enter at will?

"I asked them to come and install a set of audio equipment in the palace in need!"

Lin Sha took out a few wooden signs filled with runes, and handed them over to some ministers to let them stand apart, and then said a few words to a rune wooden sign.


The ministers were astonished with surprise, and even panic in their eyes. If the rune wooden signs were not given by the emperor, they would be thrown out by the hot potato.

But this is how the two ministers did not hold back the shock in their hearts and exclaimed.

"How about, listen clearly?"

Lin Shayang raised the rune wooden sign in his hand and smiled: "This thing is used for voice transmission. It can be used during the Dachao Conference, and it can also be used at the Xiaochao Conference!"

He was quite satisfied in his heart. It didn't happen that after only one year, the teacher of the Royal Academy, with a few talented students, actually made a combination of a walkie-talkie and a small speaker.

It is said that it is because of the large number of students at the Royal College, and the inconveniences that they have come up with.

The Royal Academy has always been a place that Lin Sha has paid great attention to. Seeing such a good thing, it is naturally necessary to make good use of it.

Well, the emperor is in such a posture, and a minister who wants to find fault cannot be chased down.

The matter of the rune sound array passed quickly, and several palaces in the palace had this thing, which was indeed more convenient, at least when you were facing up, you didn't need to deliberately raise the volume. Like the emperor and the generals who have practiced martial arts, can the literary clerk open his mouth like a word?


"Li Ning!"

In the main palace of the palace, Lin Sha is receiving a group of generals, and General Li Lu of Qilu is one of them.

"The end will be!"

"In view of the credit you have made over the years, I now impart the Taoist perception of "Paiyunzhang" and hope that you will continue to work hard to live up to my expectations!"

Lin Sha smiled softly, stretched his fingers out of his fingers, and flew directly into Li Ning's sea.

Li Ning's head was blinded, and suddenly there was a lot of information and images in his mind.

In the picture, a man with short and long hair, covered with horror and cold breath, is lucky to be familiar with the row of palms, and he is competing with the superb masters of various strengths.

What a horror!

The strength of the master in the picture is too arrogant, and it is extremely easy to destroy the mountains and down the Yue, at least worse than Jin Dan or even the infant monk he had seen in Shuchuan!

The short-skilled man with a cold breath, but with Paiyun palm against these powerful terrorists, a pair of fleshy palms almost turned into a real cloud, secret and unpredictable and extremely powerful, actually he was boiling blood without falling down!

Cooperating with abrupt text analysis, many of the previous puzzles are instantly clear, and there is a faint feeling in the instant. The pure and real element in the body runs faster and faster, and there are many signs of breaking through the level.

However, he still forbeared the desire in his heart, suppressed the strong idea of ​​immediate breakthrough, and stood quietly in a row of generals, waiting for the collective reward of the emperor to end.

The rest of the generals who received the reward had the same feelings as him, except that the martial arts they practiced might be different from Li Ning, some of them were Tianshuang boxing, some were Fengshen legs.

Not only is the reward for martial arts, these generals who have made great contributions are all promoted to a half level, which is regarded as a proud person in the officialdom.

"In the future, make persistent efforts and go back to the post to adjust. In a few days, I will have a task!"

After seeing a meritorious general, and sending the rewards one after another, Lin Sha waved and said.

Li Ning and others will immediately say goodbye and leave the palace under the leadership of the palace guards. This is when everyone relaxes with a happy face, and can't wait to get the palace to ponder this huge harvest.

After the others left, Lin Sha said, "Let the bliss boy come in!"

Li Jingxu suddenly appeared like a boy, and said with a smile: "Your lord intends to send these martial artists to Qinghai-Tibet?"

"What's wrong?"

Lin Sha asked back, leisurely: "This time I will give them a small stove. After they have digested this harvest, their strength will be improved to a higher level. Even if they don't give up to the Jindan monk, they will have the help of intermediate strong runes. What if the adult monk does not run but does not have a problem running?"

Li Jingxu was smiling but he was more curious about Lin Sha, the new emperor.

I don’t know where the magical skill of that door came from. It was so generously passed on to the generals under his command. He also helped these generals with the method of empowerment to raise the level of awareness. If the monks were to see them, they would be drooling with envy.

With Li Jingxu's vision, it is natural to see that the door is so extraordinary that as long as its own strength is sufficient, it seems that there is no end.

Such martial arts martial arts is a rare good thing even if it is placed in the practice world.

Just like the generals just now, they didn't learn any technique of cultivating immortals, but they only practiced the magical skills taught by Lin Sha. As a result, they all became martial arts martial artists, and they were even more powerful than the foundation monks.

At the moment, the realm of insight is imparted by the method of empowerment, and the strength will be greatly improved in a short time. There is no need to worry about the monk Jindan. This kind of progress rate is much faster than that of the monk.

It was just that he didn't know that in a Gaowu world called Fengyun, a certain cloud lined up with the palm of the hand to fight the world, and finally he could still compete with the gods and Buddhas, Li Jingxu underestimated these magical skills.

However, Lin Sha did not mean to correct his wrong thoughts, and asked directly: "This time Qingluoyu fighting sword, will you go?"

"Don't go, a bunch of juniors are making a lot of noises. Am I going too shameful?"

Li Jingxu shook his head lightly and said coldly: "If Dulong can't even withstand such a trivial matter, then there is no need to exist!"

Lin Sha smiled lightly and didn't speak. She said that there are many helpers for Emei. Although Venerable Dragon Venerable is the ancestor of the Western Yunnan School, it is a pity that the Western Yunnan School has such a powerful role that he has to kneel when he encounters the siege of Emei.

However, he did not forcefully, and said with a smile; "The former generals, I plan to send the Qinghai-Tibet blockade in the past, if you hit it, it would be nothing to shoot!"

With the passage of time, the layout of Emei is becoming a little bit reality. Not long ago, there was a small-scale Daijiachang fighting method. Both the side door and the evil Dao lost a lot of people. Only a few people were injured in Emei.

Of course, Daijiachang's fighting methods are nothing but small scenes, and there is basically no power to appear. They are all tricks played by Xiaoluo, and they still cannot affect the power structure of the practice circle.

However, this time Emei Sword refers to Qingluoyu, and the goal is quite clear, that is, the divine scroll of Qingluoyu Demon Palace. Whether it is Emei or Venerable Dragon Venerable, they are all sharpened and ready to give their opponents a profound lesson.

It has happened that through years of hard work, the court has sorted out the internal situation, and Lin Sha and Chao Tang’s ministers looked to the southwest and northwest.

Especially in the northwestern region, Qianming lost a large territory. The court had not been able to vacate the court because of the situation in the Central Plains.

Before, the court sent messengers to negotiate with the forces of the northwest and southwest borders, but the final result was not good, and there was little gain.

Venerable Dragon Venerable is a tycoon at the border between southwest and northwest, and it is also a local tyrant that the court paid attention to. However, this guy cultivated to a high level and controlled a large area in southwest and northwest. Naturally, he refused to give in easily.

The living conditions of the people in those two places were quite bad. Lin Sha and the court determined that as long as Wang Shi fell, giving the local people a little benefit would bring the people's hearts together.

Even if there is no such thing as Emei's aim at Qingluoyu, Linsha also plans to send many masters trained by the court to rush to the past with all kinds of powerful rune props.

Right now it is just right, with Emei Jianxian helping to charge, and then the court only needs to send enough men and horses, and the capable generals to squash, if it can save the life of Venerable Dragon Afraid he wouldn't honestly hand over the large area at hand?


A few days later, Li Ning and one of the rewarded generals consolidated their realm, and each of them had a considerable improvement in strength, and even the spirit and spirit became different.

They received the call of the emperor and did not dare to rush to the palace again.

"This time, you will all go to the Qinghai-Tibet area to recover the large area of ​​the Han family you lost there!"

Lin Sha didn't talk to his generals and commanded directly, he directly ordered: "Maybe you will encounter monk's obstruction, when you see the machine, you should not hesitate when you shoot, and give me a hard lesson to teach the lawless monks!"

"Strictly obey His Majesty's order!"

Li Ning and other generals have great strength and confidence. When they are full of confidence, where can they put the threat of the monks in their hearts? They can’t wait to fight with the monks who are flying into the earth to try their own martial arts strength. , To what extent?

After receiving the command of the emperor, a newly accepted military commander who had recently received a reward for his great advancement, unreservedly, took away several powerful and brutal rune weapons from the palace’s most important rune arsenal, and rushed with 50,000 soldiers. Qinghai-Tibet and other places.

This time, the rune combat gears available to the generals were more powerful and powerful, and they were full of confidence. Whether they met monks or not, they would sweep the Qinghai-Tibet land and reintegrate the Han homeland under the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

The movement of the imperial court did not affect the practice world at all. Emei still started to arrange the Qingluoyu fighting sword in an orderly way. A group of juniors such as the newly introduced Li Yingqiong, as well as the younger brother of the Qi family, etc., were ordered by the elders, and they all sent out in advance with the sword light. In the sky, a long sword rainbow was pulled straight to Qingluoyu, and the whole practice circle was tense again. The Qingluoyu Demon Palace with all eyes focused on was waiting for the start of the war between Emei and the West Yunnan religion...

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