Martial Arts World

Chapter 2594: a bolt from the blue

"Is the stone there? I heard your second child is back?"

An old man wearing a Confucian growth robe entered Zhang Xiao'er's house and stood in front of his door, asking aloud.

"Oh, Uncle is here, come in and come in!"

Father Zhang came out and was surprised. He hurriedly said hello: "The home is simple, not as wide as Uncle, don't mind it!"

"Don't mind, don't mind, Xiao Er, why didn't you see him?"

The old man in robes was not at all polite. He entered the humble hall under Father Zhang's hospitality and sat down on the chair of the throne. He glanced left and right and asked directly.

"Oh, Xiao Er went out to play early!"

Father Zhang was puzzled and wondered why the famous scholar in this family suddenly came to the door. When he met him before, he didn't even give a trace of it.

"Oh, Shi Shi is not your uncle. You are at the age of entering school. If you don't study well in the school, you know what is the future after going out to play?"

The old man in Confucian robe had a face in his face, and he was very powerful.

"Uncle, the second year is summer vacation!"

Father Zhang was confused, somewhat puzzled, and wondered: "I didn't see him study hard in the past, did he let him relax on vacation?"

"Why, the second year is still there... What school is going to school?"

The old man in the robes became more serious and snorted: "After reading the four books and the five classics, how can I take the imperial examinations in the future, and what is the future?"

"Well, uncle, the future of Primary Two has been set. As long as he graduates successfully, he can directly enter the official residence to work!"

Father Zhang smiled and explained: "That's the same, I was completely at ease!"

"The stone is confused!"

The old man in the robe grieved, and scolded: "If you don't enter the officialdom through the imperial examination, there will be no future in the future. Do you want Xiao Er to be the lowest official in your life?"

Father Zhang didn't dare to speak, but he was very disappointed in his heart. Based on the current situation of Zhang's family, there was a little official in the Yamen who was already doing a good job. Can he demand more?

But the old man in the robes opposite is the only person in the clan. He speaks a lot of weight in the clan. Zhang father has no guts to choke at him.

"In this way, I won't go to any college after the second year. I came forward and tucked him into the Qingshan Academy outside the city, and I will go to the future for the exam!"

The old man in the robe looked arrogant and waved his hand to make a direct decision. He smiled and said: "Stone, you should take this opportunity, maybe your family will have the chance to enter the ranks after the second year!"


Zhang Shitou was stunned for a while, and then he was completely anxious. His face was anxious and he did not know how to distinguish it. Although the Qingshan Academy outside the city was good, Zhang's financial resources could not afford the tuition.

Besides, if you go to Qingshan Academy to study, the benefits promised by the Royal Academy are all gone. In the future, who knows if he can take the exam?

Like the Royal Academy, the arrangement after graduation may not be very good, but it is a proper royal meal, and you don’t have to worry about it and cost money, and you don’t know if you can finally find out.

"It goes without saying that this is not only the uncle's decision, but also the arrangement of the family!"

The old man in the robe waved his father's words directly with a big wave, and his eyes were majestic: "The second year is still very promising. You father, don't pull your hind legs!"

Who pulls the hind legs, that is my son!

Father Zhang's wrinkled face was suffocated with redness, but he was too old to face the powerful Confucian robes in the family, but he wouldn't be too rash.

As a person in Beijing, my family may be a little poor, but his vision is not bad. At least he understands the truth, even more so than some foreigners.

Reading is not a simple job, not only costs money, but also quite a test of talent and diligence, and a lot of luck is mixed.

But he didn't listen to the news in the teahouse. The filth among the readers was not that young or old. Some vulgars said that Duan was invincible.

The Emperor Xinming, the founding emperor, is sitting on the dragon chair right now. How can the scholars easily handle it?

What method does not blame the public, and it does not work until the founding father of the founding nation has gone through **** battles. Is it true that after a few years of Taiping Day, forget the **** storms of previous years?

What kind of jinshi is not guaranteed at all. Today the emperor does not have much preferential treatment to the readers. It is not as good as the students who graduated from the Royal Academy. At least the emperor will be regarded as his own, even if there is no so-called great future, at least no worry about food and clothing Life is comfortable.

Otherwise, Father Zhang would not strongly support his second son to study at the Royal Academy. It should be understood that when rumors started, many people had already let their children drop out of the Royal Academy.

In his view, this is simply unwise, and how can it be worse to follow the emperor?

He was asked to say that the rumors and whispers in those days were strange, as if someone had done something deliberately. Although Zhang father had some uneasiness in his heart, he hadn't messed up and lost his reason.

Sure enough, His Majesty the Emperor soon responded, clearly giving the college students a promise that as long as they graduated smoothly, they could eat a stable royal meal.

If such an opportunity cannot be seized properly, Zhang Family will not expect to have a chance to turn over at least two generations in the future. Father Zhang sees it very clearly.

As for the Zhang clan, there is also the uncle of the Confucian robe in front of him. It's not that Zhang's father is disdainful.

Why haven't I seen this uncle of the Juren family so enthusiastic about his family in the past years, and a pair of people who are trying to be good for the second year, what is the intention in his heart, who has made it clear?

Anyway, Father Zhang feels very bad, like a premonition that the uncle of the clan has been ruthlessly calculated. In front of him, the uncle who has always looked down on people, this time should be specially for the second.

This made him quite embarrassed and very angry in his heart.

He Zhe is regarded as air when he is okay on weekdays. Once there is nothing to do, he is so polite and welcoming, which is really shameful.

It's a pity that the annoyance in the heart turned out to be annoying. The name of the clan was still quite bluffing. Although Father Zhang was very reluctant, he had to listen honestly and dare not complain.


"I don't want to study in the college, I will go to school in the college!"

Just when the atmosphere was awkward, Zhang Xiaoer ran in like a wind and shouted at his father: "Dad, I don't want to go to the academy!"

"Fuck things, the college is the right way!"

The old man in the robes froze his eyes and scolded: "Only the four books and the five classics are the right way!"

"Xiao Er, don't mess around!"

Father Zhang was taken aback and hurriedly pulled Zhang Xiaoer behind him, not expecting a soft warning.

"Then four books and five classics can stand out?"

Zhang Xiaoer wasn't a little boy who didn't know anything. He asked his head from his father's side.

"of course!"

With a proud look on his face, the robes proudly said: "The court imperial examinations are based on the Four Books and the Five Classics!"

"Uncle also read four books and five classics?"

Zhang Xiaoer's eyes turned around and asked again.

"Of course!"

The old robes had a brisk face, and they looked like a reader. I just don't know why, but there is something wrong in my heart.

"What are the uncle's official residences, and any important posts?"

Instead of giving him the opportunity to respond, Zhang Xiaoer directly asked a few thorny questions.

"Straight rude!"

An old face of the old man in the robes suddenly turned red. Zhang Xiaoer's words seemed to be a sharp arrow, shooting his glass heart through a hundred holes. This is his biggest heart disease.

"Uncle, uncle, don't be mad at others, children can't be arrogant!"

Father Zhang panicked and apologized repeatedly, but his heart was indescribable, straight to the second so good, straight to the old guy's heart.

"Huh, the old man doesn't care about the children!"

After a while, the old robes returned to their normal look. Lengheng screamed and got up and walked towards the door. The voice was cold and sent to Zhang Xiaoer and his father without any emotion: "Remember to report to Qingshan Academy!"


Zhang Xiaoer looked wrong and looked at his father to lengthen his voice. He was not a fool. On the contrary, after two years of college study, how could he not see the problem at hand.

The reputation of Qingshan College in the suburbs is not small, but it is still a bit worse than that of Royal College. The students of Qingshan College need to pass the imperial examination to get ahead, and the students of Royal College can arrange work after graduation. This gap is not small.

Not only is it a matter of work arrangement, the creation of runes by professors at the Royal Academy is not It is the same thing as the legendary fairy technique, the more powerful the rune is, the more it goes after listening to the teacher. Strong, they can also use the power of the runes to become the current strong!

There are many readers in the world, and the students who may make runes are just the students in their college!

Since the emperor's Royal Academy has secretly invested a lot of energy to train them, there will definitely be reuse, and there is no need to grab the opportunity of the Dumuqiao with the students who rely on the evidence.

And now he has fallen in love with the learning atmosphere of the Royal Academy, and then joins the Qingshan Academy to start all over again, not to mention whether he has the financial support at home, and he has no confidence in reading the four books and five classics.


Father Zhang was full of pain, turned his head and dared not look at the look that Zhang Xiaoer had hoped for, the heart was extremely painful, and he hated the clan and the uncle of the clan quite. Isn't this a way to break the family?

When the father and son looked at each other silently, and the atmosphere was dignified, an angry roar from the old man in the robes came out of the door: "Go away, where is the mud monkey!"

Immediately followed by a familiar childish scream, and then the wailing cry was deafening, and the old robes were so angry that they gradually shouted and shouted.

problem occurs!

Zhang Xiaoer rushed out with one arrow, and saw his little friend San Gouzi lying on the floor at the door, a big footprint on his chest. What surprised him most was San Gouzi's pale face and Spilled blood on the corners of the mouth.

"Father is coming, San Gouzi was kicked and vomited blood by his uncle!"

Zhang Xiaoer rushed to San Gouzi while pulling his throat and shouting. The neighborhood in the alley was suddenly disturbed. A mess of footsteps accompanied the exclamation into the ears of Zhang Xiaoer, making him panicked. panic……

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