Martial Arts World

Chapter 2586: just began

Ascetic Tuo Tuo one head and two big, just realized that the situation is really difficult.

At Ciyun Temple, a newly arrived monk from the side door was also interested in the government forces that could strike Emei Sword Fairy.

Anyone with that urgency is thinking of running directly to Furong City to find out.

Fortunately, Xu Feiniang and Fa Yuan met quickly and hurriedly came forward to suppress the unreliable behavior of the gang of monks.

"You are still a little bit quiet, and I want to know what is happening in the mansion, let me tell you clearly!"

Xu Feiniang stood up and directly expressed his position, which immediately attracted a collective uproar from the monks of the next door.

What does this mean? Has Xu Fei Niang been hooked up with the government mansion? When did this happen? Why didn't there be any noise before?

However, these monks were all old fritters. Although they were surprised in their hearts, their faces were quiet, and they all seemed to be indifferent to them.

However, in their hearts, countless thoughts have turned in an instant, and Xu Feiniang has also been somewhat awkward and alert.

This one really picks up vacancies. Not only do they have a lot of friendships, but even the newly appeared government forces that they do not know have hooked up. I really don’t know what to say.

However, they are indeed very curious about the government forces that can give dozens of eyebrow sword immortals a good look, and it is also good to be able to detect one or two from Xu Fei's mouth.

The government was never taken into consideration before, but now the situation is different.

The government mansion showed the strength to check and balance the monks, so they had to make them vigilant, and at the same time, they had to be evaluated carefully to avoid inadvertently offending the government mansion, and then lead to bad consequences.

In their hearts, they still didn't pay much attention to the government. This is inertial thinking, and it will be difficult to change in a moment and a half.

"Don't look at the government mansion with old eyes, the government mansion is very strong, absolutely beyond your expectations!"

Xu Feiniang was also polite, although she also felt the dissatisfaction of a monk's heart, as long as she did not say it, she regarded it as non-existent.

"This time, Emei group repairers suffered a big loss in the government. If the government did not plan to completely turn their face with Emei, I am afraid that this time Emei will at least lose more than ten Jindan realm monks!"

These are all the information sent by the government secretly not long ago. Whether the town is fake or not, Xu Feiniang intends to take it out and say.

Sure enough, the monk changed his face.

The Emei faction is a mountain that crushes their hearts. Although the idea of ​​hatred in their hearts is very strong, they have to say that Emei can become the world's largest faction, and it makes sense.

It is an indisputable fact that there are many masters of Emei faction. The soaring disciples of Changmei who are already soaring are all singular characters, and they cannot be underestimated in the spiritual world.

Jindan monk is the backbone in the practice world. Many of the side-door free repairs practice the highest level of Jindan realm.

Only the first-class big factions have a complete heritage of practice, which can be directly cultivated to the heavenly realm, and some secret ancient heritages can also be cultivated to the peak of the robbery and even the heavenly realm. That's the situation with the side door power.

Because of this, Xu Feiniang and Fa Yuan can mix like fish and water, and their strength is the biggest capital for making friends with Sanshan and Wuyue.

This is also the main reason why Emei's tens of Jindan sword immortals were severely damaged at once, and the news spread immediately caused a sensation in the practice circle.

Now I heard that the government forces have the power to kill dozens of Emei Jindan monks in one fell swoop, and they suddenly dare not act arrogantly.

Xu Feiniang didn't have to lie to them. Obviously, the government's strength far exceeded their imagination.

This is really...

When did the strength of the government have reached such a level?

It's too subversive to think about it. If it weren't for the fact that this time there were bright and swaying facts before them, they wouldn't believe it if they killed them.

"Everyone, although the government is strong, it does not necessarily have to intervene in the practice world, but the government has a condition that you should not be caught by them, otherwise the government will not be stingy with masters!"

Xu Feiniang saw that Qun Xiu heard the advice, and then said something very unpleasant to Qun Xiu!

What a big tone!

Immediately, some bad-tempered monks changed their faces, but they were all old fried dough sticks. Naturally, they would not talk nonsense under the eyes of everyone, but they were very upset.

"Hey, the government mansion is also daring, don't they know that some magical practice requires a lot of shameful resentment?"

At this time, I don't know which monk asked a realistic question: "People also need to practice. If the government is too wide, I'm afraid that I won't be able to please them!"

Xu Feiniang was confident about this, and said indifferently: "The court is only obligated to the people in the territory. As for the life and death of the people abroad, the court is not so kind!"

After hearing this, bright gleams shone in the eyes of some monks, as if they were quite satisfied.


In the Imperial Palace of Beijing, Linsha got the news from Furong City for the first time.

"It's good, it's a good lesson for Master Emei."

Putting down the information in his hand, a faint smile appeared on his face, and said leisurely: "I have spent a lot of time and experience to create a lot of interesting things!"

"Your Majesty, our dozens of martial arts soldiers here are not easy. After the war, most of them collapsed and need to be recovered. I wonder if Brother Emei will have any overreaction?"

Standing in front of Lin Sha was a middle-aged man with an unremarkable appearance and unremarkable temperament. He was placed in the crowd and was not conspicuous at all.

"Monk Emei should not be so bold!"

Lin Sha first waved her hand and pondered for a moment with a smile: "But in order to prevent the gadgets, I still call the good hands over Furong City to be more careful. Of course I give them a lot of interesting gadgets, unless I encounter a master of the robbery, Otherwise, they will not be able to walk around as much as they come!"

"Your Majesty, I don't know about the Ciyun Temple. How should we deal with it?"

Now that the emperor has made it so clear, the middle-aged man did not continue to struggle, and directly turned to the topic to ask: "There are some evil cultivations in the group cultivation of Ciyun Temple. These guys used to be unscrupulous in the past to practice with the blood and ghosts of ordinary people. There may be a problem!"

"It's okay, the court has revealed its strength. If they don't know how to converge, then they will directly bomb them, there is no need to be polite with them!"

Lin Sha smiled coldly and said with a lip: "As long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble at Ciyun Temple, don't force them too much. This time you can't call Emei's plan successful!"

If Emei's plan succeeds, in the future, the practitioners will completely dominate Emei. It is difficult for so many anti-Emei monks to have the courage to come together and fight against Emei brightly.

The court needs time to accumulate strength and details. Naturally, it is not expected that the practitioners will set the pattern early, otherwise it will not be easy for the court to intervene in the practitioners.

Sooner or later, but when the imperial court confronts Emei alone, compared with the imperial court and the side door group repairs, the effect and the pressure are naturally the same.

When it was really necessary, it was said that the imperial court had to send a good hand to directly participate in the sword fighting in Ciyun Temple, and it was absolutely impossible to tell Emei to destroy all the monks who gathered at Ciyun Temple.

The middle-aged man nodded calmly and suddenly said in silence: "Your Majesty, over the six doors, the list of evil repairs that need to be captured or directly killed has been determined. There are several people at Ciyun Temple!"

"Then contact Xu Feiniang, let them die directly when fighting swords, there is no need to catch alive!"

Lin Sha waved her hands, not thinking: "When necessary, allow the people on the other side of Furong City to use the few good things I have made!"

The middle-aged man flashed a gleam in his eyes, with a smile on his face, and said: "I believe that after the sword fighting in Ciyun Temple, the imperial court's momentum will rise to a higher level!"

"hope so!"

Lin Sha laughed softly and said leisurely; "I really hope to communicate more with the top monks among the monks. Some things I have doubts in my heart, and only those top monks can answer them!"

Saying He waved his hand to signal that the other party could leave.

The middle-aged man bowed back and did not cause the court guard to respond at all. It was obviously a very good player, and it was the kind that Linsha trusted.

"Hey, I hope the monks of the Turtles in Shushan World, don't let me down!"

When the palace was empty, Lin Sha sat in the dragon chair and looked calmly, her eyes looked awkwardly to the southwest, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

He clearly sensed that as time passed, the golden dragon that had occupied the void above the palace became stronger and stronger, and the unique luck of the official house also expanded rapidly. It has now covered the entire capital, but every monk who enters the city strangely Will be suppressed by the invisible of officialdom.

He believes that it won't take long for the entire new big city to become like this, and the strength and state of the monks' monsters will be suppressed. They will naturally have some scruples and dare not do anything else in big cities.

This is just the beginning. The effective scope of officialdom is related to the degree to which the imperial court can thoroughly grasp the place. The more the big city is naturally controlled, the tighter it is. When will the unique officialdom of the official palace cover the small and medium-sized cities and counties, or even the prosperous market At this time, the entire Xinming dynasty will become iron buckets.

Not to mention that there will be no problems, but it can minimize the factors of monks and monsters.

What he sees most is that no matter what some monks say they are trying to improve their hearts, but from time to time they have come up with some means to attract attention. It seems that if they don't, they can't show their ability.

Lin Sha was not right about this. Since he wanted to integrate into the red dust and refine his heart, then he should hone his mind. Why should he reveal the means from time to time, so that ordinary people would be tempted and confused?

Really when the official spirit can cover all the city markets in Xinming, Linsha can start new actions. I believe that at that time, the whole world will be surprised.

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