Martial Arts World

Chapter 2581: Alliance Discussion

"Fa Yuan, how did you engage in conflict with the government?"

When Xu Feinian was shocked when he heard the news, did these guys want to die?

If he didn't know how powerful the mansion was, she wouldn't feel anything about it, but now she was taken aback. Absolutely, Ciyun Temple was suspected of seeking death.

Really make the court angry, no one can walk around!

If the Emperor Xinming was attracted, the consequences would be even more unpredictable.

The strength of Emperor Xinming, she couldn’t understand the details at all. She could cultivate her into a realm of pinnacles. Before Emperor Xinming, she felt a sense of palpitations. You can imagine how powerful Emperor Mingming is. Anyway, Xu Feiniang was far behind.

Besides, as the emperor of a country, and also the emperor of the founding country, the luck of the five pairs of dragons is prosperous, and their strength is also very strong.

She did not know how many martial arts masters of the Taoist ranks were in the hands of Emperor Ming.

But she estimates that it will definitely not be less than three hundred!

Three hundred entry-level martial arts masters are placed in the spiritual world, and they are also a weak force.

What's more, Emperor Xinming still has a fascinating hand, calling Xu Feiniang not knowing what is a good rune method, as long as it is well used, it can completely leapfrog the challenge.

The group repairs at Ciyun Temple are basically related to the Wutai faction at that time. They are either the five evils that escaped their lives, or the monks who are inextricably linked to the Wutai faction.

Although Xu Feiniang didn't come long, he quickly found out the details.

The government house on the side of Furong City alone shows great strength. The number of martial arts masters is at least ten, and there are many powerful runes in hand, as well as the strange magic weapon that is constantly called the local tyrant.

She was a little worried in her heart and was afraid that this was some kind of means of the government, so she felt very dazzled by the careless appearance of the group of Ciyun Temple.

In addition, Ciyun Temple group cultivation has a number of poor-hearted people, disgusting and disgusting, every time he looks at it, Xu Feiniang has a kind of urge to kill.

A group of monks gathered at Ciyun Temple, not only did she not feel the slightest sense of rectification, but even made him feel disgusted and uncomfortable. I really wanted to leave.

She feels very strange about herself. If she doesn’t like it in the past, she will smile evenly, at least not to offend the monks.

Emei has a great potential, and there are not many monks who dare to open his eyes against Emei. It is just that the correction of the Ciyun Temple Group is the best among them.

But now, she is full of disgust in her heart. She only feels that it is mixed with Ciyun Temple group repairs. Not only does it have no effect, but it may also cause trouble to the upper body.

This feeling is very strong, Xu Feiniang is also quite puzzled.

But when she thought about it, she reacted, probably because she had reached a cooperation agreement with Emperor Xinming and had seen some of the power revealed by Emperor Xinming. Her mentality at this time had completely changed.

Not to mention anything else, she felt that Ciyun Temple group repairs were very unreliable, and it was absolutely useless to want to fight against Emei. They still had to be as powerful as the Emperor Xinming, so they had to face Emei directly.

There is a prejudice in her heart, and she naturally feels extremely wrong. This doesn't mean that she can find the reliable Fayuan who feels reliable.

"What does Xiangu mean?"

Fa Yuan is an exquisite temperament, and she is also very alert. He heard Xu Fei's words not very appropriate, and gave him the feeling that this Wan Miao fairy aunt was quite afraid of the government.

"Fa Yuan, to be honest, do you think that the people gathered at Ciyun Temple can fight against Emei?"

Xu Feiniang did not answer, but asked an irrelevant question, but the fact that Fa Yuan was quite helpless, but had to face up to it.

"I also invited Zen Master Xiaoyue and the Green Patriarch Patriarch of Baiman Mountain!"

Fa Yuan is also clever and did not answer positively, but it is the greatest reliance on fighting swords in Ciyun Temple.

"Hey, the strength of these two, but they are comparable to me!"

Xu Feiniang was quite invaluable, and directly said: "It is better than Emei's drunk Taoist first-class stronger, which is the same as that of Songshan Second Elder and much worse than the East China Sea Three Immortals!"

Fa Yuan listened quietly without opening. Xu Feiniang's words were facts, and he was not good at refuting.

"What's more, Emei has a lot of allies, and only a few disciples under the epiphany Nemen are the masters who are not easy to provoke. If there are other helpers, what can Ciyun Temple resist?"

Xu Feiniang's face was solemn, and he revealed the most worried facts in Fa Yuan's heart.

"...Let's take a step by step, I'm also quite helpless, so I can't surrender directly at this point, then I don't want to have another day in the future!"

After a moment of silence, Fa Yuan smiled bitterly: "Xiangu's words are very reasonable, and I have nothing to say, but the situation now is so that I can't wait to shrink!"

He is a true wise man, and has a wide range of confidence in making friends. He has long noticed that Emei has begun to lay out the world.

I don't know what happened. It seems that in the past ten years, Emei and the world's cultivators have begun to look for the discipleship of the disciples.

Because of this, Emei has had a lot of contradictions with a monk who was a side door.

There are so many disciples in the world that have fairy roots that still meet the requirements. Among them, there are very few who have good luck. Once they are aware, it is a situation where you are competing.

It seems that with the admission of the disciples, the dispute between Emei and the monk beside the door gradually began to increase, and it can even be said to be fierce.

Fa Yuan faintly felt wrong, and always felt something weird.

Unlike other side-door monks who can't clearly see the strength of Emei, as the world's largest faction, Emei's strength is first in the world from beginning to end, and I don't know where many side-monk monks come from. I absolutely can't suppress them, I feel quite eccentric.

In addition, Emei also had the Kaifu and the third sword fighting. I always felt that there was a problem here. As for where the problem lies, I don’t know much about the information that Fayuan knows.

But he is absolutely necessary to unite a monk who is dissatisfied with Emei, and it is necessary to destroy some actions of Emei.

This time, the sword fighting at Ciyun Temple was a good opportunity, and Fa Yuan also wanted to understand the specific ideas of the Emei School through sword fighting.

Otherwise, he would not run east and west, and the whole world will look for monks around the door, regardless of the blanks, and invite people to come to Ciyun Temple to help.

What he didn't expect was that Xu Feiniang, who had always been indifferent before and had great evil thoughts on Emei's eyebrows, was dissatisfied with the repair of the Ciyun Temple group. I wonder why?

After being defeated by Xu Feiniang, the strength of Ciyun Temple was inadequate. Fa Yuan felt embarrassed, but this was also impossible.

How can't see it with his mind, Yu Yin of the Wutai faction has almost consumed, and the relationship between the past has gradually been broken, and those masters of the side door are no longer willing to sell the account.

More importantly, they don’t want to directly meet Emei, but they are willing to be a bystander in the dark. It is a normal phenomenon to think about fighting swords in Ciyun Temple. It is normal to not come. If you are invited, he still You have to worry about what is wrong.

"Fa Yuan, how do you think we can cooperate with the government?"

Xu Feiniang naturally didn't know that in such a short time, Fa Yuan thought of a lot. She heard the helplessness in Fa Yuan's heart and suddenly said with an idea.

"What, join forces with the government?"

Fa Yuan was surprised, and his eyes changed to Xu Feiniang. His face was incredible, curious: "I don't know Xiangu, why do you think so again?"

"Why, don't you think the government's strength is not enough?"

Xu Feiniang at a glance saw Fa Yuan's thoughts, which were both irritating and funny. If it were not for her personal experience, she would not be sure how much the government was.

The previous few human dynasties left them with the impression that they were weak and bully. No one in Ciyun Temple would know. The Xinming dynasty is very different from the previous human dynasty, at least its strength is far beyond.

"What does Xiangu mean?"

Fa Yuan froze for a moment, and didn't understand what Xu Feiniang wanted to say.

"The power of the government house is far stronger than it seems!"

But Xu Feiniang said directly: "You think about There is a lot of hibiscus in the city, so there are so many martial arts masters, what about the whole world?"

Fa Yuan was shocked, and at the same time was very curious and puzzled: "I admit that I really underestimated the power of the government, but I didn't have much contact with the government, nor did I know the specific strength. Even if I have an idea, there is no way! "

"Fa yuan, if you can trust me, let me do this!"

Xu Feiniang said with a smile: "It will not disappoint you!"

Fa Yuan's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he asked directly: "Listening to the meaning of Xiangu, it seems to be related to Guanfu, and the connection is still very close!"

"Yes, I have reached an alliance agreement with Emperor Xinming. In certain things, Emperor Xinming will strongly support my actions!"

Xu Feiniang did not conceal it. Besides, there was no need for concealment. As long as Fang Yuan asked a little, he knew that all the people of Wuyun Bumen were taken by the government, and the fool knew it and had a reason. Certainly not simple.

In this case, why should she be a villain?

"Xiangu, is the court really strong?"

Although he had seen it before, Fa Yuan still couldn't believe it, and asked Xu Feiniang so unbearably.

"More powerful than you think!"

Xu Feiniang remembered the scene when he met Emperor Xinming, and smiled bitterly: "To be honest, Emperor Xinming's strength is so strong that I can't see it at all. There will be a sense of palpitations standing in front of him from time to time!"

Fa Yuan was full of shock, feeling unbelievable for a while, but had to believe.

Xu Feiniang didn't need to lie to him. All the shameful things were said. Obviously things were true.

And Xu Feiniang seemed to be afraid that Fa Yuan's vibration was not big, and then he said something that shocked him...

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