Martial Arts World

Chapter 2574: There are always people who want to make trouble

The opening of the Royal Academy in Beijing is very eye-catching.

How to say, as long as it is crowned with the word "royal", no matter what the thing is, it will not be easy.

Lin Sha did not mean to fight against the entire court. When the court officials were basically disciples of Confucius and Mencius, and when they shouted, "Zi Wu Shui Wei Li Chaoshen", Lin Sha, as the Emperor of the New China, naturally did not take the initiative. Feudal superstition ideas.

Despite the fact that there are people of self-cultivation in this world, everyone knows it well.

But these Confucius and Mencius disciples like to deceive themselves, as long as they don’t provoke them, they ignore them, they don’t hear them, and they don’t hear them.

It's ridiculous!

Lin Sha had a clear idea of ​​the imperial court officials. When promoting runes and other ‘magic’ things, there was no intention of prospering the imperial court officials at all, otherwise there would be trouble.

Some people, who have no skill in themselves, rely on their family ties to stand upright, but they are unhappy with the opinions of others to make achievements, especially when they cannot understand themselves, they basically choose to suppress and ignore them directly.

If Lin Sha puts the rune promotion in the hands of such a guy, he is afraid that he will not achieve any results in a hundred years. From the beginning, he decided to use his own hands, and he used all the manpower he had cultivated. As for the courtiers, don’t put a burden on them, lest you have to slobber in case of going out on a business trip.

I have to say that he is very prescient!

This is not because the Royal Private Treasury is used to start the Royal Academy, and all courtiers have expressed their dissatisfaction, as if the Royal did so, that is, to **** the right to speak with them.

Lin Shali is too lazy to care about such a mixed ball, if the court needs to check and balance, as well as the interests of all parties need to roast, see whether Lin Sha will let such a guy stand upright?

In this era, the power of the family was completely unable to monopolize the right to speak, and then there appeared academy, and no academy had a so-called family shadow behind it, and then monopolized knowledge through the academy to completely control the right to speak.

This hand was played by the so-called family in the Ming Dynasty, and even the merchants were involved. The Donglin Party was the ultimate product of this method. As a result, a Ming Dynasty was tossed away, even the emperor. Help me carry the black pot.

So, at the sight of the royal family, they also reached out to college affairs, and those so-called readers couldn't sit still, and tried out a handful of them.

Lin Shaduo reincarnation, and also served as an emperor, clear door to these things, naturally will not allow the court officials to play such tricks.

Of course, he didn’t harm Wenchen who played such tricks, but he didn’t want to participate in such a fight. What he had in the future was the means to make the courtiers dumb to eat Huang Lian and have pains.

Now, of course, it is the most important to start the Royal Academy. If anyone dares to play in secret, he will let this group of guys know that the emperor is furious!

However, although the name of the Royal Academy is loud, there are not many parents who can take their children to register.

Obviously, there is an invisible hand in the dark, preventing the Royal Academy from obtaining a sufficient number of students.

Who is calling the Royal Academy ambitious? The courses started from Mongolian learning until it was used as a cover-up. They have offended the Mongolian Academy and the academy around Beijing and even around Beijing. If they don’t do anything, they will compete for students in the future. Can you compete?

"According to the plan, what is the situation outside the tube!"

When he was in charge of reporting on the affairs of the college, Lin Sha sneered and said: "It doesn't hinder the guys from doing anything, so nervous?"

Because the Royal College has everything from Mongolian to the human lift class, as well as the promotion of runes and the production of runes, the first enrollment is mainly the Mongolian class. Should the rune production start from the doll.

"Your Majesty, all the three hundred orphans gathered this time were put into the college to study, and there are more than two hundred children in the city, basically from civilian families!"

The confidant responsible for college affairs nodded and reported: "As for the family with a little money, their children are basically still studying in the famous college!"

Lin Sha's expression on his face was calm and smooth. He wanted to cultivate the manpower for making and using runes, not pure seeds of reading. It didn't matter what his origin was.

I just didn't expect that the so-called gangs have done so much. They have completely wiped out the children of the rich and wealthy families, and wait to cry!

As for why there are so many civilian children, the main reason is that the Royal Academy is free of repairs. Even lunch meals can be solved by only providing a small amount of rice noodles at home.

The boy who studied Mongolian was half-time when he ate the dead man. Not to mention the good thing that the royal students can study, is that the college provides a meal subsidy, which can attract many civilian families and risk the offense of the powerful. My child is admitted to the college.

That is, taking into account public opinion, otherwise Lin Sha has thoughts that even girls are recruited. In terms of carefulness, girls may be more suitable than boys for learning the method of making runes.

"Let's start the class, and ignore the outside!"

He waved his hands. Although the number of Mengtong included was not far from the amount he had planned before, Lin Sha was not angry.

With Lin Sha's instructions, the Royal Academy started teaching on time.

However, from the beginning of the school, the Royal Academy became a joke of Shilin in the capital. A good academy enrolled all Meng Tong. Even a show was not able to recruit people. It was simply renamed Royal Meng Tong Academy.

When a courtier from a large family, with an unexplained smile, told the story to Lin Sha like a joke, this tragedy was doomed.

Less than two days later, the courtier from a large family was sent out of Beijing, and he was still in the prefecture with the most minorities in the southwest.

Chi Luoluo's retaliation made the original officials who wanted to see the lively officials awe-inspiring, and then remembered that Lin Sha was the new founding emperor. The high prestige is not something that these courtiers can arbitrarily.

Among the seven cabinet ministers, at least three of them were from the military. This is the result of Lin Sha’s insistence, and will no longer give Wen Chen the unique possibility. No one can say the same as those of the former Mings.

Na Zuo was also courageous, even if he resigned directly, Lin Sa did even better. He sent another official of the same grade from his family directly to take his place, even if he couldn’t take Na Zuo , But also disgusting this one.

After such a hindrance, no courtier ever dared to ridicule the royal students face-to-face. They still wanted to be an official in peace in Beijing.

As for the sarcasm in the inside, neither Lin Sha nor a teacher of the royal students paid any attention to it.

The mouth grows on others, they can say whatever they like, as long as they don't talk nonsense with them, as for the other students who are waiting for the students to leave the school, these guys naturally regret it.

The popularization of runes will definitely subvert the previous social order, break the structure of the gentry as the foundation of the new Ming dynasty, and will not be able to keep up with the existence of the trip, and will be abandoned by the times.

Lin Sha is quite certain of this. This is a world with ample spirits and monks prevailing, giving mortals a chance of detachment. Who can say that the court has no chance to go further and improve?

In any case, the Royal students formally started classes, and nearly six hundred Meng Tong learned together. It was quite lively to fight and fight every day.

The planning of the Royal students is based on the model of a modern school. Not only there are classrooms and library reading rooms, but also a series of recreational facilities such as indoor gymnasiums, as well as outdoor playgrounds and courts. In short, the facilities of modern primary and secondary schools, as long as Conditions permit here.

In addition, the security measures here at the college are excellent. The peripheral defense forces are all imperial guards, as well as the government office of Suncheon Mansion, and the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies. Absolute security does not allow any accidents.

Lin Sha let it go. If there is a security accident, the heads of several major government offices and full-time officials will all be out of luck. He will never let anyone take advantage of his words.

It's a matter of Wusha Mao, who dares to sloppy, really has a problem. Several big men in charge of the security guard in Beijing can eat people's hearts.

Fortunately, there are no teenagers or adult students in the college. Meng Tongmu understands that ignorance is not what the husband teaches them to learn?

After the three hundred thousand enlightenment books have been After learning the basic text, a supplementary class was added in the school, that is, learning writing and understanding the simplified version of the scriptures.

Fortunately, Mengtong did not have any concept of the simplified version of the gods, and they did not have any resistance to the emotions. The Confucius taught them what they learned. Although the simplified version of the gods was quite troublesome, it slowly asked all Mengtong to slowly learn to write and Recognize its specific meaning.

Because the younger half-mengtong of the college was born in a civilian family, he went home from school to review the simplified version of the scriptures, and it did not cause any waves. Their parents and elders were illiterate, and naturally they could not recognize the simplified version of the scriptures. They only felt like ghost symbols. It's nothing to watch my children write seriously.

As for the so-called family tycoons who hate to resist the Royal Academy, they will naturally not reduce their identities and get acquainted with the home of the civilians, so they naturally miss the process of writing the simplified version of the scriptures by Little Mengtong.

Therefore, under such circumstances, he has been waiting for the Royal Academy's Meng Tong to take a semester class.

The semester of the Royal College is basically similar to that of the modern semester. It is divided into two seasons: spring and autumn. The semester is about three to four months. There are winter and summer vacations.

As for the learning progress, Lin Sha made a copy of her own, and at the same time, she asked the Confucius Institute to modify and adjust the actual situation.

At present, after one semester, nearly 600 Meng Tong have only learned about ten scriptures.

This is already quite good. Linsha’s known scriptures are only three thousand, and they can be simplified in the early 2000s. When the Mengtongs learn the simplified scriptures about a hundred words, they can start to learn to write runes. As for the production of runes, it is still too reluctant for Mengtong, who is not strong in spirit.

Lin Sha decided to start the second semester and teach this group of Meng Tong's simple breathing and vomiting technique, which is specially designed to condense the spirit...

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