Martial Arts World

Chapter 2572: Amazing means

"Asshole, they ran away!"

"According to what I mean, it's okay to go directly into Furong City, and we must give the government a hard lesson!"

"Why don't you take the lead? I will wave the flag behind and wait!"

"What kind of nonsense is it? Is the government house so offending?"


Originally preparing to do a big job, the monk who was awesome, and at the sight of the scene, there was no figure anymore, and all of them immediately started to arrogantly open the city and shut the government, but unfortunately no one was willing to take action.

No one is a fool, Duobao live-action Jin Guangding is so miserable, the house card in the hand of the government is still quite thick, if you accidentally get stuck, there is no place to cry.

After swearing for a while, no one mentioned the vengeance of Duobao Jinjinding, even Zhitong monk didn't have the courage, and wandered for a while and returned to Ciyun Temple from the body of Dunguang.

Among their party, apart from the golden body Luohan Fayuan reaching the state of becoming an infant, most of the rest were Jin Danxiu wandering up and down, and Duobao real person Jin Guangding was between Bozhong, but they did not think they could bear the thunderbolt. bombardment.

On the other side, Li Ning and his surrounding members returned to Furong City safely and smoothly.

He let out a long sigh of relief, his face relaxed, and immediately aroused curiosity among his men, and hurriedly asked what was going on. Was it still a problem?

Thunderbolt is a disposable consumable!

When they knew the news, they were stunned one by one. After they recovered, they were glad to leave in time, otherwise they would have to kneel when they met a monk like Jin Guangding.

Li Ning couldn't take care of that much. He immediately fought to the Fang Tian who had lost his usefulness to report to the governor's office. He had to report to the governor of Shuchuan about what happened before.

But when he arrived, the governor of Shuchuan gave him a big surprise.

There are four weapons on the table in the flower hall, a dagger-sized flying knife, a two-handed battle axe, a military-style large sword, and a broad-faced long sword.

"These are the same as Thunderbolt, but they are the weapons made by your majesty. You are holding the monks and working with them so that they can see how powerful the court is!"

The governor of Shuchuan relaxed, and gave Li Ning the priceless treasure in his eyes.

After Li Ning was overjoyed, after seeing the power of the Thunderbolt, he regarded all the weapons specially made by His Majesty today as treasures and surprisingly powerful things.

Shadowless knife! Black Ice Axe! Fire Cloud Sword! Shige sword!

Just listening to the name, I know that these four weapons are great good things, that is, I don’t know how generous the Shuchuan governor is, so easy to give up these good things?

He did not know that when he left, the governor of Shuchuan took out three thunder halberds from the dark room, and his face was so furious that Fuzhong guarded the leader, as well as several other secret martial arts team leaders.

With Li Ning’s “Little White Mouse” trial, the governor of Shuchuan can rest assured that he can let his people wait, and there are more important masters of martial arts, right?

Li Ning naturally didn't know this, and when he returned to the station, he heard from the outsiders that the governor had given him something good. He saw the four ordinary weapons brought by Li Ning, but he burst into cheers.

No one dares to underestimate these gadgets. Once the power is really exerted, I am afraid that no one can resist it on the spot!

The only thing they worry about is whether Li Ning can master the use of these magic weapons, otherwise there will be another indiscriminate attack. It is estimated that they can't bear it.

Li Ning is also deeply touched by this. Holding a booklet as a user manual, regardless of whether the user manual is clarified first, then it may be too late to regret it.

Hearing the name of the weapon given to him by the governor is not a good match. There are other things that are more powerful than Thunderbolt. He really has no idea.


Not to mention that Li Ning got a good baby, he is covering his head to learn how to use it.

Besides, Xu Feiniang quickly caught up with Lian Hong Yao and Lian Shou Jing father and daughter, and easily obtained the consent of the father and daughter, successfully received Lian Hong Yao as an apprentice, and Lian Shou Jing also became a layman. In modern times, some parents follow their children in general.

The successful applause valued the apprentice, Xu Feiniang was very happy, naturally there was no disgust for Lian Shoujing such a large tow oil bottle.

After reaching a secret agreement with the current emperor and seeing the power of the government, Xu Feiniang suddenly felt confident and felt that the good days of the Emei School were coming to an end.

Since there is such a powerful ally, she naturally looks down on the bunch of crooked melons in the Ciyun Temple, and has no intention of joining in at all.

She took the father and daughter of the Lian family directly to Huangyun Wuyunbu in Laochao, wandering outside long enough, and knowing the situation outside, it was time to go back and prepare well.

With her strength, she was able to contain several masters of Emei, not to mention that Shan Luxiu had surpassed the Taiyi Hundred Yuan Patriarch of that year, even to the core elders of the Shang Emei school.

It's just a pity that Tianxue Zhuxianjian hasn't been trained, otherwise her cultivation practice and the benefits of magic weapon, even with the eyebrows of Miao Yi, who is the head of Emei, is also not afraid of it.

Master Huangshan's Messiah is too in his eyes, but a joke, she is most worried about Jiuhuashan Miao Yi's wife Gou Lanyin, who is the true core senior and master of Emei, whose strength is unpredictable, Xu Feiniang Quite afraid.

If it weren’t for Lian Shoujing’s tow oil bottle, Xu Feiniang could have taken the Lian Hong medicine directly away, but now he can only honestly hurry.

It's not that she can't bring the old guy Lian Shoujing, but unfortunately she has no interest in such a man who is too old and incompetent, let alone let him use his own flying sword.

I hurried back all the way to the Huangshan realm, and did not rush to the Miaoyi woman Gou Lan for the first time like the original, so as to bury a bad impression in the hearts of the new students.

In the original work, Xu Feiniang was too particular about it. In order to gain the trust of Emei's senior officials, he bowed and licked all kinds of heads, and gave the disciples under the door a very bad impression.

As if the Wutai faction had lowered Emei a lot, Si Tuiping's boy directly became a mixed ball in Cao Yingxin's heart in Han, and even Lianhong Yao had the initial impression that his school was far inferior to Emei.

This situation is naturally quite bad. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, Emei wants to dig the corners of Wuyunbu, which is too simple. These are all deliberate actions by Xu Feiniang, but the result has extremely bad consequences.

But at this time Xu Feiniang's mentality has changed, and she has no intention of concentrating on the high-level eyebrows and returning directly from the outside to Wuyunbu.

The result almost vomited blood after going up the mountain!

Why, a big Wuyunbu has become an open space, except for a few old women and old men who are responsible for cleaning and cooking, and the rest have disappeared.

What about people?

When asked about the left-behind old woman and old man, Xu Feiniang realized that the disciples on Wuyunbu were all brought down the mountain by the ten martial art masters brought before, and ran to the nearby city to do things.

As for what they did not know, it seemed that they had something to do with it.

Xu Feiniang couldn't care much, and took the newly-entered disciples who had just started to learn, and set foot on Feijian to turn into a rainbow and fly straight to the nearest city under the mountain.

As a result, she found the disciples and gatekeepers near the official school in the city.

They are all nestled in a rune academy. They honestly and carefully made the runes with flashing auras. From time to time, there were golden trees, water, fire, earth and five elements. The runes seemed to be simple, but they showed a simple breath. Just made from the disciples under the door.

What is going on, of course, she has to ask clearly, as if Wu Yunbu has closed down, which makes her very unhappy. If the ten martial arts masters don't give a reasonable explanation, she is going to go wild.

Is there any good explanation?

Ten masters of martial arts directly told Xu Feiniang that this is the instruction of His Majesty today, and cultivation is not enough to rune together!

They were not polite to speak. The disciples under Wuyun Bu were very stubborn, so that under the strict practice of Xue Man, they could escape the sword by flying successfully. The rest of the disciples were still wandering in the innate realm.

With such an idea, if there is only one way to fight with the monk!

Then, they told the two disciples of Master Xiaxia to come to see the They ridiculously laughed that the people of Wuyunbumen were all waste, and even the two little girls couldn't squeeze, Wuyunbu It’s simply the back garden of others. It’s really convenient to walk whenever you want

Xu Fei Niang almost vomited blood, and wanted to take a good lesson on these ten speechless bastards, but unfortunately, she hadn't waited for her to take it angrily. These ten invited him to the Yanwu Field at the back of the Rune Academy. With a stack of flashing runes, she asked her to have a good look.

Then, Xu Fei's mother-in-law's peak was repaired, and she fell into a five-element formation made of endless five-element runes.

She also wanted to personally feel the power of these runes, only to suppress the repair to near Jindan, but was depressed to find that unless a forcible attack, otherwise it is almost impossible to get out of trouble.

"These five-element runes are exactly the results of Wu Yunbu's disciples in recent times. Can Xu Xiangu still see?

The master of martial arts headed told Xu Feiniang an amazing fact, and suddenly said she was ignorant.

Xu Feiniang had nothing to say. She had just experienced a handful of things just now. Unless the Jindan Realm monk broke out, it would be impossible to break out of the five-element array of runes.

But how deep is the monk Jindan?

Once inadvertently trapped in the array of law space can not be extricated, it may be directly consumed by the five elements rune array!

With such an idea, Xu Feiniang suddenly had a new understanding of the runes. This is definitely an excellent means of defeating the strong, and it is also an amazing means to subvert the previous concept!

Not waiting for her reaction, the martial arts master led by told her an unfortunate fact that the Wuyun Bumen people had been requisitioned by the court. Yunbu will not return for a while...

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