Martial Arts World

Chapter 2539: proclaim oneself emperor

Besides the Jiangnan princes, when the sons they sent to watch the ceremony returned, it seemed that they had made an appointment, and suddenly they collectively exerted their strength and strengthened their internal governance.

The fact that the general is king is a very obvious signal, and they have little time left.

Yuan Shu, the most dull and heartless, also had a very rare sense of urgency.

However, in addition to tapping the potential from within, the other directions seem to have no room for further expansion.

They don't mind opening the war to annex each other, but they are afraid that the new king will not give such a chance.

It was at this time that rumors suddenly spread in the land of Jiangnan, whether there is a large island overseas, and some areas are not as small as a state!

When such news first spread, it naturally attracted no attention from the senior officials of the Jiangnan princes, and thought it was nonsense that somehow emerged.

But it seems that such rumors seem to have been circulated in the stone pit, and have been circulating around Jiangnan for more than half a year, still not completely stopped.

At this time, it is wrong to have a resourceful man.

The first reaction came from Zhou Yu, a good friend of Jiang Dong's tiger Sun Jianshi’s grandson,

"Look for a sea boat, go and see it in the open sea!"

Zhou Yu persuaded Sun Ce: "This is obviously someone secretly reminding me, otherwise rumors like this will not be gone for so long?"

"The sea is vast, where should we go?"

Sun Ce looked stunned, so he didn't know, so he asked: "If you are not careful..."

As a result, Zhou Yu suddenly added an old chart in his hand and smiled: "I had doubts for a long time. I carefully explored it secretly for a long time. Sure enough, I got this chart, enough!"

Even the charts are there. Sun Ce is also a bold person. He directly found his father and asked for several sea boats. Then, taking advantage of the good weather on a certain day, he took Zhou Yu and his personal guards and disappeared into the vast sea.

By the time Sun Jian got the news, it was too late. The oldest son, who was the most prosperous, suddenly sailed out to sea, and did not know where he was going. The worry in his heart can be imagined.

Half a month later, when the three sea ships taken away by Sun Ce suddenly returned, and brought a shocking news, the entire Sun's regime boiled up and down.

Sun Ce they found a big island, about two or three thousand miles away from the cliff island in their hands, where the climate is warm and grassy, ​​there are many plants and animals that have never been seen, and a large island except a few primitive natives In addition, there is no other person!

Sun Jianhe and his high-level officials were extremely excited. They did not care to teach their daring sons. They urgently held an internal emergency meeting and quickly made a decision to use the newly discovered big island as their future path!

At this time, Sun Jian's strategists also reacted and secretly discussed with Zhou Yu for a while. They basically understood what was going on. Co-authoring, this was someone forcing them to put their forces and energy on the newly discovered overseas island. What.

As for who that person is, there is a lot of self-evidence in everyone's mind.

Obviously, this is the best way to find the Sun family and their forces.

From the top Sun Jian to the ordinary counsellors, although they are very uncomfortable, they have to say that such a result is the best for them.

By the end, after exploring the area of ​​this big overseas island, after half of Yangzhou, it was all satisfied.

As a result, Sun Jianbu began to slowly transfer the resources at hand, and a large number of people through the sea, little by little, to the newly discovered overseas islands.

Such a huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the other princes in Jiangnan.

After the spies they sent to find out the real situation, their eyes were red with envy, and they wished to replace them.

They also want to have a big island overseas as a back road, so they don't have to worry about it all day long, and it's really not a happy life.

I just had a thought in my mind, but not long after, Jiangnan princes obtained different charts through various channels.

This fool also understood that some people want them to find a way out of the sea.

As for who this person is, they have guessed it. Although they are very upset, they still have to get the feeling.

After a long period of time, the Jiangnan princes frequently went to the sea to explore, and found the target islands one after another according to the chart guidelines.

All subsequent Indonesian islands were found, and according to their different charts, Jiangnan princes regarded them as their biggest cards.

Neither Yuan Shao nor Yuan Shu, nor Cao Cao meant to let go. They have increased their efforts to build sea ships and newly acquired islands. At the same time, they have begun to relocate the discovered big islands such as personnel supplies.

They knew in their hearts that King Xinming had given such great benefits. It seemed that the Jiangnan land had to be ceded, otherwise they would not be merciless when they met with them.

Although Xin Xin Wang has been operating Xin Ming Wang for years, it has been cheap, but Xin Ming Wang's approach has won them great favor.

They used to be competing princes. As a result, King Xinming already had the strength to dominate the world, but he still arranged a way for them.

Those big islands are quite large in size, all of which are half the size of Yangzhou and above, and the climate is suitable for prosperity. It is easy to settle here.

As for the hardship of migration, it is nothing. Instead of worrying about when the king of Ming Ming will be killed over the whole day, it is better to withdraw from overseas early. After that, everyone will watch over and help each other, saying that they must not be more intimate with the Central Plains.

Xinming Wang is not a harsh temperament in any way, as long as they do not violate the bottom line of this one, it is better to talk about things in the future.


Time passed slowly, another ten years in a flash.

On this day, the newly appointed Danyang County Taishou Zhuge Liang took a river boat to cross the Yangtze River to the city of Danyang County.

There are so few people here!

This is the first impression left by Jianye Wharf.

A huge pier, except for the river boat coming from the north, few river boats went north.

There were few figures on the dock, which seemed empty and lonely.

A good feng shui treasure is so mixed.

He led his followers into the city and went straight to the Yamen. The pedestrians and horses on the road were still scarce, as if the entire city's population had disappeared.

"Hey, Yuan Shu has done a little bit over!"

Looking at the original number of the household registration book, and then comparing the population at the moment, even with Zhuge Liang's mind, they couldn't help but change their colors.

More than 70% of the people who co-authored the Jianye City were continuously transported to the overseas island territory by Yuan Shu, and then an empty city was handed over.

Not only did he encounter such a situation, but also the rest of the officials who were sent to receive Jiangnan, but they also encountered it. The key depends on the thickness of the gang of princes.

The thick-skinned ones, such as Yuan Shu and Cao Cao, almost took away nearly 80% of the population under their control, leaving only the empty cities to take over the new Ming Dynasty.

Yuan Shao, who was not so thick-skinned, had only taken away nearly 60% of the population, but it basically made him almost paralyzed under the rule, and the officials of the Wangfu who ran to take over were so depressed.

"This group of guys are really cruel!"

After Lin Sha got the news, she just smiled and didn't say much.

He has been able to take the entire Jiangnan for ten years without moving the sword. He is already very satisfied. As for the large number of lost people, this is not sour at all, and a new population will soon be added.

That's right, it was he who used several charts to directly force all Jiangnan princes overseas to become island owners.

Lin Sha did not treat them badly. Later generations of the Philippines and all parts of Indonesia let Jiangnan princes share the food. The site area is not smaller than their previous site. The key here is not to worry about direct threats from the Central Plains.

This is indeed a rare beauty for Jiangnan princes who have been fed up with pressure from Linsha. In addition, they are also talented. With the money accumulated in the past, it is not difficult to quickly establish a foothold and open the situation. .

The climate in Jiangnan is not far from there, and it is quite easy to adapt.

With so many favorable conditions added together, if the Jiangnan princes are still not satisfied, Lin Sha does not mind letting them know what is Thunder's Fury.

He doesn't want internal friction, but in the face of diehards, he doesn't mind taking hard means to directly kill him, but Jiangnan princes did not give such an opportunity.

The Jiangnan princes who had benefited from Tianda, even though they were reluctant, also endured painfully to give up the previous site.

Although the news that came back is not very The population in the Jiangnan area has been almost 70% removed, and social production and life are all affected. It takes a lot of time and a lot of energy and effort to completely recover Manpower.

These are nothing, what Lin Sha valued is the development of locals by Jiangnan princes for many years. He only needs to send enough officials to fully receive them, and he has also saved a lot of development energy in the future.

With the news that Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Sun Jian all became kings on the big overseas islands, they returned to the Central Plains. The Xinming Wangfu couldn't sit still under their command.

Lin Sha did not agree to suppress it. After two years, Liu Bei withdrew from Yizhou, and through the direction of Lin Sha's instructions, he entered Tianzhu.

At this time, the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty were unified again, and the territory was a few points larger than that of the strong Han Dynasty, and the internal economic development and livelihood standards were at least not worse than Song Ming in the heyday of later generations.

After decades of operation, the number of people under his orders alone now exceeds 100 million, and the population continues to increase as the food production increases year by year.

When he became the emperor in Luoyang, he was not seen by others, but the three Taoist decorators who could watch the ceremony from afar were clearly seen. The entire Luoyang imperial city was shrouded, and the sound of Longyin was suspected of being sacred.

Could it be that the new emperor Lin Sha, the origin is really extraordinary?

Seeing this, the three Taoist elders glanced at each other.

After writing the Three Kingdoms volume, to be honest, the writing skills are not enough. What I thought about was not the same as what I wrote. I originally wanted to write about the three prosperous martial arts. As a result, I could not grasp it, and I could only end it hastily.

Two more changes today, continue to open new volumes tomorrow, so that my mind is sober.

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