Martial Arts World

Chapter 2537: Encounter

Luoyang, the prosperity is still there

As the location of the General's Mansion, it is still the political center, economic center and cultural center of the whole world, compared to the top metropolis that is prosperous and noisy in any era of the Han Dynasty.

Luoyang at this time has a more solemn celebration.

The general's king-closing ceremony will be held recently in Luoyang. At this time, Luoyang is already full of power and wealth. Not only did the general General Wu Chongchen return, but also the representatives of the state, the representatives of the four counties of Jingnan, and the representatives of the Jiangnan princes' corps arrived in succession.

The prosperity of Luoyang is shocking, the wealth of Luoyang is amazing, and the power of Luoyang is heart-shaking!

Not to mention the solemn and magnificent King Sealing Ceremony, it caused a sensation in Luoyang city, and the whole Luoyang city fell into a crazy festive atmosphere for several days.

Zhou Yu was not part of the New Ming King. Naturally, he didn't feel the pride and pride he felt, and he recovered from the shock of the King's Seal Ceremony. He only spent one night.

The next day, he and his good friend Sun Ce strolled around Luoyang.

Until the first public school in Henan County, I met Zhu Geliang who was returning to his alma mater and met with alumni. The two watched a debate in the school's auditorium. Because of their different ideas, they spewed out directly in the auditorium.

It's really true that Qifeng will meet Liangcai, but Zhu Geliang didn't expect that this time when he returned to his alma mater to meet his old classmates, he would meet a foreign expert, and he wouldn't fall in the debate of analyzing the current situation!

He is interested!

You know, since he was sent to Shouchun, Jiujiang County to create Shouchun Elementary School a few years ago, he embarked on the fast lane of life.

In just half a year, he created a junior public school from scratch, put it on the right track, actively mobilized the enthusiasm of temporary teachers, and came up with many teaching tips to improve the knowledge and ability of students, and won the original general Appreciation of the education part of the government.

Not only that, he also used the remaining funds on hand to build five Mongolian schools in Shouchun County, which are connected with elementary public schools, which can be described as outstanding means and outstanding performance.

So, as soon as the six-month inspection period arrived, Zhuge Liang was immediately transferred to the central plains for cultivation.

This man was a little unhappy at the beginning and wanted to continue to work in Shouchun Junior Public School. However, he was directly rejected by the personnel department of the General General's House. It is a pity that such a good seedling is wasted in Jiujiang County.

After Zhuge wandered around the hinterland of the Central Plains, he not only worked as a teacher, but also worked as a foreman and successfully entered the government sequence. It is still in the accumulation stage.

However, according to his observations, his good days are coming, and I believe that they will be promoted without much use and become middle-level officials of the new Ming Dynasty.

It happened that everything was okay, and when the King of Ming Dynasty's King's Sealing Ceremony was about to come, he simply asked Yamen for a long holiday to watch the ceremony, and also handled some private affairs by the way.

Haha, Zhuge Liang is married, his wife is Huang Yueying, the couple are very clever people, have common interests and hobbies, and the relationship is quite good.

In other words, because of the emergence of the Emperor Ming Ming, the world's chaos did not last long. The rich family accumulated in the entire 400 years of the Han Dynasty was not beaten. The strength of the Linsha family alone was more than that of the two most prosperous Xuandi periods of the two Hans. It's much scarier.

In addition to the prosperity of business, the prosperity of the local culture and the deviation of the aesthetics of the atmosphere, Huang Yueying's appearance is not considered ugly, but a kind of health and beauty. Zhuge Liang does not appear in front of outsiders without the gesture of a small white-faced husband.

Without mentioning the gossip, Zhuge Liang returned to his alma mater to meet his old classmates, but he did not think about it in the school auditorium with Zhou Yu, and he also fought indiscriminately. Yu Ce's Sun Ce was surprised.

Zhou Yu was also depressed. When he arrived in the hinterland of the Central Plains, he didn't know what prosperous scenery was. It is no wonder that Archbishop Sun Jian has always admired the King Xinming, and he has no thoughts or thoughts to resist it.

With the economic strength and prosperity shown in the hinterland of the Central Plains, the entire Jiangnan princes could not unite together.

It is no wonder that Archbishop Sun Jian's greatest wish is to seize one side, and slogans such as the Northern Expedition have never been mentioned. Fortunately, I didn't mention it, otherwise, it was just a disgrace?

This is how the Central Plains became strong. Zhou Yu was very interested in how Xinming Wang developed his place, so he came to visit the first public school in Henan County. Everyone knows that the reason why Xinming Wang can achieve such achievements is that the public school system has played a key role. The role.

Here, he heard an interesting debate game, but unexpectedly commented a few words, but was heard by a young man next to him, and the two argued.

In the end, Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu failed to persuade anyone to talk about eloquence and vision. At this time, Zhuge Liang won slightly. After all, behind him is the entire Xinming King Mansion, which holds the whole world in mind, and also has various experiences in participating in practical work.

Zhou Yu is also talented and has comprehensive capabilities in all aspects. At the same time, he has participated in most of the battle and construction tasks of Sun Jianbu. He is also a capable person combining theory and practice, but he is always biased in Jiangdong. .

It's just that the two people's rhetoric has their own reasons, and the others can't separate the highs. In the end, they can only end with a tie.


Zhu Geliang met Zhou Yu and Sun Ce, and Sima Yi collided with some brothers Cao Ang.

Sima Yi's situation in recent years has been equally good, and his half-year experience as a temporary teacher at Shouchun Junior Public School has greatly benefited him.

After that, he was still studying and doing things in the public school system. He also knew that he had a shallow foundation and settled down to accumulate resources and contacts to prepare for further.

His situation is definitely not as good as Zhuge Liang. After all, Zhuge Liang has graduated and he has just entered public school. The gap is still very big.

Of course, his experience as a temporary teacher in Shouchun is his most valuable political qualification right now, and he only waits to transform into real political interests after graduation.

At this time, he was already a senior student of the county school. Before graduating, he had a lot of free time. He did not rush to practice everywhere, but first came to Luoyang to see the great scene of the general general Feng Wang, and then encountered the Cao brothers and his party halfway. Wait.

Sima Yi just showed a little bit of knowledge casually, so the Cao brothers at the neighboring table were amazed. Cao Ang immediately showed his identity to show his friendship.

Unexpectedly, Sima Yi wanted to meet the princes of the south in a roadside tavern.

Cao Cao, of course, knew that he was the founder of the League of Directors and was also one of the princes of the Central Plains at that time. It was only a short time after he got up, he was ousted by the horrible king of the Ming Dynasty. Finally, there was no way to mix up in the Central Plains and follow Yuan Shao decisively. Jiangnan Development.

At present, there is no such thing as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The north-south communication is inconvenient, and the flow of information is naturally not smooth. Cao Cao naturally disappeared after going to the south. He has not heard from him for a long time.

Just a prince of anger!

This is the idea in Sima Yi's heart, but as he communicated with Cao Ang, he found that his judgment was wrong. Cao Cao not only did not feel exhausted, but also seemed to be better mixed in the south. Pretty good.

There is an example of King Xinming in front of us. The place of operation is not an undiscoverable thing. Although Sima Yi does not know the specific situation of Jiaozhou, as long as the state of a state is well planned and straightforward, there is still enough population support. It is not difficult to develop.

From Cao Ang’s mouth, he knew that Cao Cao was developing in Jiaozhou with great concentration. He slowly developed this most insignificant state that was originally the thirteen states of the Great Han Dynasty, regardless of economic volume or people’s livelihood. There have been earth-shaking changes.

Sure enough, it is a rare talent!

After listening to Cao Ang’s brief introduction and removing the water, Sima Yi didn’t expect Cao Cao’s ability to be so strong. Without Xinming Wang, it is estimated that Cao Cao’s possibility of becoming the first prince is not small.

After a long period of oppression, the flexible children of the family like Sima Yi no longer take the family power too seriously, and their own strength is really strong. The family strength is too virtual. Ruthless, it may be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Cao Ang directly proposed to invite Sima Yi to join the Cao Cao camp. In the name of Shizi, he promised that he would at least be the head of a county when he arrived in Jiaozhou. If he had credit, he could go further Mu Cao Cao is nothing, but it is still a good goal for him.

As long as Cao Cao really has ambitions, I believe that when the new Ming Wang vacates in the future, he will definitely have a benefit for him.

Now no one can tell, the King Xinming is a good-tempered man. Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty went to the Western Region to brush his reputation. The King Xinming then pushed the boat and wiped out the forces of Chang'an Chaotang, but finally he held Liu Xie as the master of a country in the Western Regions. s position.

The situation of the Xiliang group of heroes is similar. They took the initiative to evacuate Liangzhou. Not only did the Xinming King not have the utmost to take advantage of the fire, but also confirmed the identity of their masters in the Western Regions in the name of the Lord of the World. The masters of the Western Regions, these are made by the help of the new king.

It can be seen from this that as long as it does not really commit into the hands of King Xinming, this mental state of mind is still very kind, at least it will never rush to kill, and will leave enough space for the opponent to recede.

As for the retreat space of the southern princes, Sima Yi can't think of it for the time being, but he is not opposed to surrendering to Cao Cao, especially under the diligent solicitation of his son Cao Ang. The opportunity is really rare.

It's not that he doesn't like the Central Plains Flower World, but he really wants to come forward under the rule of Xinming Wang. There are basically no shortcuts. Some just follow the steps and gradually accumulate advancement step by step.

As a child of the family, he was not happy to start step by step from the bottom affairs officer. That was too slow and too much to grind.

It is different to go to Cao Cao. There is still a system of enlistment and development. The leading high-level people of all generations are strong and strong. If he used to have excellent abilities in the past, he would immediately be reused.

However, things are not that simple. If he makes a wrong judgment, everything he has done here at King Xinming will be useless...

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