Martial Arts World

Chapter 2529: Zhuge Liang's thoughts

Zhuge Liang studied in Henan County and has been attending school for two years.

The three-year county school is almost at the end of the blink of an eye, and he has become a leader in the advanced class. The time of the past two years has changed greatly.

The previous large robes had not been upper body for more than a year.

The wheat-colored skin, the muscles of his body are distinct, and he has been wearing a school uniform all day long, which is usually a short play.

During the two years of school life, he did not take part in extracurricular activities. He had a general understanding of the situation in Henan County. From the details, he could be deeply impressed by the prosperity of the generals.

The prosperity under the rule of the general is not the master who clapped his head and said how he can get started, but through the subtle, just like the activities he has done after extracurricular activities, slowly accumulate from quantitative changes It was only after qualitative change that it finally contributed to the prosperity under the rule of the general.

He went to the ground with the farmer. It was real grain and vegetables, not fools.

He repaired the road with the workers, and the amount of sand and stones he needed to move was more than 10,000 catties a day. After several experiences, he had become a qualified road builder.

He also made waterwheels with artisans to dig wells, burned bricks and made three-layered soil.

He had built a horse-drawn carriage and personally went to the market as a hawker.


The experience of two and a half years is more exciting and richer than his previous twenty years.

The lesson in the school is not just to follow the textbook. The knowledge in the textbook is to let him learn the method of cognizing the world. Then, through frequent and meaningful extracurricular activities, connect the learning with the actual and do When you learn something, you can use it!

Zhuge Liang now feels that his ability is quite comprehensive. Even if everything is suddenly lost, there is no difficulty in wanting to beg at the bottom.

Frequent practical activities gave him more contact with the people at the bottom, learned their thoughts, and their thoughts, which greatly touched Zhu Geliang.

It turned out that the requirements of the people at the bottom were always simple, as long as they could eat enough and have a peaceful living environment.

Zhuge Liang was silent. He found that where he had been, only the general could do this.

Grain is abundant every year, and a large number of excellent seeds appear on the world. Whether it is grain cultivation or cash crop cultivation, the bottom people can get great harvests.

Baiye flourishes and commerce prosperous, creating too many job opportunities, the urban population is expanding year by year, and many new jobs have also been created.

It’s just that it’s not too lazy to be hopeless, or it has a major disability, otherwise it’s really easy to get mixed.

Unlike the teenage years in his memory, although he was born in the Langya clan, his parents died in his early years and lived with his uncle, and traveled through many places in Xuzhou, and even went to many places in Jing.

In his impression, even the most prosperous Xuzhou, the situation of beggars everywhere, Jingzhou's situation will only be worse.

Only under the rule of the general, basically no trace of beggars.

He went to an orphanage and a nursing home to do volunteer work. Naturally, he knew that the beggars in the eight states of the Central Plains were all gathered up by the General's Mansion and various government offices.

All those who have a lot of strength are forcibly sent to the construction site to work, have enough food to eat and get paid, according to the generals, that is, the Central Plains Bazhou does not raise lazy people with no money!

Zhuge Liang thought so deeply that Nima had no money and was too lazy to die. She had hands and feet and a lot of strength. She was still grabbing food with the old and weak beggars.

As for the old and weak who have no ability to survive, they are basically sent to nursing homes and orphanages. Although they don’t say how good their days are, they don’t have to worry about survival.

The longer he stayed under the rule of the general, the more affection Zhuge Liang had for this hot spot, and he hadn't thought of returning to Nanyang for a long time.

In the winter and summer vacations of the past year, he also stayed under the general and walked around to take a look. He used his talents to make pocket money, and his life was both leisurely and fulfilling.

Compared to the loneliness when he was in Nanyang, the land of the eight states of Central Plains is more in line with his heart.

"Kong Ming Kong Ming came quickly, the teacher looked for it!"

Zhuge Liang, who was soaking in the school library, was hurried to the Academic Building by his classmates.

"This is the case. The final exercise is basically based on extra-curricular exercises. This time, the school has assigned you tasks. Take this back and take a closer look. If you don't understand anything, come back and ask me!"

The teacher in the class handed over a file to Zhuge Liang, and finally patted his thick shoulder with satisfaction, encouraging him: "Have a good job, I believe there will be a boundless future in the future!"

"Thank you teacher for your care!"

Zhuge Liang said politely, and after a few words with the teacher, he turned and left.

Hey, it turned out to be a semester teacher at a local county public school in Jiujiang County!

Back in the dormitory, Zhuge Liang spread the file given by the teacher on the table in front of the bed, and opened it without a sound of alarm.

"What happened to Kong Ming, what is your extracurricular project?"

The classmate who had rushed to pick up the task before him came over and smiled and asked: "Yo, it turned out to be a junior public school teacher in Jiujiang County. Your task is easy!"

"It sounds like you're going to be caught in the hot life of water life, let's talk about what arrangements do you have?"

Zhuge Liang said funny: "As long as you don't want you to pull the dung, it is probably a good job for you!"

Speaking of this, even with his open-mindedness, he couldn't help but show a trace of disgust after fear.

In more than two years of extracurricular activities in public school, there was really a time when the public school pulled out to clean up the city sewer septic tank. Don’t mention the sour feeling. After that, he couldn’t eat for a full month. The whole person It was ten pounds thinner and it didn't recover slowly until later.

Once there was such a horrible experience, when there was no public school to organize extracurricular activities, which student did not pray and never cleaned the sewer work, that is, because they did all kinds of work, they were not afraid of the mentality of heavy manual labor, Can't stand the kind of horrible torture from body to soul.

"Don't talk nonsense about your crow mouth!"

The classmate was disgusted by Zhuge Liang's rhetoric, and was not angry. "I was just transferred to work with the engineering team of the Ministry of Industry. I heard that the main task is to dredge the river and strengthen the river defense!"

"Then you may have worn it!"

Zhuge Liang showed sympathy and smiled: "The wind and the sun, we may not have known each other next time!"

He used to work with the engineering team in Henan many times before. That day was really bad. He basically slept in the wild. He had to do heavy physical work every day. Sometimes he had to spend energy to help calculate the amount of earthwork and materials. Blowing the rain can't relax at all, that day is really a hard time.

"Oh, I am worried about this. The task given to me by public school requires me to follow the engineering team until graduation. This day is really hard!"

The classmate smiled bitterly and said depressedly: "It's still your luck to go to Jiujiang County Junior Public School as a teacher. It's easy and simple!"

Simple fart!

Zhuge Liang's insight is naturally stronger than his classmates, mainly because his eyes have always been on the whole world, and he has his own views and opinions on the situation in the world.

Different visions are destined to have different widths and breadths of thinking.

Jiujiang County is the site of Yuan Shu!

Although Yuan Shu had retreated to Jiangdong, he basically gave up the only Jiujiang County in Jiangbei in Yangzhou, but the general did not take it on his own initiative one day. Jiujiang County was still the site of Yuan Shu.

It's just that Yuan Shu is more acquainted. After retreating to Jiangdong, he took the initiative to contact the General's Mansion to turn Jiujiang County into the same condominium as Nanyang.

He was only afraid that tax collectors would draw part of the tax revenue. As for the rest of the affairs, except for a small amount of participation, they were basically let by the General.

Through the newspaper, Zhuge Liang knew that the general had not done too much, and developed a model with Nanyang, but many rules were more biased towards the style of the general.

Because there is an important case for China Unicom Jiangdong, the connection between the north and the south of the Yangtze River is quite close. Jiujiang County is similar to Nanyang. After ten years of development, the business is particularly prosperous.

It's just that Yuan Shu is still the old way of governing the area, basically relying on the family talents under his control, and he doesn't value the grassroots officials much much, let alone special training.

The business environment in Jiujiang County is a bit chaotic, and it seems that many unnecessary losses have occurred.

This time he was sent to Jiujiang Elementary Public School to teach for one semester. It is estimated that the General's Mansion has reached a consensus with Yuan Shu and decided to correct the disorder in Jiujiang County.

In fact, through newspapers in various places, especially county newspapers near other forces, Zhuge Liang was keenly aware of changes in the situation.

It is all because of prosperous business dealings, management chaos and corruption such as corruption. Most of the other princes have adopted the old methods of governance. Except for personnel rights, financial rights, and military power, the rest of the rights are basically given to the children of the family. control.

This has caused a rather serious The children of the family with great powers have risen madly fortune, their strength has expanded at an extremely alarming rate, and even some princes have begun to appear in the situation of dominant and weak.

Speaking of which, he had to admire the general's patience and tactics, and even dared to force the clan positions to take the initiative to separate the family, so that the family that had originally called the superiors fear and headaches would fall apart.

Such a trend must have caused the rest of the princes to be turbulent, but under the rule of the general, it was calm and normal. There was no accidental change at all, as if it never happened.

On the contrary, with the emergence of a large number of separated children of the clan, the market has become more prosperous and prosperous. When these clan children leave home, they can all carry a lot of wealth. For ordinary people, the wealth that can not be used up in a lifetime will naturally Stimulate market consumption.

But no matter what, Zhu Geliang paid great attention to a semester internship in Jiujiang, which not only related to his arrangement after graduation, but also related to his future.

By this time, in fact, he had already made a decision, and he planned to work directly in the General’s Mansion. After all, the environment here is very familiar. Compared with the other princes, it is much easier to fight with those family children...

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