Martial Arts World

Chapter 2527: Smell's fall apart

Sima Yi is a wise man and he sees the outside world very clearly.

There are also news collected by newspapers and family intelligence channels. You can sit in the house in a bullish manner, and you will know the world.

The rules of the general and the strong, the general's palace are quite strict, which is stricter than that of the 400-year-old Han at any time, which is almost the same as the Qin's cool law.

The key is that the powerful influence of the clan has been compressed to the extreme, and it is impossible to ensure that the children can smoothly enter the officialdom and can easily get high.

At this point, the utility of the family is compressed to a certain extent.

It was not Sima Yi who was born with a bone, but he was depressed to find that if he wanted to enter the officialdom under the General's Mansion, he must have the experience of studying in public school.

Of course, if it is a martial arts, it is better. As long as it shows enough martial arts, there will be no stains on its own, but Sima Yi is not a martial arts.

What makes him even more depressed is that the study experience of family ethnology is of no use at all.

This is very unacceptable for Sima Yi, who is quite ambitious and wants to fight once in the officialdom.

Besides, according to the "Inheritance Law" promulgated by the General General's Mansion, after a hundred years of his father, he can get about 20% of his family's assets, and he has to share it with several younger brothers.

It doesn't matter if there is more money, but the family can't be his helper to enter the officialdom, and even prevents him from entering the general palace under the rule of the government, which makes him accept incompetence.

Now that the family is useless in this respect, let's simply separate it.

After a year or two of observation, he has decided to enter public school, and then enter the general government under the general government. With his brain and knowledge, it is really simple to get ahead.

Not to mention, because of his richness alone, he simply doesn't bother with greed for money, which is stronger than those of public school students who are born in civilians and cold.

But his heart moved back to his heart, and his father is now the head of the Sima family.

Fortunately, Sima Yi was keenly aware that several younger brothers were dissatisfied with the current situation and wanted to enter the public school to fight for their future.

Obviously, there are not a few brothers who have the same ideas as him.

This is natural, although the relationship between the brothers is not bad, but as long as the big brother takes over as the head of the house, these brothers who have to do things for the big brother, and still can not buy private property, will be unhappy.

It's still their brothers' good relationship, there is no reason for trouble, or the Sima family's supporters will already be in trouble.

People are not their own, they will be destroyed!

Although this statement is a little too aggressive, it also shows that people are selfish, and no one is a saint. If you want to abandon your self and complete others, even the father and son can't stand such a toss.

On this day, while his father was at home, Sima Yi looked over and directly put forward his own idea: "Father, I wonder if the family can arrange for his son to enter the government office to serve?"

"Why, what did Zhong Da think?"

"It's not a problem for my son to be old and always staying at home, so I want to ask my father if he has any way to tuck his son into the mansion, even if he starts from the bottom clerk."

"I'm afraid this is rare. You also know that the general's government is very strict with the family. It is difficult and difficult to join the government!"

"Don't the local officials succeed?"

"Little officials are certainly not a problem, but Zhongda, you have no experience of studying in public school. When you arrive at the government, you will not be excluded. It is estimated that it will be difficult to become an official in the future!"

Sima Yi's heart beat fiercely, and he tentatively said: "Father, if I go to public school for three years, I will say that I can't teach directly!"

Sima Fang immediately responded, sweeping Sima Yi's eyes full of complexity, and said in a deep voice: "Zhong Da, do you want to live apart?"

His father was not angry, which was far beyond Sima Yi’s expectations, but the words were already spoken, and he had no intention of taking it back, daringly said: "I just think that this will not work, the family has no direct power in the government, what will happen in the future misfortune……"

The latter words are not spoken. How could Simafang, who is the head of the top tycoons, be unclear?

In the past, the Sima family had not been bullied by the battle. Those hungry Qianshou and Hanmen children who were bullied did not dare to put one more fart.

It is not because the Sima family has a very strong influence in the government, and it can even control the status of the Hanoi county.

But time is changing, and it is different from the past.

The environment in Hanoi County under the command of a general is unprecedentedly peaceful, but all those who dare to jump out of the thorns have been arrested for hard labor. The security environment in and around Hanoi County is extremely good.

Not to mention such an exaggerated statement of never closing the account at night, at least it is also tranquility that has never been seen.

In this way, a key element of the family's existence, the effect of holding a group to warm up is greatly reduced.

Don't worry about being easily bullied, it doesn't really matter if you have family asylum. In addition, the generals issued a fairly strict decree that no children of the world could become officials.

How ruthless this hand is, directly ruining how many children of the clan are promoted?

Of course, there is not a solution, that is, separation from the family and formal separation of documents in the government can bypass this strict regulation.

The reason why Sima Yi wanted to split up and study in public school was also because of this rule, which basically cut off his way forward.

Although the public school has no explicit words, it does not accept the children of the family without separation, this hand is really cruel!

"Except you, who else has this idea?"

Sima Fang's face was so decadent that he couldn't allow him to continue to insist on it. If he continued to delay it, he would be too late to enter public school when several sons were older.

"Several brothers have this idea!"

"Well, let me think about it for the father. How about answering you in half a month?"

"Shen Zun's father teaches!"

Sima Yi came out, with a look of joy on his face. With his knowledge of his father, it was obvious that the father had agreed to his request, but it was difficult for him to cross the threshold for a while.

However, the situation could not tolerate Simafang's hesitation. Another powerful family in Wenxian County had fallen apart a few years ago.

Before this became the joke of all the mighty people in Hanoi County, but years later, as the children of the family separated from that strong man entered the government and became officials in power, the rest of the strong men could no longer laugh.

Especially the Sima family, which is not far away from it, is particularly contrasting.

Although that family is no longer in the past, the fool can see that their family has great potential. Maybe another ten or twenty years later, there may be senior officials at the county level.

The Sima family is just the opposite. The official positions of the children of the family were all deprived by the Shangguan for reasons, and even the position of Jingzhao House, the head of the family Sima Defense, was inexplicably lost.

Sima Fang naturally has a lot in mind. The General's Mansion made it clear that he deliberately aimed at the powerful family. What if he was in a bad mood?

Right now, his son Sima Yi took the initiative to find a separation, which is actually a good thing for him.

If this matter was initiated by him, it was really not true. It could be raised by his son and a tribe of tribesmen. He happened to be pushing the boat.

That's right, Sima Defense has noticed that the undercurrents in the family are turbulent, and there are a wave of tribes who want to leave the family directly.

Although he was quite annoyed at such things, it is a pity that people's hearts are fickle, even if Simafang is the patriarch, he can't be too humane, and he must force the big-hearted side branch to bow down and soften.

It is conceivable that such a situation is really happening, and it is estimated that the Sima family is not far from falling apart.

The hearts of the people are gone, and there is no need for the family to continue to exist.

Half a month later, Sima Yi got an accurate reply from his father, allowing him to separate.

So, Sima Yima kept going to the government office to do the separation procedure, and then moved out with the fortune separated from the family. Through the relationship of friends, he applied for the first public school in Hanoi County.

With Sima Yi as an example, several of his grown-up brothers were also separated from their families, and they were equally eager to apply for admission to county and county public schools.

This is true even for the heirs, not to mention the Sima family’s collaterals, but all hungry families are separated from the family, causing great sensation in Hanoi and surrounding counties.

The Sima Family in Hanoi County was a first-rate and powerful family, but they suddenly broke up. The family's strength was not much said. traitor.

But the Sima family doesn't care so much, since it has to be done well, don't blame it in the end.

Sima defends the words, but for those who want to leave the family, the family will never stop, but how they get mixed in the future will have nothing to do with the family.

No matter what, more than half of the Sima family chose to separate, and even included several younger brothers and sisters. In fact, they have fallen apart.

Although Sima Yi secretly paid attention to these, it was hard to say much.

With his ability and the help of friends, he was admitted to the No. 1 Public School of Hanoi County very smoothly. He first became an observer in the junior class and waited until the next semester to formally enter the public school student He was very satisfied with this result, and the knowledge taught in the public school also made him very interested. It was completely different from the traditional Confucian education method, and he paid more attention to practicality and feasibility, rather than the nonsense.

This made Sima Yi, who was used to Confucian education, dislike it. He often communicated with his classmates and teachers for a few beats, and felt embarrassed.

In this way, it aroused Sima Yi's fighting spirit, thinking how he could be so distracted by such a small trouble as the genius of the Sima clan of Hanoi. It is really an indescribable shame.

After a full month, Sima Yi, through hard work and continuous self-polishing, finally managed to adapt to the learning atmosphere of public school, as well as the way of learning and doing things, and the slow mantle was integrated into it.

And the large amount of practical knowledge of public school professors made him open his eyes, and he also learned very seriously.

Before, he didn’t get the textbooks of public school. After he returned home, he thought about and studied for a long time, but without the correct guidance and teaching, he could not find the way at all. He only found the textbook very obscure and difficult to understand. Studying, he finally understood the powerful knowledge on the textbook...

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