Martial Arts World

Chapter 2514: Knowledge and practice

The weather in late autumn has gradually cooled down, and it is no longer like the blazing sun of the early autumn.

The whole Central Plains land was dyed with a golden harvest joy.

This year is another harvest year!

Since the general took charge of the land of the eight states in the Central Plains, the land of the eight states is like a blessing from heaven. The annual harvest disaster is not present. There are already many superstitious people in the dark, and the general Lin Sha has been regarded as a member of the WTO God worship.

Every harvest season, the third-level public schools in prefectures, counties and counties organize students to participate in labor, help people harvest food, and participate in practical courses developed by the school.

According to the habit of previous years, the First Public School of Henan County has been assigned to the labor task of a large field nearby.

From the school to the school, to the ordinary teachers, dare not be negligent. The General School Office, which is responsible for the supervision of education, will send a large number of school officials to disperse the localities at this time, one for supervision and the other for the exploration of local academic politics.

Once they are spotted by the academic officer and determined to be different from the policies of the academic administration office, a report will go up, or the school will be directly out of control, and the responsibility will be investigated and sent to the labor reform on the construction site.

Many so-called great Confucian celebrities, because of these four were sent to martial labor reforms, and their reputations fell sharply and suddenly fell behind. In recent years, they have no self-righteousness and have to study according to their own will.

The Academic Administration has always supervised this. According to the general’s statement, private schools are not forbidden everywhere. What is the idea of ​​running a private school for yourself? Since you have entered public school, you must follow the rules of public school. What I hate most is the guy who takes the future of public school students seriously and experiment with his own ideas.

This is irresponsible to the students, and wants to occupy public school as a private territory. Such behavior must not be allowed. No matter how famous the status is, once it is found that direct labor reform, no one is pleading!

The generals have all spoken of this. The Academic Office and the local government offices below naturally dare not be negligent. Public schools around the country train talents in accordance with the curriculum arrangements of the Academic Office, instead of being exhausted by the so-called celebrities and masters. A victim of entangled interests.

There are thousands of students in the re-school of the First Public School in Henan County, divided into dozens of classes in three grades. Each class has 30 students. All of them are assigned different harvesting tasks by Xuezheng.

"Kong Ming Kong Ming, quickly return to the teacher, the teacher has something to tell!"

Zhu Geliang, who was studying in the public school library, recovered from the world in the book, put the book lightly and closed the book in his hand, and reluctantly put it back to its original position. This was the big step for the meteor to leave the library and rush back to the teacher.

The whole class was noisy at this time, most of the classmates were back, and they were talking together in twos and threes and whispering something, and from time to time, bursts of laughter and exclamation.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Liang entered the teacher and sat down on his chair. Then he was full of doubts and asked a few fellow classmates around him.

"The mission of the school has been released. Let's go to work at the lantern festival!"

"Hey, Kong Ming, I heard that you came from Nanyang. You must have never worked in person!"

"It's okay, don't listen to this guy, just wait for Di Kongming to work as we did!"

"Kong Ming, you'd better change into short-sleeved clothes later, as you are now in a wide robe with big sleeves, you are chic and chic, but unfortunately you have to make a mess!"

"That's why, remember to bring a kettle and towels, they will be available in time!"


Friends from around the same class sang together, Zhuge Liang was directly confused, and he was full of consternation, wondering what to say.

Work hard!

This matter is really new to his family children.

Don't look at Zheng Shi and say that he is cultivating in Nanyang, that is, he is familiar with farming, but he does not rely on this to eat. It is more appropriate to learn.

At this time, he hadn't had the idea of ​​bowing to the fields, and suddenly he had to work with his classmates on the ground, and it still seemed to be real. With his indifference, he couldn't help but break some of the work.

Sure enough, after the class teacher arrived, he directly stated where the school had allocated the field, and how long it would take them to complete the harvest. They also had to help local farmers to thresh and dry the valley.

Then, he explained some matters needing attention in a routine manner. After all that was said, he directly flashed people to let the students discuss the team freely.

"Brother Kong Ming, please follow us to form a team!"


Zhuge Liang looked ignorant, and didn't know what doorway there was.

"Brother Kong Ming, when the teacher at the head of the field will directly assign the tasks, that is, the number of fields to be harvested, one person will certainly not be busy, and it will take several colleagues to work together to get things done as quickly as possible But it's quite shameful!"

Zhuge Liang didn't think it was embarrassing. He was more curious about a group of public school students. Among them were many classmates who were born and wealthy. Speaking of working in the field, not only did they not respond abnormally at all, but they were all excited and excited, as if going on an outing. Wild fun.

It's so strange!

At noon, several classmates gathered at a fixed place in the cafeteria, ate a short meal and prepared to leave.

Speaking of lunch, this is the biggest difference between the general and the other princes.

In addition to enjoying three meals in the morning, middle and evening, the rich and wealthy family, ordinary people, even officials and wealthy merchants, are used to two meals a day.

After the general had mastered the land of the eight states, he ate a lot of food every year, and vigorously promoted the three meals a day system. First, he began to implement it from the general’s government, and then quickly spread it to the government and family of the localities. Family.

The effect is quite obvious. In the past few years, the physical fitness of the people in the Central Plains has greatly improved.

The good news is that the babies born in recent years, as well as the physical fitness of young people have improved a lot, and the military has begun to show good phenomena of not swarming with good hands.

These are all discovered by Zhu Geliang in his ordinary life through careful observation.

As far as the Jingzhou soldiers he is familiar with, the physical fitness of Lun is not at all an opponent of the soldiers in the Central Plains of the Eight States, and the physical fitness of the rest of the class must be superior.

In terms of physical fitness alone, the eight generals of the Central Plains under the rule of the generals had an overwhelming advantage over Jingzhou.

It is a pity that it is a good thing like three meals a day. For the time being, only the high-yield place of the Central Plains in the eight states can be implemented. The remaining princes control the regional grain output too much. Of course, even if they are rich, they all have It was pure quilt, rather than letting the people add a meal.

Not to mention the gossip, when the time came, Zhu Geliang took his classmates to remind the prepared equipment, and led the class teacher out of the city and came to the field assigned to the class.

"Around a thousand acres are our harvesting goals, or the old habits of free distribution and combination, and the report is waiting for me to divide the fields for harvesting..."

It didn't take long for the class teacher to subdivide the nearly 1,000 acres of fields allocated by the school into seven or eight groups organized by the students, and then sent them to a special scythe for harvesting. With a big tax, they took the students directly to the field. Start to grab.

Zhuge Liang opened his eyes, and he did not expect that as a public school student, he would have to work in the field as if he were a real farmer harvesting crops.

With the novelty that he was eager to try, he did not hesitate to follow the classmates of Xiaozu down into the field, and then all kinds of jokes were frequent...

He really didn't expect that the snakes and rats in the farmland became nests, and all kinds of bugs were tight and annoying. The red marks on his hands and feet accidentally made it unbearable.

Although the sun in the sky is not poisonous, it can still feel dizzy for a long time. It's difficult to stoop and bend for a long time, but just go around and feel uncomfortable everywhere.

This is the real farmer life, a word, tired!

It was finally time for the break. Zhuge Liang was so tired that he didn't want to feel anything, but the classmates around him were still talking and laughing, as if the previous work had no effect on them.

I was envious and depressed in my heart, and I asked it directly, but somebody really laughed.

"What's the matter, since we were still in the Mongolian Academy, there were special teachers to teach the technique of physical fitness, every year during the busy season of farming, we worked out to help, and we have been used to it for so many years!"

"Hey, Kong Ming, are you not used to it? Rest assured, we will come to help you work together when we have completed the planned task!"

"Kong Ming, you can't do this. You're tired after such a short time. When we engage in outdoor activities, it's really tired, and you can't bear it at all!"

"Yes, Kong Ming, we have to practice well after this harvest. Our study is not just in the school, there are also many places worth learning outside!"


Zhuge Liang was ashamed and very curious in his heart. It seemed to have a further understanding of the public school. It turned out that not only the knowledge in the book was passed here, but also various field knowledge was also taught.

Let’s not mention next, the strong fitness of the classmates alone, and they have been exercising since the Mongolian Academy. Over the past few years, each body is very strong and is the bottom of the army The officers are not letting go!

I really didn’t see it before, the force of this group of students should have a certain level,

He suddenly thought that if there is a need, his classmates can be added to the army at any time, directly serve as the bottom officer in the army, and then fill the qualified soldiers. Isn't it a strong team with a little training?

Thinking of his surprise, he seemed to have discovered a great secret.

In fact, according to what he thought, it was inferred that the entire general government ruled nearly a thousand public schools in Bazhou. The number of students is at least more than 150,000. As long as 70% of them are trained according to the Mongolian Academy to the public school system, it does not mean that the General General can pull up more than one million troops at any time, and it is still the kind of extremely powerful!

One was in a trance, Zhuge Liang seemed to see some future.

"Kong Ming is about to get up, we have to continue to work hard, can't we ask the teacher to see it!"

Being confused, he was awakened by the sudden shouting, Zhuge Liang did not dare to slacken his sore body, and walked step by step to the field where only half of it was harvested...

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