Martial Arts World

Chapter 2502: History of change (2)

The main streets of the county town of Xiping County are spacious and clean. They are lined with three-story commercial and residential buildings on both sides. It looks like a small county town in the 1980s.

If it weren't for pedestrian business trips, all of them were wrapped in towels and long hair, and the body was also long-sleeved and long-sleeved. I was afraid that I thought it was modern.

Restaurants, teahouses, bookstores, art gardens have everything, and many audiences are very popular. From time to time, there is a loud applause. The voice spreads to the street, attracting more curious peeping eyes, and many passers-by who are idle and influx. It's a bit of a prosperous market culture.

Teahouses and restaurants are the most important places to hear the news. At this time, several teahouses on the street are in hot business with restaurants, and noisy sounds have spread to the street.

Tongfu Tea House, don't look at the well-known reputation, the guests inside look very self-cultivation, mostly young students wearing public school uniforms, this tea house was originally opened by a public school student's father.

"The County School League will be officially launched during the summer vacation, but it will first hold a competition between county schools, and then the top two in the county will participate in the county school competition..."

"A new public school has been opened in XX Town, with a rated number of 450 students, divided into 15 classes in three grades, and recruiting qualified mathematics and geography teachers..."

"The clothing factory in the county did a fight with the workers in the sock factory, and finally even disturbed the county government to stop the situation from expanding further..."

"The Plum Blossom Troupe is going to perform in our Xiping County for half a month. There are five games every three days. I love the Plum Blossom Troupe..."

"The county is very dissatisfied with the summer harvest organization of our county. It is reported that Jun Cheng will come over and direct the summer harvest seeding in the past few days..."

"The teachers of the First Public School and the Second Public School convinced each other and threatened to compete with this year's college entrance rate..."

"The General General's Palace has determined the number of recruits for this year. The entire Central Plains Eight States recruited a total of 100,000 people, including 70,000 steps and 30,000 riders, and we have a quota of about 3,000 in Runan..."

There is a table in the middle of the tea house. An old gentleman dressed as a reader sits on a chair in the middle of the table. He holds a large piece of paper in his hand and reads aloud while reading the text on the large paper.

A group of students who felt like this were scattered on the surrounding tables. They whispered in twos and threes while listening to the old man's recitation, not shaking their heads or nodding.

On both sides of the lobby, there are several wooden frames with only horizontal bars, and large sheets of ink-scented paper are sandwiched on it. It is the same as the big paper in the old man's hand, and guests are free to use them for reading.

"In recent years, the County School League has become more prosperous, but I have graduated to work, otherwise I have to show my hands on the court!"

"Go, don't brag, just your thin arms and thin legs, it is estimated that even a 13-year-old or four-year-old student can't bump into it, and you're so kind to say such big talk!"

"Oh, it's a good friend to say people don't make shortcomings. I'm older. I entered school earlier and graduated earlier. I thought I was the main force of the public school team..."

"Come on. At that time, the strength of the public school team was a little stronger than that of the county's strong family. It was pulled out and embarrassing. Otherwise, the officials in the Yamen will not be angry and grab the students to exercise this. One piece has only achieved results in recent years!"

"Don't say this, I heard that the General's Palace is going to open the public school. Are there so many teachers?"

"Naturally, there is. The General General's House now sits in the land of Bazhou, and after so many years of accumulation, a large number of students graduated from public schools every year, just filled in!"

"I heard that the powerful people in those places wanted to circumvent this matter, and even made it to the General's Mansion!"

"How did you know?"

"My uncle was doing things in the official office of Sili, returned to Runan's hometown on the Dragon Boat Festival, and brought a lot of internal public pendulums personally printed by the General's Mansion.

"Hey, take care of those tyrants and think that it was Liu Han when they held local authority and voice, as well as knowledge in their hands. The generals made it clear that they should open up wisely. It’s not fun to find yourself!"

"Who said no, but the communique made it clear that the generals were too lazy to meet them even when they saw them.

"Now everyone's life is better, but some people are not satisfied with the benefits, and they want to live the days they used to cover the sky with their hands. Why is it so cheap?"

"Don't talk these nonsense, these days the county has opened several new workshops, specializing in clothes and quilts and cloth, but recruited no girl workers!"

"I know about this. The few who opened the workshop took the line of the county guard and spent a lot of money to buy technology from the General House. It was not too busy to open the factory to recover the cost!"

"This group of businessmen have benefited, but they don't know how much their salary is. Don't just think about compiling money!"

"Relax, there have been several such incidents, and the government mansion was so shameless. Several promising county magistrates were disciplinary and thus hindered the future. Now the government mansion is staring closely, and there are definite minimum wage standards. Whoever is Dare to stab the leaker, that is, can't get along with the county magistrate, do you want to mix up with the place?"

"Whether the General's Palace is too wide or not. Recruiting workers in the workshops is a matter of your liking. It is the workshop's business to recruit whoever is not recruited and how much salary is paid!

"Isn't that good? According to what I learned in the tax office, workers have enough wages to support their families, and they are willing to spend it on their families. They are willing to spend money, and they can promote the circulation of commodities in the county. The economy naturally follows. Go up!"

"Huh, it really won't be a mixed gate. This set is one set after another. It sounds like this, but I don't know what the real situation is?"

"Hey, Yamen's tax revenue is higher than January in January, and Yamen has money on hand to organize the engineering team to build roads and pave the way, and build water storage dams, etc. This is a good thing!"

"It's a good thing not to leave, but the government's means are too cruel. The idlers on the street are forced to work, and many people are troubled by their homes!"

"Are you talking about your aunt's kid, deserve to be caught, all day long wandering idle dogs and dogs, don't you know that the generals like to catch such idlers to work?"

"Know how it is. My aunt spoiled the kid, and I was arrested so badly that I washed my face with tears all day and asked us to follow along to help the fishermen. I haven't dared to go home recently!"

Regarding public school matters, as well as the decree of the General General’s Office, and the policies of the county, etc., all of them were born in public school schools, and mixed with some famous readers in society.

The government not only did not restrict this, but also encouraged and supported it in secret. It even secretly supported many famous literatis in creating newspapers dedicated to students, guiding public opinion to allow the new generation of backbones to grow in a good environment.

The street is very lively, there are gathering places that students of public school like, and there are naturally places where ordinary people gossip and chat. The gossip style in the restaurant and tea shop is not small.

Especially in recent years, the drama team personally trained by the General General has directly promoted the scenes that can provoke thoughts to the counties, towns and villages, causing extremely enthusiastic influences, and even spawned the existence of fan fans. The celebrities of later generations are generally chased by others.

In particular, the plum blossom troupe, who is very good at performing romantic repertoire, recently came to Xiping, which has aroused the pursuit of a group of opera lovers and joiners, all kinds of gossip about the plum blossom troupe, and even some bad rumors spread all over the street. , Attracted a heated discussion among the gossip masses.

Newspapers are also new affairs that have appeared in recent years. At the beginning of the coast, only readers and officials like to read newspapers. Later, when the literacy campaign promoted by the General General's Office came to fruition, ordinary people had spare money on hand, and they gradually turned into buying newspapers. The main force.

They were surprised to find that through a few pieces of thin paper, they could know the policies of the General Government and the various levels of government, as well as a series of decisions about the people’s livelihood, so that the people at the bottom could directly understand some specific decisions of the government. No longer is the official of the mansion saying anything.

Many unimportant taxes and miscellaneous taxes disappeared in such a quiet way.

It’s not going to disappear. Once someone reports to the supervisory agencies in various places, or directly sends a letter to the General’s Palace, it will immediately cause a small official earthquake.

General General Lin Sha does not rub the sand in his eyes. Once a problem is detected, he can be directly beheaded in exile according to the size of the situation. The total future is ruined, and he has to enjoy some stern hospitality. No one is willing to because of that. The ordinary people's hard-earned money put themselves in.

The salaries of government officials around the world are quite can not only satisfy a family living a prosperous life, but also have a lot of surpluses. It is not necessary to reach out to the people to live a good life.

With the improvement of the newspaper and the supervision system, all literate people are likely to supervise the actions of local officials. No matter how deeply hidden the corrupt officials are, it is impossible to reveal any flaws.

Once the trace is exposed, it is easy to be pulled off by a report letter. No one is willing to try their best to be a master, so he falls down easily.

The General’s government implemented policies different from those of the Liu Han period. The attitude towards the officials was the same. Although the positions were different, they were all upright members of the government, and they were all able to receive the outstanding salaries.

The officials of the local government are under the supervision of the people. Although they cannot completely prevent corruption, they are unlikely to cover up the sky with their hands. The people have broadened their horizons and naturally will not be so coquettish.

As newspapers became popular, paper became cheaper, and slowly began to appear different from the official gazette, specialty story business newspapers, but also appeared entertainment newspapers mainly entertainment gossip, slowly newspapers became It is an indispensable part of people's lives, that is, it is impossible for someone to completely block it with power...

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