As Su Chen finished speaking, the hall exploded.

Immortal cultivator!

Finally, the immortal cultivator appeared again.

Many people expected that a cultivator of immortality would be exposed on this Han Rouge List.

But he didn't expect that this immortal cultivator turned out to be the rouge beauty on the list.

This is the only rouge beauty who is an immortal cultivator in the Six Kingdoms Rouge List.

Moreover, she is also a rouge beauty that will captivate the entire country.

For a time, everyone in the hall started talking:

"Immortal cultivator! This Luo Xian is actually an immortal cultivator? How come I've never heard of this name?"

"How many of the immortal cultivators Mr. Su exposed are famous? Most of them are hidden from the world"

"That’s right! Immortal cultivators are already at another level of life and no longer bother to hang out in the world."

"Before, I thought that Dugu Meng and Er Meng were already the top among the female masters of Han Dynasty. Now it seems that Luo Xian must be even better."

"This Luo Xian may be hundreds of years old. Isn't it inappropriate to put such an old woman on the rouge list?"

"What do you know? Luo Xian is already a cultivator of immortality. He will remain youthful forever, and his age is not important at all."

"That's right. Based on the lifespan of a cultivator, even a hundred years old is just a youth, let alone one who can stay young forever."

"Anyway, if you let me choose, I will definitely choose Luo Xian. When I am old, Luo Xian will still be young and beautiful, and he will make a lot of money."

"As a woman, I envy Luo Xian. She has stunning looks and eternal youth. This is the lifelong dream of many women."


The fourth private room in the East District

"Unexpectedly, there is such a strange woman as Luo Xian in the world of Han Dynasty."

Dugu Meng couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The second dream's comments had already surprised her. She did n't expect that there were people so similar to her in the world.

They also practiced swords and swords, and they were all trained by famous teachers..Although

Second Meng’s father, the Second Sword Emperor, is not as good as the First Evil Emperor in swordsmanship.

But Second Meng’s master, the Sword Emperor, the previous generation of the Sword Sect, is not as skilled in swordsmanship as her father, Dugu Fang.

So she really has no The certainty can deal with the second dream.

If the second dream still has the heart to compete with the previous one, then this Luo Xian makes her completely convinced.

No matter how exquisite the martial arts skills are, they are still not as good as the various magical functions of the immortal cultivation skills.

Only one Eternal youth is already beyond her reach.

Not to mention that this immortality cultivation technique can also bring great strength and a long life. It ca n't be compared, completely incomparable.

A ray of light flashed in Dugu Yifang's eyes.

The immortality cultivation technique , everyone wants to get it, and he is no exception.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stare at the White Jade Platform, wanting to hear the origin of this immortal cultivation technique.


The fifth private room in the west area.

Fan Qinghui's eyes suddenly widened by three points.

In addition to Di Ni and Ah Qing, there is actually a third female immortal cultivator in this world.

"Fei Xuan, you are right, the world of Han Dynasty is indeed a place with hidden dragons and crouching tigers, it is unfathomable"

"I just don’t know whether this immortal cultivation method is stronger or weaker than the"Sword Art of the Other Shore" created by my ancestor Cihang Jingzhai Dini."

Fan Qinghui said slowly.

Apparently she learned the extraordinary information about Dahan Jianghu from Shi Feixuan.

Shi Feixuan's beautiful eyes were wandering, and she was also very curious. She walked out of the private room directly and said softly:

"Could Mr. Su please give us a detailed review of Luo Xian?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately received a response from the whole audience.

Everyone wanted to know the origin of this immortal cultivation method.

The currently known immortal cultivation methods can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first category is such as Xiaoyaozi, Xie Look like that.

By chance, I entered the Cave Heaven Paradise, got the opportunity to cultivate immortality, and summarized the cultivation techniques with amazing understanding. The second category is people such as Xiaoyao Sanlao, Magician Pang Ban, Evil Emperor Xiang Yutian and others.

Directly learn from the legacy left by their predecessors. This kind of immortality cultivation technique is also the easiest.

The third category is the real boss like Taixuan Zhenren. They directly create their own immortality cultivation technique and form their own school.

No matter which one it is, it will involve other people. The key secret.

Thinking of this, all the wealthy people in the world looked towards Baiyu Terrace with eager eyes.


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen gently shook the folding fan. He had expected that someone would ask questions, so he smiled slightly and said:

"This book aims to comment on the maple flow in the world, anecdotes and strange things"

"This rouge beauty Luo Xian is indeed a strange woman of her generation and deserves detailed comments."

"Since all the Jianghu comrades are interested, Su will say a few more words."

"Luo Xian's immortality cultivation technique was not created by himself, but was inherited from another ancient cultivator."

"Luo Xian's childhood was very miserable. He lost his parents at a young age and became an orphan on the streets."

"Fortunately, an ancient cultivator discovered and rescued her on a cold night."

"The ancient immortal cultivator saw that she had a unique talent and aptitude for cultivating immortals, so he accepted her as his disciple and taught her the techniques of cultivating immortals."

"To talk about this immortal cultivation technique, it can be said to be infinitely powerful, and it is called the"Sacred Heart Technique".’"

"This technique can not only greatly increase a person's lifespan, but also delay aging and maintain youth almost forever."

"Moreover, the spiritual power cultivated by this technique has various miraculous uses and can resurrect people who have been dead for no more than twelve hours."

"In addition,"Sacred Heart Art" also has supporting immortal attack moves, the most important one is the soul attack, which is hard to guard against."

"If you can practice the"Sacred Heart Art" to the peak level of Dacheng, you can even obtain all kinds of incredible abilities, such as immortality, eternal youth, an indestructible golden body, the transformation of your soul into a god, etc."

"However, this cultivation technique is not the topic of today’s discussion, so Su will not comment much."

"Let’s talk about Luo Xian again"

"Luo Xian is indeed an unparalleled genius in cultivating immortals. Although he only obtained part of the"Sacred Heart Art", he still cultivated to an unfathomable level."

"The ancient immortal cultivator therefore relied more heavily on her and allowed her to become a priest of the Tianmen Organization [Free World], with the title of 'Devil God Mother'’"

"After that, she was appointed as the Tianmen envoy, specifically responsible for all the affairs of the Tianmen organization [Unmoved World]."

"In the Tianmen organization, no personal feelings are allowed to exist. Luo Xian is the goddess who is less than one person and more than ten thousand people in the [Immortal Realm], and she has always been alone."

"Therefore, although she is very old, she has spent most of her time in seclusion and is emotionally blank."

"Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, it is temporarily listed as the second rouge list."

As Su Chen's words fell, there was an uproar in the hall.


Everyone's eyes were widened in shock by Su Chen's comments.

This is definitely a shocking secret.

Luo Xian's immortal cultivation technique is not Self-created is not a result of chance, but inherited from an older immortal cultivator.

This means that besides Luo Xian, there is another immortal cultivator in the world of Han Dynasty.

More thoughtful people discovered that Su Chen was describing this immortal cultivator. When commenting on people such as Taixuan Zhenren, Xiaoyaozi, Xie Tiao, Yuan Tiangang and others, the adjective"ancient" was added. This has never happened before.

You know, Xiaoyaozi, Xie Tiao, Yuan Tiangang and others are also living They have lived for three hundred years.

Taixuan Zhenren has lived for five hundred years.

In the eyes of mortals, these people are undoubtedly very ancient people.

But Su Chen never mentioned the word"ancient" when commenting on them. , as if it is normal for a cultivator to live such a long life.

But when commenting on Luo Xian's master, the word 'ancient' was used.

The difference is very thought-provoking.

And after everyone listened to the simple description of"The Secret of the Sacred Heart" , and all took a breath of cold air.

This immortal cultivation method not only has the mental method to extend people's life, but also has a variety of powerful immortal attack moves.

Even the legendary soul attack exists.

And the most surprising thing is that everyone What’s incredible is that this skill has the unbelievable ability to reverse life and death!

Although it can only resurrect people who have been dead for no more than twelve hours.

But this kind of magical effect is still beyond the limit that mortals can imagine.

That is bringing the dead back to life.!

It is said to be something that even the king of hell in the underworld is difficult to do.

If everyone knew this"Sacred Heart Art", I don't know how many tragedies would be avoided.

As the saying goes, death is like a lamp going out, and all thoughts are turned into ashes.

But now the world of Han Dynasty There is actually a technique that can bring people back to life.

How could this not make all the wealthy people in the world feel numb?

Although they have been mentally prepared, they know that the strength of the Han Dynasty is stronger than that of other dynasties.

But it is so powerful that Such a situation still exceeded their expectations.

It can even be said that their world view collapsed.

For all the powerful people in the world, the most shocking thing was the Tianmen organization.

Obviously, the ancient cultivator The person is not a hermit who lives in idle clouds and wild cranes.

On the contrary, he controls an extremely terrifying force called 'Tianmen'.

Unfortunately,Sect organizations are not a topic of discussion and are not covered much.

Everyone could only analyze bit by bit from Su Chen's words.

This Tianmen organization seems to include two parts: the [free world] and the [immovable world].

Among them, people in the"free world" are called priests.

Luo Xian, who has successfully practiced the"Sacred Heart Art", is only one of the priests in the [Free Realm].

This means that in the Tianmen organization, there are still many strong people who can rival Luo Xian.

This is undoubtedly a very terrifying strength.

After all, Luo Xian is an unparalleled genius in cultivating immortals. He has also practiced the powerful technique of cultivating immortals,"The Secret of the Sacred Heart", so his strength must be extremely powerful.

There are many people of the same level as her in the Tianmen organization.

So how powerful should this Tianmen organization be?

The most important thing is that

I have never heard of such a sect in the Han Dynasty. Never.

For a moment, everyone in the hall was excited and started talking:

"Oh my God! Did I hear that correctly? This"Sacred Heart Art" actually has the ability to bring the dead back to life? This, how is this possible?"

"Unexpectedly, Luo Xian actually has a master who can be called an 'ancient immortal cultivator' by Mr. Su. This person is probably very terrifying."

"More than just terrifying, I think what Mr. Su means is that this person can be called ancient among immortal cultivators!"

"What? Master Taixuan is already five hundred years old. Is this ancient immortal cultivator older than Master Taixuan?"

"In my opinion, this ancient immortal cultivator is at least 700 years old and is the most terrifying immortal cultivator to date."

"This ancient cultivator is not simple. There is also a terrifying Tianmen organization behind him. Just hearing this name makes me feel very powerful."


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