The sixth private room in the east area.

Lian Xing and Yao Yue both closed their eyes slightly, immersed in their martial arts insights.

They have stayed in their respective realms for a long time, and have accumulated sufficient internal strength. They are just short of the final step to realize the realm.

And this story-telling gave them an opportunity.

As the understanding becomes deeper and deeper, the aura on their bodies becomes deeper and deeper.

In one fell swoop, Lian Xing broke through the anode heaven and earth bridge of Tianling Point and entered the half-step realm of heaven and man, which is the realm of King Wu.

She opened her eyes slightly, but there was no joy in them. Instead, she immediately looked at Yao Yue nervously.

Yaoyue has been stagnant at the peak of King Wu for nearly twenty years.

Now it's even more critical

"boom! boom! boom!……"

At this moment, Yao Yue's body seemed to have a hundred thousand volcanoes erupting at the same time.

The rolling torrent of internal energy kept hitting the final barrier.

After an unknown amount of time, this heavy barrier finally showed cracks and collapsed.

The spiritual energy from Zhou Tian rushed towards Yaoyue in a mighty manner.

After twenty years of hard work, he became the Martial Emperor in one fell swoop!

This is not the accumulation of one storyteller, but after listening to it countless times, her mind has become inseparable from the world in the snow.

At this time, he has accumulated a lot of accumulation and his martial arts realm has soared.

At this moment, she seemed to be standing on the top of Jubei City, watching the battle between Tuoba Bodhisattva and Xu Fengnian.

She couldn't see clearly the attacks of the two men, but their martial arts charm was deeply engraved in Yao Yue's mind.

This is the ultimate opportunity.

Because the level of this battle is too high, equivalent to the Shattered Void level Martial Emperor battle.

Even if there is just a trace of martial arts charm between the two of them, it is still a power that cannot be looked up to for Yao Yue's level.

In the future, as long as she keeps recalling this scene, her martial arts realm will continue to improve.

"Congratulations, sister, you have finally entered the realm of the Martial Emperor."

Lianxing saw Yao Yue open her eyes and immediately sent congratulations.

Although the list of Ming Martial Emperors was announced, there were more than a dozen Martial Emperors.

But leaving aside those who had disappeared and never came out, there were only a few remaining Martial Emperors.

So. Even though Yao Yue has just entered the realm of the Martial Emperor, he is still the top powerhouse in the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, with Yao Yue's"Wedding Clothes Magic" characteristics, it is not very difficult to improve his skills.

Yao Yue also has a sense of joy. Colorful, his eyes swept over Lianxing, and he said in surprise:"My sister has also made a breakthrough? Lian

Xing nodded and said with emotion:"Today is indeed a prosperous time for warriors. There are countless breakthroughs in the hall.""

Yao Yue listened carefully, and sure enough she heard countless ecstatic voices.

First there was the collective carnival of swordsmen, then the disciples of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism broke through one after another, and now it is finally the turn of ordinary warriors.

"Mr. Su's"Snow in the Snow" is really a blessing to the world."

Yao Yue couldn't help but sigh, her beautiful eyes stared at Bai Yutai, and she could no longer look away.



"The host's storyteller is fascinating and raises the audience's level of understanding. A special reward of 400,000 popularity points is given."

"Storytelling popularity exceeded 2,964,000 points"

"The host has received a total of two platinum lottery cards, nine gold lottery cards, six silver lottery cards, and four bronze lottery cards."

"Please keep up the good work, host."

Su Chen listened to the system prompts with an incredible look in his eyes. He was actually rewarded with a total of 400,000 popularity points at once!

Coupled with the popularity points that naturally increased due to the audience's response.

With just two comments, he gained nearly 300,000. The popularity value was 10,000.

This was definitely beyond Su Chen's expectations.

But when he heard the comments from everyone in the audience, he was relieved.

This time, the review was about Wu Fu's Jianghu, which had a larger audience than the previous three religions: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. Much more.

Therefore, the number of warriors who have broken through the realm is also very large. A few people have even broken through to the realm of Martial King and Martial Emperor.

Even warriors who have not directly improved their cultivation realm can clearly feel the benefits gained.

This kind of Under such circumstances, the enthusiasm of the audience naturally increased, and it is not surprising that the popularity value soared.

Thinking of this, Su Chen became more energetic, spread out his Qiuyue Fan, and Lang Lang said:

"Next, comment on the number one martial artist, Wang Xianzhi"

"I have commented on this existence several times before, so you must be very familiar with it."

"He is a pure martial artist. People in the three religions look down on martial artists, but they never dare to look down on Wang Xianzhi."

"Because he has relied on martial arts to fight against invincible opponents in the world, he has understood martial arts to the extreme and is the ceiling of martial arts in the snow."

"He guarded Emperor Wucheng all his life, and neither Dongli nor Beiji dared to invade."

"Traveling through the entire snowy river and lake, one person defends a city, and he is the only one Wang Xianzhi"

"He is not ranked among the top ten martial arts critics in the world, and his number one position has been vacant for a whole sixty years."

"He even boasted that he could kill everyone else on the martial arts list by himself."

"Sixty years ago, he had a decisive battle with Li Chungang at his peak, and only lost to Li Chungang's sword to open the gate of heaven.’"

"Sixty years later, Li Chungang returned to land as a swordsman. Even if he used the"Sword to Open the Heavenly Gate", he would still be defeated."

"But twice before and after, Li Chungang failed to use this most powerful sword to open the Tianmen."

"The first time he didn't use it was because Li Chungang cherished his talent and didn't want to break Wang Xianzhi's invincible state of mind."

"The second time he didn't use it, it was because Li Chungang didn't want to ascend. He thought the world was interesting and would rather fight in the world."

"Wang Xianzhi also has no interest in ascending to the immortal world. His philosophy is the same as that of Li Yuxu and Deng Tai'a, and he does not want the immortals in heaven to interfere in human affairs."

"Because since ancient times, it has been normal for heavenly beings to fish for human luck, and it is more common for immortals to reincarnate and stir up wars in the world to harvest luck."

"As time goes on, the fate of the world is getting worse and worse, and we can only be at the mercy of heaven and man."

"Therefore, he wants to guard the gate of heaven for the human world and not let the immortals in the sky control the fate of the people on earth."

"But the irony is that Wang Xianzhi finally discovered that he was the immortal in heaven, the reincarnation of the White Emperor!"

"So Wang Xianzhi had the desire to die, and he himself couldn't break the rules he set, not allowing immortals to interfere in the human world."

As Su Chen's words fell, there was a gasp of cold air in the hall.

The God of Martial Arts, Wang Xianzhi!

No one was surprised at all about the identity of this first martial artist.

As the God of Martial Arts, Wang Xianzhi cannot be called As the number one martial artist, they were surprised.

It turned out that they all guessed correctly, Wang Xianzhi was the ceiling of martial arts in the world of snow!

But what they didn't expect was that Wang Xianzhi was actually the reincarnation of the White Emperor in heaven.

This identity was almost instantaneous. Emperor Zhenwu, who is comparable to the crown prince

, has been reincarnated. But this is undoubtedly a disaster for Wang Xianzhi.

Because Wang Xianzhi is determined to guard the gate of heaven for the human world and does not allow the immortals in the sky to fish for the luck of the human world.

As a result, he himself is the one who wants to An immortal who earns his fortune in the world.

This is like when the great rebel thief's rebellion was about to succeed, and he suddenly found out that he was the heir to the throne.

His belief collapsed.

But what everyone admired was that.

Even so, Wang Xianzhi always adhered to his own principles.

He said that he would not let the immortals in the sky fish for luck in the human world, so he would never allow it, even if this person was himself.

So Wang Xianzhi chose to fight in the human world.

For a while, everyone in the hall started talking:

"What a martial arts god, Xianzhi, turned out to be the reincarnation of the White Emperor in heaven. No wonder he is so defiant."

"Lu Zu is the ceiling of heaven in the world of snow, and Wang Xianzhi is the ceiling of martial arts. It is a pity that the two could not fight against each other."

"Magnificent Wang Xianzhi! Even if you are ruthless, you will not let yourself go. This kind of martial arts belief is really admirable."

"When one reaches the peak of martial arts practice, one must compare his state of mind. Wang Xianzhi's state of mind is so strong, no wonder he can beat Tuoba Bodhisattva."

"Sixty years ago, Li Jianshen cherished talents. Facts have proved that he was right. Wang Xianzhi is really a great person."

"It's a pity that Wang Xianzhi, such a true god in the world chooses to fight, which will be a loss for the entire world."


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen gently shook the folding fan, but did not stop everyone's discussion, and then said:

"Although Wang Xianzhi is willing to fight for relief, he still has to fight a final battle before that."

"That is the battle with Xu Fengnian, the reincarnation of Zhenwu"

"He wants to kill Xu Fengnian!"

"On that day, Wang Xianzhi came out of Emperor Wu's City in the East China Sea with murderous intent, shocking the whole world."

"The people from Dongli and Beiji secretly rejoiced and wanted to use Wang Xianzhi's hand to kill Xu Fengnian, who was already a young vassal king."

"But at the same time, there were also people close to Xu Fengnian who risked their lives to stop him."

"The first person to stop him, Xuanyuan Qingfeng"

"She was the daughter of Xuanyuan's Confucian sage. After the death of Xuanyuan's ancestor, she took charge of the Xuanyuan family and was powerful in the world."

"Rumor has it that Tingchaoge Nangong is only one floor away, and Huishan Xuanyuan is only one level away. Whoever breaks through first will be able to become the number one woman in the world."

"Back then, Xuanyuan Qingfeng was timid when facing Han Shengxuan, the tenth best demon cat in the world, and did not dare to come forward to help Xu Fengnian."

"nowWang Xianzhi, the best in the world, stood up and tried her best even though she knew she would lose."

"On the bank of the Guangling River, Xuanyuan Qingfeng stood alone, dressed in purple clothes and fluttering in the wind. In just three moves, he was defeated by Wang Xianzhi, and his blood flowed."

"Wang Xianzhi cherished her talent and planned to spare her life, but was ruthlessly rejected by Xuanyuan Qingfeng"

"She did not hesitate to sacrifice her true nature to unleash a life-and-death sword, a sword that was even more stunning than the sword of the Nine Emperors back then."

"Wang Xianzhi attached great importance to this, and used all his hands to knock Xuanyuan Qingfeng to the bottom of the river. He did not know whether to live or die."

"Block the second person, Wudang Swordmaniac Wang Xiaoping"

"In the battle with demon cat Han Shengxuan, he used three swords, but this time to stop Wang Xianzhi, he only prepared one sword"

"He used a mahogany sword. This sword was the sword of the Land Sword Immortal!"

"As soon as the sword was released, thunder roared in the sky. The sword cut off the Canglan River, and used a section of the river as a sword to kill Wang Xianzhi."

"This sword penetrated Wang Xianzhi's shoulder blade, blood flowed across his palm, and the warrior's short robe was covered with blood flowers."

"And Wang Xiaoping has closed his eyes and passed away. That was the pinnacle sword that he paid for with his life."

"Block the third person, useless monk Liu Songtao"

"The number one person in the world a hundred years ago versus the number one person in the world a hundred years later"

"Neither of them looks down on the other. They have different paths and do not seek each other. Then there is only one battle."

"But in this battle, neither of them used their full strength, and Wang Xianzhi continued to go north."

"Stop the fourth person, Miss He He"

"She is the best killer in the world trained by Huang Longshi. Just to repay Xu Fengnian's kindness, she intercepted and killed her six times and was left disabled."

"But until the end, she still stubbornly blocked the road with her flesh and blood"

"If you want to kill the prince, you must step over her body"


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