"Oh my God! There are too many martial saints in the world of Han Dynasty, right? Three appeared in a row"

"It seems that I have underestimated the Dahan Jianghu before. This Jianghu is definitely more terrifying than the Ming Dynasty and Song Dynasty."

"I am a member of the Dahan Jianghu, and even I didn’t know that the Dahan Jianghu was so terrifying!"

"Wutian Purgatory Gate? I have never heard of it at all. Who would have thought that there is such a powerful hidden sect in the Han Dynasty?"

"There are three powerful Martial Saints in a row. I am sure that there must be a living Martial Saint in the world of Han Dynasty!"

"The water in Dahan Jianghu is too deep. I used to think that Xiongba was the number one master in Dahan Jianghu."

"Is this the strong Martial Saint? Even if the physical body is burned, the sword spirit will still be immortal and will exist in the world forever."


In the hall, countless wealthy people were talking about it.

Now they were really shocked.

After all, Chi Jue was only twenty years away from the present, and many people felt the same way.

The eighth private room in the south area.

Nie Feng asked in surprise:"Wutian Purgatory Sect? Senior Brother Yun, have you ever heard of this sect?"

Bu Jingyun shook his head. This was the first time he heard that there was such a sect in the Han Dynasty.

Obviously, this Wutian Purgatory Sect, like the Xiaoyao Sect of the Song Dynasty, both belong to the hidden sect.

Even in his opinion, Wutian Purgatory Sect is several times more powerful than Xiaoyao Sect.

Because as the previous sect leader, Chi Jue had broken through to the realm of transcendence and sainthood.

In comparison, Tianxiahui is even less worth mentioning.


The sixth private room in the east area.

Yao Yue and Lian Xing looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"It seems that Mr. Su is not exaggerating. The Dahan River is far more terrifying than we imagined."

Lian Xing couldn't help but sigh.

From the first Martial Saint Great Swordsman, she already believed that the Dahan Jianghu was extraordinary.

But with subsequent comments, she felt more and more terrifying about this Jianghu.

That kind of power, It is obviously an order of magnitude higher than other dynasties.

"It’s a pity that this time it’s just a review of the Kyushu Sword God List, and the exposure of the Dahan Jianghu is just the tip of the iceberg."

"I don’t know when Mr. Su will open a martial arts review in Dahan Jianghu. I think it will definitely cause a huge sensation."

Yao Yue said with bright eyes.

She really wants to know what kind of sensation will be caused in the world after the hidden figures in the Dahan Jianghu surface one by one.

There is no doubt that it will turn the world upside down.



"The host exposed several secrets of the world in the chat, which shocked the whole audience and gave a special reward of 150,000 popularity points."

"Storytelling popularity exceeded 9,159,000 points"

"The host has obtained a total of nine platinum lottery cards, one gold lottery card, five silver lottery cards, and nine bronze lottery cards."

"Please keep up the good work, host."

Su Chen listened to the system prompts, and the smile on his face became more intense.

Nine million popularity points!

This is an unprecedented peak of popularity.

And there is still Daqin Jianghu in the Nine Provinces Sword God list that has not been commented.

I don't know how to comment. After completing the Qin Jianghu, how high will this popularity level be?

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but become very motivated. He spread out his Qiuyue Fan and said loudly:

"Next, comment on the three sword gods in the Daqin Jianghu list."

"Two of them came from the same sect, namely the Great Qin Sword Master Gai Nie and the Liusha leader Wei Zhuang."

"These two kendo masters should be familiar to all of you."

"But few people know that they are brothers from the same sect, both from the Guigu Zongheng lineage."

"There are hundreds of schools of thought in the Qin Dynasty, among which Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Dharma are the most prosperous. They are called the four major schools and have many followers."

"But in addition to these four, there are three others that are quite extraordinary and are not inferior to these four."

"The first one is the peasant family. Although the peasant family is not a prominent scholar, it has eight million disciples all over the territory of the Qin Dynasty. In terms of the number of disciples, it is the first among hundreds of families."

"The second is the Yin Yang family. This family has a long history and is attached to the Great Qin court, but it is not under the rule of the Great Qin Dynasty. The two parties are in an alliance. This shows how strong the Yin Yang family is."

"This third family is the Zong Heng family. When angry, the princes are afraid, and the world rests in peace. In Guigu, Zong Heng only has two disciples in each generation, but they can control the general trend of the world."

"The disputes in dynasties and the replacement of princes in the past dynasties often had the disciples of Guigu Zongheng behind them."

"Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang are the two descendants of the Guigu Zongheng family who are traveling all over the world today. They have passed down the swordsmanship of the Guigu Town School"Zongheng Sword Technique".》"

"This sword technique is divided into two volumes according to the way of heaven and earth."

"The first volume is"Continuous Horizontal Sword Technique", which is as wild as the wind, as fierce as a wave, powerful and murderous, as fast as lightning, changeable, deadly, and does not give the opponent a chance to relax."

"The second volume is"He Zong Sword Technique", which is simple and simple, and can kill with one strike, without unnecessary showoff or embellishment. It can be called the perfect combination of speed, power and accuracy."

"The two volumes of swordsmanship each form a lineage, but actually complement each other. If you practice to the Dacheng state at the same time, you can directly enter the land sword fairyland."

"But the ancestral teachings of the Guigu sect can only be learned by Guiguzi of all generations."

"The previous generation Guiguzi accepted Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie as disciples according to the ancestral teachings, and taught the"Lian Heng Sword Technique" and"He Zong Sword Technique"’"

"The two of them have extremely high levels of understanding. They have both practiced half of their respective sword skills to the pinnacle, and are extremely powerful."

"If one day he can master the complete swordsmanship and unite Zong Heng into one, he can aspire to conquer the land sword fairyland."

As Su Chen's words fell, there was another uproar in the hall.

Sword Master Gai Nie!

Liusha Wei Zhuang!

These two people are indeed famous, just like the Han Sword Master Dugu Jian, they are famous all over the world.

Especially Gai Nie, As the personal bodyguard of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng, one can imagine his strength.

The Quicksand Organization under Wei Zhuang is also famous, known as the No. 1 killer organization in the world. Especially his battle with the Mohist giant Six Finger Black Man made Wei Zhuang famous It shocked the world.

But few people in the world knew that Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie actually came from the same family, the famous Guigu Zongheng family.

Even many wealthy people in the Qin Dynasty were wide-eyed.

One of them belonged to Qin Shihuang. Personal bodyguards, recognized as the strongest swordsmen in the empire.

One is the leader of the Quicksand Organization, the most restless rebel leader in the empire.

No one can connect these two people.

But thinking about Guigu's operations in each generation, everyone feels relieved..

This is indeed the behavior of the Zong Heng family.


The sixth private room in the west area.

Fusu smiled and said:"Mr. Gai is indeed extraordinary in strength and is expected to become the Land Sword Immortal. This is the prosperity of the empire." After staying in Tongfu Inn for so long, I finally heard good news.

If Gai Nie could reach the Land of Sword Immortal Realm, it would be a great blessing for the Qin Dynasty.

Zhang Han on the side nodded and said:"Mr. Gai's exquisite swordsmanship is indeed the only one in my subordinates' life."

As the leader of the Great Qin Shadow Guard, he has always refused to accept the trap.

Even though Luo Wang has the inheritance of the Eight Swords of Yue King which was famous all over the world.

But he sincerely admired Gai Nie's swordsmanship.

"The next person to be announced is the immortal cultivator from Great Qin, right?"

At this moment, Moon God suddenly spoke.

Fusu and Zhang Han couldn't help but look stern.

That's right!

The real highlight is next.

According to what Su Chen said in the last chat, the immortal cultivator in Da Qin, Changsheng After three hundred years, we have entered the Land Sword Immortal Realm.

This is the living Land Sword Immortal.

The great swordsman, the old sword master Huangfu Jian, and Chi Jue, whom Su Chen reviewed earlier, are also extremely powerful, but they have the strength of the Land Sword Immortal..

But they are dead after all.

The only land swordsman who exists in the world is the one from Great Qin.

No matter how strong the strong man is, it is useless to die, and the living are worthy of their attention.

Thinking of this, Fusu couldn't help but have bright eyes. Looking at Baiyutai, he even stopped breathing.


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen leisurely sipped the fragrant tea, listened to the discussion below gradually subsided, and said calmly:

"Next, let’s comment on the last person on the list, Land Sword Immortal Ah Qing!"

"You may all be unfamiliar with this name. Let Su explain it slowly."

"When Ah Qing was a child, she was just a shepherdess in the countryside of Yue country."

"One day when she was herding sheep, she met a white ape holding a bamboo stick. They had a close rapport with each other and became close friends."

"From that day on, when A Qing was not herding sheep, he would often fight with the white ape using the bamboo stick used to herd sheep, just for fun."

"But she didn't know that this white ape was a spiritual beast from the sky that descended to earth. He had extraordinary spirituality and was proficient in the principles of immortality."

"It seems to be playing with Ah Qing, but in fact it is teaching Ah Qing the principles of immortality."

"Ah Qing himself also has a very high level of understanding. As he continues to compete with the white ape, his attainments in swordsmanship are getting higher and higher. He has also learned a set of immortal breathing methods and embarked on the road to immortality."

"Time passed day by day, and Ah Qing also grew up day by day. From being completely defeated by the white ape, to coming back and forth, until he defeated the white ape."

"Then one day, Ah Qing was driving sheep through the busy city. He encountered an elite swordsman from Wu State and provoked him. He cut Ah Qing's sheep in half with one sword."

"Ah Qing was heartbroken and took action in anger. He knocked over all eight elite swordsmen of the Wu Kingdom with a bamboo stick."

"At that time, when the state of Wu was strong and prosperous, it annexed the state of Yue. King Gou Jian of Yue was lying on his back, trying to survive and plotting to restore his country."

"Fan Li, the Minister of the State of Yue, heard that Ah Qing was a powerful swordsman, so he personally went to ask Ah Qing to teach the swordsmanship of the State of Yue."

"At this time, Ah Qing's swordsmanship had not yet formed a system, and he did not know where to teach it, so he imitated the white ape and fought against three thousand Yuejia every day."

"But little did he know that what she demonstrated to the three thousand Yue Jia was the principles of swordsmanship. In just two months, the swordsmanship of all the Yue swordsmen improved by leaps and bounds."

"Although she did not teach swordsmanship, she planted a seed of swordsmanship in the hearts of the three thousand Yuejia. Each of them combined their own insights to create a unique and amazing swordsmanship."

"Among them, the eight swordsmen have the strongest understanding and the most powerful swordsmanship."

"These eight people were the Eight Swordsmen of the King of Yue who later became famous all over the world."

"Everyone knows that the swordsmanship of the Yue State is the best in the world, and three thousand swordsmen destroyed the Wu State with 300,000 soldiers."

"But few people know that these three thousand Yue Jia are all disciples of Ah Qing"

"Later, Fan Li offended Ah Qing, and the Yue girl Ah Qing entered the royal city alone with a bamboo stick, but three thousand Yue Jia blocked the way."

"Ah Qing's face was indifferent. As soon as he fired the stick, all three thousand Yue armors were invincible, and the long swords in his hands fell to the ground one after another."

"On that day, Ah Qing, who was only 23 years old, entered the Land of Sword Fairyland, and no one in the sky or on earth could stop him."

"Later, Ah Qing gradually understood the immortal way and compiled the sword skills he had learned into a book, named"Yue Nu Sword Techniques".》"

"Today, Ah Qing has been alive for three hundred years. He is the only swordsman in the world, but he has never held a sword in his life."


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