at the same time.

In Shanhai Villa, Huang Rong also made a table of pastries and placed them on the dining table.

Dongfang Bubai, Huanwan, Lianxing, Shi Feixuan and others have all taken their seats.

There is also a new member.

That is Tie Xinlan.

After Liu Xi was killed, she successfully reunited with Tie Ruyun.

Although Su Chen had already stated that she did not need to fulfill her promise, Tie Xinlan still came.

He also volunteered to help Huang Rong.

Su Chen thought that Huang Rong might run away one day and it would be good to have a backup cook, so he took her in.

Among the various tasks in Shanhai Villa, the kitchen is the most troublesome, and the girls are also happy for her to join.

Bai Qing'er watched Yu Youwei come out and asked doubtfully:"Youwei, Mr. Su hasn't gotten up yet?"

Yu Youwei sat down at the dining table and said softly:"I've been sleeping in the side compartment by myself these past few days. Yes, I don’t know the situation on the owner’s side."

"Have you been sleeping alone these days? Dongfang

Bubai and Huanwan both looked curious.

Huang Rong said in a gossipy tone:"Don't you all know this?" The morning before yesterday, I saw with my own eyes Palace Master Yao Yue coming out of Mr. Su’s room"


This surprise is no small matter.

Dongfang Bubai looked directly at Lian Xing and said coldly:"Is this really happening?"

Lianxing turned her head and pretended to look at the scenery in the distance.

"hateful! How could Sister Yaoyue run away!"

Bai Qing'er said angrily.

Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan also looked depressed.

Unexpectedly, Yao Yue took the lead in the end.

After being angry, the atmosphere among the girls quietly changed.

Before, everyone had a tacit understanding to divide Su Chen's time equally and never cross that limit.

But now that Yao Yue committed the foul first, the others couldn't help it.

Especially Bai Qing'er.

As a disciple of the Demon Sect, she has always dared to Love dares to hate.

If Yao Yue hadn't kept a close eye on her, this girl would have sneaked into Su Chen's house.

But Yao Yue made an exception first.

This was simply self-defeating.

Not long after, Su Chen and Yao Yue came to Su Chen's house. Walked in from outside.

Yao Yue's face was still a little radiant, which made all the women feel jealous.

"Palace Master Yaoyue seems to be having a good time these days."

Dongfang Bubai said unceremoniously.

Yao Yue knew that the matter was exposed, so she did not hide it. She sat down next to Su Chen generously and said calmly:

"I don’t need to report to you on my actions, right?"

She was so frank, and the girls didn't know how to attack her.

After all, they all had the same little thoughts, they just couldn't save face.、

"Let's eat."

Su Chen said as if nothing was wrong.

As a person who was about to go to work, he just wanted to cook at the moment.

Just when everyone was halfway through eating, Guo Furong walked in from outside and said:

"Mr. Su, that Shangguan Haitang is here again.

Su Chen waved his hand casually and said,"Let her come in.""

Little Huang Rong shrugged her nose, and reluctantly went to the shelf next to her to get another pair of bowls and chopsticks.

This Shangguan Haitang always came here in time for the meal.

This made Huang Rong suspect for a time that this guy was just looking for a reason to come. Just for fun.

After a while, Shangguan Haitang walked in and saluted respectfully:

"Haitang met Mr. Su"

"I came here this time to inquire about the disappearance of the masters of Liu Zhengfeng Mansion in Hengshan."

Huanwen asked curiously:"Have you not found out where Zhao Min is hiding yet?"

Shangguan Haitang did not try to save face, and said straightforwardly:"The whereabouts of Zhao Min and those missing masters have been found out, but there are also many elements of luck."

"oh? Where are they hiding? Dongfang

Bubai narrowed his eyes and asked.

After all, among the captured masters was Qu Yang, the elder of the Sun Moon God Sect.

"Magician's Palace"

"This is also due to the help of the evil spirit Li Ruohai"

"After Li Ruohai learned that his apprentice Feng Xinglie was caught by Pang Ban, he actually entered the Magician's Palace alone."

"Fortunately, Pang Ban was attacking the imperial capital at that time, and Li Ruohai successfully rescued Feng Xinglie from the Magician's Palace."

"The whereabouts of Zhao Min and his party and those missing martial arts masters were all learned from Feng Xinglie."

Shangguan Haitang said calmly and sat down.

The girls couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this.

I didn't expect that Zhao Min would go to Pang Ban.

But think about it carefully.

The Ming Dynasty Jianghu can take him in. The only place where Zhao Min and those missing masters could be found is the Magician's Palace.

"However, although the whereabouts were found,"

"But according to Feng Xinglie, the masters of all sects are in very poor condition and seem to have become useless."

"If this is the case, it will be too difficult to rescue them."

"So I came here this time just to verify this matter with Mr. Su."

Shangguan Haitang said sincerely.

The girls all nodded in understanding.

It would be almost impossible to rescue more than a thousand disabled people in a dangerous place like the Magician's Palace.

If these people still retain their martial arts, I could barely give it a try.

Thinking of this, all the girls looked at Su Chen curiously.

Su Chen swallowed the last bite of food, took another sip of tea, and then said slowly:

"Agent Shangguan, don’t worry."

"Those people's martial arts skills are still there, but they were poisoned by a poison called Shixiang Ruanjinsan."

"This poison is very strange, colorless and odorless, and can cause the victim to lose all internal strength."

"But as long as you take the antidote and practice your kung fu for a while, you can regain most of your kung fu."

As soon as these words came out, all the girls looked shocked.

The master concubine exclaimed:"Is there such a strange poison in the world? No wonder Zhao Min was able to kidnap so many masters silently."

Shangguan Haitang was relieved when he heard this.

If this is the case, after careful planning, there is still room for rescue.

Yao Yue also finished her breakfast at this time and said:

"Shangguan's secret agent came from the capital this time. Can you tell us the details of Pang Ban's attack on the imperial capital alone?"

Hearing this, the girls showed even more interest.

The magician Pang Ban attacked the imperial capital alone.

This was Pang Ban after he had completed the"Tao Heart Demon Planting Technique". It was the first time a cultivator took action.

This matter There has been a lot of commotion for a long time, and almost everyone in the Ming Dynasty is aware of it. It is said that the battle was extremely cruel, 60,000 Imperial City Imperial Guards were killed, and several main streets in the capital were bleeding for three days.

But there must be exaggeration in it. Ingredients.

No one knows exactly what happened.

"I don’t know the specific circumstances of that battle. I hadn’t rushed back to the capital at that time."

"I only know that Pang Ban is indeed amazingly powerful. Hulong Villa, Dongchang, Xichang, and Six Gates all suffered heavy casualties."

"If Shenhou, Zhang Zhenren and other masters hadn't tried their best to hold him back, he might have been able to get into the palace."

Shangguan Haitang said truthfully, with a look of fear on his face.

When she heard Su Chen comment on the Confucian sage in blue, he turned Confucianism into domineering, and entered the divine capital alone, and was unstoppable.

She thought this was too exaggerated.

The imperial city has always been heavily guarded, how could it be threatened by one person?

But Pang Ban's actions in the past few days refreshed her understanding.

It made her understand that when the strength reaches a certain level, one can really ignore the laws of the dynasty.

Just like that Liu Songtao, the Immortal of Three Swordsmen, killed all over the world, killing both the government and the public. The Emperor of the Nine Kingdoms asked him to kill three of them.

If Zhu Wuwu and Zhang Sanfeng had not fought to the death that night, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty might have died at the hands of Pang Ban.

"Wen Tiedan's divine power is astonishing, it seems that it is not false."

Dongfang Bubai murmured softly.

Being able to block the magician Pang Ban head-on is definitely a level above the Martial Emperor realm.

I just don't know who contributed more in that battle, him or Master Zhang.

Thinking of this conversation, Su Chenhui will comment on the powerful warriors of the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty.

Dongfang Bubai has more three-point expectations in his eyes.


Time flies.

Another two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that noon was approaching, the atmosphere in the lobby of Tongfu Inn became completely lively.

Almost everyone looked at the entrance to the fourth floor with sharp eyes.

"Mr. Su is here!"

I don't know who shouted first, and everyone felt their eyes light up. There was indeed an extra figure at the entrance to the fourth floor.

The white clothes were as white as snow, and the spirit was as rich as jade. He stepped down on the high platform, like a sword fairy coming to the mortal world, full of energy. Elegance and elegance.

Many guests who came to the Snow Bookstore for the first time felt their eyes light up and secretly admired them.

Those masters with profound cultivation even got a glimpse of Su Chen's peerless cultivation from this calm Qinggong. I was so shocked. In the third private room in the South District,

Zhang Sanfeng, who was sitting at the main seat, his eyes narrowed and he exclaimed:"What a Mr. Su, he really has the appearance of an immortal. He is nothing more than a banished immortal from heaven to earth."

This compliment surprised the Wudang disciples nearby.

This was the first time they heard Zhang Sanfeng praise a person so highly.

Song Qingshu said angrily:"I don't think this Su Chen is anything special. I thought he had three heads and six arms."

His eyes looked at a private room opposite, where the disciples of the Emei Sect were.

Although there were more than ten people, his eyes only fell on one person.

That was Zhou Zhiruo, who was on the rouge list.

But King Xiang was interested, the goddess Ruthless.

Zhou Zhiruo, who was stared at by him, was looking at the white jade stage with a pair of autumn eyes without turning for a moment.

How could this not make Song Qingshu jealous.

Zhang Sanfeng did not notice anything unusual about Song Qingshu, and just said with a smile:

"Don't you try to deceive Mr. Su because he is young?"

"If the old Taoist guessed correctly, Mr. Su's cultivation level is probably even higher than that of the old Taoist."

As soon as these words came out, the seven Wudang heroes sitting around were even more shocked.

Although they knew that Su Chen had the power of divine judgment, they never expected that

Su Chen's martial arts cultivation was so powerful that it was inhuman.

With just the little aura he showed, he was able to put Zhang Sanfeng, who was the most powerful figure in the Ming Dynasty, to shame. For a moment, except for Song Qingshu, the other people in the private room were in awe of Su Chen.

…… at the same time.

A high platform made of white jade.

Su Chen sat down firmly, poured a glass of Qianqiu liquor first, and drank it all in one gulp.

The wealthy people below were impatient and begged Su Chen to hurry up and tell the story.

Su Chen didn't waste any time. He held out his Qiuyue Fan, faced everyone's expectant eyes, and said slowly:

"Thank you all comrades for coming here to support us."

"As usual, let’s start with the bookstore time in the snow"

"In this issue of Bookstore, we comment on the two Buddhist and Taoist sects in the world of snow."

"Over the course of thousands of years in the snowy world, there are countless people who are astonishingly talented and beautiful, and there are also brilliant sects who shocked the world for a while."

"But only the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism have the strongest foundation, and their firepower is passed down from generation to generation, with people ascending to immortality from generation to generation."

"If you want to know who are the immortals among these three religions, let Su explain slowly."


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