The second private room in the south area.

Bai Qing'er exclaimed:"This Qinglonghui is indeed as Master said, its strength is very terrifying."

Hanhan also nodded, with a meaningful look on his face.

There was bad news and good news before her.

The bad news is that most of her previous guesses were wrong, and Su Chen should have nothing to do with the Qinglong Society.

The good news is that Su Chen's identity is far more terrifying than the Qinglong Society. By exposing the Qinglong Society in this way, it can be said that the Qinglong Society is not taken seriously at all.

Even a behemoth like the Qinglong Society was hard to catch Su Chen's eye.

This made Huanhan completely unable to guess Su Chen's identity.

Because no matter how high the level is, it is beyond her imagination.

"Junior sister, what is Mr. Su’s background?"

Huanhan couldn't help but ask Bai Qing'er.

Although she felt that Bai Qing'er probably didn't have any good ideas and was just treating a dead horse as a living horse.

Bai Qing'er tilted her head and thought for a while, then said:" I don’t know how powerful Mr. Su is, but he is definitely the most powerful person I have ever met."

Huanhou rolled her eyes, knowing that this girl couldn't tell any useful information.

But Bai Qing'er's words were not bad.

Su Chen had definitely reached the ceiling of their vision.

Within their sight, Su Chen It is the strongest existence.

Having this is enough

"Master, you must pay attention to the news sent back this time."

"There has been no winner between good and evil for hundreds of years, and perhaps the final winner lies with Mr. Su."

Wuanwan murmured into the air.


The second private room in the west area.

Shangguan Haitang and Duan Tianya couldn't stand it anymore.

The power of the Qinglong Society was beyond their imagination, and even beyond what the imperial court could tolerate.

If Fang Longxiang is allowed to break through to the realm of Emperor Wu, once he makes a move, even the court will find it difficult to check and balance him.

"no! We must thoroughly investigate the details of the Blue Dragon Society"

"Let’s check Shangguan Jinhong’s line to find out where he has transferred the Money Gang’s money over the years."

"Even if it offends the Qinglong Club, we can no longer sit back and watch the Qinglong Club develop. Duan

Tianya said coldly.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Qinglong Society has been on the monitoring list.

Now with Su Chen's help, we finally caught the tip of the iceberg of the Qinglong Society.

If we don't take the opportunity to make a big move, we will wait for the Qinglong Society's reaction. Come here and cut off this open line. It will be even more difficult to investigate the Qinglong Society in the future.

Shangguan Haitang's eyes flashed, and he stepped out of the private room directly and said loudly:

"This Qinglong Society has existed for hundreds of years, older than Jianghu, and mysterious."

"Could you please give Mr. Su a detailed review? It will be an eye-opener for us all."

"It also solves an eternal mystery for everyone in the world."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately shocked the whole audience.

Asking Su Chen to comment on the Qinglong Club in detail was the voice of all the wealthy people in the hall.

This extremely mysterious force was like a canopy, covering the entire world of the Ming Dynasty. Above.

The deeper your cultivation, the more terrifying you can feel the sky.

No one likes a sharp sword hanging above their head at all times.

Especially when the sword is not yet visible, even more so It makes people panic.

More importantly, everyone is really extremely curious about this Qinglong Society that can always exist in the world and has always been hidden. Even super sects such as the Shaolin Sect have had their rise and fall, but the Qinglong Society seems to It has always been extremely powerful.

This makes everyone even more curious about what mysterious power supports the

Blue Dragon Society. Bai Yujing, the leader of the Blue Dragon Society, is the top of the sword god list, and has the ability to master swordsmanship. Fang Longxiang, the second dragon leader of the

Blue Dragon Society, is the actual leader of the Blue Dragon Society. , only one step away from the Martial Emperor Realm.

The four dragon heads of the Qinglong Society are hung with golden rainbows. They are powerful, dominate Guanzhong, make countless money, and are the financial managers of the Qinglong Society.

After the identities of these three dragon heads are revealed, everyone is interested in He became more and more curious about the identities of the other dragon heads of the Qinglong Society.

How many dragon heads are there in the Qinglong Society?

What are the identities of the other dragon heads? What are their martial arts cultivation levels?

These doubts are filling everyone's head.

At this time, Shangguan Haitang was the first to ask, and all the powerful people in the world followed suit and petitioned Su Chen.

Wave after wave of voices shook the sky:

"Please give Mr. Su a detailed review of the Qinglong Club for the Ming Dynasty!"

"Please give Mr. Su a detailed review of the Qinglong Club for the Ming Dynasty!"

"Please give Mr. Su a detailed review of the Qinglong Club for the Ming Dynasty!"


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen couldn't help but look thoughtful as he listened to everyone's petitions.

Exposing the Qinglong Club will undoubtedly bring him a huge amount of popularity.

This secret is no less important to the Ming Dynasty, and to the entire Central Plains world, than the existence of immortal cultivators.

If he uses this as a gimmick, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

At that time, the direct and indirect income combined will be at least equivalent to a platinum lottery card.

The only question now is whether he can withstand the anger of the Blue Dragon Society.

The answer is yes.

Even now, he can face a Martial Emperor-level powerhouse in a head-on battle.

If you use the [Land Immortal Experience Card], your cultivation will reach a level above the Martial Emperor, and immortal cultivators can also fight.

With so many trump cards, it would be too timid to still be afraid of the Azure Dragon Society.

Since he has chosen to take this path of commenting on the world's strange people, this kind of risk must be taken.

Otherwise, how can we comment on those terrifying existences in the Jianghu of the Han Dynasty, the Jianghu of the Sui Dynasty, and the Jianghu of the Tang Dynasty in the future?

After thinking about this, Su Chen said loudly without hesitation:

"This book aims to comment on Tianxia Fengliu"

"This Qinglong Society has been around for hundreds of years, older than Jianghu. It is indeed worth commenting on."

"Since all the fellow Jianghu people are interested in this, it doesn’t hurt to comment on it."

"However, the topic of today’s chat has been decided, so I’ll leave the comments about the Qinglong Club for the next issue of the chat."

"If you are interested in this, please come back in five days."


After listening to Su Chen's words, everyone felt confused.

Mr. Su really wanted to comment on the Qinglong Club?

Everyone looked at each other, and after repeated confirmations, they were completely convinced that they heard it right!

Mr. Su really wanted to comment on the Qinglong Club in detail!

This Qinglong Society, which is older than the Ming Dynasty, older than the Jianghu, and no one has ever known the truth, will finally surface.

Just five days later!

In this Tongfu Inn!

Everyone feels like they are about to suffocate The feeling.

No one thought that they would have the opportunity to know the whole story of the Qinglong Club in this life.

Even the wealthy people from other dynasties showed excitement at this time.

The Qinglong Club!

This has been passed down from ancient times in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the mysterious force is famous throughout the Central Plains.

It can be expected that if this incident spreads, it will definitely shock the entire Central Plains.

In front of the railing on the third floor,

Shangguan Haitang was slightly stunned, obviously not expecting Su Chen to be so happy. She agreed.

Immediately afterwards, she showed an extremely grateful look, cupped her fists and said,"Thank you, Mr. Su.""


The sixth private room in the East District

"Mr. Su, would you like to comment on the Qinglong Club in detail? Are our previous guesses wrong?"

Lian Xing murmured to himself, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Yao Yue said coldly:"Since the last review, I have guessed that Mr. Su has another identity."

"Have an identity?"

Lian Xing showed doubts.

"That's right"

"An identity more terrifying than the great dragon head of the Blue Dragon Society"

"For example, a cultivator."

Yao Yue said coldly.

Immortal cultivator?

Lian Xing couldn't help but take a breath.

But after thinking about it carefully, this possibility does exist.

Perhaps only if he is also an immortal cultivator, Mr. Su will be interested in the immortal cultivators of Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty. So understanding.

If this is true, it means that Su Chen has probably lived for hundreds of years.

A cultivator who has lived for hundreds of years, his status is naturally countless times higher than that of the Qinglong Society, which has only existed for a few hundred years.


The sixth private room in the west area.

Fusu's eyes flashed and he whispered:"Will the secret of the Qinglong Society finally be revealed?"

"His Majesty is also very concerned about this Qinglong Club."

Zhang Han said coldly from the side

"Mr. Su is a true god and man. Even if it is not for the purpose of cultivating immortal skills, I think it is necessary to send someone to stay here permanently."

Fusu expressed his opinion.

Zhang Han nodded in agreement.

Although Da Qin's intelligence capabilities are the best in the world, they are definitely not worth mentioning compared with the various shocking secrets exposed by Su Chen.


On the white jade stage.

Su Chen was very satisfied with the reaction of everyone in the audience.

It can be expected that the number of viewers who come to listen to the book in the next issue will definitely increase sharply again.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but smile, spread his Qiuyue fan, and continued:

"This concludes the review of the Wu Ping Grandmaster List, and will be followed by the review of the Wu Wang List."

"Like the Grand Master List, it includes ten martial king-level experts in the Ming Dynasty, ranked according to their internal strength."

"Tenth place, Xie Yanke"

"This man was nicknamed Motian Jushi, and he was a man of great merit. He was famous for his"Magical Powers with a Flick of Fingers" and"Blue Needle Clear Palm"."

"Although he is a famous figure in the world, he does not belong to any sect and has never established a disciple."

"He lives alone on a skyscraper cliff that is inaccessible to people. He rarely travels around the world, so he is not well known to the younger generation."

"His character is both good and evil, and he does everything based on his temporary preferences. He only keeps his promises like a mountain, and once he says a word, it is worth a thousand pieces of gold."

"In the early years, he gave three black iron orders to three benefactors, so that the order holders could ask him to do something."

"No matter how difficult this matter is, even if he breaks an arm or commits suicide on the spot, there will be no problem"

"So far, two of the Black Iron Tokens have been recovered by him, and only the last Black Iron Token is left outside."

"Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, we temporarily rank him as the tenth on the King of Martial Arts list."


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