The idea didn't come out of nowhere.

Because Huanwan really couldn't think of anyone other than a Confucian saint who could be so respectful to the dignified Master Xun.

But if this is the case, then Su Chen's identity is too terrifying.

In the world of martial arts, Shaolin and the Beggar Clan are very famous, simply because these two factions are the most numerous and powerful.

But even if all Shaolin disciples and Beggar Clan disciples were added together, they would not be as large as the number of Confucian students.

Not to mention, Confucian students may be in temples or state capitals, and their influence is far greater than that of people in the world.

The status of Confucian saints in the hearts of Confucian scholars even exceeded that of the emperor of the dynasty.

If Su Chen is really the reincarnation of a Confucian saint.

When he returns to the holy throne in the future, even the emperors of the six countries will compete to make him the emperor's master.

The status of a cultivator is just transcendental. In terms of influence, he is far inferior to this Confucian saint.

"hateful! Why did Mr. Su give lectures in Ming Dynasty?"

Huanwan couldn't help but complain.

This is not the home ground of the Yingui Sect. The power she can draw on is very limited and she can only rely on herself for everything.

But that is not the case with Shi Feixuan.

Cihang of the Sui Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty Jingzhai has been communicating with each other and is likely to unite.

If the successor of Ming Cihang Jingzhai is also born, the situation will be very unfavorable to her.


The fourth private room in the South District

"Darling, I didn’t expect that even a figure like Master Xun would respect Mr. Su so much."

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh.


"Mr. Su is really a rare person in the world."

"After today, I'm afraid there will be many more scholars in the bookstore."

Hua Manlou said with a smile.

"Is this the power of the powerful Martial Emperor? It's really scary."

Ximen Chuixue's focus was on Master Xun.

After breaking through to the realm of Emperor Wu, Master Xun's momentum became more and more amazing, giving people the feeling that he could suppress the world with just one hand.

"Hehe, with Master Xun's behavior today, there should be no more blind people coming to trouble Mr. Su in the future."

Lu Xiaofeng said with a smile.

Hua Manlou and Ximen Chuixue both nodded.

Master Xun directly regarded himself as a student in front of Su Chen. This supportive attitude can be imagined.

When today's incident is spread, everyone must know about Tongfu The inn has a strong man named Wu Huang who is in charge.

Not to mention ordinary martial arts masters, even top sects like Shaolin and Wudang dare not come to Tongfu Inn to cause trouble. A strong man named Wu Huang can destroy a faction with just a snap of his fingers.

That would make the court treat him with courtesy. The presence



"The host's storyteller made Master Xun realize the celestial realm on the spot, which shocked the whole audience and gave him a special reward of 100,000 popularity points."

"Storytelling popularity exceeded 436,000 points"

"The host has obtained a total of four gold lottery cards, three silver lottery cards, and six bronze lottery cards."

"Please keep up the good work, host."

Su Chen couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard the system prompt.

Xun Fuzi's breakthrough actually directly rewarded him with 100,000 popularity points. This was the first time that he received such a huge number of rewards.

And the total popularity points also reached 400,000. many

"It seems that today’s guarantee is two platinum lottery cards."

Su Chen thought happily.

The last platinum lottery card directly gave him a Confucian celestial realm.

I don't know what good things can be drawn this time.

Thinking of this, Su Chen not only became energetic, Qiuyue Fan Shake lightly and say loudly:

"Today’s storytelling ends here"

"In the next issue, I will tell you about the swordsman’s world and comment on the three great swordsmen of the Spring and Autumn Period."

"There was a man who broke into the palace alone with a broken sword. In front of the imperial city gate, he realized that the sword energy rolled on the dragon wall. Wherever the sword energy came, all the reliefs on the dragon wall of the imperial city were shattered. One hundred thousand defenders hesitated and did not dare to step forward."

"There was a man who asked the Buddha with his sword. He entered the Pure Land of Buddha alone and killed seventy-two Arhats who were disciples of the Buddha. He laughed and said that Buddhism was not as good as the way of swordsmanship. He left with his sword and no one dared to stop him."

"There was a man, holding a sword and guarding the gate of heaven, and asked the immortals in the sky with a smile, who dares to come to this world?"

"If you want to know the follow-up of the three great swordsmen of the Spring and Autumn Period, please come back in five days."

Is it over again?

When a group of powerful people in the world heard this, they suddenly burst into mourning.

Especially the scholars were hysterical and begged Su Chen to give another lecture for them.

But at the same time, a bigger wave of noise would All these noises were drowned out.

Review of the Three Great Sword Immortals of the Spring and Autumn Period!!

Such an astonishing notice instantly made the blood of all the swordsmen in the audience boil.

A single sword broke into the palace, the sword energy rolled against the dragon wall, and a hundred thousand defenders did not dare to step forward..

Questioning the Buddha with a sword, laughingly saying that Buddhism is not as good as a sword, the gods and Buddhas are everywhere in the sky, and he cuts them all with one sword. Holding a sword to guard the gate of heaven, I want to ask the immortals in the sky, who dares to come to this world?

Just these few strokes, the willful image of the supreme sword immortal Then they jumped out, making countless swordsmen yearn for them.

For a while, the hall was filled with noise.

Everyone guessed who these three sword immortals were and how powerful they were.


The third private room in the east area.

A Fei stood up excitedly.

"Guarding Tianmen with one sword? Can a human swordsman defeat an immortal?"

A Fei said in disbelief.

"Who says that a human sword cannot kill immortals in heaven?"

"The first Confucian sage Zhang Fuzi summoned the clay statue of the saint and directly shattered the Tianmen Gate."

"Although there are differences between immortals and mortals, there are always those amazingly talented mortals who can defy the heavens and slay the immortals."

"Otherwise, why would he be called a swordsman?"

Li Xunhuan took a sip of wine and said very freely.

A Fei said excitedly:"It makes sense. Since you are already called the Sword Immortal, why not kill the Immortal?"

Having said that, he still couldn't help but get excited when he thought of the sight of that sword guarding the Tianmen.

Li Xunhuan said with a smile:"This is just a preview, and we won't hear it for five days, so don't get excited yet."

These words were like a basin of cold water, which instantly chilled Ah Fei's heart.

Five days, five days!

How could he survive these five days?


The fourth private room in the South District

"A good one asks Buddha with a sword, a good one laughs and says that Buddhism is not as good as a sword"

"I don’t know which sword immortal did this, it’s really crazy."

Ximen Chuixue said in great surprise.

He considers himself a very arrogant person and never takes anyone seriously.

But even he would never do something like kill the Shaolin Sect with one sword, or even think about it. I didn't even think about it.

But the swordsman in the snow did it, and he did it as a matter of course, and he was so wanton and reckless.

Hua Manlou on the side nodded repeatedly, and couldn't agree anymore.

He went to the Pure Land of Buddha with his sword alone, He killed seventy-two Buddhist disciples and Arhats with his sword, and laughed and said that Buddhism is not as good as the sword.

This is simply a slap in the face, who can bear it?

But the Pure Land of the Buddha really can bear it.

There is also a sword that breaks into the palace, and the sword energy rolls like a dragon. Even the hundreds of thousands of city defenders did not dare to block the wall.

Just thinking about it, you can feel how arrogant the swordsmen of that arena are.

As Mr. Su said, this is clearly the arena of swordsmen!

In other words, this is It is the arena that countless swordsmen long for.

"No wonder……"

Listening to the howls of countless swordsmen below, Hua Manlou could already imagine that the next lecture would be filled with swordsmen.

Lu Xiaofeng thought of something and said in surprise:"Ximen Chuixue, this is your big opportunity!"

"What opportunity?"

Ximen Chuixue said inexplicably.

"That Master Xun could suddenly realize that he became Emperor Wu from Mr. Su’s storybook"

"Maybe in the next issue of Storytelling, your swordsmanship will improve by leaps and bounds."

Lu Xiaofeng said swornly.

Ximen Chuixue's eyes flashed, and he obviously took Lu Xiaofeng's words seriously.

He must listen carefully when commenting on the Spring and Autumn Sword Fairy in the next issue!



Just when the Tongfu Inn was bustling with people, there was a sudden noise at the door.

A group of wealthy people turned their heads and looked curiously, and they couldn't help but take a breath.

They saw two teams of soldiers at the door. The words were arranged, forming a one-foot-wide circle in the middle.

A young man in rich clothes strode out with a majestic appearance, exuding an aura of nobility.

"This guy is definitely a big shot."

Even those who have no experience in the martial arts world have such thoughts in their minds at this time.

The armors on the soldiers on both sides exude a chilling atmosphere, which is no worse than that of the Euphorbia soldiers. They are the elite among the elite.

"What a strong sword spirit."

In the private room on the third floor, Ximen Chuixue's eyes narrowed. His intuition told him that the tall man following Mr. Jin Yi was definitely a master of swordsmanship.

"The swordsman who can be recognized by Brother Ximen is probably another swordsman."

Hua Manlou said with a smile.

"With the Sword God as his guard, the identity of this young man in brocade is probably very important. Lu

Xiaofeng said slightly curiously.


"This costume is that of the Shadow Secret Guard of Great Qin."

In another private room on the third floor, Zhang Liang lowered his voice and said

"Shadow Guard? Isn't that Qin Shihuang's personal guard? Why did you come to Daming?"

Xunzi murmured very curiously.

"The person who came here is a young man dressed in brocade, and there is no way he is Qin Shihuang."

"I heard that Fusu, the eldest son of Emperor Qin, was a talented person and was highly valued by Emperor Qin. It was probably him."

Zhang Liang analyzed and said.

On the other side, after Mr. Jinyi came in, a man who looked like a businessman immediately stepped forward and took out a waist tag.

Seeing this waist tag, the two volumes of Shadow Guard gave way.

The businessman came to help him. Next to Su, he whispered


After listening to the businessman's report, Master Jinyi's eyes suddenly showed a look of shock.

Xunzi from Daqin Xiaoshengxian Village also came.

Moreover, Xunzi also realized the truth in Su Chen's storybook, and he had broken through to the realm of the Martial Emperor in one fell swoop.

But What shocked him the most was Xunzi's attitude towards Su Chen.

Not only did he call himself a student, he also respected Su Chen as the leader of Confucianism in the world.

"This Mr. Su is indeed a strange person in the world. Maybe he has something to do with Confucianism."

"In this case, it is even more important to have a good relationship with them."

The thoughts in Mr. Jinyi's mind were spinning, and his eyes towards the Baiyu Platform became more and more respectful.

Under the protection of the burly swordsman, he stepped forward quickly.

Finally, he stood in front of the Baiyu Platform, adjusted his appearance, and looked towards the Baiyu Platform respectfully. A gift:

"Fusu, the eldest son of Emperor Qin, has met Mr. Su in the snow."

"I have heard about Mr. Su for a long time, and when I saw him today, I felt like he was a man among the gods, and it was a worthwhile trip."

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall of Tongfu Inn instantly shook.

Fusu, the eldest son of Emperor Qin, is not the eldest son of Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng of the Great Qin Dynasty?

This is definitely a heaven-level status.

He actually came to the Ming Dynasty?

Are you so respectful to Mr. Su?

On the high platform, the storyteller Su Chen sat calmly and tasted the wine.

Under the high platform, the eldest son of Emperor Qin stood with Su bowing and his expression was respectful.

This scene would make everyone stunned.

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