Martial Arts Master

Chapter 646: Like a virtual illusion (seeking a monthly pass)

The sky seems to be shrouded in glazed glass, sprinkling the pale golden glory, "living Buddha" Shi Shan is high on the top of the lotus platform, quietly overlooking the building, no meaning.

It is the shadow of the Bodhisattva Ming Wang surrounded by his body, his lips swaying, mourning the scriptures, but Qianlong is not very clear, just like the tourists heard in the morning and evening classes.

The ethereal and solemn voice reverberates, and the blossoming lotus blossoms are successively bloomed, and the mud is not dyed, and the sputum is clear and not demon, surpassing the dust and leaving the world.

Lou Cheng was not confused by such a different scene, the ice lake became a heart, no waves.

In his induction, in the range of five meters from the center of his own heart, there is no lotus without bodhi, only light-colored glazed light, soft and ethereal, but as long as this limit is exceeded, the pure land will come, the Buddha is presented.

The spirit of "living Buddha" has reduced the effect of my "hole enemies" and the size of the "field" to such a degree... The expression of the building is condensed, the thoughts are electric, and the situation is considered.

The continuation of the "living Buddhas" of the past dynasties is said to involve the inheritance of the spirit, and the descendants of the nephews may be born with supernatural abilities.

The latter has theoretical explanations. Just like words and symbols can express the meaning of predecessors. The composition of genes also expresses the "information" left by the ancestors. This is the "memory" rooted in the body...

From this point of view, the living Buddha seems to have traces, but the current study of the spirit is still lagging behind. Everything is speculation. Unconfirmed, the military is said to have tried to make the reincarnation of the living Buddha in Daxing Temple in various ways. The secret law, but unfortunately has not succeeded...

Living Buddha who has experienced the "infusion", the spirit is naturally strong, and when practicing the Buddhist scriptures and martial arts of the two worlds, it seems that the past life has been mastered, but now it is unfamiliar, slightly skilled, and can be used immediately...

It is no wonder that there are predecessors who speculate that the choice of the "living Buddha" reincarnation has the most basic conditions, that is, the talent is different, can withstand this "topping", and similar children may only be one in twenty or thirty years, if not timely If you find out, you can only choose a well-qualified disciple to forcibly inherit the name of "living Buddha", and wait until he has become a secret law, and then find a spiritual child to do "topping". This is also the reason why the "living Buddha" will have a trough stage...

At the beginning, Daxing Temple was smashing the world, and the soul boy was hard to find. The two largest generations of Tantrics did not approach the suppression of the real "live Buddha" in the taboo field, only to find opportunities and annex them...

In the process of thoughts, Lou Cheng condensed red, light blue, golden, light purple and blazing fireballs without letting them circling around themselves.

The "five fires" became 10%, the Buddha country was steep and dark, and the starry sky of the night was plunging down, sprinkled on the earth, and the scorpions were dotted with dark curtains.

However, this did not dilute the pure land, but it made it even more dreamy and more sacred.

"The living Buddha is really worthy of the name..." In the live broadcast room, although the host sees the scene as though it is not as real as Loucheng, it can also vaguely see the pictures described in various Buddhist scriptures.

He is arguing with the old road next to him:

"More than half of the living Buddha's skills are spiritual..."

At this time, the referee standing on the edge of Jiangxin Island raised his right hand and announced:


Along with this sentence, the chanting of Lou Cheng’s ear suddenly became bigger and clearer, which made him calm and calm, and his war was difficult to get up. It was several times harder to control the body.

More horrible, he seems to have entered the slow motion of the movie, everything around it is obviously slow, one frame and one frame, like a dream, and the golden body "living Buddha" sitting in the lotus field in the distance flashes in front of itself, and the treasure is solemn. Lift your right hand and press down from top to bottom.

The five fingers open, the glass shines, the sky is blocked, all the gaps are blocked, and the area where Lou Cheng is located seems to be independent, so that he can't escape.

Such a scene makes Loucheng instantly enter the illusion of the Buddhist scriptures, and only the mythical story of the exaggerated words is really revealed in the body.

If you haven’t seen the notes of the “Dragon Tiger Club” and the “living Buddha” in advance, this moment you will feel that the other’s magical skills interfere with the chaotic time and cut out a cage-like independent space.

But now, he is very clear that the incredible mystery of this palm comes mainly from the suppression and influence of the spirit.

It is difficult to distinguish between real and false, true and false, and "Bodhi Mantra"!

This is a "living Buddha" that must undergo the empowerment of the spirit, the spirit of tyranny and unique characteristics.

At this moment, the audience in front of the scene and in front of the screen is different from Lou Cheng. In their eyes, the "living Buddha" Shi Shan is just stepping on the light golden glazed Buddha light, in its scene like a lotus flower. One step deceived the opponent, raised his right hand, slowly and heavily covered, as if to push the enemy into the ground, suppress the seal.

In the face of the huge golden Buddha's palm that could not escape the irresistible, Lou Cheng suddenly gave up the "hole enemy ice heart" and took the initiative to outline the "fighting" word full of war and never admit defeat.

His blood was boiling, and the feeling of depression was swept away.

Followed by the building into a waist and a sharp bow, the strength of the harvest, balance Bao Dan.

This time, he did not move the stars to complete the "word", only grasped the charm.

boom! He was bombarded with a bang, his fist banged, as if he had fired a rocket, pulling his body straight, like rushing to the sky and breaking the temple!

Once again, the palm of the hand covers the heavens and the earth, and then the Buddha’s mind is difficult to contend with, and then the road ahead is hopeless, and he also forcibly blasts a hole!

Never give up, fight the battle!

Under the will and momentum of this internal and external, the huge golden Buddha's palm in the eyes of Lou Cheng quickly shrinks, no longer obscures the sky, becomes traceable, and returns to the dust!


Lou Cheng’s fist is like a real dragon rising, hitting the clean and difficult-to-dyed Buddha’s palm, hitting the golden mans, hitting the other arm and rebounding.

At the same time, his mind was flashing, and he was going to gather the red, golden, light blue, and blazing and faint purple behind him, and he would take it out and take the "power of five fires and nine turns. The "spiritual field" of "living Buddha"!

But his thoughts just moved, and the world-famous figure that was clearly restored in front of him was pulled away, and instantly moved from the two meters to the "Shoumi Peak", and then fell to the lotus platform, and the ruler became the horizon.

Lou Cheng recovered the "hole enemy ice heart", but he could only sense the situation within five meters. beyond this distance, he could not know whether the "living Buddha" seen in front of him was really fake or not. If he blindly played "five fires and nine turns." The coming of a big day will only consume itself in vain, and it is a considerable consumption.

His thoughts flashed, and the fireballs, such as red and lavender, hovering quickly slowed down and continued to wrap around.

Until this time, Lou Cheng’s mind only flashed the experience just now, with a little bit of insight.

His heart?

"Living Buddha" used "He Heart Pass" to "listen" to his "ideas" in advance, and made a circumvention as expected!

This is really the ability of the BUG level!

The "He Xintong" of the "Taiwan-Tibet" section of Daxing Temple is also difficult to practice. The disciples often only get fur. Even the "Ming Wang" Zhihai is only able to sense the true emotions of others and to detect the clues of the world. In addition to the "living Buddha" Shi Shan, there is only the abbot of the Daxing Temple, and the practice of the Yuan Dynasty, which has been closed for decades, is truly mastered.

In the live broadcast room, I saw that Lu Cheng and Shi Shan were at the touch of the door, and saw that the former "five fires" that were ready to go back to calm, the latter pulled out a distance of twenty or thirty meters in one second, the host had spare Said with interest:

“The Living Buddha circumvented the ‘big day’ in advance?”

Then he asked himself:

"‘He’s heart is really mysterious!”

"And the building's control over the 'five fires' is really weighty, such as the arm and the fingers, I have only seen it in the Dragon King... I am about to release, I can forcibly withdraw and rebalance, this is not a simple matter..."


The host was screaming, and the old priest with silver hair and black plaques next to him wanted to open his mouth several times, but he could not find a chance to cut.

Very polite, he does not want to interrupt each other, only quietly plays the background board.


After a brief fight, no matter whether it is a building or a "living Buddha", Shishan has a more intuitive impression of each other's style, strength and standard.

At this time, the "living Buddha" was not close, but continued to sit on the lotus platform of the "Shoumi Peak". The hands were tied with the seals, the lips were closed, and the mantras were solemnly spit out:

"Hey!" "Well!" "Well!" "Bao!" "Mix!" "Hey!"

"What are you doing?"

The six-word mantra is fully displayed!

PS: In the afternoon, I have to travel on the road. At night, it is even before 12 o'clock.

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