Martial Arts Master

Chapter 641: Donghuang Jinshu

As soon as the result of the draw was released, “Yan Zhao Tang Guan Wei” established a topic:

"#Master VS Master # come and come, this small public to mention the little fairy to discuss the results of this hot war, as for the other, in addition to Xiao Hu, is not a winning word, nothing to say!"

Soon, the reply is more than one:

"If it is a year later, I may still be worried about it. As for now, hahaha."

"You can't be too small to look at the building. He still has a lot of ways to useless things, such as the ‘Ice Department’, which should be better than the ‘Fire Department’. After all, it’s a disciple of Ice God.”

"@Upstairs, don't be too modest, and the second is not the general second-class powerhouse."

"Bet five packs of spicy strips, and two definitely win!"

"I don't believe that I don't believe that I don't believe it. Secondly, I am half-pounded with eight to five five. If it is strong, it will be strong. If it is weak, it will be weak."

"The building is still inferior!"

"Our Yan Zhaotang's young and strong people will definitely not be worse than others, and there are accumulated advantages."

"Come to my little Mazza, wait for the second to break the building's ‘five fires and nine turns.'”

"How is it broken? How do you think it will break?"

"Remote laser, one finger pokes one?"


When Yan Zhaotang’s discussion was in full swing, the atmosphere in the fan forum of Loucheng was relatively calm.

"@盖世龙王, how good is this king?" "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling sees Yan Zhaotang's game is not much, almost no understanding of the low-key Wang.

"Gai Shilongwang" quickly replied: "It's very powerful. Let me put it this way. I am also optimistic that he will get the title within five years. He has the ability to make things simple and light, and this is not something that everyone has. It can even be said to be great. Some of the nephews are not."

"... Suddenly a little nervous, for a long time, because the game was tense..." "Fantasy Vatican" said the old-fashioned look.

"Oh, me too!" Yan Xiaoling quickly joined.

"Plumbers eat mushrooms" said: "What are you afraid of? If you don't lose, you will be eliminated. It is a good thing to meet such an opponent in the first few battles of the nephew!"

"I went looking for Wang Cheng's video of the game..." "Nie Wei" "looked forward and looked forward."

"Right, what is Wang's good practice? I watched his video, all of them slamming." "Good names are shit," asked.

"Gai Shi Long Wang" expresses with "Nike mouth": "Of course, Yan Zhaotang's rumored rumor, "Donghuang Jinshu", also known as the 'light department', Daxing Temple's "Buddha said the Great Light Ming" has a secret According to its revision, it has combined a lot of content, which is beyond recognition at the earliest."

“Yan Zhaotang also has the 瘟 ’ ’ 残 残 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"In short, let go of the mentality, maybe the building will encounter a foreign defeat, and if you win, you will be a surprise."

"It sounds very powerful... I am getting nervous... Haha, I will tell you a real joke!" Yan Xiaoling transferred the topic.

"What jokes? Stained?" "Consistently love Jungang" is very positive.

Yan Xiaoling said with the expression of "hard tough laughter": "I didn't dye the green before? The box, no, Xiaogao laughed at me every day. Yesterday I said that I want to dye the real linen ash for me, wait for her to come back, ha. Haha, it’s also green!”

"Is the near-operator mentally retarded?" "The road to the ring" wandered over, "the mouth is twitching."

"You are the rhythm of mutual forgiveness?" "The plumber eats mushrooms" and "smiles".

"Small high is not the strength of Dan... Is that the little brother who dyed hair is okay?" "Gai Shilong Wang" asked worriedly.

"It should be okay..." Yan Xiaoling replied indefinitely.


The atmosphere of the sinking in the forum slowly dissipated and restored the usual features.


The next afternoon.

The results of the lottery were not bad. Ning Yu and Long Zhen, with their respective assistants, went out to visit friends and went to leisurely.

Auman and Guo Jie’s assistant, Wang Yuexi, sat in the open-air coffee bar next to the lobby and enjoyed afternoon tea, not afraid to stay away from the hotel.

“I started out thinking that the professional assistant who is a nephew will be very busy. I will be idle for a few years, and I will be busy for no more than five days a month.” Wang Yuexi used a silver spoon to stir the coffee. .

Ouman almost laughed, and his mouth outlined:

"I thought so before."

Now I have learned to entertain myself and add value to myself...

The two assistants smiled and turned their eyes to the elevator. They thought that their "boss" would definitely study the video of their opponents or go to the martial arts hall inside the hotel.

After more than a day of pondering, even Peng Leyun succumbed to Wang Xiaoshuang, and the battle of the name of Yao Tianjiao did not go to the scene to observe. Lou Cheng finally had a point to the evening game, and raised his attention to Wang Zheng. ".

"It's time to go!" He put away his computer, moved his muscles, and sent a message to Yan Yan.

The girl "sit in the air" reply: "I found that the game is not as good as the afternoon in the afternoon. In the afternoon, I can sleep a little less. I wake up in the middle of the night and change to the evening. I have to listen to the instructor and follow them to do research and discussion. No chance to be lazy..."

The night of Kowloon is the morning of Cannes.

Lou Cheng gave a chuckle and sent a "distressed" expression: "Nothing, anyway, the result is a win!"

"Hey, you still have to be good! Low-key! Understand? Low-key! Good character!" Yan Yan was dismissed.

"Hey no one now, allow me to be proud for a minute." Lou Cheng said on this topic, diluting the regrets of the little fairy.

After ten minutes, he changed the navy blue dragon tiger club martial arts suit, converging all kinds of emotions, opened the door and walked out of the room, Auman had been waiting outside.

At 8:45 pm, when he and Wang Zheng’s match started in the “50,000 Stadium” in Jiulong City, Yan Yan just arrived at the campus of Kangda.

When the time is late autumn, the heavens turn cold, the bleak cold wind rolls the dead leaves on the ground, the girl is wearing a brown-yellow knee-length coat, and her hands are wrapped around the chest, thinking of someone on the other side of the ocean, thinking of the "master" Fighting with the "master" is about to begin.

Quietly looking at the face, staring at the fallen leaves, Yan Yan gently sighed, along the picturesque scenery, stepped into the building in front.


In the stadium of 50,000 people, the lights of the road fell from the half-opened dome, and the green lawn was shining like a white.

There are plastic wide runways around the three hundred and two hundred competition venues. The main function is to isolate the battle between the audience and the outsideers.

There is a gap in the front of the auditorium that can seat at least 50,000 people. A layer of bullet-proof glass and barbed wire is erected on it. Each key area has powerful armed police and security personnel standing guard.

Lou Cheng and Wang were established in the center, draped in the light, separated by thirty meters. The lawn around them was smashed and ruined, as if they had been plowed by gunfire, which was the trace of the previous battles.

Until then, Lou Cheng was able to shift his attention to the external image of Wang Zheng. His appearance also belonged to the kind that did not show the mountains and the water, but the hair was erected backwards, the oil was shining, and it was very old. The big cockroach in the movie.

The height of Wang is similar to that of the building. The proportion of the body is slightly out of tune. The head is big, the body is long, and the legs are short. You can look at it at a glance. He has a harmonious and harmonious taste. He stands there, calmly and deeply, and looks at himself. Not a little nervous, it is indeed a master style.

When Lou Cheng looked at Wang Zheng, Wang did also look at him. He only felt that he was calm and condensed, and he did not seem humble. Taishan collapsed in front of his eyes and did not seem to change color.

At this time, the referee standing between them raised the right hand:

"Dialogue time begins!"

After saying this, he immediately went to the edge of the field, lest he waited for the real start and suffered innocent disaster.

In the battle of the outside class, the role of the referee is more similar to the moderator!

At this point, no one spoke to the two people who were squatting. The building became a red-red, red-pointed fireball that slanted around the elliptical trajectory. It itself also rotates in an orderly manner.

Wang Zheng's body watch gradually emerged with bright colors, shining around, dazzling, sacred and sly, so that the witnesses could not help but worship.

"Donghuang Jinshu" is said to have originated from Chudi, has a long history, and can be related to the times of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. It is the sacrifice method of the barbaric era, but this is only what they claim to have been forgotten.

The gods fell, and the light was shining. Lou Cheng actually gave birth to the idea that he did not dare to be unwilling to shoot for the enemy.

He is busy condensing the ice heart, letting the idea communicate with the outside world while making five fires.

The heavens and the earth are darkened, and the stars are a little bit, setting off the blazing white, golden and lavender colors of the building into the body. The setting of the king is like the midday sun. It is so beautiful in the world that it can be compared with the dark and deep stars. It is so insignificant.

The night is getting thicker and thicker, and the light is getting more and more prosperous. Lou Cheng and Wang are indeed entangled in the momentum, constantly fighting for the front, to find or create the weakness of the other side.

Time flies like a white pass, and the speed of the passing, Wang really laughed, and sincerely praised:

"There is no real thing under the fame!"

His voice just fell, Lou Cheng just wanted to respond, and the referee on the far side shouted:


If you can get it, Wang is like a laser beam, going straight to the building, as if to harden the "five fires."

The speed of the "light department" is still better than the "wind department". In the twinkling of an eye, he is already close to the opponent.

The building was not polite at all, and did not retreat to stretch the back, clenched his fists, and squatted. The red, golden, light blue, blazing white and pale purple on his back side fell and merged into one.

Since Wang really wants to resist, he will not be humble!

At this moment, Wang Ming’s figure suddenly flashed and disappeared. It just seemed to be a mirror.

His figure suddenly appeared on the side of the building, and the moment became clear, the forehead was clearly sweaty, and the burden was absolutely not light.

Until this moment, his original location only burst into a loud noise, setting off a storm.

In that step, he was faster than the sound!

"Donghuang Gold Book", "Instant Step"!

This is the most difficult to learn in the "Light Ministry". Not every Yan Zhaotang has mastered it. Before it was only Dongba, now it is necessary to add Wang!

PS: The last three days to ask for a monthly ticket~

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