Martial Arts Master

Chapter 638: Five fireballs (two

Not only is Xin Xiaoyue strange, but the guest commentary in the live broadcast room also says that it is impossible to understand:

"Five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming?"

"The preparation of dialogue time can indeed avoid the interference of Xin Xiaoyue. The problem is that it will take a long time to maintain more than two minutes! The burden of 'Five Fires and Nine Turns. Big Days' is not small! And once they start playing, Xin Xiaoyue, who is psychologically prepared, can completely adopt the strategy of wandering and attacking. At that time, will Loucheng not be arrested? Isn’t it wasted so much mental power and Yan Dijin?”

"Hey, Loucheng did have physical talents before. When someone else bursts into six bursts, he can surpass ten consecutive bursts. Can he jump over the Dragon Gate and promote his talent to 'point' to the spirit. On the power? Otherwise, there is no way to explain his choice..."


Listening to the explanation, yelling and arranging from various aspects, Yan Yan’s mouth is getting deeper and deeper, and the cheeks are prominent, sweet and beautiful.

The mystery of my "big starry airway" is something that you and other vulgar people can understand!


The bow of a luxury cruise ship, "Luo Hou" rather looked at the battlefield of Jiangxin Island, half of which was a strange smile:

"When I first entered the country, I made a moth. This is not like the Dragon King. It reminds me of Wu Sheng."

Long Zhen and Guo Jie did not answer the words. They were all determined to watch the golden, blazing, faint, light blue and reddish fireballs that circled around the perimeter. They only felt that they had orbits. They seemed to be in a chaotic dance, but they were hidden. Regularity, it seems that you can keep running on your own without mental traction!

Others may not see such a deep, but they have studied the "five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming". They have been keenly aware of the difference. Their own display is controlled by the spirit of the complicated method, while Loucheng is It's quite easy and freehand. It seems that the "five fires" themselves are embracing him, following him, without extra care.

In a less accurate metaphor, it is that you use the "five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming", just like putting a hydrogen balloon on a kite, you must hold the line to make them float and dance in the wind. It is like taking itself as the core, putting five satellites, through natural connections, so that they repeat hovering in the predetermined orbit.

Not simple... Long really secretly swears.

He believes that Lou Cheng dare to do this, there must be no fear, such a "five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming" is afraid that it can be maintained for a long time with low consumption!


In the fan forums of Dragon and Tiger Club and Loucheng, the same surprises come one after another.

"Shuai stay!" "Fantasy Vatican" said in the attitude of "Star Eyes".

In her heart, the idol at this moment is like a fairy **** coming from heaven in a step by step. The trails left by the five-color fireballs such as lavender and golden outline the robes that are not mortal, sacred, powerful, majestic and high-spirited. The intention is to be eye-catching.

The same is true of Yan Xiaoling, who is busy with the image and “salted”:

"The screen is spent, I am!"

"Look at you, this flower is crazy, no, I am crazy, go out and don't know me!" "Gai Shilong Wang" "a look of disgust" reply, "As a martial arts forum, it is not necessary to discuss whether Lou Cheng has developed a new posture, no The new move-style new method has reduced the consumption of 'five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming'? What is the significance of discussing handsome and handsome!"

Although this is really cool, I don’t know how many children will dream of martial arts...

"I believe that Lou Cheng will not deliberately play handsome." "Plumbers eat mushrooms".

"As a world-famous arrogant, it must be a little different!" "Nie Wei" "eyes shine".


In the doubts and discussions of the audience, Xin Xiaoyue has condensed the "Bing Xin", converging all kinds of emotions and raising the hand:

"The referee, he cheated!"

Seeing the corner of the building, I twitched, and Xin Xiaoyue immediately bent his eyebrows:

"Just kidding, active atmosphere!"

During the speech, her voice became deeper and the momentum was revealed. The temperature within a few tens of meters dropped sharply. It seemed to enter the cold and cold winter from the feeling of high autumn.

call! A gust of wind blew, not mad, just let the dead leaves on the ground swirl, but the cold of its own unspeakable, unlike other colds, like the hospital mortuary, strong cold, hidden The chill of the silky piles makes people unconsciously timid, unconsciously fearful, and unconsciously thinking.

This is the cold that combined the death!

This is both a battle of momentum and a pressure of the spirit!

But at this time, Xin Xiaoyue felt that the building was as dark as it was, cold and vast, empty and innocent. All the chills of the yin wind "blowing" into it, and then spread on their own, thinning themselves, and looking down on them.

Like the end of everything, eternal death... Xin Xiaoyue seems to have caught something in the vagueness, but at this time, the referee shouted:


The "Zhong Shi Battle" race was unveiled!


Xin Xiaoyue turned his body and turned his back. He blew the wind from the polar regions. The "goose feathers" in the wind were chaotic, large and dense, obscuring the line of sight, disturbing the hearing, and suppressing the scope of mental stimulation.

Wind and snow are good at missing!

A drone recorded this scene and presented it to viewers who watched it in various ways. With the help of modern technology, the blizzard still reveals the shadow of Xin Xiaoyue. She is sometimes in the West, sometimes In the east, sometimes climb up the hills, and sometimes go to the side, always moving at high speed, not giving the building a chance to get close.

In the case of the "five fires", the fool is just facing the other side!

The twisting sound of the cockroach was covered up by the wind. After Xin Xiaoyue changed the position several times, Huo Dizhen pointed it into a sword. A little bit forward, he shot a crystal clear cold light and stabbed the building with a speed of sound.

Hail God, light for the knife, far arrow!

Hey! Xin Xiaoyue did not move on the upper body, stepping on the footwork, and continuously bursting out a lot of dreamy cold light in the blizzard that pervaded the surrounding area, forming a network of shrouds.

When she thinks about it, even if she can't hurt her opponent, it can affect the fireball around him, making them lose balance and explode on their own.

Standing in the same place as the observation, the building finally moved. He slanted a step, hurricane, avoiding most of the hail, and boasting a small amount, at the same time, his left shoulder, reddish The fireball got out of the orbit and flew out, hitting the cold light that went straight to the door of the house.


The flame broke out, the hail was broken, and a little bit of transparent debris fell, reflecting the red color, blooming colorful, beautiful as if dreamy.

Followed by the faint purple fireball hovering over the top of the building into the top of the head, screaming through the blizzard, following the path of the cold light, smashed to Xin Xiaoyue.

Xin Xiaoyue clearly understands the normal hand, the fire department "Flying Flame Meteor", "Zheng Shen Jin Huo" and "Emperor Zi Yan" are all three techniques that have evolved the skills of fireballs, and the other party will not lack the means of remote attack. However, he never imagined that he would use the "five fires" that had been condensed as a cannonball!

Is this too extravagant?

A condensed heart, the back of the hair erected, Xin Xiaoyue forced straight knees, twisted the back, by the force of the storm, instantly swayed ten meters.


She was originally located, the goose feathers dissipated, the wind swelled, the island trembled, and there was a visible crater on the ground. A group of flames splattered and burned. The edge of the exaggerated shock wave scraped through her body and scraped off a layer of ice crystals.

This is the "Meteor" that "Yan Emperor" has evolved with the "Imperial Purple Inflammation" technique. It is absolutely the top three in the same type of attack!

The reason why the "Five Fires and Nine Turns. The Great Day Comes" is the killing of the bottom of the fire department because it comprehensively applies and deepens the content of the previous tricks and the roots learned, and has unique bursting skills.

Among them, the red fireball comes from the original "Zhu Rongjin", the method of hovering emission is from the fourth "Flying Flame Meteor", which has the weakest power, does not have special, but the fastest condensation and the least consumption.

The blazing fireball is a red "upgraded version" with higher temperature and greater power. At the same time, it has both the heavy weight of "Yan Emperor" and the easy control of "Fire", but only a little.

The light blue fireball belongs to the blazing "transformation version", the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the explosive power is smaller, mainly burning.

The golden fireball is based on the "Fire Dejin" and is condensed by the technique of "Zhengshen Golden Fire". The explosion is powerful, the temperature and combustion are excellent but not outstanding, but it has the maneuverability after launch, that is It is said that once the military is mastered, it can make it change direction and even change direction within a certain range.

The lavender fireball originates from "Yan Emperor" and "Emperor Ziyan". The hot and heavy is its two characteristics. Once launched, it is like a bomb with a lot of high explosives, and the level of the dragon king. Bringing it in your hand will make the enemy seem to be attracted by the magnet and move in front of the "purple ball".

The latter two are extremely different from the body to the spirit, regardless of consumption or burden. If you simply increase their quantity, the "five fires" will easily lose balance.

In the blast of the explosion, Xin Xiaoyue saw the Loucheng in the corner of his eye and saw him kicking out the golden fireball hovering around him.

This is not the key, the key is that he has easily and easily condensed a new red, new faint!

Is this still over? Xin Xiaoyue stepped forward and immediately bowed his head to prevent the second change of the "Huide Golden Ball". However, she did not know that the foundation was the building of "Yan Emperor". The relevant exercises were only preliminary. , there is no entry yet.

Bang! The golden flames swayed, the impact was scattered, and it was a crater.

Hey! Xin Xiaoyue launched the "Wind and Snow" step, responded with the ice and the light, and the air was swaying in the air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The red, light blue, blazing white, golden and light purple hovering around the building were shot in succession, and they quickly condensed. When they were blown up, they cleared the ground and blasted the ground.

The audience has seen countless telecommutes in the squad battles, but never once, as it is now, can maintain this sheer for so long.

Because of the external shackles, the consumption of long-range attacks is much greater than that of the close-knit ones. The latter is the king of the former. Otherwise, the landlord’s family has no surplus food!

"This is like a fairy play in the novel, no, the sword fairy wars five fireballs **** teaches the master!" In the Dragon Tiger Club forum, "riding the pig heroes" spit.

"I think, if Loucheng turns the 'five fires' into real dragons of different colors, I am afraid that I have to vote for the five bodies, shouting the gods and gods, and that is cool!" "The road to the downfall" smirked.

"I am invincible" and "funny" reply: "No way, the five fireballs are inherited from the Dragon King!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xin Xiaoyue was affected by the aftermath of the explosion, and the hair became scattered. It was quite a bit gray-faced. Her "ice department", which combined the skills of the dead, seemed to be unable to find a place to use.

This kind of confrontation made her feel that she was using a rifle to counter the tanks of the five turrets. The firepower, the suppression force and the coverage were simply not comparable. Even the advantage of launching fast and fast connection was also prepared by the building in advance. ", in the order of replacement, the use of the past to make up.

Can't go on like this anymore, this guy is simply a humanoid turret! Xin Xiaoyue turned around and flashed the explosion, and in the spit, changed the strategy.


The sound of the surrounding winds turned stronger and worse, and the falling snow of the goose feathers condensed into ice crystals. The figure of Xin Xiaoyue suddenly dimmed, vaguely, indistinct, like a phantom.

Phantom points, with the help of the environment, "appears" in all directions, ten Xin Xiaoyue is like a ghost walking in the cold night, "floating" to the building!

This is the characteristic of her combination of "dead" and "ghost". Starting from the second style of "ice and snow", the illusion of self-created illusion, "cold night ghost"!

After the actual measurement, this can effectively blind the "hole enemy ice heart" until it enters the two-meter range.

And at such a distance, even if you notice, distinguishing between true and false, there is no time to do more!

Hey! Ghosts crying in the air, the fuzzy "many" Xin Xiaoyue closes at high speed, the body from time to time with the surrounding phantom shifting position, her goal seems to be attacking the building, breaking the "five fires."

At this moment, the building became a step, and the wind and fire went off, and it appeared in front of her in an instant. All the disturbances of the hallucinations seemed to have no effect in his eyes.

Dangerous premonition, only on this side!

Xin Xiaoyue’s sharp eyes widened, and the floor was stretched out of his back with a blank expression. He shook his right arm and squatted down. The white, golden, light blue, red and purple purple behind him circled at high speed. Convergence in the same direction!

"Five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming!"

At this critical moment, Xin Xiaoyue suddenly became soft and the soil became a swamp.

Her skin is grayish, like a dead person, ready to condense a long-lasting ice wall to wrap itself.

Between Huo Ran, Xin Xiaoyue sank into the ground and the swamp re-solidified

A blazing white flashed, so that the audience far above the island's steamships closed their eyes subconsciously, feeling stimulated, and tears flowed out.


The earth shook, the mushroom cloud rose, the violent wind and waves blew the surrounding leaves and all the floating soil, and the exaggerated crater burned red and swept out.

A slamming sound, the floor cracked open after the building, Xin Xiaoyue bounced out, pointed to the sword, point to the opponent's vest.

The ice wall that covered her body before was shattered, and the skin was cracked and rolled, but there was no trace of blood, but the corners of the mouth, dark red overflowing, slowly dripping.

Everything before, as expected in Xin Xiaoyue!

She is very aware that Lou Cheng has a bounce and a dangerous ability before the squatting. I believe that after he jumps over the gantry, this aspect will be strengthened. Therefore, it is not expected that the illusion of the "cold night" can overcome the opponent. Intuition has long secretly prepared the "dead" "dead" skills, and promptly condensed the "Wanqi Ice Wall", in order to consume the enemy's "five fires and nine turns. Days come", will fight Transfer to the way that you are best at.

Even so, under the "five fires and nine turns. The big day is coming" terrorist power, she also suffered a serious shock, there is nothing wrong with the injury, but the residual negative effects are many!

This attack power, really on the poor blue falls Huang Quan! Xin Xiaoyue’s thoughts flashed, and the opponent’s feet suddenly showed a “shadow shadow”. They were like air shackles, wild vines, entangled, hugged, and pulled the legs of Loucheng.

At the same time, Xin Xiaoyue’s fingertips, which have long been completed, seem to be frozen by ultra-low temperature, showing a dark blue color.

Lou Cheng did not expect that the other party had the decision to win in this risk and the precision was not bad. Therefore, the move made the old, the reaction was too late, and was temporarily restrained by the action, only to block Xin Xiaoyue. One finger.

Bing Xin is old, he is not flustered, his thoughts flashing, his back is turned, his body is half-sided, his right arm is covered with a layer of ice crystals, and he is beaten in the opposite direction.


Xin Xiaoyue pointed out that he had regained his position and changed his position. Lou Cheng only felt a cold and intrusive intrusion, assimilated with the "ice wall", and penetrated the flesh and blood, and instantly let his right hand even arm with his arm. Lost consciousness, it seems to be completely numb or necrotic.

This makes him quite shocking. Normal freezing, as long as it does not involve thinking, does not mention its ability to withstand ultra-low temperature, and it is a vigorous external suffocating blood, which can resist and resolve many effects, so that it must be accumulated continuously to produce Role, or just condense the ice layer on the outside to restrain the action, but now, but in an instant, I am frozen and an arm!

"Fatal cold" is really as the teacher said, even more than expected!

During the change of Xin Xiaoyue's position, Lou Cheng did not have any mistakes. He did not hesitate and directly hugged the blood and contracted the "Zombie chill", which made a certain resolution to the negative effects and prevented it from invading the shoulder.

Even so, his right arm, arm and palm are still numb and stiff, and it is difficult to move freely.

boom! Lou Cheng Dan broke out and poured into his legs. He broke off the arms of many "ghosts" and got rid of the bondage.

At this moment, Xin Xiaoyue, who was very confident about the "fatal cold", bullied him to the right side, violently clenched his fists and swayed.

She wants to make a chance to become a right arm, grab the upper hand, and then even apply "fatal cold" to win the victory.

But at this time, Lou Cheng did not have a little panic. He shook his right shoulder and was frozen into a "stone" arm to become a weapon. He was beaten out, the movement was smooth, and the natural connection seemed to have gone through a lot of trials!

Xin Xiaoyue couldn’t think of it. I used to practice my own hands and feet when I lost control. Compared with that time, what is it now?


A muffled sound, the figures separated, in the Xiao Xiaoyue cover up the wrong frosty eyes, Lou Cheng stepped forward, but also took the strength, outlined the word "bucket".

His body was instantly tall, his muscles were stretched out of the martial arts suit, and his outline was outlined, and the black skin made him more like a monster posing as a human.


His fists slammed into a strong explosion, and the arm that had been smothered by Xin Xiaoyue shivered slightly. She beat her back a few steps and beat her dirty and tumbling. She was previously under the power of the big day. The residual effects broke out.

In the face of the oppression of Loucheng, Xin Xiaoyue was still energetic, and he thought of his own life. His fists filled with hoarfrost and a "ice" hit out.

Lou Chengyu did not care, still using the word "Dou" and the explosion of Dan Jin, incarnation as a giant, left fist hit down.

boom! Xin Xiaoyue’s viscera rolled more and more, and his ears screamed, and he stepped out of the force and stepped on several deep pits.

Lou Cheng did not go to the left fist and the left arm of the "frozen", once again "remaining force", once again moving the star to "fighting"!

boom! boom! boom!

In a few consecutive times, Xin Xiaoyue was stunned and his arms trembled hard.

At this time, the word "Dou" has reached the limit of the building, and the use of pure Dan Jin attack, after the first punch, his body condensed red, coiled and rotated.


The fist and the fireball fell together. Xin Xiaoyue was blown up and flew out. She ventilated in half air, and the scorpion turned over and took the storm to the side.

She is waiting to use the "reinforcing strength" to persuade the inner influence. In her eyes, she has seen the screaming of the opportunity to get out of the body. She saw that he was condensed red and condensed, and he was about to condense light blue.

Again? Xin Xiaoyue took a breath and looked at his own state. He had a back and a rush, and raised his right hand, shouting loudly:

"I surrender!"

Once again, the "five fires and nine turns" smashed once, the consequences are unimaginable!

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