Martial Arts Master

Chapter 614: escape!

This moment, the video sees, the scene and the real, all flashed in the mummy's mind, let him determine that he fell into a well-designed trap.

What he is best at is the spiritual means. In the face of the "non-human" of the Chinese country that has not undergone qualitative change, it has an overwhelming advantage. Even if it is attacked by two or three people, it has a quick grasp. However, once it encounters a "middle god" "Even if the level of the other party is not stable, the effect will be greatly reduced, and eventually it may win, but it must go through a bitter battle."

In the midst of hard work, the other party has many people, and they are alone. As long as Sirius or his accomplices show good strength, the result is quite dangerous. Besides, they are fully chasing, long-distance attack, and consume a lot of money. Dou Do not necessarily win the enemy who is fully rested in the vehicle!

More importantly, who knows if there is no other "half god"!


Must return!

Retire as soon as possible!

As soon as the thoughts turned, the mummies had a decision.

However, in the contest of the same level, regardless of whether or not to retreat, it is even more dangerous. It is equivalent to handing over the imposing confrontation and the empty space behind it to the enemy.

If you want to retire, you must be advanced!

You must first frustrate each other and create opportunities!

The figure flashed, and the mummies crossed the distance of twenty meters. They punched the door of Loucheng. The back of his image, the image remains, from the slowly disappearing to the clear presentation, one overlap and one heavy, dragging out A long "film strip".

These shadows are like the wake of a jet plane. One push one, and finally gave the mummies a strong and powerful forward. In the blink of an eye, he is close to his opponent. The breath from the "Hades" is the first to cover the past and try to shock. The fist also reflected in the scorpion that was like a starry night sky.

The mummy's fist is wrapped in a white bandage, and if there is a "corpse oil" oozing inside, it will be stained with a disgusting yellow brown, which makes the surrounding people feel vomiting and dizziness.


Around the wind, a black condensate, like a small worm, with the bombardment of the mummified fist, drilled into the body into the body, especially the eyes, nostrils, ears, temples and other parts.

"Undead Black Classic", "Fist of the Dead", both poisonous and awkward!

Lou Cheng seems to be shaken by the horror of the "Hao Fu", the reaction is slowed down half a beat, wait until the fist and body, "black bug" drill body, only wake up, hurriedly lifted the right arm, racked in front of, made Block.


The mummy's fist just slammed into his sleeve, his arm turned back, and the speed of the opponent was almost the same, did not bear too much power, as if negotiating in advance to do such a difficult performance.

With the recovery of the building's arm, his blood, spirit, strength, and the "black bug" that was drilled into the body, all huddled in the position of Dantian, and within the "extraordinary starry sky", he was swayed by the tyranny. Control and spiritual traction, 璀璨 璀璨 , , , , , , 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 璀璨 古老 古老 古老 古老 古老 古老 古老!

Zizz! At this moment, the follow-up "black bug" is like drilling into the body of a dead person who has no life. It loses the target of ingestion, and can only helplessly. The former is compressed by the "grinding disc", and it is suddenly burned by the fire.

Seeing that the arm of the building is about to hit back to the chest, his arm muscles are violently drumming, and the thicker is more than three laps. The black and black emerges, the big ribs are exposed, full of pure power.


The building was stretched into the elbow joint, and the arm swung back. It completely collided with the mummified fist that had lost the sharpness. Due to the twist of the muscles, the deformation of the fascia made an explosion-like sound.

The white bandage with yellowish brown trembling, the mummies seemed to hear the abnormal sound of their bones.

He was busy pulling his shoulders, borrowing his strength to pull back his fist, and drifting out a dozen meters later, like a broken kite that got a free kite.

Lou Cheng's right foot is forward, the whole body has been translated past, Dan Jin received a room, the left fist covered with a heavy and heavy white flame, hitting the void between the two.


The airflow within a dozen meters of the square was ignited and turned into countless red and white "flame elves". Under the "call" of Lou Cheng's fist, he swooped from all directions to the mummies.


"Fire Department" hundred and sixteen style, "moth"!

After jumping over the Dragon Gate and passing through the heavens and the earth, Lou Cheng can be directly used without having to prepare for the prelude!

But if you use the "fire", you must be right!

In the eyes of the mummies, the dense "moth" is dying, and the high temperature "rolls" the burrs of his clothes, and the yellowish white bandages become moist, as if any oil is melting.

He was angry and violently raised his arms and made a horrible roar.

When the black air rises, the mummies screamed out of the dark hurricane, and it went up, frantically spinning, swelling in four directions, engulfing all the moths.

In the distance, Wang Dong and Sirius, who were about to get off the bus, were dizzy, as if they saw the wolf head with the giant python, and the thoughts were sluggish, and they were in the same place, almost driving the commercial vehicle out of the road.

"Undead Black Classic", "The Call of Anubis"!

Lou Cheng’s mind quickly sketched out the word “before” and suppressed all the fears. The right fist condensed a group of flaming fireballs in the blazing white, rushing toward the mummies in the middle of the tornado.

"Fire Department" thirty-sixth type, "swallow"!

At this moment, the mummies suddenly stepped forward, seemingly forced to land on the surface of the road silently.


The sound of the wind slammed to the extreme, and the dark tornado collapsed and shrouded the building. At the same time, the yellow sand in the edge desert turned into a grain "console", which slammed into the building, than the "moth" "More dense, more dangerous than "moth".

"Undead Black Classic", "Sandstorm"!


The fireball that condensed to the extreme exploded, and a flash of white flashed, almost igniting the eyes of the mummies. The shock wave that followed was swept away by many wild sands and slammed into his body. Among them, the red light tumbling, the volume Such as swallowing.

The mummy’s eyes are closed, and his arms are lifted up, and they are in front of them, and the light is shining.

When the waves came, he flew back and took advantage of his turn. He then swept into the desert and flew to the north of Kukang.

Lou Cheng is the first time to encounter such a decisive escape, can not help but reflect on the choice of the move, the thoughts flashing, he is already facing the residual flying sand, chasing away.

Can't let the other party escape easily, return to Cukang, call the helper, with his ability to track, things will become very troublesome!

Even if the foreigner is hard to kill, he may not be able to keep the "mummy" dressed up, but he must also jump and flee in other directions to gain enough time for the evacuation of the Sirius family. !


When the building is in the middle of the road, between the turning points, the steps are self-tapped, and the wind is densely covered, and the hard-boiled sand blows away.


He strode forward, cut the yellow sand, and chased behind the mummies.

As soon as they escaped, the two quickly disappeared into the eyes of Wang Dong and Siris and left only the "Yellow Sand Dragon" that had not yet subsided.

"Go!" Wang Dong has rich experience, and his thoughts have turned to understand the intention of Lou Cheng. When he started to launch a commercial vehicle, he opened the door to the speed.

"Don't help?" Sirius snorted.

"No, we may not be able to catch up. Even if we can catch up, we may not be able to keep the nephew, oh, half-god, have been so entangled, and when his helper comes, we will not go away if we want to go." Wang Dong explained while driving. "When you are a person, you want to play, you want to go and go. It is more flexible and safer. We will arrive at Fatouya as soon as possible. Leaving Nile is the greatest help to him!" ”

Sirius was also a **** character at the beginning. He thought about it with meditation, and immediately understood the relationship, no more words.


Two "dragons of sand" appear in the desert, and the distance between the head and the tail is sometimes widened and sometimes narrowed.

A turning point, bypassing the sand dunes, the moonlight in front of the building, the gravel is quiet, the traces of the mummies have disappeared.

His thoughts flashed, and the scope of the ice mirror was enlarged, as if he heard the subtle movements of the insects in the deep sand.

The soles of the feet are soft and undulating, and they disappear in an instant. The building is in the middle of the glory, and Huo Ran shrinks his strength and embraces the miniature human body.

This time, without borrowing external forces, he relied on his own will and spirit to make the "stars" cohesive, giving up the absolute darkness and cold on the edge of the universe.


Lou Cheng stepped out on his right foot and slammed down to the next step, and fell into the yellow sand.

In the twinkling of an eye, with his feet as the center, the gravel freezes, crystallizes, spreads around, and drills deep into the ground.

Self-made school, "sigh after the ice" full version!


Tens of meters away, the yellow sand ice layer collapsed and turned into a bullet, which was shot at the building and covered.

The mummies will come out and run away again.

Lou Cheng swallowed a punch, smashed the hidden weapon and continued to chase the enemy.

More than three hours later, outside the city of Kukan, the edge of the desert.

He stopped in the same place, frowned slightly, and completely lost the trace of the mummies.

"The strongman of the outer level, it is really not easy to kill..." Lou Cheng thought, and finally turned into a sigh.

On this road, he advanced the card position, and sometimes he played against it. Ten times, he forced the mummies to change direction. It took a long time to return to Cukang. At this time, Wang Dong should be close to Fatuya as long as there was no accident.

Even if the mummies find helpers and cross the desert, they can't stop them from arriving. Once they arrive, the military will make arrangements for them to leave the port immediately and bid farewell to Nile.

Of course, this arrangement may take some time because it is not communicated in advance, and that is the opportunity for the mummies and his helpers.

"Well, lurking in the east of Kukang City, if the mummies really find a helper, crossing the desert and rushing to Fatuya, then I will harass all the way, do not do a positive fight, try to delay the time." Lou Cheng quickly made a decision.

He circled the east of the city, adjusted his breathing, and operated the ice. In accordance with the idea of ​​comprehension, he concealed his own air and integrated into the darkness. He rested and recovered while monitoring the edge of the desert.

At the beginning, Ge Huilian was blinded by the dangerous premonition. After Lou Cheng got the complete comprehension, he of course studied the content of this aspect and used it for his own use!


Inside the building near the military base.

Constantine took the red wine and looked at the wolverine mummies with a slight disdain. He said with a funny voice:

“Is it a big reptile?”

"The building of the Chinese country, he was promoted to the gods, although not yet stable." Mummy sullenly answered.

Fortunately, his face was bandaged, otherwise Constantine would have seen the red that was angry and angry.

In the more than three hours of the sawing process, he had consumed a lot of energy in advance, and he almost rushed to the floor.

If Cukang is a few tens of kilometers away, he will probably not come back!

“Luo Cheng is also a 'terrorist level'?” Constantine’s eyes lit up.

"You are interested?" Mummy was keenly asked.

Constantine made a mouthful of red wine and smiled in glare:

"Of course, he has foreseen the ability to be dangerous. I want it for a long time. If it wasn't for the Chinese and Ji Shi, I would say hello to the big mentor and Kang Xiefu. I used his girlfriend to start. Well, I candidly admit When I noticed him, he was a little stronger than me."

"As for now, the taste of his blood is believed to be better!"

“You are all ‘terrorist’, and they’re all ‘terrorist’’s that have only been promoted for a long time.” The mummy reminded me coldly, “You may not have won him.”

Constantine was not annoyed, haha ​​smiled and opened his arms:

"I have the blood of the savior in my body. I have a qualitative difference with him!"

The mummies are waiting to be said, and suddenly they are aware that Shen Sheng said:

"Our helper is here."

PS: I went to the hospital before. The doctors suggested that I hang water. I was hesitant at the time. I always felt that this was not good for my body. Then I continued to take medicine and applied medicine. Today, there is a clear improvement, although it is still long, but still There are not many, serious places have eased a lot, go to the clinic tomorrow, see what the doctor said, if it is fast, the day after tomorrow will restore the two more, if not as I imagined, you need to hang water, I will say.

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