Martial Arts Master

Chapter 611: Ice fire wonder

The invisible barrier is tough and firm. It is both a protection of the body's instinct and a shackle of past cognition. There is no tyrannical will, clear grasp, and absolutely impossible to break.

However, between the building and the thought, it has collapsed, being smashed by the spirit of madness and the resonance of all the root marrow.

At this moment, the achievement of the building is like a newborn baby exposed to the blazing sun, and in the cold that pierced the bone marrow, all parts of the body become fragile, and they feel sad, "shaky!"

However, his body that has been tempered and polished is only slightly damaged, healed quickly and smoothly, and passed the adaptation period.


Lou Cheng only feels that the pituitary gland, the spirit of the ethereal spirit and the root marrow of the body are beating at the same time. They follow the usual characteristics of the mind, and they are swelled and tempered.


His surroundings are turbulent, like echoes should be!

At this moment, in the induction of Loucheng, the surrounding world has changed, the starry sky seems to be pulled to the front, and a darkness shrouds everything. Only a round of bright and hot days are dotted with curtains, warming the small range of its own. .

This is both an "illusion" and a reflection of the universe above the planet, which emerges due to resonance.


The spirit of the building and the roots of each building have turned into an independent, balanced, rotating "universe", which is consistent with the "illusion" and slowly establishes a subtle connection.

He has all the pores open all over the body, breathing up, swallowing the wind and the air, and the spit is intertwined with hot and cold, often with a little shadow mixed with a slight flash of light.

Yan Yan stood by and looked at this scene. When I was a child, I saw the feeling of fireflies flying in the night, but the touch of the skin was sometimes cold and sometimes acupuncture.

The interior of the room became dark, the hoarfrost condensed, and the snow fluttered, and among them, a little bright and clear, melting the left, coordinating and balanced.

"It's so beautiful... This is the world of outsiders..." Yan Yan whispered violently, and controlled the muscles, slightly shaking, rebounding the tiny things that landed on the skin.

In the consulate, people sleeping in the hall and sleeping in the corridor suddenly shuddered and felt the coming of the north wind.

They stared at each other and saw a piece of snow falling, showing their most beautiful appearance.

"Don't dream..." People whispered to themselves.

In reality, it should be August hot summer, it should be a port oasis surrounded by desert!

"Really, really!" Someone reached for a piece of snow and felt the coldness of the wet.

At this moment, there was a radiant glow, as if there were countless avatars in the midday sun, illuminating the consulate in the morning, bringing warmth to many souls shivering in the cold wind.

And this did not interfere with the plundering of the north wind and the dancing of the snow and ice elves. They seemed to have divided the site long ago, but the edges were so vague and gradual.

People look silly, and they feel that the soul is shocked by this fantastic beauty, full of doubts and puzzles.

In June, there will be big smog in the snow, and the snow in August, the snow in the sun, what does it mean?

"The nephew! There are foreigners in the fight!" The man who watched the top professional competition all the year round suddenly realized the horror.

It is hard not to affect the surroundings at this level of play. It may not be possible when the consulate’s building collapses!

"Yes, nephew!" Many people woke up, and they wanted to go out, and they were afraid to hit it.

Just as the fearful emotions quickly filled, the light dimmed, the hurricane weakened, everything disappeared quickly, and the environment changed back to six o'clock in the morning, dawning, and dim.

Peng Leyun stood by the window, screaming out of the gods, and his thoughts did not know where to drift. After a long time, his eyes rekindled his brilliance, and his mouth sighed:

"The previous encounters and situations have become his precious wealth..."

"Sayon lost his horse, knowing that he is not a blessing..."

Lou Cheng slowly opened his eyes, only to see all the illusions have faded, I saw the room is small, only a bed and a chair, only to see the beautiful and beautiful girl's mouth slightly tilted, looking at himself.

This is the reality.

"How?" Yan Yan restrained the joy and looked forward to asking.

"Not bad." Lou Cheng suppressed himself and smiled.

The gantry has jumped and is only waiting for the process!


At 9 am, at the port of Fatua, a ship approached and covered the sea.

They all raised the banner of the Chinese nation and exchanged a cheer.

Lou Cheng and Peng Leyun bid farewell to accompany Yan Yan and set foot on the evacuated passenger ship. After more than two hours, they arrived at the ancient Acropolis, and Lushan Zhai had helped the girl to contact the returning flight. Flight.

At the entrance to the airport, the young couples were stuck for a while, and they smiled and waved:

"Go, you can do it now, I am more assured!"

"I am doing my best without harming myself." Lou Cheng smiled and sent his wife to leave, took out the mobile phone, and gave Master a fight.

"Hey, stinky boy, send Yan Yantou to a safe place?" Shi Shitou asked.

"The airport was sent to the Acropolis, and her flight for a while." Lou Cheng answered truthfully and said, "Master, I have something to report to you."

"What is it? Don't you want to go to the Nile?" Comrade Shi Jianguo asked the old man.

Lou Chengqing cleared his throat:

"Master, I jumped over the Dragon Gate!"

“Hey?” Shi’s old man licked his ear and then coughed up sharply. It’s been a long time, “Are you out?”

"Not yet, there is still a stage of solid contact, it is not a complete nephew." Lou Cheng honestly answered and described the original committee. "After balancing Chengdan, I found out that my problem was, before I found it. Uncoordinated places that cannot be broken, specifically... After all the adjustments to the new vision map, all the conditions are in place, and I have tried the breakthrough myself..."

He did not cover the matter in a vague way, and detailed the details.

I tried the breakthrough on my own... The old man has been listening without words, and at the end he laughed at two channels:

"Yes, not bad."

Having said that, he stressed that he added a sentence:

"I didn't live up to the expectations of the teacher!"

Lou Chengxin smiled and said nothing more, asked about the business:

"Master, the information about Sirius's affairs is handed over to the military? Is it possible to contact the original way?"

"Give them, no." Shi Laotou answered.

"That's good, I will find them right away." Lou Cheng took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Dududu, listening to the remnant sound, Shi Laotou smashed for five seconds, then drank the mouth:

"This broke through?"

He carried his hand and took a few steps back and forth, in a dilemma:

"You have to say to the old man... Forget it, how do you open it? This old face doesn't know where to put it, that stinky boy!"

"I will not know if the old man will know sooner or later..."


After contacting the military and getting the information, Lou Cheng carefully overturned it and grasped the general situation:

Sirius is a 40-year-old Nile strongman. He did not go to the "half god". He usually lived in Dika. On the night of the unrest, he took the initiative to contact the Chinese Embassy and provided a lot of secrets to his strength. If not taken care of by the master, the withdrawal of Nile is not a problem, his core requirement is the follow-up asylum.

After discussion, the military agreed. After that, Sirius went to Kucon to stay up late, and wanted to leave with his son and family who settled there. The result was gone and could not be contacted.

"It seems that I have to go to Kukang first..." Lou Cheng sat in the passenger ship room that was evacuated to Fatouya, closed his eyes, communicated with the world, and made a steady connection.

Around him, the sun is dull, the shadows are black, and there are bright flashes.


Kukang, inside a building.

Constantine, wearing a black tuxedo, looked into the direction of the military base and ended up with a scarlet **** wine channel:

"Satah has already noticed the problem and the alert is very strict."

During the speech, his dark red cloak swayed and seemed to have vitality.

On the left side of Constantine, a "mummy" with a bandage around his head and a big beard on his head replied calmly:

"We will have a helping hand."

Constantine drank his mouth and thought:

"The opponents of Pharaoh, the leaders of the Brotherhood, will die one by one, will it be too obvious?"

"There are still people who seem to be loyal to Pharaoh." Mummy is a pair of things you don't have to worry about.

"Well, anyway, Saath's blood has to give me a drink." Constantine smiled indifferently.

The mummies are waiting for help, and they say:

"From the war-torn areas, the intelligence of Peng, in the days of the Chinese nation, became a god."

"Soon..." Constantine first glimpsed, then fascinated with a fascinating look. "Terror-grade Tianjiao... His blood must be delicious and worth tasting."

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