Martial Arts Master

Chapter 609: Awareness

Lou Cheng was surprised and happy, blurted out and debuted:


His reaction made Yan Yan very proud, the girl's mouth was slightly tilted, slightly headed, and the light shone:

"You still don't believe me!"

"I am not... I thought you must have at least six or seven days of polishing." Lou Cheng did not hide his surprise and joy.

"Hey, you are too young to coach this coach." Yan Yan chuckled and said, "When life and death, my body and mind seem to have penetrated and become one... However, I still prefer An An’s stable and stable life!”

"Me too! We are not afraid of accidents, but we do not want to encounter accidents." Lou Cheng attached a sentence.

Yan Yan hides in the shadow of the sand dunes, looking at the high-hanging Liyang, eager to try:

"I am trying to show you now, or wait for the city to say?"

"...Now." Lou Cheng thought about the answer.

Due to the interruption of communication, the situation of the port city of Fatua, I do not understand, need to raise the spirit, restore strength, respond to accidents, and in this case, take advantage of the changes in the first balance of Cheng Dan, find martial arts and comprehension The difference, maybe there will be surprises!

"Hmm!" Yan Yan solemnly nodded, drank the last bite of water and discarded the bottle.

She set the shelf and thought of the word "pro", which converges the mind and body and reconciles the spirit.

Then, Yan Hao’s enthusiasm for the blood and the power of the “earth” allowed them to condense into a group and madly rotate.

The girl's will is like a grinding disc, constantly squeezing this "small group", let it shrink quickly and quickly reach a certain limit.

At this time, she was inspired by the spirit, and "Da Dan" slammed and formed a balance. The "earth" was the star, and the spirit was the "dark"!

I have already condensed the ice mirror, and stretched my palm to press the building on the shoulder of Yan Yan. I suddenly felt that the balance of the human body was dazzling, and the head was fluctuating slightly, and the surrounding environment and the blue sky above the head made a wonderful And a short resonance.

Resonance... Lou Cheng is surrounded by a lot of thoughts. In the fog of the mind, there is a flash of lightning, which illuminates all the dim and blur, finds the "same" of different cultivation methods, and understands the "point" of comprehension and martial arts. "!

Yes, "resonance"!

The human body resonates with "natural"!

Just like in the ordinary Danjing stage, the effect of the power is to rely on the body to produce special fluctuations, to stir up the different effects to complete, the external shackles are the integration of mind and body, and the outside world, "resonance" with the world, directly connected.

Whether it is the prayers of the sects, the mass rituals, or the degenerate actions of the spiritual mode of breaking the inherent mode, all are to remove the mind, guide the spiritual changes, and call out the special "frequency", and gradually enhance and get feedback!

In terms of their purpose, they have established contact with "God", "Devil", and "The Spirit of Oneself" and established channels!

Judging from the progress of the past, this kind of "resonance" is not only related to the balance of Cheng Dan, but also involves the ethereal spirit, involving the brain that produces this "fluctuation", even if modern technology is developed, it does not figure out the other side. One of the mystery of the brain!

I had a similar experience at the beginning, but at that time I was ignorant and unclear, so I was not impressed!

Lou Cheng regained his right hand and had a new understanding of the "different" and "same" of Xiuzhen and Wudao at this stage.

Why can the self-cultivators become Jindan, and they will naturally go out to the world? That is because their "Golden Dan" is a substantial product of high concentration of spirits and spirits, and it is balanced as "the world", corresponding to a certain "prototype". There is a "resonance", and their spirit is fully integrated into it, which can guide the "brain" special position change very simply and smoothly.

The warrior relies on the will to control the spirit, change it through observation, polish it, and enhance it. It pulls the dirty muscles to work, deepens the subtle, let the genes alienate, and through the enthusiasm, all the processes gradually form a whole, waiting for the root marrow The spirit is "resonating" with the outside world. When it reaches a certain level, it can break the barrier and create a breakthrough!

From this point of view, at the current stage, when I balance Cheng Dan, I can actually "resonate" with the heavens and the earth, which is a false nephew, but this is not a state of long-term existence. Once disbanded, it will immediately fall back to the non-human level. ...... Lou Cheng thoughts undulatingly looking at the Yan Yan opened his eyes, sincerely praised:

"You are a master of Dane now! Or the kind of power!"

Yan Yan seems to have washed away the bleakness through the dust, and it has become radiant again. Her eyebrows are bent and the dimples are deeply sketched:

"What about you? Have you realized what?"

"I almost figured it out." Lou Cheng replied calmly.

He has already had an eye on the next cultivation, and he understands why he did not leaps over the Dragon Gate when he broke down Jin Dan!

Simply put, it is "uncoordinated"!

The inconsistency between the spiritual root and the actual state!

I am a balanced Dan, and the "Cosmic Starry Sky" resonates with the outside world. When I usually think about it, I practice "Yang Emperor" and "Hail". The two are intertwined, each has its own strength, and it is divided into alienation. By "reinforcing the force" rotation to maintain, forced to make a whole, so there is a separation.

At present, the most important thing is to change the perspective map, integrate the ice and fire from the source, and then pull the spirit and roots, and let them truly become the "cosmic starry sky"!

As for how to change the map, it is of course based on the "Danjing Tiandi" when it is still strong!

When you balance into Dan, you can adjust it according to the resonance with the outside world, so that the "Cosmic Starry Sky" is more perfect and more suitable!

"Thinking?" Yan Yan is now surprised, instinctively asked.

Does this mean that the orange is about to fish the gantry?

"Yes, the next step is to ponder all kinds of methods and try to shock the outside." Lou Cheng suddenly raised his thumb and smiled. "Sure enough, I still have to rely on the strict coach!"

"Of course~" The girl was delighted and contented.

I am the pillar of our family~!

Lou Cheng fixed his mind and carefully scrutinized for a while, and had a clear grasp of the conditions for the military to be promoted to the nephew:

First, the physical strength is due to the alienation of the root marrow and its own cultivation to a certain standard - with the penetration of the heavens and the earth, just like walking in the universe, full of danger, how to do without qualified "protective clothing"?

Second, the spirit, the root marrow and the outside world "resonate", and the intensity is not low, this is the fundamental condition for breakthrough.

Third, the realm of "three feet at the top of the head" or supernatural instinct. Without these, it is impossible to control the subtleties of the body and establish contact with the "outside". With it, the second one can do more with less, three times. , four times, five times!

Fourth, the tyrannical will, this is the key to breaking the final barrier, just like the ship is ready, want to cross the river, still need to be public!

The third "awakening" of the building's abilities, the physical strength has exceeded the standard earlier, and the third article is already in place. At present, it is only necessary to change the concept, adjust the subtlety, and to "resonate."

At that time, everything was ready, only owe the east wind!

—— These few, except for “there are three gods on the top of the head”, all belong to the water mill, so the sooner you reach the high quality, the more time you temper, the easier it is.

It is no wonder that many non-people will go deep into the war-torn areas and do real combat tempering. The stimulation between life and death can really strengthen the will and help them take the final step. Of course, the breakthrough is the process, not the node, even if it breaks the barrier. There are also ten or twenty days to communicate with the world. According to the feedback adjustment, we will establish a solid "contact". When everything is completed, it will be a genuine and strong foreigner... I think of it here, Lou Cheng smiles and said:

"You help me watch, I will give it a try."

"Good!" The new singer, the master of the martial arts, and the singer of the squad are eager to warn them.

Loucheng stood out of the pile, and embraced the blood in Dantian, so that the dark and heavy, the stars of the universe condensed and formed, slowly turning.

This time, he did not do things like writing a nine-character, and only raised his will, disrupted his spirit, and let it spread to Danne.

As the universe absorbs and swells, the stars move naturally. In the feeling of being quiet and quiet, Lou Cheng feels that he really stands outside the atmosphere, standing in the dark and dangerous darkness, and the distant white and bright days. The same rhythm "breathing" and "expanding" as if there is a subtle connection with oneself.

Realizing this "resonance", realized this "spirit", after a few minutes, Lou Chengcai ended the hug, and sprayed hard.

He runs the word "pro", clears his mind and body, and makes his own thoughts.

This time, he did not outline the "Yan Emperor", nor the "Hail", but the combination of the two. The former is a star, heavy and hot, the latter is empty, cold and dark, they are pulling each other, transforming each other, rotating balance It is consistent with the miniature "universe" after Lou Cheng's "rejoice".

After repeated attempts, when Lou Cheng was in a state of exhaustion, he finally completed the "new vision map" with reference!

The desire to polish the spirit, the spirit of the roots, the fine-tuning of the "state" of the ice-fire balance, more harmonious and harmonious.

Yan Yan, who is next to him, looks around and sometimes listens to the movement and concentrates on completing the task of the building.

I don't know how long it took, she suddenly heard a tumultuous sound around her, from sparse to dense, and gradually became one!

In the sound of snoring, she looked back and looked at her husband. She found that the air around the building was not swirling, and it was cold and hot!

No way? Yan Yan secretly stunned and stunned.

At this time, everything subsided, Lou Cheng slowly opened his eyes, and the depths of the scorpion were dotted with darkness, as if the perfect starry sky could be seen at night on the plateau.

"Breakthrough?" Yan Yan asked.

“How is it possible?” Lou Cheng shook his head and laughed. Then he said, “But it may be the third time to awaken the power. The root marrow is pulled by Jin Dan, and it is a mixture of ice and fire. It becomes a whole and it is not difficult to reconcile and produce 'resonance. '."

"So?" Yan Yan asked with a confused face.

Lou Chengxin smiled and said:

"So, two or three more adjustments, maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow morning, I have all the preconditions for shocking the nephew!"

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