Martial Arts Master

Chapter 495: Strong, my building

After a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spit it out, the face of the referee Wu Sheng suddenly changed, and it seemed as if it could drop the drops of water.

With this abnormal situation, he can already imagine the strangeness of others, the speculation of others, and the accusations of others!

The things that were originally hidden and impossible to expose are so naked in front of all the audience!

Your own reputation will undoubtedly fall off the cliff!

Bone Guess's eyes were confused, reflecting the redness of the referee's spray. I felt that everything was such an illusion. I felt that I had previously been attached to the Tianmo, and I was involved in such a farce.

What is even more unacceptable is that he still loses, loses nothing, and loses his temper. At the last moment, Lou Cheng can actually explode a terrible force than the "buy" word blessing!

Haha, he suddenly wants to laugh, laughs at this illusory, laughs at the desire, laughs at the world, laughs at his own greed.

"Not good! Is bone guessing crazy?" Looking at the obesity of the big screen, the expression of the obese monk has changed. The audience has followed the previous sputum and then they all show their mistakes. They suspect that the bones were fooled by Lou Cheng. collapsed.

Waku's brows were slightly wrinkled. After a few steps, he had already boarded the ring, and his right hand clenched his fists. He hit the back of the brain without any precautions and gasping, and stunned him. I got it and sent it to the emergency room.

He does not seem to have realized the falsehood of the body and mind and the world, and thus gives birth to the feeling of disgusting, and it seems that he has gone to extremes. He has been blinded by the "Devil" and must be decisively stopped. Otherwise, it will be mad!

Looking at people coming and going, watching everything that happened, the face of the iconic country leader gradually turned white, and seemed to be seriously ill and traumatized.

When things have developed to such a degree, he has been able to see his own end, and he can imagine the punishment that will be encountered later, as if a tragedy is about to take place.

There are referees who can't win the building, and guess you waste, waste!

It doesn't matter if you waste, you are still tired of me!


"How to fat four?" In the live broadcast, "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling "take a few flowers".

I see that there are few games. Can you lie to me, when will the referee be injured?

"I suspect that I saw a fake match..." "Gai Shilong Wang" gave the same reaction.

"Riding the heroes of the pigs" wiped the cold sweats: "Yes, although the non-human level of fighting is not the strongest, the referee will occasionally take a certain counterattack in order to prevent the deadly collision between the two sides, but not It will be the point of vomiting blood! What is going on in this TM?"

There is a saying in the sayings, and things must be demon!

Non-human level competitions, because each other's control has been raised to a certain level, only the kind of confrontation close to the outside will invite the seniors to serve as referees. Under normal circumstances, the five products are sufficient for four products, four products Then find the same level, after all, the foreigner is a big man, not often idle to do the referee.

"I was the first time I saw even the opponent with a referee to hurt, it is worthy of the World of Warcraft from the M78 Nebula!" "The road to the collapse" "laughing tears."

“Invincible with one fist” and “thinking with the hand on the chin” said: “Will the referee itself be injured, and the shock wave and the fire wave generated by ‘Yan Dijin’ have superimposed the influence and finally can’t be suppressed?”

"How is it possible? I can't find another referee. If there is a wound, I will change it." "The plumber eats the mushroom" retorted, "Is there a slight control over the person? Is there any injury, how much is the injury? Would you know?"

"There must be a dirty **** trading!" "Consistently pure Jungang" uses the image of Beethoven to make expressions.

At this time, the "King Shilongwang" who had been silent for a while said: "I just checked the referee's information and found that his ability to alienate is very interesting. The translation is called 'resonance'. Whenever an opponent collides with him, He will feel the same impact on his impact, which means he will bear a certain percentage of the rebound."

"Hey, it sounds a bit weird... Since 'Resonance' can pass shocks and injuries, can it also deliver positive effects, such as increased strength and increased spirit?" "Riding heroes" thrown doubtfully Guess.

"Blind, you found the Chinese point!" "Gai Shilong Wang" "pointed to Conan in front" said, "I think so too, the referee used 'resonance' to help the bone guess, want him to get the third place As a result, who knows that Lou Cheng suddenly broke out and injured the bone guess. At this time, his 'resonance' has not been interrupted yet, so he will bear the anti-phasic damage accordingly. He may not vomit blood for no reason!"

"Yeah, it’s so dark!" "Fantasy" read the full score.

"The iconic country is too shameless? The lottery does not say, but also buy the referee to help!" In the face of this unfair thing, "above the sky" is filled with indignation.

"Insidious! They know that Lou Cheng has the ability to bounce and curse. If he doesn't dare to directly attack him, he will find such a referee who can help the bones to improve. If you win, push the secret to the upper seat to complete the spirit. The eruption will be fine. If you can't see the problem at all, the building will not doubt it. God doesn't know it!" "The plumber eats the mushroom" and "cracks the table".

"I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such shameless!"

"The atmosphere on the South Sea has always been very dark..."

"I see the forum in the East Side is also speculative, saying that the icon, the Jurassic and the Nanzheng have a lottery to cheating, buy the forecourt of the referee, the heart is stunned, the face is black, and I don't want to bring them to play later."

"Haha, the building has won a dozen and two, and it has also made the referee vomiting blood, exposed the matter, and deflated, really deflated! What face does the holy country take to face international public opinion?"

"What can't you face? No face afraid?"

"This has won, cool!"


The ridicule, sigh, and indignation of the rhetoric have sprung up, making the live broadcasts very lively, but because Lou Cheng’s “one dozen two” won the victory, it also hit the opponent, hurting the referee and letting things happen. Under the eyes of the public, everyone did not feel wrong and angry.

"I finally understand what you said... I am so angry! I am going to complain, I am going to protest!" Yan Xiaoling dive for a long time, finally figured out what is going on, "In addition, in addition, in addition, my male **** is really handsome. It!"

"Hey, Lou Cheng was promoted to your male god? Indeed, 'one dozen two' can win, but no one can do it! In the last ten years, he was the first player to let the referee vomit blood!" King Geshilong said with a sigh of relief, and then said, "I think it is useless to protest. The holy elephant country will certainly not admit it. Wait for them to explain how wonderful it is!"

"I can't say that the building is a fart and hurts the referee?" "Consistently loves Jungang this" with a versatile "funny".

In the crowds, Lou Cheng was also smashed by the situation behind him. He played so many games, watched so many battle videos, and had never seen the referee vomiting blood. I can't think of it today.

Strange... He frowned slightly, his thoughts turned and he thought about walking back to the stands.

"Awesome, a dozen ‘two’s have won!” Peng Leyun reached out and touched him.

A dozen "two", Lou Cheng suddenly realized: "The referee is helping the bones in the dark? No wonder his "six reincarnations" have become so powerful!"

I apologize, "Taoist" and "Wenqing" are not pit goods...

"The ‘six reincarnations’ have become very powerful? The referee must have helped!” An Chaoyang blurted out and felt that he had filled the chain of evidence.

"We go to the siege, um, surround the referee to discuss it!" Ren Li looked bright and eager to try.

"Don't make trouble with this, I went to the official protest and went to the embassy!" Zhong Ningtao quickly appeased several "Dangshi Tianjiao", they really want to run away, which is equivalent to the ammunition depot of the event.

And Lou Cheng wins and wins. At this time, there is not much anger in my heart, but it is a bit dark.

Let you yin me, is this sinful? Stealing chicken does not eclipse the rice!

Bone guess, what can someone do for you, I am still not the same? And most of the time in the waves!

He shook his head in a good and funny way:

"Then give it to the leader, I want to see what reason the holy country is looking for."

He is now more worried about what he has experienced in the "life cycle", and can't wait to get his mobile phone back from An Chaoyang's palm and unlock the screen.

Yan Yan has already sent a message to the "dogs":

"Orange, what happened in the end? How can I not understand it... You punched the bones with two punches... The referee also vomited blood..."

"The referee may have secretly helped the bones to guess, so he was countered." Lou Cheng took the matter with him and talked about what he had experienced in the "Ten Years". At the end of his heart, he said, "I think now, Still afraid of that kind of regret..."

There is a kind of pain that can't be said.

Yan Yan looked at the gods, and then grinned, laughing at the fear of the fool orange, and then "knocking at the other's head" screamed:

"Are you stupid? How can we end up in vain? It’s really a step, and we have to go through the divorce procedure! As long as we meet, we will definitely reluctantly, and we will reconcile!"

Lou Cheng suddenly paused, and the old face replied:

"Yeah, I forgot about it..."

We have received a marriage certificate...

"Stupid!" Yan Xiao smiled and screamed, and his fingers quickly said, "But it is a good thing to have such experience. You should seriously summarize, write your own experience, and clearly identify the things and mentality you need to avoid!"

"Yeah!" Lou Cheng "nodded hard."

"I really want to write a summary, then send it to me, I will supervise you according to the terms!" Yan Yan "wiped the hair."

Well, I will always read this "summary", always remind myself to avoid which, do not forget the initial heart...


Because of the sudden public opinion and the pressure from the Chinese Embassy, ​​the organizing committee informed the anomalies occurred in the three or four battles ten minutes before the finals, and explained:

"Mu Luo, the referee, has an old problem and was affected by the explosion caused by Lou Cheng. He was hit by his boxing wind and there was a situation of vomiting blood, not fraud."

Sitting in the lounge, Wu Sheng heard the saying on the radio, and his right hand suddenly gripped and crushed an iron ball.

He would rather the organizing committee to punish himself for the black money and does not want to have such a description.

As a senior strongman, he was injured by a junior with a boxing wind. Where is his face?

What is the style of boxing? It is the wind brought by the fist!

If I can get hurt like this, I will see someone in the future!

At most, the black money is a problem with the character, but it is about the face of the boxer!


"Haha, boxing, boxing!"

Live postings, forums everywhere, are all explaining "smiles" for this explanation.

There is no silver three hundred and two here!

"Strong squatting my building, the boxing wind hurts non-human, the eyes kill the Dan!" Someone is playing the oil poem cloud.

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