Martial Arts Master

Chapter 489: Our cheers

"Come on!"

Peng Leyun, next to Lou Cheng, drank a nutrient solution, smiled and extended his fist. He had returned from the locker room and was refreshed again.

"Yeah." Lou Cheng collided with him and did not say much.

When he and Ren Li, An Chaoyang, and Zhong Ningtao touched each other and they were about to turn to the ring, he made a mistake in his heart: How can you get a good job today, and then wait until you miss it!

And to say good is no longer the "collection" of the oven!

At this moment, his mobile phone finally sounded a special reminder of the movement, unlocked a look, Yan Yan sent a long voice.

voice? So long? Singing or what? Lou Cheng clicked on the play in confusion and put the earpiece in his ear.

After a brief silence, a crisp cough sounded, followed by a delicate child:

"I am ‘the night is coming,’ and Lou Cheng is cheering!”

After the child's voice, it is a slightly rough but equally green female voice:

"I am a 'magic van Gogh', and the building is cheering!"

"I am the ‘He Shilongwang’, and Lou Cheng is cheering!”

"I am ‘selling and selling 馄饨’, and building up!”

"I am the ‘the devil king’, and the building is cheering!”

"I am ‘good names are being shit,’ so shameful... Lou Cheng is cheering!”


A variety of different sounds, are the active characters of the fan forum, their "refueling" sound echoes, lingering on the floor of the building, listening to him first hairpin, and then difficult to contain the feelings, warm in my heart, like Soaked in warm water.

"I am ‘have always love Jungang this,’ and I’m going to cheer!”

"I am ‘Nie Hao’, Lou Cheng is cheering!”

When I got here, there was another silence at the beginning, but soon there was a voice of a delicate girl who came out:

"I am Yan Yan, Lou Cheng is cheering!"

The familiar voice into the ear, it is like the finishing touch, a poke in the heart of the building, so that his vision is slightly blurred, so that he can not help but laugh, looked at the side.

This is the "refueling" that you have carefully prepared!

She must have spent a lot of thoughts...

Everyone must be very enthusiastic and have overcome shyness...

Lou Cheng was heavy and bowed his head. He first returned a "fist and fist" expression, and then "snickered":

"You should say ‘I am a little fairy’! Or use the nicknames of ‘Luocheng’s girlfriend’’

"Go to the game, it’s awkward!" Yan Yan "spooked his hand in disgust."

"Follow!" Lou Cheng smiled twice, "Raise his hand," and then added another sentence, "Thank you for your thanks."

When he finished, he locked the screen and threw the phone and wallet to An Chaoyang. He turned his body and walked along the aisle to the platform.

Just two steps away, he suddenly heard a shouting shout:

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

"Lou Cheng is cheering!"

Hey, haven't won yet, are they cheering for me? Lou Cheng was the first to receive this treatment in the holy country. He subconsciously followed the sound and saw the waving flag on the face of the Chinese nation. He saw the face of a compatriot.

When Peng Leyun competed, they were also so applauded. According to the team leader, this is a student studying in Fuluo, a businessman doing business, a working family who came to earn money, and a local overseas Chinese, who came here for a special trip. Come on!

Thank you, thank you for your support... Lou Cheng’s mood is getting warmer, and there are a few feelings when he is wrong. He can’t help but raise his hand and wave to the stand there.

I noticed his compliments, and the men and women who painted the colors of the Chinese flag on their faces cheered even more:

"Lou Cheng! Lou Cheng!"

"Lou Cheng is cheering!"

In such an atmosphere, Lou Cheng’s pace became brisk, and Deng Zexun first appeared on the platform and condensed the momentum. It was like a blizzard that was summoned, suppressing the surrounding, low and affecting people.

While Tang Zexuan walked slowly, it was reminiscent of the uninhabited bamboo forest where the wind blew through the branches and leaves, or the clarified lakes that reflected the mountains and trees, which was filled with **** smell of "snow storm". Under the swaying thousands, it seems that there is no counter-power, but once the "wind" has stopped "snow", it will immediately restore peace and not move at all.

He ran across his cross, and the moon shined in the big river... Lou Cheng’s mind ran out of such a sentence, and could not help but praise the “Xin Zhai Liu” as a true name.

Tang Zexun went to the scheduled position, stood firm, with a light and sweet smile on his face, and solemnly prayed:

"Lou Jun please enlighten me."

"Don't dare to be." Lou Cheng arched his hand and quickly passed through some of the pictures of the other side of the battle, pushing his own state to the highest.

Tang Zexuan made a fist in his right hand and placed it on the left side of his waist. His legs were separated and his body was slightly bowed.

The noisy sounds around it disappeared, everyone held their breath and gathered their spirits, waiting for the referee to kick off the important game.

The referee looked around and gaze at the electronic clock. Finally, he raised his right hand and shouted after the silence.


The second game of the semi-final officially began!

The battle of Dongcheng’s “Three Thousand Years of Genius Girl Tang Zexuan” and Hua Guo’s “Dangshi Tianjiao” Lou Cheng officially began!

Tang Zexuan immediately raised his right foot, and with a faint light from the "qi", he stepped **** the bottom, just like wielding a blade and hitting the ring.


The ground violently swayed, and suddenly cracked a gap. The stones and mud were driven by the hidden forces of Tang Ze's soles. The bombs flew out and slammed into the building. There were big and small, and they were as fast as bullets!

At the same time, Tang Zexun relied on the power of rebound, his body jumped out like a knife, followed by deception of the enemy, and slightly around a small arc, waiting for the other side to dodge.

Xinzhailiu, "the land is taken"!

This is similar to the "fracture" of the forest-deficient fighting department, but it does not cause an outbreak, shaking the enemy to obtain the chance of even the move, but instead interfering with the opponent, or one-off group attack strength is weaker than its own. The two moves have their own swings, each of which is clever.

When Tang Zexuan's foot "劈斩" collapsed, Lou Cheng's heart emerged a follow-up possible picture, resisting the impulse to flash the front, outline the Yan Emperor, and condense the fire.

Snapped! He greeted the biggest stone, slammed his arm, punched straight, hitting the uneven gray surface without fancy, and the muscles of the scorpion bulged, black and white. The roots are conspicuous, and the red and white flames suddenly erupt.


In the loud noise, the bluestone was torn apart, and the flames of the splattered fluttered everywhere. Other small stones and dirt were blocked by the tumbling waves. It was difficult to walk a little and it fell like rain. Awkward movements.

Tang Zexun did not control the sputtering of his own "concealer", the body of the micro-bow, the right arm suddenly rumbling, throwing a fist placed on the left side of the waist, slammed out a white mark, set off a hurricane Let the broken gravel fall weakly.

Her arm seems to have turned into a long knife, and the high-speed smashed the gas barrier, and turned to the building, and her left hand followed the push, like to do two attacks.

The building that did not rush to dodge was not in a hurry, the left arm was lifted, and the half frame was half-slipped to block the past, and a crystal ice layer was formed on the surface.

Click! The knives of the bare light fell, smashed the layers of ice armor, touched the muscles, fascia and bones of the building, which was offset by his power and stood firmly.

At this moment, Tang Zexun’s left hand did not hit the enemy, but pressed it on his right arm and blessed the power.

When the building was established, it felt a heavy oppression. The left arm trembled and could not be contained inside. It was forced to squeeze out the flaws and half of the shelves.

This is not over yet, Tang Zexuan left his hand and followed a bullet, slamming his face, condensed into a white awn, like a blade.

Lou Cheng’s judgment was wrong, and the right hand had no time to make a block. Immediately, he leaned back and folded his back, letting the opponent’s “left palm reversed” smashed the air and spurted a white light into the distance.

While leaning back, Lou Cheng’s right leg was tight, and he made a counterattack.

His martial arts shoes burned with a blazing flame, flew out, grabbed the instep before the instep, and took Tang Zexun's lower abdomen.

Tang Zeyan turned back and swayed the wind. After twisting his body, he flashed to the side of the enemy and avoided the deadly kick.

Followed by her, with the help of the power of the rotation, the building that regained its strength on the back of the back turned out the left arm, which was fast and awkward, like a knife, and the wind was strong.

Lou Cheng has a sensation, the arm is lifted, the arm is put on the shelf, and the elbow slammed out and slammed out, and the crystal brilliance emerged, and Tang Zexun’s “centrifugal take” was hit.


The ice crystals shattered and fell, and Tang Zexuan’s arms reverberated, and the elbows of the building were slightly trembled.

In the resurgence, Tang Zexun's right arm was stretched straight, and he went to the position of Lou Cheng's head, throat, chest and other places for five times.

Lou Cheng was wearing an "ice mirror" and had not been flustered. He responded with the "Bleak Twenty-Four Strike" of the Dan Jin version, to chaos and chaos.

Hey, hey!

In the sound of continuous explosion, the air is flying, the flame is splashing, if there is red rain.

In the battle to the hustle and bustle, the more and more fierce Lou Cheng is about to seize the upper hand, and the heart suddenly gave birth to an extremely dangerous premonition. If I didn't think about it, I would lean back again, even deeper than I just thought, close to the "Iron Bridge."

At this moment, he saw a ray of light flashing from the top of his face in a horrible gesture, leaving a distinct white wave!


The loud noise exploded, and the floor shook the ear, and the dirty and sloshing almost fell.

Xinzhai, "Flying Dragons"!

If it weren't for his ability to sense danger, in the face of this sneak peek, it was already evasive, and it could not be blocked!

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