Martial Arts Master

Chapter 468: Non-human monster


Ren Li made a slight adjustment and took three photos against the ring. After a few gratifications, he sent it to the live post and completed the request.

Looking up and watching the battle, she refreshed the post and wanted to see how others evaluated their camera technology.

"@薛定谔的虎, the picture is so vague." "Gai Shilong Wang" "covering his face and sighing".

"Consistently love Jungang this" and "funny" said: "Little tiger, is it overworked in these days, shaking hands?"

"It can only be distinguished by the color of the clothes..." "Under the sky" followed.

Ren Li’s eyelids jumped and couldn’t help but reply with the account of Loucheng:

“They are all moving at high speeds, and it’s good to use a mobile phone!”

Her explanation is fine, but the last exclamation mark seems a bit superfluous.

"... Little Tiger, are you not feeling good today?" "Sell it, sell it," asked weakly.

"I am wrong, I should not say that you are overworked, you are obviously seeking dissatisfaction..." The three words "consistently pure love Jungang" and "laughing tears".

"You want to be dissatisfied!" Ren Li sneaked back in unceremoniously. "It's fun to take nausea!"

There was a silence in the live broadcast, and no one responded for a few tens of seconds until "selling and selling" and "stunned" said:

"Little tiger, you, are you stolen?"

How do you feel like you want to travel all over the world today?

Ren Li looked at the phone deeply and quit the forum, locked the screen, and continued to watch the game as if nothing had happened.


Before the completion of the building, he tried his best to apply the secret law, the school, the experience and the fighting talent to the extreme. After integrating it, he completed the attack and achieved the suppression. He almost quickly defeated Vega, but Even if he has already played at a super level, the non-human level monsters still seized the opportunity, hardened down, escaped the desperate situation, and pulled the two sides back to the same starting line.

Of course, after such a round of attacks, Lou Cheng vaguely felt that his own martial arts had a certain degree of sublimation, not referring to the specific realm of cultivation, but the level of actual combat!


Vijay’s right fist is wearing a silver-colored “Thunder Glove”, which is slammed straight out, and the power is so great that the building can only resist the eruption of the Dan, and “recover the power” to eliminate the paralysis caused by the electric shock. Reluctantly contend with the withdrawal and borrowing power.


Vijay punched his elbows and kicked his knees. The offensive came out in a chain. There was no gap. It was like a wave of electric light and tsunami that was higher than a wave. It was pressed to the floor and used the "nine-character" to suppress him. Time to prepare to simplify the nephew, can only use the "Blizzard twenty-four hit" skills to promote the outbreak of the Dan, to hard hit.

Hey! The fists and feet are constantly slamming, and the wind and the scattered electric snakes overflow. Whenever the building is borrowed, it will soon be pulled back to the situation with seven or eight bursts. "Or similar moves interrupted his momentum, and then continued to return to heavy punches, not to give the enemy time to kill, to rely on the realm of the realm and strength, but slowly and firmly kill the opponent, a little win Opportunity.

This made Lou Cheng almost unable to see the hope of a comeback. There was a feeling of encountering the situation of "warm boiled frogs", and he deeply realized the horror of the non-human level.

No more accidents, you will lose! His heart gradually emerged such a clear understanding, but he could not find the opportunity and method to get rid of the suppression. The enemy is too strong, and the ending seems to be unable to change!

Only risky!

Lou Cheng was determined, and the sturdy and firmer, the enthusiasm still hugged, the foot was heavy, the right arm was inflated, and the fist was beaten.

Zizz! Vijay's left fist stalked the silver gloves, and it violently collapsed, and it touched the fist of Lou Cheng.


The muffled sound exploded, the electric light splashed, and the building became an arm to rebound and then swayed in the body. Suddenly, it was backed up, and it flew out of the house. It didn't require a shelf, and it suddenly fell into a desperate situation.

How could Vijay let this opportunity pass, the strong and strong legs and the top, the sturdy and majestic body of electric shots to catch up, in an instant, grabbed the building into the near, to end the battle in two or three strokes!

The speed of non-humans is like the top six products with a few "line" characters!

At this moment, Lou Cheng did not try to stand firm again, and then put on the shelf, but grabbed the gap, lifted his hands, pinched out the Indiana, and outlined a **** field in the mind, the cold front of the soldiers. word.

He entered the desperate situation in order to find the opportunity to use the "nine characters"!

Set it to death and then live!


Lou Cheng’s low opening, **** gas is a few real, “stabbing” to the head of Vega, which is just a stone's throw away, evokes the fear of his heart and the trepidation of fear.

Vija's movements have been slow, but he is often on the battlefield, killing and tempering the spirit of the non-human level, just a sly, it has been sober, so that the opponent's subsequent "drink" can not be formed.

Lou Chengxin is like an "ice mirror". He is obsessed with the feeling of frustration. He gives up the opportunity to take the Zhonggong directly. He swings his back and muscles and bulges. He whispers around the enemy's side with the "northwind" footwork.


In the high-speed movement, he broke the airflow barrier and created a sharp wind that was blown at the opponent's eyes.

"Treading the cloth"!

As soon as Vega’s eyes glimpsed, Lou Cheng re-entered the fingerprints, pointing to himself, and a low embarrassment in his throat:

"Do you fight!"

His body is tall and tall, and his muscles are inflated and swelled. His exaggeration is like the Heavenly Soldiers in myths and legends. The right fist becomes extremely heavy and will be blasted.

"It's really a word of "dou"..." Lou Cheng and Vega's previous fights were among the electro-optical fires. Peng Leyun was not sure for a moment. Now that he has heard the second time, he said something to himself.

After calculating it, Lou Cheng has gotten a lot of "nine characters"...

At the Dongpu delegation, the mountain that had not yet reached the race suddenly frowned.

In the face of the explosive "fighting" word, Vijay did not dare to neglect, the eyes were silver and white, the body fell sideways, surrounded by a circle of thunder snakes, hurriedly slammed into the enemy.

Exclusive school, "electric light puncture"!

But at this time, the image of the building was early, and the back was suddenly abrupt. The hard-boiled right fist flashed open, letting Vega's "electro-optical puncture" hit the void and flew not far away.

He wasted a "fighting" word, in exchange for the situation of the enemy's ruin!

A few days ago, Peng Leyun dutifully tried to imitate the fighting style of Vijay, and let Lou Cheng have a good understanding of the Jurassic strongman, and gained a good experience, clearly knowing that he used "electro-optical puncture". After the "invincible thunderbolt", there will be a short period of suffocation, and there is no way to break out.

This is your chance!

Click! When the building is arched, the body is like a sharp arrow. In an instant, it deceives the enemy who is not far away. The left arm covers a thick "ice armor", the front block is framed, and the right hand is clenched into a fist. .

At the same time, in his mind, he once again outlined the crystal-clear dream of "Hail of the Ice", which produced a darkness with almost no heat. He intended to give the Vega deadly drink in the slow-down stage!

Seeing that they can't avoid it, the power is weak, the hard block will be stiff, and Vija's eyes show a bit of hatred, and the silvery feeling reveals deep coldness.

Suddenly, he jumped up, jumped very high, his feet fell, and trampled on the head of Lou Cheng.

Come well! Lou Cheng had a long experience with this, and he was fully prepared. The "Thundercloud" in his mind roared and broke the hail. The back of the curved knee and the microbow suddenly went straight. The whole person flew up vertically and the right fist rushed straight. Going up, I hit an opponent who was difficult to change in the air.

Cannon! Be a head!

If this is the case, the building will rebound at the top and appear to be awkward. Vega will definitely have a rigid mind. As a result, he will fall in the air and fall heavily on the ground. A great opportunity to win!

At this moment, Vega's back was twisted and twisted, and there was a cross between the legs. He even woven a silver-plated electric ball that was sizzling, falling like a bubble, and hitting it in the air. Avoiding the building, and with the reverse of the impulse, he moved halfway and moved a little.

This is an immature move that he has never used before in actual combat!

Here! With the fists up, the building that was rising from the sky was in the paralysis of the body, and passed away with Vega, unable to hit him.


Vijay swayed his elbow and slammed his opponent's chest. Lou Cheng reluctantly blocked the left arm with the "ice armor" and was knocked out.

With this fight, Vijay got the downward force, landed first, and the body slammed into the enemy. In the building, he spurred his power, vented his abilities, and smashed the front of the huge fireball, dexterously changing, flashing. Open.


Lou Cheng’s last resort hit the ring, creating a strong explosion, rolling out red flames and violent shocks.

Snapped! He just took the opportunity to move, but he was caught up by Vijay, jumped up and turned into an electro-optical drill bit, and Ziz hit the front.

With arms in the block, the front of the light, the building became paralyzed in place.

When he woke up, the nose smelled a little burnt, and the eyes reflected the figure of the referee raising his right hand.

"Vega wins!"

The thick and hoarse voice echoed, in exchange for the boiling of the entire iconostasis.

PS: Near the Dragon Boat Festival, I have to go to my mother's house, hurry in the afternoon, and the second is at 12 o'clock in the evening. I will continue to make up tomorrow.

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