Martial Arts Master

Chapter 457: Who is a teammate?

"Yes." Shi Laotou thought about adding, "Don't lose face to the teacher."

Among the war-torn areas and the Chinese nation, Jurassic, Holy Elephant and Nanzheng are the places where he used to be entangled in the past, and there are indispensable acquaintances and friends.

Master, you are so unconfident to me... Lou Cheng’s abdomen sighed and knew that the key point was that Comrade Shi Jianguo’s face was wrong.

Indulge in a dozen seconds, he asked with great interest and curiousness:

"Master, what are the young masters in these four countries?"

"How do I know? The old man, I care about what these later generations do?" Shi’s head replied slyly. "Nobody is sure, but there are few." Okay, I will give the word "dou" to the teacher. Let's go."

"Good." Lou Cheng had already observed the layout of the sister's family. The voice just fell, and the back of the waist flicked into the study room. The paper was spread out, pressed with paperweight, and the brush was lifted and dipped in ink.

He took a breath, calmed his heart, and condensed God. In his mind, he outlined the stroke of the word "dou", and the spirit of explosion, power, hegemony, blood and never admit defeat.

Hovering over the wrist, the brush is pressed, and the ink stains are blazing, as if rushing out of the white paper and hitting the sky.

Finishing the pen, Lou Cheng saw the ink word flowing in the charm, and nodded with satisfaction.

This is much more beautiful than your usual signature!

However, the spirit of his own spirit has not yet reached the level of "out of the world", the charm of "depicting" can not be stabilized, and will slowly flow with time, for more than three months, as long as one month, this "word" Can not be used to see the practice, can only be like the "front" word written to Wang Xu, relying on the residual feeling to suppress some emotions, until a few years later, completely attributed to the ordinary.

Anyway, it has no effect, and then write them to them... And, with the realm of "after-sales" and "sinful tyrants", on the basis of experience on the front, one month must have been practiced... Picking up the rice paper on the table and carrying it to the living room, the smile was handed to the old man:

"Master, ‘word’.”

"On this?" Shi Laotou asked in a wrong way.

What is the "word" in the old Qiu Po?

From his expression, Lou Cheng interprets the meaning of "You are teasing me", a sigh of relief, smirking:

"Master, the old Qiu Po ​​is half-bad, and I have to make up the charm on my own, just like the words "walk" in the notes of Lushan Zhai."

While talking, he flipped the phone and found a photo taken before him. Yu Pei was placed at home and planned to take it to Songcheng in September. When he went to the country, he gave it as a commemorative gift. Little fairy.

Shi Laotou glanced at his eyes and coughed twice, regaining the attitude of "Who hasn't seen anything":

"I said, you have a fate with the ‘九字诀’, it’s a real story of the dragon and the tiger.”

He said that while he put away the word "dou" written by Lou Cheng, he opened the topic: "Just come over, go through a process, get the visa to the country, wait for the quota, then go to the four countries." The things, these days, well, practice here, hold back the trend of change, and strive to get the initial understanding of 'ice rush'."

Having said that, he took out a picture that was rolled up from his arms, and he joked with some rarity:

"This is the commemoration left for the teacher when I was the best. You can't lose it! You originally planned to use the ancestors to give you a look, but ponder it, the martial arts have evolved for so many years, his understanding, Oh, it’s always a bit out of place, or it’s good for the teacher.”

"Master, can you make a map of the world?" Lou Cheng was really surprised and admired.

"Is this nonsense? Your master, I was a good man in the past, and I was able to step into the taboo field." Shi’s eyes were full of "proud" words.

Lou Cheng did not conceal his admiration, and reached out to the map. When he just took it, he felt that the paper carrying the "ice rush" corresponds to the lightness of the paper. It seems that there is no weight at all, like the emptyness of the pole, even A trace of heat can't be preserved, only the absolute eternal cold, darkness and loneliness.

At this moment, Lou Cheng’s thoughts seemed to drift in the coldness of the boundlessness and the slightest light. I don’t know how long it took to return to God and see the smile of my own master:

"Hail **** light map."

The hail **** light map... Lou Cheng nodded slightly and unfolded the scroll in his hand. He saw the light shining in the sky and the light in the darkness. It was dreamy, beautiful, pure, but it gave people loneliness and darkness. The feeling of being cold to the extreme.

Shi Laotou said with a smile: "The 'Ice Sealed River Map' is connected to the 'Ice Shadow Light'. It is 'ice rushing'. When the transformation is completed, the power is close to the instinct, and only the 'ice glare map' is needed. Can be used in conjunction with Dan Jin."

"Yeah." Lou Cheng took a breath, and he had the joy of finally getting in touch with the top martial arts.

This is not a good thing to practice. It can't be done in a dozen or twenty minutes like the "Nine Characters". It takes a certain amount of time to succeed. To this end, it must suppress the transformation of its roots.

I knew that I had to get "Ice Bing Jin" and "Yan Di Jin" in advance... However, Master did not expect that I could complete the key breakthrough so soon, that is, non-human...

Hey, is it that I am too exaggerated to make Master not reliable? Lou Cheng repented for two minutes.

In the next few days, he only went out to go through a formal procedure. Most of his free time was studying the sentimental “Hail 魄 神光图”. With his understanding of the cold and the experience of ice practice in the past two years, he gradually gained something. .

Get through the formalities of going abroad, and before joining the Four Kingdoms, Lou Cheng finally got the "Yan Di Tu": the charm is flying fast, and it doesn't take ten days. It seems to be a small revenge from the military.

This picture is exactly the opposite of the "Hail God Light Map". Although there is only one piece of paper, it is heavy in the hands. It seems that there are countless dusts accumulating, eventually exceeding the threshold, crashing, igniting all, erupting. Unexpectedly high temperature flames.

On the top of the picture, the goddess of Gaoguangu robe is painted. The core is a very dense and dense group. The flames of different colors are spread out, and they are turned into swearing, majestic exposed, and horrible.

With the previous "燎原图", you can use this to practice "Yan Emperor"!

"Well, stinky, grasping tight, ice and fire have mastered, and after returning to balance, then change." Shi Laotou sighed, "Tomorrow to Huahai, to Haidong Airport and other people meet, this is the contact phone... ... Although it is a personal game, but still have to team up to go, oh, or you can't understand if your kid has heard it."

This time the host is the capital of the iconic country, Fro.

"Master, who else is there to participate?" Lou Cheng was curious to ask.

I don't know if I have someone I know.

Shi Laotou laughed and said, suddenly the floor said: "No question!"

"..." The building returned to the room and collected the luggage.

Then, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yan Yan: "I want to go to Huahai... I didn't expect that the first time I went abroad was not the country, but the icon (hand-made funny)."

The news used to be in the middle of the night.

Lou Cheng quietly watched for a few minutes, and there were some hard-to-dispelled thoughts.

After that, he contacted the opposite side, confirmed the details, booked the high-speed rail ticket, and when he arrived at night, he woke up and woke up, "scratching his eyes": "You can't watch the oranges on the spot." I am looking for online resources here!"

"Haha, this is good, I can't read how many opponents' information, it's a bit of a bottom." Lou Cheng modestly replied, and his mood was uplifting.

On the following day, he tried a "Yan Di Jin" understanding, no doubt, nothing to gain,

After breakfast, the building went up to the high-speed rail station and arrived at Haidong Airport before noon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he saw the leader of the competition, Zhong Ningtao, in the departure hall.

"Well, wait a few more minutes, they all said that they are coming over." Zhong Ningtao combed his big head, his head was medium, his smile was kind.

"Okay." Lou Cheng did not rush to ask who else, first took out the mobile phone, and reported to his wife, "smile" said: "Meeting, look forward to teammates!"

He just sent out this news, his heart suddenly felt the induction, looked back to the other side, saw a young man wearing a white T-shirt casual pants dragging his luggage, his smile was clean, his temperament was idle, his eyes just came from the boundless "tourism. "Returned, it is Peng Leyun!"

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