Martial Arts Master

Chapter 450: Two people

"The bucket word jug is flowed from the hands of Li Wanquan, the owner of the Qing Dynasty ancient city 'Lijia silverware'. You follow this clue to trace it..."

"The task of the forest side, the degree of danger has become higher, after the sect is confirmed, the reward for you has been raised to 150,000. These two days will be beaten, and I will pay attention to whether or not I have arrived..."

"In short, the task has an accident, there is a certain risk, immediately contact the old man or the military, hey, stay in the green hills, no firewood, right?"

High-speed rail speeding, Lou Cheng half-closed eyes, recalling Master's embarrassment, just now he has received text messages, task rewards to account, his own deposits rose from a low of more than 840,000 to 990,000.

—— From the end of June to the present, he has spent a lot of money. He stayed in a five-star hotel for more than ten days and bought a couple ring (female model). His own martial arts cost increased, and eating and drinking was only a small head. During this period, although there was a strict home The red envelope was added, but the account number is still falling rapidly. Considering the long-term cost of going back and forth to the country, he has economic pressure and is full of impulse to make money.

The 150,000 rewards given by Zongmen generously seemed to be timely and rainy, just right to moisturize his purse.

"Before you arrive at Jishun, the stop time is short. Please get off the passenger and wait at the door early..."

At this time, the sound of the radio, let the lazy ocean to even play the mobile phone can not afford the power of the building, standing up, one hand took the backpack on the luggage rack, crossed the strange passengers next to, entered the corridor, not too early Not too late to the door.

The ancient city of Zhengyun belongs to Jishun City and is a famous tourist attraction in recent years. It is surrounded by mountains and mountains. The traffic is relatively inconvenient. There is no railway yet. It retains the antique charm. To get there, you can only arrive first. Transfer to the bus around Jishun and other places, or hire a black car.

Lou Cheng did not waste his spirit. After leaving the high-speed rail station, he went straight to the opposite passenger transportation center and bought a long-distance journey with the latest departure time.

After less than twenty minutes, he checked in the car and saw that everyone did not press the seat number. Everything was done. Habitually found the position in the middle and left it, and left it by the window.

Sitting well, sideways, seeing the empty position beside him, the building became awkward, and the whole person seemed to precipitate a few more points.

He moved his body and sat down by the window, pulling the curtain, covering the glare of the glare, avoiding direct exposure.

Looking back, sticking to the back of the chair, the building closed its eyes, and the thoughts were messy and divergent.

Through the sound of footsteps and the slight vibration of the vehicle, he instinctively "listened" to see more and more passengers.

Suddenly, someone stopped at his side and was waiting to speak. He saw that he just opened his eyes and turned his head.

"Hello, this classmate, can you change your seat?" A tall, thin and thin-looking boy smiled and said with a smile, he pointed to himself and the beautiful slim **** the side, "I want to sit with my girlfriend." Together, can you help me?"

Lou Cheng glanced at them deeply and pushed the black-rimmed glasses on his face. He smiled slightly:

"Well, where is your location?"

“Thank you, thank you.” The delights of the boys and girls are beyond words, and they are grateful for the gratitude of the heart, and point to a position in the penultimate row. “There is only one left, I am sorry.”

"Nothing, anyway, I am alone..." Lou Cheng smiled and took the bag in one hand and walked into the aisle.

The little couple did not hear the emotions in his words, and they continued to say thank you with their hands together.

In the first two steps, Lou Cheng saw the empty seat and saw the passenger by the window and his exaggerated arm with black short sleeves.

It's no wonder that the young couple looked for me instead of looking for him to change seats... Lou Cheng was confused in the subconscious.

Just then, the girl in the back of the black T-shirt was a missed one. The bottle of mineral water that had just been unscrewed shook, and a "water splash" was pulled forward.

As the last row is higher than the front, this "water flower" goes straight to the neck and back of the black T-shirt.

However, in the moment when the girl had just missed, the black T-shirt man had moved to the side, and it was a coincidence that the danger was avoided, so that the "water flower" only wet the place where he was originally sitting.

"I'm sorry, sorry." The girl in the T-shirt shorts sandals took the mineral water and apologized and panicked.

The black T-shirt man's arm can be her thigh!

Looking at the girl's good face and body, the black T-shirt man smiled loudly: "Nothing, can you wipe my paper towel?"

"Okay, okay." The girl took a stack of log paper towels from the bag and handed it to the other party.

Lou Cheng quietly watched the episode that other people didn't care about, and nodded thoughtfully:

There is a rush, the blood is restrained, this is a Dan martial martial...

As for the specific products, it is impossible to judge from the outside.

After wiping the position, the black T-shirt man opened the topic by this, and half-twisted the body and the girl who lost the hand and her companion chatted about the ancient city of Zhengyun. It can be seen that he has visited many places and his experience is quite rich. Let the two girls listen to the enthusiasm and sometimes smile.

In this process, Lou Cheng put the backpack on the luggage rack and sat down to the black T-shirt man in an unhurried manner, which led him to a casual and habitual look.

Seeing the height of the building is about one meter and seventy-six, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses with a sense of dumbness, not particularly strong, only the face is more distinct, the black T-shirt man regained his gaze, and the two girls in the back row Talking about the earth.

Lou Cheng also looked at him with a look and found that his skin was quite dark, and there were many colors of wind and frost on his lips. The eyebrows were short and thick, which made people impressed.

No more embarrassment, Lou Cheng closed his eyes, lying on the back, raising a little doubt in his heart:

It’s a coincidence that there is also a Danjing to the ancient city of Zhengyun...

However, Dan is also a human being, and will also travel. It is not surprising that it is not a strange thing to go to the ancient city of Zhengyun...

Fifty minutes later, a man and two women chatted more and more, and when he was sleeping, he watched the phone while sleeping. In the sun, the bus arrived at the entrance of the ancient city of Zhengyun.

There are two old walls in the old days. There are many local features. After getting off the bus, I found a location, took out my mobile phone, and took a few shots from different angles.

Just when he wants to switch pages and send pictures, the two girls sitting in the back row come together and smile with a pleading smile: "Handsome guy, handsome guy, can you take a photo for us? First shoot us two, then shoot us Three."

Among them, the girl wearing a cotton skirt pointed to the black T-shirt man.

"Good." Lou Cheng smiled quietly and agreed.

This is just a little effort.

After taking the digital camera in the girl's hand in shorts sandals, he studied it a bit and stepped back two steps, waiting for the other person to pose.

嚓, 嚓, 嚓, Lou Cheng, and a few times, after some busy, successfully completed the two girls' pictures and their photos with the black T-shirt men.

"Thank you!" the two girls shouted in unison, took back the digital camera, bowed their heads, admired the previous photo, and greeted the black T-shirt man.

Lou Cheng did not stop, went to the entrance of the ancient city, and sent the scene just taken to Yan Yan while walking:

“It’s not bad to go to the cloud.”

Then, he used the expression of "snickering":

"I just asked someone to take pictures of them. I really don't know how to be tall and thick. I can't help myself! I can see it!"

After the haircut, he searched for the position of "Lijia silverware", went straight all the way, turned left at the third intersection, and saw the signboard with a sense of the times.

Lou Cheng did not enter the store immediately, but looked around and looked forward to it. He entered the water bar that was arranged in the opposite direction of the tea shop. He asked for a cup of ice and a squat, sitting at the door, and looked like a "Lijia silverware" inadvertently. .

Knowing people knowing each other, from the end of Li Wan’s mouth that he has not seen before, no matter what he asks, he does not dare to completely believe that the other party is telling the truth, there is no concealment, no opportunity to carry private goods, and no crimes committed by others. Under the premise of not doing bad things, he has a bottom line in his heart. He will not use the word "Bing" to scare innocent people and collapse their spirits. They have to inquire more, prepare more, and do more homework.

After watching it for a while, I drank a hail, and Loucheng picked up the phone and unlocked the screen to see if there was any reply or what the reply was.

The light illuminates, and the dialog box quietly displays the photos and messages he just sent, nothing else.

Lou Cheng silently, immediately remembered the time difference, my heart was inexplicably empty, and relieved and shook his head and laughed.

After ten minutes, the two girls in the back row strolled over here, and the black T-shirt men were not with them.

Lou Cheng habitually picked up the phone and looked down. Then, slowly got up and went to the checkout counter to pay the bill.

"I think the silver shop opposite is very good. What about their bosses?"

The cashier sister glanced at him with vigilance and saw his attitude was very sincere, ambiguously replied:

"It's stingy, it's a shameless..."

The more she said the more vocal, the more the last two words could not be heard if the building was outstanding.

In this way, he inquired about a circle, in the half of the people did not answer half of the people's kindly reminder, in the heart initially outlined the image of Li Wanquan, and then stepped into the silverware store, and at a glance saw the star with a distinctive triangle Half a hundred bosses.

"What to buy?" Seeing Lou Cheng did not take care of the clerk, and walked toward himself, Li Wanquan screamed lazily.

Lou Cheng smiled, took out the mobile phone, and pointed out the photo of the bucket word and the jug, reaching out to the other side and opening the door to see the mountain:

"I heard that this thing is out of here?"

"Yeah." Li Wanquan's spirit was invigorating, and he said, "Do you want to buy? There are still!"

“And?” Lou Cheng asked.

Li Wanquan did not answer, ran to another counter, dragged out a small box, which contained several purple gold hip flasks with the word "dou".

"Not like this, no, no feeling, understand, that feeling..." Lou Cheng said with discretion, did not reveal too much.

Li Wanquan’s face was dark and said: “That’s what my daddy did. This is what I did...”

"Would you like to still do it?" Lou Cheng asked.

"He passed away ten years ago. This kind of jug only made three. I was deceived by dozens of people at first. I couldn't sell the price..." Li Wanquan snorted.

“Three?” Lou Cheng’s heart moved and asked.

It is not the only one in the hands of my own master!

Doesn't this mean that others can buy it, meaning that the news may leak at any time?

Upon hearing his question, Li Wanquan smiled low:

“Do you still want to ask me how old daddy made this jug?”

Lou Cheng eyes slightly, staring at him, did not answer.

"You guys from outside the country are really not honest. There have been two people who have asked about it some time ago!" Li Wan’s idiom was not surprisingly endless, and he compared his hand with a few dollars.

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