Martial Arts Master

Chapter 448: Representing yourself (two

When the vehicle was driving, as soon as possible, the bus was quickly pulled away and disappeared into the eyes of Lou Cheng and Yan Yan.

"There are some clever things..." Lou Cheng shook his head and laughed, pushing the glasses and feeling a sigh.

He is very clear that the friends of the Dragon and Tiger Club will also come to see the game today, but did not expect to be able to meet once on the way.

Of course, this is only a unilateral one. Even if they saw the passengers in the car, they would not know that "that" is the water friend "Schrödinger's Tiger", and even the great probability that he would not be a building.

Yan Yan heard the words, smiled and looked at her husband and glanced at her husband:

"Orange, I thought of the lyrics!"

"What?" Lou Cheng asked curiously.

"It is difficult to hold the opposite hand." Yan Yan mouth sneered.

"Where is this?" Lou Cheng responded with enthusiasm and laughter, and added wit with a wit. "So we have a chance to meet for a long time, and have a total of 100 years to sleep?"

Strictly sighed, the corner of his mouth turned upside down and looked to the side, and immediately looked at the building as "disgusted":

"So old songs, do you remember so clearly? Uncle Orange!"

During the talk, the speed of the car slowed down and drove into the parking lot. After Lou Cheng and Yan Yan paid half of the chartered fare, they pushed the door down. Follow the instructions and walked along the road. One hundred meters.

After turning a mountain, the two were very cheerful, and they only felt that the "burning factor" in the air increased and became extremely active.

In front of it, there is a wide area where the center is more and more sunk. Every time a few steps are taken, there is a flame coming out from the ground, burning quietly, staying up late, not going out.

Looking at it, Loucheng saw that there was a dark red in the crack at the core of the place. The area near the outside seemed to have dark gray armor to cover it. Even if you look far away, you can feel the violent heat.

This is the home of the Dragon Tiger Club, the famous "Flame Hell"!

Around the size of the two or three football fields, there are one-and-a-half semi-closed transparent corridors, which are either high or low, divided into rows, or separated into compartments. It is the "stand-up" in the usual sense. In order to prevent the "hands without the force of the chicken", the audience was injured by the flying flame, the spattered magma, the aftermath of the explosion, etc., which were made of high-tech explosion-proof refractory glass and left to listen to the sound. aisle.

Yan Yan pulled out the two tickets from the bag and found the corresponding glass box. Under the direction of the security personnel, he opened the door. There was a sofa, a coffee table, and three different angles to present the "Flame Hell". screen.

"I am still enjoying the VIP treatment for the first time..." Lou Cheng looked around and smiled and said something.

"In fact, I prefer the kind of people, the atmosphere will be contagious." Yan Yan turned his eyes and did not hide his own thoughts. "But my grandfather has to give me this, afraid of any accident, I will give him Said to be with you, he is not at ease."

"This is to have a non-human realm to make the grandfather completely relieved..." Lou Cheng laughed at himself.

In the eyes of outsiders, a Danish warrior with the top six products is really not so safe.

"Maybe, juvenile, sprint!" Yan Yan and half are jokes and half encouragement.

During the rehearsal of various exciting games before the game, the time came to 10:25 in the morning. All the positions in the "stand" had masters, and there were many short guns and short guns in the press.

An unmanned aerial camera took off, and everyone took the picture back to the glass corridor, which confirmed the scenes of the audience.

Lou Cheng noticed that "Xiaoying" they were excited in the glass room outside the "stands" on their left side, and they were too excited to sit down.

After some introductions and the hot dance on the edge of the "field", the sky suddenly darkened, and the dull and depressed taste jumped on the paper.


A bang blew up, turned into a sound, rolling toward the surrounding, as a matter of substance.

This is the momentum of the "Wushan" Qiandong Building? Out of the world, interfere with nature? Lou Cheng thought thoughtfully, couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and walked to the position halfway ahead of the glass.

The same is true of Yan Yan, standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

At this moment, it was a bit of a sigh, and the fire in one of the wide squares was high, and the dark red "iron flow" shook black and gray, and jumped out of a few red gold waves!


A magma erupted, rushing to the sky, falling down, illuminating the darkness, and showing a figure in the distance of the "race".

He wore a martial arts costume embroidered with a dragon and a tiger in a navy blue color. He was long and straight, and the five senses were sturdy, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows were erected. The short and long hair roots were erected, and the light was hard to see from the outside. This is already A man in his early thirties.

Hey! Every step he took, the earth was trembled, letting the flames rise again and again, letting the magma spew out again and again.

There is no call, including Lou Cheng, Qi Qi shouted a household name, let it reverberate in the mountains:

"Dragon King!"

"Dragon King" Chen Qichen!

In such an atmosphere, the sky is dark again. If there are dark clouds gathering, the audience will feel uneasy, and the pressure will be reduced. The high-pressure flame and the flying magma will be eclipsed.

From the other side, slowly walked out of a strangely dressed man, his white robe like a martial arts suit like Taoist clothing, embroidered with a piece of green electric purple thunder, the height is two or three centimeters shorter than the building, looks handsome , temperament and elegance, deep and introverted, not showing publicity.

"Wu Sheng" Qian Donglou!

"Wushan" Qiandong Building, two years younger than "Dragon King"!

He became famous in his youth. Before Chen Qichen caught up with him, he completely smashed a generation of warriors, and the kingdom of China, no one dared to call Tianjiao!

As he grew older, the previous generations of the strong were also overwhelmed.

Although he worships the "Dragon King" and prefers the man of true temperament, Lou Cheng has to admit that the "Wu Sheng" Qian Dong Lou is the standard guru of his own mind.

Now, he is fighting against the "Dragon King" and the audience at his own strength!

The referee did not dare to enter the center of the venue, raised his right hand from a distance, and dutifully played the role of a humanoid object:

"The first game of the game."

"'Dragon King' Chen Qichen vs. 'Wu Sheng' Qian Donglou!"

Those who have titles must be called out on similar occasions to show respect!

"Dragon King! Dragon King!"

In a cheer, the referee slammed his right hand and rang:


The voice just fell, he has quickly opened, away from the theater.


At this time, the "Dragon King" Chen Qichen was already punching out, as if to hit the void.

However, his fist is like a missile, "strongly dragging" his body forward, obviously leaving behind the afterimage, creating a loud noise that breaks the sound barrier.

Take the fist!

The residual image stretched, and the "Dragon King" blasted the fist. The golden red flame instantly ignited and spread rapidly, covering his whole body, making him seem to be a Vulcan or Yandi walking on the ground.

Super Saiyan... Lou Cheng’s inexplicable thoughts came out of his mind.

"Wu Sheng" Qian Donglou and "Dragon King" played a lot of games, and they know each other quite well. They have not had the mentality of tempting a move. In the face of attack, they have a shot.


A loud thunder burst, seems to roll in everyone's heart, shocked the glass smashed hundreds of meters away, so that Yan Yan has a heart attack, the spirit shakes, pay attention to the feeling of difficulty.

At the same time as the blue sky, "Wu Sheng" separated the palms and pulled out a purple purple knife that jumped.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately reached the golden dragon flame that covered the "Dragon King" on the body surface.

The Qiandong Building followed closely, and the whole body was surrounded by silver and white lightning, and the gods were close together.

The fierce battle was opened, and the two powerful powers in the world were in full swing. They could see that they were so fascinated that they couldn’t copy their tricks and every change.

Compared with watching the live broadcast, the live viewing is more three-dimensional, and it can better understand the power of the outsiders, such as the trembling ground, the fire waves that can be felt through the heat-resistant glass, and the thunderous thunder...

The battle lasted for twenty minutes, and the magma in the center of the "field" was turned into a fountain. The "Dragon King" Chen Qichen surrounded a group of gold **** or gold or red or purple or white fireballs.

With his one-on-one attack, these fireballs merged one after another, condensing into a group and shrinking into his palm.

A violent drink, "Dragon King" stretched his arm, slammed high and punched.


Lou Cheng reacted very quickly, grabbing the first hand and holding on to the strict eyes. At this time, the position of the two strong players played up to make the eyes of the audience sting, short-lived, chilling white glare, there seems to be a round The big day has come to this place.


The fire wave spurts, and a small mushroom cloud rises up and is in full bloom.

When the building opened its eyes, the "Dragon King" had taken advantage of the home environment and narrowly won the "Wushan" half-finger.

After watching the replay and reminiscent of the previous experience, Lou Cheng couldn’t stand it and sighed:

“Having fun!”

This is really a battle for the military to boil!

In the range of dozens of meters, people are like gods!

Next, the two sides successively had five Guangdao people, Yunyan Taoist priests, and "Luo Hou" Ning Yu and "Qing Tianzhu" Long Zhen, these foreign tyrants played. After five hard games, the Dragon Tiger Club won three to two. It has passed twelve o'clock.

"It's wonderful..." Yan Yan looked excitedly at Lou Cheng and whispered a word.

"Well, no white, more exciting than watching the live broadcast." Lou Cheng looked at the traces on the front glass.

The two exchanged their emotions in today's game and handed out the box.

At this moment, the strictness of the extreme walking pulled down the stairs, and the chin pointed:

"Small cockroach..."

呃 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼 楼

What did she ask me for?

I don't know if I am "Schrödinger's Tiger"?

Impossible, I have never revealed that I am a student of Song University, and I have not updated the things involved in identity. How can they guess?

In the midst of it, the "selling and selling" girl is close, and she looks at the strange and stunned Lou Cheng and Yan Yan, sweet smile:

"Hello, Lou Cheng."

Also, she recognized that I was Loucheng. It’s normal to have a signature. Lou Cheng feels that he understands the truth and smiles and responds: “Hello.”

"Sell it, sell it" is embarrassed to explain: "You wear this glasses, we didn't recognize it, we still saw it..."

She did not say it, but she took aim at it.

Girls who are beautiful and have their own characteristics are also very easy to be recognized!

"Understood." Lou Cheng looked at her wife with a few minutes, and she glanced back at her.

"Selling and selling 馄饨" re-emerged with a smile, pointing to the "Plumbers eating mushrooms" and "Riding the heroes" and other humanities:

"We are the Dragon Tiger Club Forum, you should know the two?"

She is talking about "the road to the downfall" and "invincible".

"Knowing, my memory is not so bad, Xiaowushengtaitai has a special meaning in my heart." Lou Cheng chuckled two channels.

He did not understand what Xiaoxiao was doing.

"He remembers!" "Selling and selling 馄饨" exclaimed with excitement, then turned back and said sincerely, "From that time on, many of us have been optimistic about you and witnessed you grow up step by step and lead Songda Budo. The club has won the national championship, and we truly believe that you are a stalwart and will become a strong outsider in the future."

"After the game was confirmed to be you, we posted in the forum and made a call, and many friends have responded."

Having said that, she paused and took the book in her hand. There were names such as "selling and selling 馄饨", "riding the pig heroes" and "the road to the ring", and they screamed:

"We represent ourselves, represent some fans of the Dragon Tiger Club, and make a request to you. If, if you don't return to the ice gods in the future, can you first consider the Dragon and Tiger Club? We really like you! I really believe that you can Create brilliant here!"

When "Little Xiao" puts on this position, the "Mengtai Road", "Invincible" and "Over the Sky" and other friends have done the same action with her, not to mention others, only to themselves.

Lou Cheng suddenly moved a little, and because of the familiar people doing this and some subtle emotions, smiled and said:

"I can't guarantee anything, I can only say that you know, I am a fan of Dragon and Tiger."

He reached out and took the signature book.

"Little Xiao" smiled very brightly:

“Thank you, thank you! We will post a topic of “Large into a Dragon Tiger” on Weibo, and continue until you make a choice!”

After that, she waved her hand and ran back happily, and clap with the "Road of the Rings".

Lou Cheng glanced at them deeply, took the book, took the little fairy, and walked out of the arena.

"I am also a fan of Dragon Tiger..." Yan Yan suddenly whispered.

Lou Cheng looked over the past, and the two looked at each other with a smile and a tacit understanding.

When they were far away from this place, they were still excited to exchange the matter.

"I am stupid! Forgot to sign, I forgot to ask if there is any forum number in Loucheng!"


After lunch, I went back to the hotel and went to the bathroom. I unloaded the sunscreen on my face, neck, arms, and legs. Loucheng took a pillow cushion behind me, sitting leisurely on the bed, brushing The group of Dragon and Tiger Clubs, surrounded by the "selling and selling 馄饨" and other altar friends sent a petition.

"Haha, Xiaolong is really considerate, and helped me and Lou Cheng take a photo!" At this time, the "selling and selling" girl is showing off.

The so-called photo, is the scene when she explained the story to the building, and it belongs to the snapping thing. Therefore, she only has the back of the ponytail.

However, the little girl did not mind this, and even quite happy to say: "No beauty!"

"Hate you!" Before I heard in the group, I met the "Fantasy" and "Tears" of Loucheng.

"Sell and sell" and "weakly look at" her: "I was thinking about helping you sign, but it was too nervous. In addition to the business, I forgot..."

"Breaking!" "Fantasy" and "shaking his head."

"What is the position of the break?" "Consistently love Jungang this" interrupted.

His reality and the network are completely two people. According to the "small shackles", there are not many words.

“I hate you...” “Fantasy Vatican” repeated it, and then @了“盖世龙王”, “Little Dragon, Xiaolong, what is the realm of my idol?”

"Where can I see it? Even if the outsiders can't judge the specific level of Dan's environment from the outside, unless the air is towed, the **** for tat." "Gai Shilong Wang" "hands", "But, the national race Less than three months after the end, he pushed the physical fitness and martial arts moves to the top six.

"Isn't that the birth of Bai Xiaosheng is relatively high?" "The road to Fujian and Taiwan" asked with great interest.

"There are more than five months, and the cost of the building has awakened the ability. Before the end of the year, non-humans still have certain hopes." "Gai Shilong Wang" answered with a will.

"Oh, a little worried, if Bai Xiaosheng wins, my idol will definitely be very unhappy." "Fantasy Vatican" was watched by his parents, failed to participate in the foundation, and had to feel the presence in the group.

"Hey, what's so worried about this, the year before, no, last January, I didn't have much difference with Lou Cheng... Today, I haven't even touched the threshold of Danjing, and people are attacking the realm of inhumanity. Even if the end of the year is not completed, subject to some ridicule, next year can also complete the transformation, the attack and smashed." "Invincible" said with great emotion.

"Don't say this, calculate the time, wait for Xiaofan to go to college, you can see Loucheng represent our Dragon and Tiger Club!" "Sell and sell" to encourage the best speed of improvement, "When you get to the flower city!"

As she spoke, she sighed and said: "I always feel that my psychological quality is very good. As a result... I thought that Loucheng might be a fan of our Dragon Tiger Club. I would like to ask if he has a number in the forum. If not, let him register one..."

"If he registered, I will give him the title of the altar!" "Invincible punch" and "smirk".

"Ah, ah, Xiaofan, I am sorry for you, I can't get a signature!" "Selling and selling 馄饨" is completely self-talking, and no matter how others respond.

"Touch the little sly, don't be sad, these tasks can be handed over to the little night, she is mixed into the Songda Buddhism Society!" "Fantasy Vatican" comforted the good Jiyou.

"Yes, and the signature of Loucheng is of little value. The word is too ugly (manually funny)." Lou Cheng couldn't help but swear up and black himself.

“Selling and Selling” and “Fantasy” almost simultaneously answer:

"We just like it!"

"This is called personality!"

"Haha, tiger, don't make sense with the girl at this time." "Riding the heroes" smiled. "I posted the response of Loucheng in the forum. Everyone is very enthusiastic. There is Peng Leyun in the future. There is Ren Li, Daxing Temple has already come out of Zhihai and Shishan, and we have to have a building."

"I just don't know when he can go to non-human, there is no potential to impact the nephew..." "The plumber eats mushrooms" said a little worried.

A good seedling does not necessarily grow into a big tree.

The phrase that belongs to you in the future is often poisonous...

In the chat into the building, Yan Yan wore the slippers provided by the hotel and walked out of the bathroom. He took a look at the petition, and smiled: "Is it complicated?"

"Well, I am embarrassed to say that I am Schrödinger's tiger..." Lou Cheng sighed and replied.

Speaking a few words on this matter, Yan Yan curled up one leg, sitting on the edge of the bed with one leg down, brushing the microblogging and news, shouting with enthusiasm:

"Orange, orange, come see, the dragon king is so handsome and good..."

Lou Cheng has gathered together and found that this is the picture that the "Dragon King" was captured after the killing, and the golden red flame jumped, the muscles showed the most perfect proportion, and the power was full.

"Yes." He echoed and praised.

"And this... this... The Dragon King looks so young, and it has a special taste..." Yan Yan read the praise of the "Dragon King" in the news report from time to time.

Lou Cheng listened to the story of the little fairy, and suddenly some of them are not taste.

Originally, his wife married the Dragon King. He didn't think there was anything. Instead, he thought that the two sides had a common language. But after watching the battle, he suddenly discovered that the Dragon King was 12 or older than himself, and he looked much better than himself. I am much taller, and I may enter the Dragon and Tiger Club in the future, and he is no longer a world of two, there is an intersection...

Feeling a bit boring, Lou Cheng slowly silenced.

The girls are more sensitive, and Yan shared and shared, suddenly looking up, looking at the building in confusion, and screaming twice:

"Orange, what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." Lou Cheng took his mobile phone and pretended to brush the forum.

Severely screaming at the mouth, looking at him suspiciously, recalling the situation just now, the corner of his mouth suddenly cocked, the dimples smiled, and whispered and whispered:

"Orange, are you jealous?"

"Where is there." Lou Cheng refuted a sentence.

Yan Yan changed his posture, sat next to him, smiled at his face and said to himself:

"I am the spirit of worshipping the Dragon King and never accepting defeat. When Idol, his self, publicity and carelessness are very cute, but if I get closer, I don't like people like this!"

"And, I have always been the kind of reason that I like, do you see if I rarely forward and comment on the news of the Dragon King?"

"I am not jealous." Lou Cheng did not feel a smile on his face, slightly embarrassed to deny.

Yan Xiaozui snickered, raised his right hand three fingers, playfully said:

"I swear, I don't worship the Dragon King anymore."

"I swear, there is only one favorite idol, and that is the ‘Shi Tian 犼’ orange brother~”

Lou Cheng laughed aloud and denied it again:

"I am really not jealous. Can I be jealous of this kind of thing?"

Yan Yanmei looked forward and grinned:

"The orange is so jealous that you are so cute..."

Her voice has not fallen, and Lou Cheng, who has been "frustrated and angry", fell to the bed.

"Wash... oh, wash..."

In the intermittent sound, the girl's slippers fell off, and the delicate toes sometimes curled up and stretched.

After a day and a half, the arrangements for the two were adjusted. Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, staying up late, five meals a day, the time to practice speaking was unconsciously short.

On July 18th, Lou Cheng, who was full of ambition and feelings, took luggage and waited for the girl to come out of the bathroom and prepare to check out and return home.

After a few minutes, Yan Yan opened the door and walked out, his face was slightly white, and he snorted:

"I am coming to my aunt..."

"I know, I have got brown sugar **** tea for you, come, I will help you." Lou Cheng shook the vacuum flask in his hand.

Yan Yan's beriberi bite the pink lip, and the emotion seems to be fluctuating. I can't help but whisper one sentence:

"What do you know, you don't know anything..."

"Ah..." Lou Cheng looked at Xiao Xiaoying, and she didn't understand why she suddenly lost her temper.

At this time, Yan Yan returned to God, and his mouth reluctantly outlined:

"Orange, I just got a little bit wrong, I don't want to say anything about you..."

"Understood, during the aunt's aunt." Lou Cheng suddenly realized.

You don't understand anything... Yan Yan's right hand presses his waist, hangs his eyes, looks to the tip of his toes, and whispers silently.

That crazy idea didn't work...

God does not let me stay...

Next, we must follow the plan, go to Songcheng to complete the formalities, and bid farewell to the beginning of August...

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