Martial Arts Master

Chapter 440: Art high base

Don't make a life... The floor twitched and hangs up silently, then observes the terrain around the eyes and walks toward the mouth of Lin Fu Building.

"Predecessors, they have to get on the bus..." Zhang Xiaozi trotting followed, anxious reminder.

Lou Cheng did not look at her, his left hand calmly pressed down, indicating not to talk.

At the same time, he called another phone, a strict phone call.

After a short ringtone, there seemed to be waiting all the time, and there was always concern, and it was quickly connected.

"Hey, hey, my master is not reliable, saying that good things have become a big problem." Lou Cheng smiled.

On the way, he fully believed in his own master and treated the disappearance of Lin Zhen’s trouble Li Zhenhua as an urgent but not dangerous little thing. Although he prepared for the shot, it was just in case, not substantive. I know, so I can chat with my classmates in a relaxed and pleasant manner.

Later, even if Zhang Xiaozi figured out the truth of the matter, he felt that his task was more to find clues, pressure and urge the police here to do the search again, and cooperate with the keen sense of Dan, even if there were shots. Also at the top of the auxiliary, make a soy sauce, easy.

Until Sijian Pavilion had signs of fleeing, Master gave the bottom line, and he felt that things were more difficult, a little dangerous, and had to be explained to the other half.

Master of this pit disciple!

At the end of the mobile phone, the aggravation of the strict breathing was clearly transmitted by the electric wave. She silenced the following: "Can you not do it?"

Lou Cheng smiled and said: "The relationship between a teacher and a teacher is a life and death, hey, rest assured, there is no absolute grasp, I will not do it. If you say it is unkind, I am not his wife, his master, for him. What is the risk?"

This made Zhang Yanzi, who was next to him, look white and almost fall down.

Have to be absolutely sure to shoot, isn't that hopeless?

In the face of two powerful Dan martial arts fighters and five or six armed bodyguards, together with the singularity of the top nine standards in the prime of the year, at least the predecessors of the non-human realm have absolute control, it is a high-level Now!

"That is, he is not a little fairy!" Yan Yan was a little relieved, and care added a sentence, "You promise!"

"I promise." Lou Cheng gave a deep promise.

If the Secretary sees that the train does not get on the train, he will not let his men hand in batches. In the face of two Danish warriors of about seven grades and a number of bodyguards with large caliber guns, although they have the grasp, they don’t know why they don’t know. The teacher is taking risks. After all, once he is temporarily entangled by the master, the firepower is crossed, and he is not eating too much.

Just like when I went to Guo’s home for protection, the seven-person desperate person faced the combination of himself and the four sharpshooters who were at the top of the weak eight-powered force. It was also difficult to retreat and not take risks.

But since they got on the bus, things are simple, because it is equivalent to the military entering the iron coffin, restrained in a small space, unable to open activities, ten costs do not use 50%, and most gunmen in the first car.

For other masters who are not inhuman, they may not be able to grasp such opportunities, but they are the target of their lives in the eyes of their ability to be released and their powers to rise early.

"Okay." Yan Yan sensibly knew that he should not say more, but he couldn't help but make up a sentence, so he said lightly, "Wait for me, I am waiting for you~"

"No problem." Lou Cheng replied with a smile, hung up the phone, and handed the phone and wallet to Zhang Weizi. "You are far away."

It’s very cumbersome to break the phone, and you can’t call it in the first place, and the wallet can’t be hurt because it’s a gift from a wife.

"Well, your predecessors are careful." Zhang Yizi’s heart was happy, took over and quickly retreated.

At 4:26, the driver team of Shijian Pavilion started to drive toward Linfu Building. Most of the bodyguards were in the first car. He was in the second car. Weisen and Huang Chengda were on the left and the other carguards in the co-driver. .

When the first car turned into the wide and empty avenue, the second one was turning, the quiet building stood opposite the building suddenly, and the momentum was aroused, like the north wind that whizzed, letting a few pedestrians feel Trembling, instinct fled to the distance and avoided this place.


Lou Cheng stepped on the foot, the body bowed down, the left and right hands stretched forward, and a hook followed by a shake, and took out two red flames sticking to the ground.

The light swayed and the tyranny was hidden. The two flames dragged the scorch marks and swam away. They rushed to the two cars, all aimed at the fuel tank position!


The harsh friction sounded sharply, dragging the old, and the vehicles in front and behind rushed to the steering wheel, trying to avoid the horrible fire.

Bang! The "flame burning" that aligns with the front bodyguard car exploded in advance, and a fire wave was set between it and the following vehicles, which cut off the line of sight.

boom! The building became a muscle drum, and the concrete pavement under the foot cracked. It was so fast that it rushed to the black car where Si Jianting was located!

Relying on the physical qualities of the top six products, he forcibly pushed the footsteps to the "stepping cloth"!

Of course, it is equivalent to the degree of Qiu Lin, but also not comparable to Peng Leyun, let alone Ren Li.

"Don't stop!" When "Flame Burning" struck, the experienced skinned Wissen screamed in the unfamiliar Chinese language.

However, the human instinct is something he can't stop, and the driver has braked and turned, creating a frictional sound and a noticeable tire track.

At this moment, Wissen's side was stinging, and the hair was standing up, and the danger was approaching.

He didn't even think about it, he immediately took a breath and slammed his elbow and hit the door.

boom! The connection position on both sides of the door was instantly cracked, and it was turned into a steel shield, which crashed into the outside.

For Wissen, this can both create trouble for the enemy and help him to get out of the vehicle at a critical moment. If it is blocked in such a narrow space, it will be difficult to exert his fists!

However, the speed of Loucheng is faster than his reaction. It is beyond his imagination. When the door joint is just cracked, it is close, the waist is sinking, the blood is collected, and the right arm is thick. The palm of the hand is pressed over the door.

boom! The door that was about to fly out was forced to hold down, sagged inside, twisted and deformed, revealing wires and parts, and squatting on Weisen's body, and it was a pain and dizziness.

At this point, after several similar incidents, Si Jianting sharply shrank and let out the space. Huang Chengda, who had already pulled the gun in his hand, fired a shot from the other side toward the deformed door.

boom! As early as he tried to pull the trigger, the building achievements were sensed, the back was a little, the feet were upside down, one turned over and flashed to the roof, avoiding the bullets, and the other car had not stopped yet, the bodyguards had not yet Down, the line of sight was also covered by the fire, and the sparse traffic passing by was noticed abnormally and responded in time.

Because of the relationship between the choice of location, they have not been greatly affected, and some people even want to stop to watch the fun...

Snapped! Lou Cheng’s wrists were shaking again, and the red fireball was formed. He turned to the roof of Huang Chengda’s position, which led him to feel something. He hit the birds in the sky and slammed the fireball.

Grasping this opportunity, when the co-driver bodyguard just reacted, Loucheng shrank backwards and landed again. The left hand promptly pulled out a group of crystal-clear cold light, and the dimension was stunned and there was no space to dodge the parry. Sen's head.

A slamming sound, Wissen's head condensed a layer of ice crystals and heavy frost, and temporarily lost consciousness.

The footsteps were wrong, Lou Cheng grabbed Huang Chengda and the front row of bodyguards before the gun shot to the end of the car, the body a bow, hands and feet, the muscles swelled with Dan Jin's spray.

Hey! Lou Cheng's eyebrows are angry, the spider webs on the soles of the feet spread outwards, and the arms are lifted one by one, and the black car is turned over by the force of pulling the mountain to the world!

Hey! Huang Chengda and the front row of bodyguards who were in the body circle could no longer aim at the target. Two bullets were shot into the flower bed next to them.

When they were scared and lacked the space to make a move, the building became a ghostly body, and came to the door of Huang Chengda's side, avoiding the front side, through the cracked and cracked gap, the hands were printed, and the opening was low:


When the vehicle turned over, Huang Chengda knew the danger and was preparing to shoot at the left and right to force the enemy to retreat. Then he took the Sijian Pavilion away from the vehicle and moved closer to the other bodyguards. His mind suddenly swelled for a moment, as if he had seen his childhood. Nightmare, shivering at a moment, unable to make other responses.

At this time, a white cold light flew in from the cracks, squatting on his face, and also condensed a thick frost, which made him lose consciousness.

The effect of "ice burning" directly in the head is almost worse than "drinking the head", with a stun!

Snapped! The building was working hard and pulled the door, but the body did not pass.

boom! Si Jianting shot a slammed shot, but the bullet fell into the air.

In another car, the bodyguards rushed down, some with guns and some with knives.

Hey! In the gunshots of Si Jianting, Lou Cheng stepped into a hurricane and jumped to the door of Weissen's side. His hands trembled and looked back at the front row of bodyguards trying to shoot and the unrecognized Si Jianting. Lost an "ice burning" cold light.

Two sounds, only two of the nine people were covered with hoarfrost and briefly turned into ice sculptures.

Lou Cheng leaned down and first lifted Wissen out as a weapon and threw it at the reinforcement bodyguards who tried to aim at it, letting them dodge or bowl.

Then, he grabbed it again and put forward the Sijian Pavilion, showing it around.

Suddenly, the efforts of the bodyguards stopped and they did not dare to take any further action.

Lou Cheng was holding down the whistling and waking up, and I said to the bodyguards calmly: "You dare to stay here? With a weapon, when the street shoots, the police will come soon."

This made the bodyguards completely calm down, seeing that the boss had been caught, and they were unable to return to the sky. After they looked at each other, they immediately made a bird and a beast, and escaped, leaving only the unrecovered Weissen, Huang Chengda and the front row. bodyguard.

Recalling the image of the classic bad guys I saw, Lou Cheng reached out and helped the gods to gradually take the frost of the neckline, and smiled slightly:

"Sir boss, can you talk to us about Ice God?"

Opposite the road, Zhang Weizi looked at the phone time:


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