Martial Arts Master

Chapter 434: Free you from being shocked

"What kind of deep feelings will make two people take a lifetime as a promise?"

The melody is long and the song is in the ear. Regardless of the overall style, Lou Cheng has been warm and heart-warming because of this simple sentence. It is a eternal joy and joy for a moment.

He couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Yan Yan. I saw that the girl also looked at the clear and clear eyes of black and white, and looked at each other and smiled.

Yan Yan and the building into a body tightened a few points, the two men wearing a wedding ring to the fingers of the fingers, resting on the lap, pressed the two small red books, and in the layer of pure light Under the reflection, the sturdy dagger was placed on the shoulder of the new husband.

Feeling that weight, Lou Cheng has a completely different feeling from the past, and feels a lot of heavy responsibility and long-lasting joy.

The bitterness and joy, the sadness and the joy of this girl from now on, will be borne by me, and I will bear it...

I want her to smile purely in her life, no worries...

The car is running, the music is reverberating, as if to drive to the old age.

After dinner, shopping and flower delivery, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan were excited to communicate, sometimes quiet, and gazing at each other. It seemed to be just a kind of eye contact. Without language, it was better than countless people.

Slowly swaying in the "cloud", the two finally returned to the hotel and returned to the warm and clean room that had been cleaned up.

"Hey, since you got the card, you become like a little married woman who just got married. No, it’s just a little married woman who just got married." Lou Cheng put down the cake desserts he bought, and teased his girlfriend. No, it is already Wife, daughter-in-law, wife!

Strictly turning into a cross, the autumn water is full of profit, it seems like a music:

"I just want to sleep on the sofa when I get married. Is it so sacred, so I don't allow me to settle down, I will feel it with my heart? Hey, you are not the same, like a goose, you can't say it. I will see me see me, smirking and laughing!"

Lou Cheng heard another unconscious smile.

Yan Yan put down the delicate rose, looked at the little red book in the eye bag, and suddenly revived:

"It's amazing, orange, we are getting married? Is this a couple?"

Lou Cheng stared at her eyes and replied with a low smile:

"Yeah, the little fairy in the sky is finally my wife."

Yan Shuguang swayed, dimples, and smiled:

"Yan coach is also your life's mentor~"

After the talk, the two laughed at the same time, but they couldn’t bear to have a little separation. After a short silence, they tacitly said:



This time, such nicknames represent no longer male and female friends, but couples who have been married to the white head.

"Hey..." "Orange..." a low voice shouted, Yan Yanxing was drunk, and the building was full of body and mind. The two sides were close, a little bit closed, and slowly kissed. together.

In the light slamming, Yan’s handbag fell to the ground.

One by one, the clothes fluttered gently and slowly. This time, the love of the two, the warmth of the two, the fierceness of yesterday, the eyes have long been opened, always looking at each other, watching each other, except for kissing, there is no mistake.

Yan Yan’s neck was stunned, and he looked at him with a slight gasp. He felt that every gentle impact seemed to enter his heart. Lou Cheng felt that he was wrapped up by a girl and blended with her. Together, heart and body, spirit and flesh.

I don't know how long it took, the long swaying, the two had a short stagnation, and then hugged together.

"Is this the night of the cave, the wife of the wife?" Lou Chengyu kissed the girl's delicate earlobe, whispered.

Strictly shrinking his head, he smiled at him with a residual look: "Can you talk well!"

Speaking of this, she smiled first, stretched out her hand, stroked the outline of the face, and outlined the more distinct lines, deliberately using the classical tone: "Yes, this is our cave flower. In the night, I am an adult. I originally wanted to cut our hair and tie it together according to the ancient ceremony, but you are in the hair, you can’t bind it.”

"This is a problem..." Lou Cheng chuckled and said, "Do you often say that I have my own pants on my leg? Can I use that?"

Strictly swearing, the lips and lips are closed twice and they are so angry and funny:

"What do you tie together?"

In her heart, the expression of "falling the table" suddenly appeared.

The orange is really dare to think!

"Then cut all the hair, mix it together, you have me, I have you." Lou Cheng stroked the girl's smooth and sweaty back, no more jokes, and made comments. .

"...can be awkward!" Yan Yan was pleased to wear on-skin clothing, looking for scissors, but he could move a lot, and the body did not consciously pause. His face showed a few painful expressions of pity.

"Don't worry, there is no place to cut it. I will buy two sachets that can be hung on my neck tomorrow." Lou Cheng hugged the girl and let her lie on her body. She used her forehead against her. The forehead said, "I meant to restrain myself today, do nothing, let you rest well and recover, and the result..."

The physical quality of the top job nine is now very quick to recover, but last night I was too ignorant, too excited and too rude.

"It's okay, if there isn't this, the wedding that belongs to us alone is not complete. I, I don't have it, I didn't stop it..." Yan Yan stunned.

Not only did it not stop, but it was very invested and very intoxicating.

In the feeling of the atmosphere like the one, there is no girl who can resist.

"Hmm, then do you prefer today, or yesterday?" The novice driver Lou Cheng asked curiously to accumulate experience.

Yan Yan’s lips were stretched a bit, and the white cheeks that had not disappeared were more and more beautiful. She turned her head and looked to the side, shouting:

"I don't like it!"

"It seems that I have to work harder!" Lou Cheng pretended to look thoughtfully.

From the feedback of "listening to the power", I should like it very much...

Yan Yan opened his mouth and wanted to blurt out something. In the end, he didn’t bother to say it. He only played an indignantly.

The warm and indifferent atmosphere came, and the two were quiet for a while, so they looked at each other with a shallow smile.

After a few minutes, Lou Cheng remembered something:

"Tomorrow Friday, we have to hurry to change the marital status on the account page..."

After the words were not finished, he and Yan Yan looked at each other and said:

"Still forget it!"

"forget it……"

After a short pause, Yan Yan reached out and painted a circle in the chest. "If you change your marriage, the school will know. My mom will know. I don't want to tell them. I am afraid they think you bring Broken me, always let me do something crazy, I don’t get a good impression on you, or change it when I’m going to have a wedding, hey, wait for someone to remind me to change.”

Lou Cheng heard a warm heart, soft voice:

"I think so too. If my mom knows that I am married, I have never considered them. I will definitely feel that I have a wife who has forgotten my mother. I will have a bad opinion about you and will accumulate contradictions. Hey, just do what you said, don’t change it, remind me to change it again, don’t remind me to wait for the future wedding, if my mom found it, I said it’s my fault, I’m afraid, it’s me. Without confidence, you will abduct you to be private."

"Well, my dad and my mom found out, and I said so, I said that I was worried that I missed you. I have to be willful to go. I have to stretch your eyebrows and smile."

In front of each other's parents, the responsibility of the other party is carried on themselves, which is conducive to maintaining the image of the partner and the relationship with the elders.

The two said a lot, recalled a lot, and looked forward to a lot. At 10:30, Yan Yan suddenly became awake, remembering that he had planned to take a bath earlier.

I ran outside for a day, and I was in a hot summer day. Then the little fairy couldn’t help but sweat. I came back to clean up the room and spend the night. As a result, under the emotional burst, I forgot the matter and was made by the orange. More slimy and dirty.

"You are not too dirty!" She was ashamed to beat the building, dressed in close-fitting clothing, opened the quilt, went to the sofa next to it, and took a nightdress.

Looking at the soft and beautiful back of the girl's lines, the white and delicate skin, Lou Cheng rushed to memorize the "before" character, suppressing his own soul, and fearing that one couldn't help but rushed over and lifted his wife and rushed. Into the bath room.

The night was very beautiful. Under the stern and provocative "provocation", he finally broke the power, failed to clear his heart and desire to sleep on time. Of course, he was considerate to get up early the next day, and he really could not bear it. After the girl tasted the wind and rain, she retracted into his arms and fell asleep.

On the early morning of the next day, Lou Cheng woke up on time, and did not come up with the concept of tempering in his mind. Instead, he leaned over and supported his head. The light and softly looked carefully at his wife and his own fairy.

Yan Yan slept very well, his lips showed a slight breeze, his nose was cute and pretty, his eyelashes were long and slightly curved, and he was upturned. He couldn’t help but bow down and kissed it again.

Taking a breath, forcibly stood up, Lou Cheng did not dare to look back, afraid that he could not bear to leave, after a little washing, put on clothing, whispered away from the room, came to yesterday morning training venue.

This time, his shoulders, his arms, his heart, a little more calm, have a clear desire for the climb of the martial arts, so that all the tests are no longer a test.

Hey, hey! He has a hurricane with his fists and feet, his heart is calm and introverted, and he is familiar with the grasp of the "root marrow", not eager but full of high spirits.

Inducting the "root marrow" is the first step to the inhuman, and when it can lead the "it" to change slowly with the help of the will, the spirit and the corresponding strength, it can push the door of the inhuman.

Lou Cheng is currently in the first step, and has overcome the difficulties that others may take a long time to break through. It is precipitating and is firmly rooted.

With the goal, with the clear motivation of why, after he worked hard, he only felt that the harvest was quite big, his mood became more and more pleasant, he could not wait to insert his wings, and immediately flew back to the hotel to share himself with his daughter-in-law, Xiao Xiaoying. improvement.

Running back and entering the room, Yan Hao has already woken up, and the two have been happy for a long time.

Just when Lou Cheng considered whether to go out to buy a sachet or to make an excuse not to go out, Yan Yan proposed:

"Orange, let's go back to school today, and return the account page. By the way, please ruin them for a meal."

She was full of buildings in the first two days. She completely forgot to say goodbye to her roommates. If she was late, Li had mercy that they had already returned home, and they could not get together before going abroad.

"Okay." Lou Cheng knew that the relationship between her wife and her roommate was quite good, and this time, I don’t know when to reunite. It’s reasonable to seize the opportunity to have a meal.

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