Martial Arts Master

Chapter 419: Prosperous


In the well-decorated grilled-string restaurant box, Lou Cheng and others waited for a toast, and they both celebrated the hard-won national championship.

After the award ceremony, they first accepted the interview, took a group photo, and then took a trophy around the scene to pay tribute and returned to the locker room in the audience's warm call.

After the shower, I got on the bus and went back to the hotel to put the items. They gathered again and then continued to spread them. They came here to celebrate the team. Of course, except for the seriously injured forest.

Shi Laotou was very happy to see everyone, relaxed restrictions, allowed to drink and drink, willing to drink, not willing to drink is not reluctant, only a little request, can not get drunk!

Lou Cheng and Yan Yan have their own principles. They have not made an exception for this. They are holding soda water and sour plum soup, respectively, to respect the brothers and sisters and the younger brothers and sisters.

In another round of toasting, Sun Jian, who was drinking alcohol on his face, picked up the beer bottle, tripped a full cup, and then pulled Lin Hua up and looked at the crowd. Humorous said:

"I will only call 666 salted fish to give everyone a glass."

Lou Cheng Cai Zongming and others laughed loudly and said: "When you toast, you will toast, why should you let Lin Shijie accompany you?"

Sun Jian smiled and sighed:

"When I return to Songcheng this time, I and Hua Hua should not come to the martial arts club. Take advantage of this opportunity and let everyone say goodbye to the bar."

He and Lin Hua are going to work in Huahai. Some things have to be finalized in advance, and the thesis defense must be put on the agenda intensively. Then there are too many things to be busy.

This is Lu Cheng. They have long known that they have long foreseen their mental preparations. However, if they really listen to Sun Jian’s words, it’s still a sad feeling. Everyone gets along for two years, and every day they train and sweat together, why not? Point friendship exists.

However, there is a banquet in the world.

Not waiting for Cai Zongming and others to open, Sun Jian said with great emotion:

"Although this national competition, I am not like Hua Hua, I have not been able to get a chance to play, but the impression is still deep, I don't think I am not a member of this team."

Having said that, he laughed: "When I first entered the martial arts society, I only wanted to practice martial arts and fight the game, venting the usual backlog, and never thought about the national competition in the divisional competition. They, huh, forget it, don't say they are bad words. In short, in those two years, I didn't feel that I was a member of the martial arts club. When I had time, I used the venue and the power room. If I have no time, no one will take care of it."

"In the past two years, with everyone training for the national competition, and training, and hard work, I really feel that I am a member of the martial arts club. I lost my heart and won me. I am happy with my dad. I have a sense of collective honor..."

He whispered, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan, they listened quietly, and at the end, Sun Jianyi drank the beer in the glass and said with emotion:

"This cup is a replacement for Sun Jianjing in Wannian!"

Lou Cheng and others took their respective cups and drank the contents inside, and answered in unison:

"We respect the grandson!"

Sun Jian gave himself a small glass of white wine and took Lin Hua’s hand:

"I have read a book. It says that most of the time in this life, people are unremarkable. They are lacking in nature. They are cycled day after day. Only occasionally they can jump out, find light, and leave their lives. Different colors."

"My future life may be such an ordinary, but I can proudly say that when my life is the most prosperous, I and Hua Hua, together with you, struggled for the dream, and tasted the pain of failure together. The joy of success has created a miracle together!"

"It’s so burning, it’s so good, it’s good!”

He and Lin Hua both raised their glasses together, and the voice was both happy and hurt:

"Whoever arrives in Huahai, remember to contact us."


"Really goodbye!"

As he spoke, he cried out and drank the liquid in the cup. Lin Hua endured tears and then raised his head and killed his cup.

Li Xiaowen had tears and raised their glasses, saying that everyone would see you again.

Lou Cheng and Yan Yan are also hot-eyed, emotionally complex, followed by a cup of clinking and drinking.

I laughed and cried, and I was happy and sad. I was excited and stunned. The celebration of the Songda Budosha team came to an end. Sun Jian violated the ban of the old man, drunk and drunk, and repeated "goodbye. The words to say goodbye, but no one blames him, no one scolds him.

Standing outside the store, the night wind blew, everyone is cool, and the head is clear.

"Hey, I won't go back to the hotel with you. I have to suppress the road with my family." Cai Zongming has been drinking very well, pointing to the cycling girl across the road.

"Go, after two days, see how you wave!" Lou Cheng teased.

It’s time to be a different dog!

After watching Xiao Ming’s back safely cross the crosswalk, Shi’s head coughed: “This time is busy with the national race. I haven’t seen old friends in the emperor. You’ll go back there, the old man has something to do.”

"Yes, Master (Shi coach)!" Lou Cheng and Yan Yan waved.

When Comrade Shi Jianguo left, Li Xiaowen and He Zi were more active. The two couples, Lou Cheng and Yan Jian, said: "We are going to visit the street and disperse the wine, so we will not bother you."

"Pay attention to safety." Lou Cheng said.

"Don't worry, we have bodyguards!" Li Xiaowen smiled and pointed at Li Weidao.

In the middle of the haha, they crossed the street and went away.

At this time, Lin Hua screamed and stopped a taxi, pointing to Sun Jian, and said to Lou Cheng and Yan Yan: "He is drunk like this, I can only send it back first, do you want to be together?"

"The hotel is not far away, we are going to take a walk back." Lou Cheng said with a smile, helping Lin Hua to put Sun Jian into the car.

"By the way!" Lin Hua sat up, waving the two men across the window.

"By the way!" Lou Cheng and Yan Yan responded with a smile.

When the vehicle started and left the place, the two suddenly found that there was only one side left in the cool night wind. The previous excitement, the previous embarrassment, was already quiet.

After a brief adaptation, Lou Cheng sneered, his left hand squatting on his chest, bending over the court with a gentleman's gesture:

"Beautiful lady, no, beautiful fairy, can you invite you for a walk?"

His right arm was tied with layers of bandages, hit the splint, fixed it, and only swung awkwardly.

According to the doctor, with his physical recovery ability, it will not be so troublesome in a few days. It will definitely be as good as three weeks. Of course, the premise is not to hurt any more.

Yan Yan smiled low:

"You, this disabled person, don't love it so much!"

Having said that, she handed her right hand over and let Lu Cheng hold it.

Blowing the wind and bathing in the neon, the two walked leisurely on the street and enjoyed the faint aftertaste of joy.

"Hey, when Sun Jian and Lin Hua’s sister just said goodbye, I was a little sad..." During the chat, Yan Yan suddenly sighed.

Lou Cheng also felt the same, nodded, and turned to teasing: "Strict coach, I remember you taught me, friends are divided into two kinds, one is a short intersection, will gradually drift away, no need to hurt this sad."

Yan Yan piled up a "sick" smile, and he glanced at him with a bite:

"I understand everything!"

But the emotion can be said that there is no.

Lou Cheng was swept away so vividly by her eyes, and suddenly there was some ripples in her heart. After looking around for four weeks, she pointed her chin to a quiet, unmanned alley: "Let's go over there."

"Ah?" Yan Yan narrowed his eyes and looked blank.

"There can be a shortcut in the distance." Lou Cheng did not change the answer, pulling the girl and went over.

Yan Yan’s face is full of ignorance. Seeing her boyfriend’s persistence, she no longer doubts. The pace is heavy and brisk. Every step must be stepped on the floor tiles, swaying and dancing. .

Lou Cheng looked at it with eagerness, and waited a few steps in the alley, and suddenly he tried to force the girl into his arms.

"..." Severely forced to look up, is about to open, has been blocked by the floor with his mouth, the action is passionate and warm.

"唔唔" two times, her body softened, her hands grabbed the clothes of Lou Cheng, actively spit out the tongue, let her boyfriend **** sweet.

The tighter the floor is, the more tight the breath is, the girl's warm breath, and the beauty of her delicate body.

After a while, they finally separated and gasped.

Yan Shuguang was bright and wet, and he took a look at the building. He was so angry and funny: "You, how excited you are, you will return to the hotel right away!"

Lou Chengyi smiled and said: "I thought about it, your father and your mother will definitely come to talk to you tonight. When we return to the hotel, we have to be separated for a while, so let's talk about it first!"

"Hey, I learned to answer the question~!" Yan Yan turned to think, this is the truth.

"It’s all coached by Yan." Lou Cheng lowered his head and used his forehead to stick to the forehead of the little fairy. He whispered the inner feelings that he hadn’t had time to say before. "It’s good... we are the champions. ...and won the championship with you..."

Such a posture, such a discourse, Yan Yan whole heart is soft, his head lifted up, his lips are slightly open, his eyes flickered and looked at his boyfriend, waiting for a kiss.

Lou Cheng is as natural as she wishes.

The two men were entangled and grinded. After ten minutes, they walked for half an hour. When they finally saw the hotel door and saw Ji Mingyu and the severely opened figure, a car stopped at the side of them.

The door opened and replaced with a T-shirt and slacks. A refreshing forest shortage was a little difficult and stood in front of the two.

"Brother." Yan Yan shouted in a subconscious.

Lin lacked a slight nod and looked at them with a low voice:

"I may not be back loose."

Ah... Lou Cheng stayed a bit, and Yan Yan was as expected.

Lou Cheng knows that Lin is missing to make up for his father's regret. He came to Songda for the national championship. Unlike Peng Leyun, he really likes to study. Nor is Ren Li simply not wanting to be "literate", the usual course and the final degree. For him, there is hardly any meaning. Once the wish is settled, it will naturally be innocent.

However, Lou Cheng did not think that the farewell of Lin deficiency will come so fast that people are not prepared.

Lin lacks or is cold and cold, but a little more than before, he said calmly:

"I have heard a song before, remembering a lyric, called "a good day for young and frivolous, ending with a sensible thing."

After a pause, he showed a very light smile, using the same indifferent tone as usual:

"I have been mad, and I should be sensible."

After that, he turned his body, opened the door, and sat down again, leaving only a lonely back to Lou Cheng and Yan Yan.

When the vehicle is moving, there is no side to the forest, but it is just a hand, and it is casually waved.

The car and he gradually drifted away, and gradually disappeared.

The bustling and falling, the land is deserted.

Lou Cheng closed his eyes, and the ears seemed to be echoing the words of Lin’s previous ones:

"I have been mad, and I should be sensible."

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