Martial Arts Master

Chapter 412: Please fight

"The final..."

Yan Xiaoling, who was wearing a headset, heard the statement of the host Liu Chang. Inexplicably, she became nervous. Her body showed a slight tremor, and her breathing was a little bit faint.

This is the atmosphere of the finals, the feeling of the final?

She brushed the forum and saw that her wishing building was a few stories high. She saw "Gui Shi Long Wang", "The Road to Fujian" and "Consistently Pure Jungang" and others talked about how to do it. In order to seize a little hope to win the final victory.

According to her past temperament, this time the gag, the nonsense, to the atmosphere of the active forum, but today, she can not be tempted to water, restless, restless.

I didn’t see Vatican, I didn’t see Xiaoyan, I didn’t see the shit, I didn’t see it... They just started bubbling... Is this the same as me?

After taking a sip of water and taking a sip of water, Yan Xiaoling felt her chest sullen and couldn't help but get up and walk back and forth.

At this time, she saw Mu Jinnian taking a deep breath there and was busy caring about it: "Jin Jin, what happened?"

"Nothing, that is, the game is about to begin, and suddenly it is a little breathless." Mu Jinnian wore a beloved Hanfu.

Her computer desktop is a cartoon figure of the forest.

Oh... Yan Xiaoling suddenly realized that he suddenly felt nervous and not alone.

Don't look at Jin Jin so powerful, usually hit me five is not a problem, it is not the same breathless!


On Weibo, He Xiaowei, who has repeatedly defeated and defeated, once again made a prediction post and gambled on his reputation and future:

"I don't believe that Shanbei will lose today! From what point of view, they have won! If this can be lost, I will change the nickname and change it to 'poisoned milk lord', and then you will call you!"

During this time, he fired a lot, and the following reply slammed out a lot of articles:

"I wiped, the mysterious power from the East began to take off!"

"When you give it up, you will have a haha..."

"What should I do, should I take off my pants and fight for a big fight? Online for answers, very urgent!"

"You wait! If the mountain is lost tonight, I will send you a blade of a car."

"The venom of the poisonous milk, can you really change your life?"


In the middle of the jokes, the “Jianghu Baixiaosheng” that disappeared for more than two days quietly sent Weibo:

"I don't make predictions. I just tell you a message. Peng Leyun has stepped into the door and started to change in the direction of non-human. What does this mean? You know."

A breakthrough is a process, not a node.

After clicking "Send", "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" sighed and felt that the depression in the past few days had been greatly alleviated. Then he took the water glass and took a sip, refreshed the page and saw a new reply. :

"That is, Peng Leyun wants to be truly non-human, and there are ten days and a half months?"

Uh... "Jianghu Baixiaosheng" spouted out of water and spent his own computer screen.

Although this is true, it is not the point I want to express!

Starting to change, it means that there is a difference, which means that Peng Leyun's strength has been improved!

Shanbei, which has already occupied a great advantage, will take a big leap, no, sweeping loose!

Pull out the paper towel and wipe the screen clean. He saw the follow-up comments:

"I went, the poisoned milk teacher next door only made a contribution... Peng Leyun, this is going to be against the sky, to break the poisonous milk ability in front?"

"While your analysis and forecasting are not accurate, the subjective tendency is too obvious, but the inside information has always been very real. It is worthy of the rivers and lakes."

"This is this, as a student of Songda, I can only pray that they will not lose too much tonight, three to two, three to two best!"

"It’s really time for Peng Leyun to change. It’s a big devil..."


Seeing these discussions, Yan Xiaoling and "Magic Fan" were a little nervous, and they became more and more breathing.


On the stands of the Emperor Wudao Stadium, the eyebrows of the eyebrows were used to control the hands of Ji Mingyu, and looked at the center of the venue with a solemn face.

"Don't make such an expression, it has the same deep hatred as the small building." Ji Mingyu teased his husband with a funny smile.

"No?" Yan opened his left hand and touched his cheek. He didn't feel any problem with his expression.

Ji Mingyu shook his head and smiled: "You ah... I will grow up sooner or later. There will be boys who like them sooner or later. Sooner or later, there will be families belonging to them, but only two or three years ahead of schedule."

"I just worried that the love affair of the student era could not be reached at the end, and that 珂珂 was hurt. At this age, everyone is still too young and idealized." Yan Kai sighed.

"You will worry! That is my daughter, I will look at it." Ji Mingyu said, turning his eyes to the ring, whispered, "Don't think about it, watch the game, this is the final!"

I haven't played the finals in my life!

Slightly nodded and looked around, feeling that there was a kind of atmosphere called "final" that fermented a little.


In the live broadcast room, Liu Chang, the host who brought the atmosphere, looked at the commentator Chen Sansheng:

"Three students, this time you seem to have not predicted the outcome of the final?"

Chen Sansheng smiled and said: "Because it is relatively predictable, there is no need to send a special Weibo."

"In the previous game, Peng Leyun showed that he was better than Ren Li, and he was better than the level of building. This is not his limit. He will start the process of transformation at any time. In this way, he will not wear it. Second, it will also enable Fang Zhirong to easily defeat the remaining one after the hard battle."

"Yan Yan is showing the strength of the top job nine, and the means are rich and unpredictable, but not mentioning Fang Zhirong, just the "crow mouth" Xu Wannian, can also stabilize her."

"In any case, there is a 70% to 80% win in Shanbei."

"However, the competition must consider many factors, such as on-the-spot play, such as mutual grammar, just like Lou Cheng is very restrained Xu Wannian, even if there is only residual blood, but also abuse him without discussion, so if there is a similar situation, Songda is also Have the hope of winning."

"It depends on how hard they try to create this kind of scene!"

"Twenty-three percent of the winning face is not desperate. I hope that I will not be discouraged, give up, play the spirit, and play style!"

Liu Chang laughed and laughed: "Are you the last eight words in the curse?"

"No, no sincerity." Chen Sansheng shook his head and chuckled.

"I understand, cursing sincerely!" Liu Chang joked.

They worked hard to match the guidance tips, and the atmosphere of the game was rendered more and more solemn and tense.


In the locker room of the martial arts club of Shanbei University, Huang Qing, the coach of the early childhood, looked at his watch and stood up:

"This is the final. Once you are negligent, there is no room for making up for it. I will remind you first, you must not lose Jingzhou!"

"We are in the toughest way to meet Songda, Leyun, you are the first to play, no need to consider the follow-up, can win a few is a few!"

Peng Leyun woke up from the hustle and bustle, and his eyes gradually gathered, and he bowed slightly:

"it is good."

His tone is gentle, not generous, not passionate, and it seems to be taken for granted.

"Zi Rong, you are the second one, and strive not to let Wanli play." Huang Qing looked sideways to Fang Zhirong.

Knowing the importance of the finals, knowing the current level of terror in Loucheng, I also know that Lin’s lack of strength has really forced himself. Fang Zhirong did not play character, did not fight for a pioneer, and bit his lower teeth:


Huang Qing finally looked at Xu Wannian and smiled slightly:

"If you really have the opportunity to play, the end is gorgeous or sad, it depends on how you play, understand?"

"Understand! Go all out!" Xu Wannian shook his fist and said loudly.

His emotions infected Bernhard and other substitutes, and he shouted:

"Go all out!"


In the locker room of Songcheng University Budoshe, Shi Laotou is about to arrange the order of appearance today, and sees the forest missing one step forward, Shen Sheng said:

"Shi coach, I want to be the first to play!"

This... Lou Cheng and Yan Yan looked at each other in a wrong way, without interjecting, waiting to see what Shi Jianguo said.

Shi Laotou did not see an accident, hehe smiled:

"You have to think clearly. Peng Leyun, who is likely to encounter the peak state in the first battle, is not the old man. I am against you, and you are likely to be defeated."

If Lin missed other people, he stared at the old man:

"I know, but this is the only way we can win."

"In the previous battle, Lou Cheng had not had the opportunity to show his long-lasting physical characteristics. Only by using this, we have hope to win the mountain."

Since the standard of the six products, in addition to the battle with An Chaoyang Park Yuan hit the limit, Lou Cheng has not played the role of Jin Dan can make up for physical strength, and the reason for that war, it will be to the limit because he fell into Desperate, rushed to make full use of the flames caused by the fire, that is to say, although everyone knows that he is no longer physically exhaustive, but can not understand the limits of his current realm.

Of course, longer than the other six products is foreseeable.

Seeing the old man’s head only did not speak, Lin’s lack continued:

"Luocheng is only worse than Peng Leyun. If I can fight together and consume more Peng Leyun, he may not have hoped to win, and as long as the residual state is better than that of Park Yuan, he may win Fang Zhirong again. As for Xu Wannian, too indulgent, no 'crow's mouth', even Cai Zongming is afraid."

Wait, I am weak? Xiao Ming’s classmates are dumbfounded.

Lou Cheng is even more surprised. It is not an analysis of a strange forest, but a feeling that he may have encountered a fake big brother.

He even said so much!

The more you care, the more words he has?

He looked at the coach tightly and found that the girl's eyes were similar to themselves.

"It is true that this is true, but your burden will be heavy. If Peng Leyun is overwhelmed by the peak state, then we can wash and sleep." Shi Laotou was hard to be serious, watching Lin missing.

Lin Xiaozi’s psychological problems have always existed, and it’s not good if he has a baggage.

Lin lacks the expression, Zheng focus:

"I am willing to take it."

"Good." Shi Laotou no longer said anything else, agreed to it, and turned to look at the building into a road, "smelly boy, you second, fight to win Peng Leyun!"

"Yes!" Lou Cheng took a breath and replied with a war.

"Tough Yantou, you finally close, if you are lucky enough to meet Xu Wannian, don't be afraid, the chance to not talk to him is." Shi Laotou smiled and looked at Yan Yan.

"Yes!" Yan Yan nodded hard.

Speaking of this, Shi Laotou laughed and looked around Li Wei Sun Jian He Zi and Cai Zongming and others in a circle:

"Isn't it a pity that I didn't give you any chance to play?"

"No regrets!" Cai Zongming immediately replied, "I like this the most! Shi coach, you think about it, do nothing, just need to scream a few times when the oranges and forests lack them to win the game, you can Waiting for the bonus, what a wonderful thing!"

Looking at such a thick Xiaoming classmate, Shi Laotou was speechless.


Time is passing fast, and it will be close to the official start of the final.

In the dressing room on both sides, the players spontaneously circled.

The people in the north of the mountain stacked their hands and shook them. Huo Ran shouted:


On the side of Songda, Loucheng, they are still holding each other's shoulders, shouting in unison:

"It must win!"


The gates of the two locker rooms were opened together. Under the leadership of Lou Cheng and Peng Leyun, the coaches of Songda and Shanbei sneaked out and walked into the spotlight.

At this time, the referee also boarded the ring and checked the time.

On April 25th, at 7:40 in the evening, the National University Budokai Finals officially began!

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