Martial Arts Master

Chapter 403: Even fierce

Chen Diguo did not hit a fist, and immediately knew that it was not good. Immediately after leaning back and back, the seesaw drove the right arm of the defeated captain, and the dangerous and dangerously blocked the left fist of Lin’s lack of beating.


His arm that was rushed to parry was kicked down, and Lin lacked the technique of "Blush Twenty-four Strikes" to match the "Yin and Yang Turn" technique. He put his left arm back and slanted his right foot, while turning to the body. The right fist was sent without gaps and collapsed between the opponent's chest and abdomen.

Before Chen Yingguo went to the brothel, he was already famous. He belonged to the top job ninth. The practice was the Taiji martial law of the family. He was called Chen’s pulse. At this critical juncture, he re-emerged with his right arm. Straight back, with the inertia, the left fist shakes out, and the cross frame is in front of you.

boom! In the muffled sound, he hurriedly blocked his position to stabilize his body shape. If the "big avalanche" that Lin lacked was unfolded, how could it be so simple, the fists were stretched, the knees were bounced, and the toes had been kicked low. Out, the connection is smooth and fierce, and the opportunity to "reinforce the power" is not given to the enemy. It seems that this martial arts should directly connect the opponent to death.

In the sound of continuous explosion, Chen Enguo was reluctant to attack the violent storm, and gradually felt the breathless feeling.

He knows that he can't go on like this anymore, and then he will be accumulating a little bit by the lack of Lin. If the other side wants to beat himself, he will not consume much.


Chen Diguo hurriedly lifted his left arm and resisted the cannon of Lin's lack of metal in the state of the railway. In the shaking of the body, he suddenly vibrated his right wrist at high speed. With the perfusion of "storm", he shook a crescent-like force. The wind hits the opponent's eyes.

Chen's exclusive, "Wrist sword"!

He can only be regarded as a general disciple in the brothel. It is not a core rumor. The "storm force" that is awarded is not the top of the "wind department", and it is not like the "ice force" of Loucheng. The core strength, under its impetus, the power of the "sickle" is not as good as the effect of Ren Li.

Chen Enguo accepts this fact, but he is unwilling to accept this result. He is thinking hard every day, tempering from time to time. Under the guidance of Ren Li and the reference of many materials, he has changed the skill of "sickle" to suit himself and created " The wrist sword" is a practice.

From the effect point of view, it has not improved, but it can be made faster and more concealed. It has become one of Chen’s killers. The biggest role is to break the tricks and chaos!

Of course, he has the time to ponder these things, but also because the strength is slow, not like Lou Chenglin, they are soaring, there are too many things to learn to master, and there is nothing to do with similar things.

Hey! "Wrist sword" just came out, Lin's lack of eyes is a pain, feeling the danger of attack.

This will not hurt him, but it will be enough to oppress his nephew, causing a short-term adverse effect, just like a child slap in the eyes.

He was attacking, and he was too late to parry. He immediately dropped his weight and buried his head.

Just let you slow down the pace! Chen Enguo’s "Wrist Sword" glimpsed and returned to the blood without hesitation. He slammed the "big avalanche" and paused. .

Lin deficiency is also a long-term battle, knowing that once rushed to avoid the "sword sword", the follow-up will be hit by the chain, sinking the center of gravity has already contracted the blood, but also hold the power, now the meteor fell to the ground, the volcano erupted, just also bombarded A punch broke out and confronted Chen’s attack.


Their respective fists saw the expansion of tiny muscles and the highlights of the black veins. They seemed to stick together in the air and solidified in place.

After a moment, the wind was so full that it scraped the debris they had stepped on.

In the divergent air, they swayed at the same time and the arm bounced back.

At this time, Chen Enguo made another "husband", and put the right leg with the fierce momentum of "two consecutive explosions".

He thought very well that since he found the opportunity with the "sword sword", he had to make a burst, how much it could be, and forced the forest to follow, so that he even lost to him. It is almost exhausted from his physical strength, and will give a final victory to the last appearance of Xiao Yan.

It can be seen from the previous game that the lack of forests is very fast, and the peak state can probably complete seven or eight bursts. Together with the top inheritance of the bucket department, it is absolutely true that he is strong, but he is not bad. The strength of the award is not top-notch, and there are not many "wind department" moves, but it is the old seven products, and can make seven or eight bursts!

Close range, the explosion of opponents in the same realm, the two conditions add up, Lin deficiency naturally can not wait for it, he can only follow the contraction of the gas and the rebound of the collision, make an explosion, quickly pumping the leg, slamming blocked The kicking of the enemy, set off a violent wind.

Snapped! Snapped! Chen Diguo was unceremonious, made three consecutive explosions and four consecutive explosions, elbows and knees hit, without any interest, and continued to attack.

boom! boom! The lack of forest is firmly fixed, and the "Blizzard Twenty-Four Strikes" and "Yin and Yang Turn" are integrated into the explosion of Danjing, and the more and more fierce, the stronger the fight!

Chen Guoguo knows that Lin lacks strength and strength, but he did not expect that he can do so well. He is so good, and he is in the room. After four bursts, he is shocked to find that he can't hold his opponent!


Lin lacked all the feelings to shrink to the lower abdomen. By the eruption of the situation, he stretched his body and slashed his fist with a hammer.

Chen Enguo gnawed his teeth, and his blood and blood smashed. He made a five-shot explosion with hard hits and drove his left arm to move up!

He had to do this, or he would be beaten up immediately, and he couldn’t dodge the situation just now and he became a trap to restrain himself!


In the middle of the fist, the sound exploded, and Chen’s enemy only felt that the opponent’s power was soaring, and then he was able to compete, and the body could not help but make a quick retreat.

Lin lacked eyes and deep, no physical strength, gas contraction, and immediately bursting, thickening his legs.

The timing of his right foot suddenly slammed, ploughing the ground, and robbing the enemy before the enemy's operation of "storm".

Six bursts!

boom! The collapse of Chen’s enemy’s foot suddenly swayed, cracking the gap, and spurting the force, letting him focus again and briefly.

Lin lacked his knees and beat him. He jumped forward and fluttered. He grabbed Chen’s enemies and sneaked out his right palm. He opened his fingers and tried to grab his shoulders and complete the “death” combo.

Just when he just touched the shoulder of his opponent, Chen Enguo returned the blood in time, and made a movement to lean over the body. He avoided the pick and swelled, and then swelled the Dan, and he had to shake his arm and grab it. Wrap the enemy.

Wind Department, the first fourteenth style, wrapped around!

The "dead robbery" that can be lacking is so simple. If you miss it, you will immediately squat and push your arm to bend, so that the elbow directly resists Chen’s counter-attacking arm. The position is just the force of the force. What's wrong.

He solved the outbreak of Dan's environment with normal moves!

Followed by, Lin lacked a side body, like a meteorite fell to the ground, quickly slammed into Chen enemy country.

Here, "dead robbery" is no longer a collection, it has become a middle connection!


Chen Diguo reluctantly blocked his arm and his body continued to recede.

Lin lacks slips and grabs, right arm re-exploration, grabbing and taking out, or "dead robbery"!

Seeing that the opponent's five fingers have fallen on their shoulders, Chen Enguo quickly sighed and thought of the whistling wind between the heavens and the earth, and “filled” the force into the body.

His muscles bulged, like gas, and Lin was short of fingers and was bounced.

How can the "wind" be caught?

And just rebounded, Lin lacked and sideways.

This time, he used the "rejoice", his body became tall, and he relied on the horror of the previous power.


Chen Jingguo just resounded his arm and reached in front of him. He was smashed into the shelf and lost the feeling of lightness because of the new energy.

This fight, Lin lacks the attack and the air is impenetrable, just like the stormy waves, people feel that he can win at any time, but Chen Enguo has repeatedly escaped, always "survived", even if he has done his best, look De Loucheng and other people were thrilled, and feared that Lin lacked a carelessness, and he was escaped by the opponent's "floating". In that case, there will be hard battles in the follow-up.

Chen enemy country is worthy of the old seven!

At this time, Lin missed the third time, but he still found his right arm and wanted to even "dead."

Chen enemy's center of gravity is not stable, the shelf does not exist, there is no other idea, only strong support for the return of blood, the body will go to the next contraction.

At this moment, the forest lacking the lessons learned was caught in the palm of the hand, and the elbow joint was shaken. He slammed on Chen’s shoulder and beat him to sway and bleed. "Enjoy strength" failed.

When he was shaking, Lin lacked his fingers and finally took his shoulders. Then he thought of the picture of the meteor breaking through the sky. He poured the power into the enemy's body, briefly hitting the veins and disintegrating the opponent's resistance. .

When the elbow joint arrived, Lin lacked Chen Enguo and jumped up and slammed him into the ground.

Bucket, tenth style, "dead robbery"!


The gravel flies, the smoke and dust rise, and the stunned Chen Enguo is in pain. It is difficult to move at the moment, and the voice of the referee is echoing in the ear:

"The second game, Lin lacked!"

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