Martial Arts Master

Chapter 396: War is coming soon

The dressing room of Songda Budodo.

After watching the game between Emperor and Guoyang, Shi Laotou took a shot and attracted the attention of Lou Cheng and others, coughing two channels: "Don't go out to eat late tonight to celebrate the first four, rest early, tomorrow Normally tempered, it will only be three days until the semi-final is full."

Speaking of it, he smiled:

"The old man I understand, you guys are not tired, just in this way, let you tighten the string, challenge the emperor should have the look of the imperial capital, can not be loose!"

Hearing the words of Shi Laotou, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan looked at each other. Huo Ran had a feeling of being in a war, a little nervous and a little excited.

"Yes, Master (coach)!" They replied in unison, and the thoughts had flown to the night two days later.

It’s a skyrocketing, or a bad heat, still need to accumulate, just watch this battle!


On the way back to the hotel by bus, the topic of their chattering has been taken from Jinfeng. The nickname "Mouth King" has not been mistaken and transferred to the martial arts club of the Imperial College. The youth is hot and the atmosphere is high.

When I got off the bus, I mentioned that Yan Li, the martial artist of Ren Li, suddenly grinned and attracted a strange look:

"what happened?"

What is funny about Ren Li’s martial arts?

"I remembered an allusion~" Yan Yan said briskly, slammed the last pedal of the bus and jumped to the door of the hotel.

"What is the story?" Lou Cheng smiled and looked at the girl's every move, and walked slowly and slowly behind her side.

This led Cai Zongming to the ear of Li Hao, whispering in a whisper: "You look at the orange, this laugh, Mom, I saw the taste of a smile!"

Li Wei’s single dog said with envy: “I also want to have a girlfriend to make me smile... Hey, mouth king, don’t say orange, you are not in front of your girlfriend?”

"No, in front of my family, I am more humbly laughing..." Cai Zongming spread his hand, "My aesthetic, my taste, you mortal will not understand."

On the other hand, Yan Yan’s eyes turned up and smiled and said: “Is the brothel not based on the “Wind Department” and has mastered some of the “瘟部” fragments?”

"Yes." Lou Cheng answered with the answer.

"Because the obtained '瘟部' exercises are only remnant, lacking the deepest content, the brothel predecessors tried to combine it into the 'wind department', and then create a '魑魅魍魉. 黄泉之路' which is outside the '瘟' The killings in the scorpion, the result is a bunch of weird martial arts." Yan Yan and Lou Cheng walked into the hotel lobby hand in hand, sharing the allusion that they knew.

“How strange?” Lou Cheng asked with interest.

"Hey, for example, the brothel predecessors who practiced these strange martial arts were taken several interesting nicknames, such as 'humanoid biochemical weapons', 'walking gas bombs', 'world convention banters', 'Large-scale killing scorpion'..." Yan Yan said that he wants to laugh more, "I will make a solemn commitment to China, and I will never use the martial arts outside the brothel first."

Lou Cheng was shocked and stunned for a long time: "This is quite terrible... Fortunately, Ren Li has not been to non-human, even if he is exposed to these strange martial arts, he can't practice any obvious effect."

Strictly grinning, dimples shallow: "Stupid children ~ you don't have to worry about this, because these strange martial arts are too murderous, easy to accidentally injure, brothels have been strictly controlled, not through the test of good heart The rumors of disciples and elders are not allowed to be taught, even in the top-level competitions, they rarely appear. Otherwise, when I first mentioned those nicknames, I would not say 'interesting', but should say 'horror'."

"There are few appearances in the top game. No wonder I don't know..." Lou Cheng suddenly realized.

Talking and laughing, the two entered the elevator and came to the floor where the room was.

drop! Yan Yan swiped the card into the house. When she closed the door, she suddenly turned around and passed through the gap. She looked at the floor with a bright eyes and smiled at the corner of her mouth:

"Will you still watch the video of the Emperor's game together tonight?"

At this point in time, such an invitation, Lou Cheng’s heart was boiling, and he rushed to the brain, and he had to push the door and open the door with the little fairy. I can think of the previous Master’s instructions, thinking that the war is just around the corner, and hesitated for a while. I feel that it is still necessary to cultivate the nature and prepare for it.

In a short hesitation, he saw a glimpse of Hui Min in his eyes, and heard her tone lightly:

"It seems that I don't want to, so forget it~"

The voice did not fall, she had been prepared, it was a jingle to close the door, leaving a clear laughter without disguise, very proud.

Between Huo Ran, Lou Cheng suddenly realized that Xiao Xiaoyu’s classmates deliberately teased themselves. She is very clear that with her own character, she will definitely consider the war with the emperor. Considering Master’s point of mention, she will inevitably hesitate, so she I didn’t think about it at the beginning and let myself enter the room!

"You will be rumored! I will tease me!" Lou Cheng took out his mobile phone, sent a message in the past, and expressed his feelings with an exclamation mark.

"Oh..." Yan Yan quickly responded, first laughed, and then said, "I will dare to marry you when you don't do anything~"

Otherwise, I am embarrassed!

"Who said that? Who said at the door that ‘you don’t want to kiss me?’” Lou Cheng tweeted.

He has been understanding for a long time, and getting along with the girls, it is impossible to please a sweet talk. From time to time, jokes, teasing and teasing can be intimate.

"Forget it! No, I haven't said it!" Yan Yan shouted back.

People are so proactive to take the initiative, you dare to laugh! Hey, I won’t be close to you in the future!

When Lou Cheng was well received, he smiled and said: "Guess what I am thinking about now?"

Yan Yan’s “hands on the chin’s eyeballs” said: “I’ll think about the next time I’ll dare to swear you, you’re not interested in anything else? Hey, there’s no next time!”

"No." Lou Cheng "snickering" said, "I am thinking about whether or not to break into the door, and how much is the hotel to lose after the door is dead?"

Don't talk about the door, the wall can't stop yourself!

"..." Yan Yan sent an "angry" expression, "Go back to sleep!"

"Okay." Flirting for a while, Lou Cheng returned to his room, washed, waited to lie on the bed, chat with Yan Yan, while brushing the forum website and Weibo, from time to time with the "mouth king" Jiang fat, they are a few words.

At this time, Weibo's official website of the gaming company has announced the latest odds, the odds of the Imperial and Songda semi-finals:

Emperor, 1 loss of 1.3 (including the principal), Songda, 1 loss of 1.5 (including the principal).

The odds of the two sides are quite close, and the emperors are slightly lower, indicating that the public thinks their winning face is slightly higher.

“It’s still reasonable...” Lou Cheng’s eyes swept over and looked at the analysis and predictions of the famous Wudao Da V.

"Chen Jia Sansheng" said:

"Lin deficiency is stronger than Chen Enguo, Yan Yan is weaker than Jiang Jingfeng or Jiang Kongyu. The final result depends largely on Lou Cheng and Ren Li who wins and loses. If Lou Cheng wins a half-style, it will consume a little. A little Chen enemy country, that Lin deficiency can maintain a fairly good strength to face Jiang Jingfeng or Jiang Kongyu, even if it will still lose, it can also consume the other side is very exhausted, so that Yan Yan has no small hope to win, After all, these two eight products are purely military and have no power."

"If Ren Li wins, Lin deficiency will be consumed in advance, and when faced with the normal seven-level or even stronger Chen enemy country, it may fail if it is slightly careless. Even if it wins, it is almost close to the limit. In this case, Jiang Jingfeng or Jiang Kongyu can retain most of his physical strength to face Yan Yan. If their mentality does not collapse and they do not play into the wrong situation, the outcome can be imagined."

"So, who is the winner of Lou Cheng and Ren Li? From the current strength of the show, Lou Cheng has a genuine top six product strength, and Ren Li has not fully revealed the level. Of course, we are all convinced. She must have the realm of the top six products, and maybe even close to non-human."

"From this point of view, the difference between the two seems to be, but in other respects, Ren Li knows oneself and knows oneself, and the confidant has no knowledge of each other. Therefore, I am cautiously optimistic about Ren Li's victory, and the emperor will enter the finals!"

"Jianghu Baixiaosheng" did not send a long Weibo this time, only a short sentence:

"The probability of winning or losing, the sixth floor is four, the emperor wins!"

The same is true of "superstitious thoughts," and it is powerful:

"The loose bench is too weak. What do they take to win the imperial capital?"

Yes, this poisonous milk is well fed... Lou Cheng laughed and waited for the point to read the comment, but was forwarded by Yan Yan an interview video: "Look and see, Ren Li's post-match interview!"

Uh... Lou Cheng buffered the data and looked at it seriously.

On the screen, Ren Li tied a half-ball head, standing in front of the reporter like a doll, medium-sized, not tall or short.

"Today is still three questions, but it does not involve this game." The reporter is obviously more familiar with Ren Li, said with a smile.

"Yeah." Ren Li nodded slightly.

"First, everyone is actually very curious. You are not like Peng Leyun. You have an unusual preference for physics. Why do you have to go to college instead of accepting brothel arrangements and participating in professional competitions step by step?" Asked with interest.

Ren Li’s mouth is slightly open, and the eyelids are floating:

"My parents are professors at the university. If I don't read a bachelor's degree, I feel that I am an illiterate person, and they will have a generation gap. The more knowledge I have, the more I can understand the martial arts."

"It turned out to be the book of Xiangmen." The reporter praised, "The second question, I heard that you are usually confused, especially road blind, has reached the end of the terminal illness?"

Ren Li did not consciously pout, and replied with a slight grievance:

"They said that I am always in the state of 'Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?' I think so. One person has limited energy and can only concentrate on doing two or three things. As for others, Let's go that way..."

"Haha, how do I feel that your answer is very weak." The reporter laughed. "Third, what do you think of the game between yourself and Loucheng? Who wins even higher?"

"From the strength point of view, five or five, to see who is on the spot to play better." Ren Li sincerely replied.

The reporter shook his head: "No, you haven't exposed the cards in this national game. From this point, you have an advantage!"

Ren Li looked at her helplessly, as if to say "Oh, you don't want to tear me down."

In the video of this interview, the barrage drifted over and said, "Wow, good Meng", "Meng I have a **** face", "Ren Li, I will always support you!" "Support you, burst the building!" Wait for the words.

Lou Cheng looked good and funny, and looked forward to the next semi-final.

Of course, before that, there is still one thing to do, that is, watching the battle between Peng Leyun and An Chaoyang, and glimpsing the true level of the former!

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