Martial Arts Master

Chapter 374: One person overthrew a team

"One wear three!"

"One wear three!"

Listening to the excitement of the excitement, Lou Cheng smiled and turned to look at the seat of Hudong University. He saw a thin, tall and sullen Wu Yong slowly standing up.

It doesn't seem to mean to leave a professional nine-player opponent to Dadge...

And the discerning eye can see that I still have the strength, so turning around and appearing to have the suspicion of discrimination and weakness is a disrespect for Wu Yong’s warrior...

Besides, I haven’t really done it before, I have to experience it!

In this case, then the good guys will do the best, send the Buddha to the West!

The mind must be, the building is divided into two feet, re-opened the shelf, and waited for the third game, and I was quite eager to try.

After a lot of experience, and then gradually mature, it is impossible to cover up the fact that he is only twenty years old, and his vitality and vitality have not yet left him.

Is there a song that has not been sung like this? Probably means that even if the age grows, it becomes old, and the young man who lived in his heart.

As soon as I saw the posture of the building, the audience around them understood what he meant, and suddenly burst into noise, sending out a wave of shouting.

In the finals of the National University Budokai, “wearing three” is not a common thing!


"Luo Cheng seems to really want to 'wear one three'." In the live broadcast room, the host Liu Changhe said.

Chen Sansheng shook his head and smiled: "There is no way, in the case of weak attack, as long as one step is wrong, the whole plate will collapse. When Han Peipei is swayed by the newly-built nine-word mantra, the next development can be imagined. I just predicted that Yu Zhi will become a live target, but I did not expect him to lose so fast and so crisp."

"Yeah, I thought that he could support a few dozens of tricks with his fat body. As a result... Liu Chang sighed.

The result was easily ruined, and Hudong University was about to suffer three kills. This TM is a bit embarrassing!

"This is also a no-brainer. Yu Zhi's fighting style is to force others to fight hard, and often walks by the river. How can I not wet shoes? It is too difficult to escape the simple shackles of Loucheng. He, the loss is only a matter of time." Chen Sansheng stared at the slow-moving Wu Yong said, "Luo Cheng that balances the hand of the returning blood to the blood is getting more and more good, it is hard to prevent, Yu Zhi is very normal. ""

"Well, the third game is about to begin, Sansheng, you can simply comment on the battle just now." Liu Chang took control of the time.

"The specific situation is similar to my analysis before the game. There is nothing to say." Chen Sansheng paused. "As for Lou Cheng, if he said that he and Peng Leyun had played against each other in December last year, he relied on several strong points. The strength of the six products that came up, the shortcomings of other places are obvious, and now, he is a genuine six-level standard, in all aspects of various senses."

"No, no, the most practical aspect is not. He hasn't got a six-certificate certificate yet. It's not really six products. He is twenty-five-year-old. It's generally like that." Liu Chang opened the sentence on Weibo. joke.

Chen Sansheng echoed and laughed twice. At the end, he sighed: "Don't compare with Peng Leyun. On its own, Lou Cheng is called "the pride of the sky". It is a good name, um, not a candidate!"


"Haha, explain that the uncles boasted that they were blushing, modest, modest, and modest." "The long night is coming" Yan Xiaoling posted with a "heart and soul" expression.

"Yes, yes, I feel embarrassed for them!" "Sell and sell" and "dance to dance."

"Oh, I don't want to say anything, I will shout two times, one wearing three! One wearing three!" "Fantasy Vatican" "waving red flag."


"You guys, this group of little girls knows how to make flowers, can't they be a little technical?" "Gai Shilongwang" and "disdain" said, "I want to say that the fat man is really awkward, and the other is not simplified. The weak six of the nephew, he may not lose!"

"The play is restrained, the teammates in front are not giving strength, but what can be done?" "The road to the ring" wandered over the hand.

"Heavenly and empty" "Laughter": "The fat face of the fat man just killed me! After seeing that Han Peipei did not cause any harm, he estimated that he would die."

"It is also a fat man, for other people, so many bursts of blasting early! Red blood and white turbidity! Do not think, I am talking about brains!" "Consistently pure Jungang Ben" funny.

The two main players will be defeated, and there will be no suspense in the victory. The atmosphere of the forum is lively and relaxed.


At the seat of Songda Budodo, Yan Yan changed his sitting posture, and he was smug and smug. She secretly aimed at her cousin and wanted to confirm his view of the orange "wearing three."

The thin coat that Lin lacked was not taken off, and the look was indifferent, and there was no war.

To go to bully a warrior of a professional nine-product, and regardless of the overall situation, he can not afford to come.

Wait for the orange to "wear one three"! Yan Yan completely let go of his heart, and looked at the Fujian and Taiwan with great enthusiasm. Li Wei and Sun Jian and others have taken out their mobile phones and pretend to be onlookers. They began to record the first victory of Songda Budodo in the national race after many years!

Above the ring, Yu Zhi supported both hands and climbed up hard. The head had become swollen and swollen, and two blood dragons were hung.

He nodded to the building, and the fat flickered toward the stone steps. Although it was awkward, the footsteps were still vain.

Looked at his back, and looked at the human form shallow pit on the ground, the building could not help but breathe a little breath, and some admire the opponent's ability to fight.

This is on the road, even if it is hit by a car, it just turns over, pats the dust, does the fart not?

Change yourself, if you do not force to resist, directly take the body block, the injury is affirmative!

Slowly leaving, Yu Zhi looked at the road under his feet, and suddenly there was some inexplicable sigh in his heart.

My college martial arts career is really coming to an end...

Wu Yong smiled and glanced at him, unloading all the burdens and stepping onto the ring.

For him, if you want to make a comeback in this situation, you can only hope that you will drop the meteorite in the sky, and you will be killed by the smashing of the martial arts club. In addition, there is no possibility!

So, then don't want anything, and experience the contest with Liu Pin Dan!

Coming to the opposite side of the building, he set the shelf and looked at the enemy.

The building became a sinking waist and the right arm was stretched forward, making a start-up style for opening the door.

The referee did not delay, waved his arm and shouted:


Hey, Wu Yong’s body and bones are screaming, as if a sports car is speeding up at the limit.

Among the screams of the wind, he was flexible in the footwork, and he grabbed the building into the side of the building, slamming his feet into the body, twisting his waist and turning his back, using his arm as a single whip, and fiercely pumping it out.

boom! The building is not in shape, one raises his hand and stands up accurately.

At this moment, Wu Yong kicked his left foot quickly, and the muscles squirmed to offset the signs of friction, silent and breathless.

Deadly dark legs!

However, his leg just made a force, and the building became kicked out sideways, accurately hitting his foot, and the wind was invisible.

Wu Yong endured the fluctuations of his mood, and the footwork unfolded. He attacked around the building, and he was attacking, smashing, smashing, squatting, smashing, squeaking, and squeaking, while the building was not moving. It is always a timely move, just the right to block every attack of the opponent, just like the master is feeding the disciples.

After a round of mad attack, Wu Yue was about to step back and pull away the distance, but he saw the building's right arm and smashed his right arm, and quickly approached his fist.

He hurriedly took advantage of the situation, but the building was bent into an elbow, and the five fingers opened, and he grabbed his wrist and rushed back.

Wu Yong couldn't stand it, and the body swayed forward. He was bent on his elbow and leaned over his elbow.

The referee yawned in a covert manner and raised his hand and shouted:

"The third game, Lou Chengsheng!"

"This game, Songda Budokai wins!"

Not bad... When I heard the voice of the referee, Wu Yong breathed a sigh of relief and felt that he was normal and did not lose face.

Of course, it is also a kind of honesty, and there is no use of "reinforcing strength" and power killing.

He just straightened his body and suddenly solidified his eyes and found a fact.

From the beginning of the war to the present, Lou Cheng did not move half a step!

Stand there and win yourself!

With a bang, the audience burst into a warm cheer:

"Three kills!"

"Three kills!"

"Three kills!"

After shouting a few times, I don’t know who took the lead. The audience gradually sounded another voice, from messy to neat, echoing around:

"The pride of the sky!"

"The pride of the sky!"

"The pride of the sky!"

The floor was outlined in the corner of the mouth, waving his arms to the audience, then turned away from the ring and returned to the seat of the Songda Budo Club. The line of sight met with the dawn of Yan Xi’s obvious happiness.

"According to the rules, ‘one wearing three’ people have to ask the whole team to have a big meal!” Cai Zongming jumped out, like a light bulb, swaying between the two.

When I came to the Imperial Capital, I was close to my girlfriend. His state was exceptionally good, and all aspects were in various senses.

"What rules? Why don't I know?" Lou Cheng looked at him suspiciously.

Xiao Ming was proud to smile: "The rules that our team committee has unanimously passed."

"Where is the team committee?" Lou Cheng asked with a funny look.

"Just established!" Cai Zongming sneered.

"That, please come tonight to eat the skewers of the Imperial Capital." The cost of the building also wants to pull everyone to celebrate a little open.

"Cough." Shi Laotou interjected, "Since everyone is not tired, the relaxation training for tomorrow will be canceled, and the practice will begin to be carried out.

Next time, Songda vs. Mingdao!

Shi Laotou was not in a hurry to let the players who lacked the foundation of the law to learn related things, just let them carry out targeted two-person cooperation with the three.

"Yes, coach!" Yan Yan and others answered with enthusiasm.


When the nightingale returned, and the building became greasy for a while, Yan Yan returned to the room and washed and went to bed.

After good night, before going to sleep, she swiped the martial arts section of each portal site, "quietly" to see how others boast oranges.

The page emerged, and the titles jumped into her eyes:

"What are the ten strokes of warm-up? Lou Cheng one person to overthrow Hudong!"

“The first time in this competition, ‘one wears three’, the building is full of ease!”

"Because he, the death team is not dead!"

"Candidates are removed, when the world is arrogant!"

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