Martial Arts Master

Chapter 371: spell

"The defending champion has a strong attack, and the soldiers are not taking the edge of the sea!"

"Ten moves to solve! Peng Leyun is just warming up!"

"The horrible mountain north, the horrible Peng Leyun, this year's champion still has suspense?"

"The real pride of the sky!"

On the night of the opening ceremony, the various portals, such as the martial arts section and the Weibo Forum, were all on the list. The building looked a few times, put down the mobile phone, closed the eyes, and began to drowsiness.

At this moment, he heard the voice of "special reminder" and understood that Xiao Xiaotong had sent new news.

"I just visited Goodnight and forgot to say something serious." Yan Yan "shy red face", "Dear, come on!"

The floor is tilted up, pick up the phone, and hold the voice:

"Dear, come on!"

No more sticky, the two fell asleep, the sky was just bright, the building became punctual on time, came to the nearby park to temper.

At eight o'clock, he returned to the hotel and enjoyed a nice breakfast with Yan Yan. Then he followed the big troops and went to the scheduled martial arts hall for relaxation training.

After lunch, he slept and raised his spirits. He went to the girl's room to relive the video of the game of Hudong University's martial arts club for the last six months.

At 5:20, we simply used dinner. The two of them and Lin Wei and others boarded the bus in turn, and arrived at the Emperor Wudao Stadium before the peak of the traffic jam.

When I got off the bus, Loucheng entered the app and sent a microblog:

"The first national competition is about to begin!"

After the successful delivery, he did not look at the forwarding and comments, directly put the phone into his pocket, and silently shouted to himself:

"It must win!"


The Emperor City Budokan has eight dressing rooms, which are quite luxuriously furnished. There are benches, sofas, massage chairs and TV sets.

At this time, it was less than half past six. Shi Laotou indicated that there is no need to be so tight. What should I do?

Did not go to see the mobile phone affecting the mood, Lou Cheng and Yan Xiao whispered to 7:30, when the first game tonight is about to begin, choose to close their eyes and raise their spirits - the contest between Huahai and Mingdao can really show a lot of both sides Things help them understand each other, but there is no need to rush to see it tonight. There are still four days to study later. Before playing against Hudong, it is a good habit to focus, be serious, and not distracted!

Yan Yan came to the big aunt on time last night. Although it didn't hurt much today, there was no problem in forcing the appearance, but the state was still affected. I was conscious of Li Wei and others. After rational consideration, I chose to give up and benefit from the martial arts. To be heavy.

Well, the rest of the game can be alive and kick!

She squinted her eyes, and the five fingers of the right-handed white and slender fingers and the building were tightly interlocked, and the three main players of Hutong University’s Wudao Society emerged in their minds:

Yu Zhi, a senior student, is unique in nature and barely counts. He is the direct beneficiary of Peng Leyun Ren Li's entry into the martial arts circle of the university!

Originally, he was considered to be dragged down by talents, and it was difficult to form a big Dan. However, after being abused once by Peng Leyun and Ren Li, he seemed to be strongly stimulated, thus opening up the "Ren Duo two veins" and finally took the step. That crucial step was successful after the national race last year.

When he was promoted, he turned the talents into the advantage, and directly got the level close to the top eight products. Later, he experienced a leaps and bounds. The hundred feet of hoes took another step, and now eleven months passed. The strength is definitely more terrible!

The gaming company has set an odds for this, and believes that Yu Zhi may have the strength of a strong seven or even a top seven.

This is the reason why Hudong University can appear as the first place in the competition, but it is not the reason why they are considered to be outstanding in the second file. The latter is based on the breakthrough of another player, "The Soul" Han Peipei!

Han Peipei, female, junior, has the "sound wave" ability, can skillfully create ultrasound and infrasound waves. In her professional nine products, this aspect is not strong, but before the division, she is also near two After the years of suffering and tempering, I took a step to become a great Dan. In the past few months, although her promotion is not as fast as Yu Zhi, the ability is even more terrible. The comprehensive strength is considered to be close to or even have seven. Product.

The strength of the two main players, Hudong University martial arts club ranked in Shanbei, Emperor, Huahai, Guangnan, Songda, Mingdao, ranked seventh in the odds of winning the championship, which is why the D group is called the super death group The reason.

In such a group, even if you kill it, you break into the top eight, and most of them are "scarred"!

The third main player of Hudong University’s Wudao Society is Wu Yong, a sophomore, who is considered to have great hope to enter Dan.

In addition, Hudong's substitute is not bad, two jobs, nine, one industry.


In another dressing room, Yu Zhi, who was like a sumo, didn’t turn on the TV. He only listened to the outside motion and smiled:

"The three brothers of Mingdao will definitely apply for a special system, and they will go back together. Their game is faster than normal. It may be five minutes, maybe ten minutes, and it will be our turn soon."

Having said that, Yu Zhi looked at Han Peipei, whose eyes were darker and brighter, and looked around Wu Yong and others, and gradually expressed his expression:

"The building is very strong, very strong, and the lack of forest will not be weaker than me and Pepe. These two points, we can't deny it, nor can we pretend not to see it."

"Yes, Songda is indeed stronger than us. It is the strong team that is next to Shanbei and Emperor, and juxtaposed with Guangnan Huahai!"

"But this does not mean that we will lose. There is a gap between us, but the gap is not big enough to make up for it!"

Seeing the players slowly become solemn, Yu Zhi’s slightly sharp voice is high:

"And we have a big advantage, our goal is only the top eight."

"At the time of departure, I yelled at everyone, the top eight, but only the top eight!"

"In other words, we don't care what level of the group match, even if it is seriously injured, the main will not be equal, the quarter-finals will be defeated, we don't care!"

"And loose, they want to enter the top four, they want to fight for the championship, they want to retain themselves to the maximum extent, to deal with the knockouts behind, really desperate, and most will be afraid!"

"The barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, this is our advantage!"

Some words encouraged Wu Yong and others to be excited, and seemed to see the hope of smashing the hot, relying on courage and perseverance to win the hope of weak!

Yu Zhi shakes the cheeks of the next cheek and looks at Han Pei Pei:

"Pepe, you are the first to appear, no matter who you meet, use the ability to maximize the damage, create opportunities for the back!"

Hudong University originally had a coach named Shen Jinfu, but he had a conflict with Yu Zhi, could not control the thorns, and was dismissed by the school.

"Okay!" Han Peipei is an introverted girl, not much to say.

Looking around, Yu Zhi pointed to himself:

"I am the second to play, no matter the price to fight opponents!"

"Wu Yong, you are the last town, you don't have to think about who you will meet, in short, go all out!"

After finishing the order, he eased his breath:

"I didn't say how to do it, I can fight the forest shortage, and fight the building down. It is to let everyone not think about what it will be, but to stand in front of it, fight in one game, use all efforts. Go fight!"

Wu Yong and Han Peipei and others have nodded in unison, and they echoed in unison:



Songda Budo Agency locker room.

Shi Laotou took a shot and broke the quiet atmosphere, attracting the attention of everyone.

"Well, Yan Yantou, you said Hudong's most likely order." He smiled and looked at Yan Yan.

Familiar rhythm, familiar process, Li Wei and others inexplicably relaxed a lot, it seems that this is not a national race, but an ordinary game.

Yan Yan has long been used to looking up and thinking about it:

"If you are proud and complacent, Hudong wants to win us, only on a 'spelling' word."

Haha... This suddenly made me laugh and laughed, and the tightness in the locker room eased a lot.

Yan Yan grinned and smiled: "When Hu Dong wants to 'spelling', most of them are the most lethal Han Peipei, who can fight the forest shortage and hurt the orange, which is victory."

"Yu Zhi appeared in the middle, and then fight a wave, Wu Yong or other job nine final."

"They don't talk about anything else, the momentum will definitely come out."

Shi Laotou is satisfied with the dagger: "What should we do?"

"I don't want to be self-defeating, what should I do if I am doing it." Yan Yan smiled and replied, "I will listen to your coach anyway."

"Cough, this way, the first game, be cautious, so as not to have an accident, affecting the mood afterwards." Shi old man coughed two channels.

"Well, cautious is important!" Li Wei and Sun Jian and others fully agree.

"This cautiousness also includes considering the follow-up. If you can't hurt anyone in the first game, then it would be difficult to play Mingdao and Huahai, right?" Shi Laotou laughed. "In the face of Han Peipei, the least vulnerable to injury." who is it?"

His voice just fell, everyone's eyes were brushed to Loucheng, even the lack of forest, the original warfare is obvious, but also said to loosen the attitude, consider the next two games.

Feel the gaze of everyone, Lou Cheng smiled a little, step forward:

"Master, I want to take the lead!"

The first shot of the martial arts club in the national competition is started by me!

"Hit, if you lose, look at the old man, I don't take the soles to smoke you!" Shi Laotou smiled and turned to look at Lin deficiency. "Lin Xiaozi, you second, don't need me to blame anything?"

"No!" Lin replied with a lack of voice.

"Li Wei, you finally came to the end to sweep the tail, you don't have to be nervous. The two boys in front are like wolves, you may not be able to get on the court." Shi Laotou said with a smile.

The tension in Li Xin’s heart was completely gone, and he smiled:

"I still want them to leave me some leftovers!"

After several months of hard training, he has mastered the level of the real job and the internal training method. He has a lot of confidence!

"Replacement, old-fashioned, Cai Zongming, Sun Jian, Lin Hua." Shi old head waved.

Waiting a moment, outside the news came, Huahai paid the price of the main force Zhang Dongliang and substitute Deng Yuntao injured, the danger broke the order of the three brothers of Mingdao He, and He Erlong showed the Danish in this game. realm!

The formation of the Three Dans is formed!

Lou Cheng and others didn't care too much about this matter, or they didn't bother to think about it, because it was their turn!

Dressing outside, the lights are shining, the photo is falling down, the building is pushed open the door, and it is the first step!

The surrounding noises rang, cheering and snoring together.

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