Martial Arts Master

Chapter 365: Disappointment (seeking a monthly pass)

Looking at Master's different smiles, Lou Cheng was shocked:

"I won't let me go to the pavilion to pick the field?"

"What do you want to say?" Shi Laotou said with a sigh of relief. "Which Haixi, Dinghai and Hanshao did not have a nephew sitting in the town, your little six products are not right, you have not got a six-certificate certificate. Why do you want to kick the pavilion to pick up the field? Is it too fast to die?"

Lou Cheng did not relax his vigilance and thought about the tone:

"I mean that the younger generation has learned from each other and went to the door."

Shi Laotou’s face “You think too much”: “You have been compared with Peng Leyun Ren Li. Do you think that the young disciples inside Wu Yue will be at the same level as you? The smallest non-human beings Twenty-five years old is facing up, he is five years older than you. In the official game, he will encounter it. I usually challenge you, isn’t it shameful? This kind of discussion, Peng Leyun will also lose!”

"As for the young six products, except for you, the youngest is also twenty-three years old. If you practice for a few more years than you, the strength will not be able to stabilize you, find you, and win nothing. If you lose, you can lose your face and lose your face. Who is so stupid to do this kind of thing?"

"And you can't be arrogant and arrogant to propose to talk to someone else's child?"

"Also." Lou Cheng nodded. "What does it mean to let me go to the New Year? Just worship for a year?"

Shi Laotou smiled and said: "It's not simple. You think about it. You are the warrior who can compare with Peng Leyun Ren Li in the younger generation. Going there, there is a face in Zongmen, right? You don't need you. The young girls from other sects are taking shape."

"The headmaster is the capital that I used to show off." Lou Cheng suddenly realized that "there are other young sects who are very impulsive, have to look for me to contest?"

"Are you still afraid of it?" Shi’s head squinted.

"Not afraid!" Lou Cheng’s face showed a smile, and he sank down and threw out his doubts. "Can you laugh so strangely?"

It’s amiable!

I can't help but be scared, and I always suspect that something is waiting!

"It’s always like this for the teacher!" Shi Laotou refused to recognize.

Lou Cheng looked at him suspiciously and expressed his unbelief.

Shi Laotou snorted, poured the wine jug, dripped two beads in his mouth, and moistened the scorpion:

"It’s just thinking for the teacher. If you turn around this way, it’s a good thing. In the eyes of other sects, there is definitely no good impression. If you want to represent the team of Wu Yuehui in the top game in the future, you might be squeezed out. In that case, consider considering Dragon Tiger and Lushan Zhai!"

"Join Master, you always want to push me outside!" Lou Cheng said with a smile.

"Hey, man Han Zhi is in the Quartet!" Shi Laotou said a word, and turned the subject back to the orbit. "Are you going or not?"

"Go, I want to see the ‘gun king’ and the ‘clown’ in person.” Lou Cheng answered with expectation.

"Gu Xixi's kid doesn't usually appear in such a lively occasion. Huang Ke, the three sticks can't make a fart. What do you mean when you meet?" Shi Laotou habitually refuted the apprentice's words, and finally, " OK, I will go back to your head, and you will take the post tomorrow and go home."

"Okay." After the incident, Lou Cheng walked out of the "Xuefeng Temple" and saw Mo Yuting waiting next to him.

"Small teacher uncle, uncle, go to sing together at night, Zhu Shixiong Lei Shidi are all there, to celebrate the birthday, let you see my iron lungs, without correction!" Mo Yuting laughs Road.

"Oh, change the day, I have important things tonight." Lou Cheng thought.

"Important thing?" Mo Yuting turned his eyes and said, "Well, look back and talk to you."

The so-called important thing is that birthdays have to be spent with important people. Lou Cheng has eaten the birthday cake prepared by his own sister, and followed Master’s preliminary practice of the "ice department", the 12th style "North Wind", the 17th The "polar" and the twenty-eighth type 'Frost Cold', as for the simplified external appearance of the fire department, "implosing", because it is not very good in the practice of the ice god, the old man did not bring, and plans to go down the mountain.

After finishing this, Lou Cheng called the mother, Qi Fang, and talked for a while, then turned on the computer and met with Yan Yan through the video to celebrate the birthday.

The girl is wearing a white bear-style home service. The hair has just been washed and dried, black and moist, and the face is rosy and pink, and the blow can be broken.

There was a small cake in front of her with two candles on it, and the dim fire was swaying gently.

After listening to Xiao Xiao’s birthday song, Lou Chengxiao smiled and said: “I think the sign of the 20th birthday is good. You see, just two candles, paired in pairs.”

Xiushan customs, the whole ten can be represented by a thick candle.

Yan Xiaozui smiled and was blown away by his boyfriend. "Isn't that 30th birthday worse?"

The three candles are like three pillars.

When she finished speaking, she slammed two words: "Children’s words are unscrupulous, and when they are replaced with a ‘three’ ‘zero’ candle!”

"When you said it, I haven't reacted yet. I wondered how badly the three candles in the 30s were. Isn't that a symbol of a family of three?" Lou Cheng laughed.

A family of three... Yan Yan turned to look aside, and the light was flowing: "Well, okay, you wish, I will help you blow the candles, you said, your birthday, I am also happy!"

" Wishing..." Lou Cheng closed his eyes and carefully expected the future.

First, let the loved ones be well-being and live well.

Second, I hope that the road of my own martial arts can go further and more stable.

Third, I hope to live in love with my life and grow old.

From now on, these three wishes will be repeated every year, not to impress God, but to remind myself, cherish the people around me, and not forget the initial heart.

"Hello." He opened his eyes and smiled.

"What?" Yan Yan curiously asked.

"It's about the same as you, don't you say that it doesn't work out?" Lou Cheng replied with a chuckle.

"Small ghosts!" Yan Yan smiled and snorted, opened his lips, vomited, blew out the two candles, then picked up the plastic spoon, dug a piece of cream, smirked, "Orange Happy birthday, your cake, I also eat it for you~!"

"Eat to eat and eat carefully and gain weight." Lou Chengguang said with a smile.

"Hey, what about fat?" Yan Yan wrinkled his pretty nose.

"Puffy is better, a little bit more comfortable to hold, feel better." Lou Cheng snickered.

"Serpent!" Yan Yan opened his eyes and smiled.

Not waiting for the building to repeat, she looked up, some curious and hesitantly said: "Orange, I ask you a question, you can not laugh at me."

"What problem? Guarantee not to laugh!" Lou Cheng tried to make himself look very serious.

"Yes, that is, every time, every time you can't help it, go to the bathroom to take a cold shower, drop fire, or swear?" Yan Yan stammered and stunned.

The filth is always saying something similar, and I have been curious for a long time!

Lou Cheng almost laughed, and quickly maintained his expression, pretending not to understand: "What?"

"That is, that is the embarrassment, the embarrassment." Yan Yan suddenly bite the teeth, rushing out and debut, "that is what your boys said!"

After she finished, she saw the expression of Lou Cheng’s smile and laughter. She suddenly shook her face like a red cloth and turned her head to look at it:

"Ignore you!"

"Oh, there are, sometimes it is a cold shower, sometimes it is awkward." Lou Chengxiao replied.

Yan Yan was silent for a few seconds, licking his lips and stealing his eyes and looking down the stairs. "Hate hate" said: "What smiles you laugh!"

"Don't laugh, I think the exchanges between male and female friends will definitely involve similar things, very good." Lou Cheng is still smiling.

Since the little fairy asked, I will be able to induce it step by step in the future!

"Hey!" Yan Yan looked at the side again, his face was faint.


On the morning of the next day, the finished building was taken up by the placard and sat in the car of the ice god, and first arrived at the Haixi Gate.

Haiximen is located on the bank of “Famous Lake”. It is surrounded by beautiful scenery and high prices. When Loucheng stepped into the gate, he saw a young disciple looking at himself, or feeling inferior, or depressed. , or sigh, or admire, or indignant, or face grievances.

One step, two steps, three steps, he came to the "sea tide temple" and was led by the disciples at the door.

"The younger generation of ice gods, the disciple of the ancestors, had seen Chen's head, Huang's predecessor..." Lou Cheng did not take a closer look, first took a gift and said a few good words of New Year's greetings.

Chen Bailing, the head of Haiximen, laughed and said:

"The teacher is famous for your reputation. I have heard it for a long time."

Lou Cheng raised his head and saw that Chen Bailing had to be sparse, white and yellow, wearing an ancient costume, which may be similar to the age of his own master, and the "gun king" Huang Ke next to him is only in shape. The 30-year-old Mu Ning man has a wide forehead and a deep-eyed look. He only has a gaze to make himself feel chilly.

"Predecessors praised." Lou Cheng handed over the post.

Chen Bailing took the post and stroked the surface and smiled: "I was thinking about the old man who will send you to the New Year this year. Sure enough, I was guessed. This is a good thing. As a warrior, apart from the inner practice, it is true. Need a little external stimulation."

At the same time as he spoke, he looked at the young disciples such as Zheng Yu and Qian Qiyue. It seems as if he is saying, look at it, the stimulus is coming, but it is not good to practice martial arts, and strive to catch up!

Zheng Yu and Qian Qiyue nodded and shook hands, and seemed to have a lot more motivation.

I wiped, this senior is so straightforward and straightforward, how can I answer? Lou Cheng is smirking:

"Predecessors are right."

Will the young disciples of Haiximen be motivated by the words of Chen’s predecessors to jump out and find their own “study”? He is a bit worried.

After a few words, Chen Bailing ordered Zheng Yu to go to the ice gods in the afternoon to worship the New Year. Then he waved his sleeves and sent tea to the guest, indicating that Lou Cheng could leave.

When turning around, Lou Cheng noticed that Qian Qiyue and others seemed to be eager to try, but eventually they endured it and did not list it.

When I got outside and felt the warmth of the winter, he suddenly sighed and was disappointed.

The younger generation of Haiximen did not even stand up and challenge their courage...

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