Martial Arts Master

Chapter 351: Face up (third more)

The wind blew and whizzed, and Dawkins shuddered and broke free from the unspeakable feelings. He subconsciously looked at Cao Jincheng, the mayor of Gaochun City.

Cao Jincheng did not see any abnormalities, and his expression stretched out and smiled slightly:

"Now young people, a little bit of a skill, very personal, do not like to blend in with our social occasions."

The woman's translation was hesitant for a few seconds, and the sentence was completely relayed to Dawkins and Mason Walker, and clearly highlighted the two main points of Mayor Cao.

First, the martial arts exchange competition just now is part of socializing. It doesn't matter if we win or lose. We don't care at all.

Second, the young warriors who have real skills on our side are not tempered and have not participated in previous social discussions.

Cao Jincheng said this before, it is a swollen face filled with fat, dead duck mouth hard, but now, just right, just right!

After listening to the translation, Mason Walker's face changed slightly, and Dawkins's smile was a little stiff. The whole delegation's enthusiasm and high spirits have all been eliminated.

Fortunately, several luxury buses arrived in time to let them smoothly transfer the topic and waved their friends friendly.

And Obrak, who was helped by it, finally recovered, muttering to himself:

"That punch is very amazing, very amazing..."

All the people of Brutalt heard each other and immediately pushed Obrak into the car.

When their team was far away, Cao Jincheng expressed doubts and looked at Wang Mingkang, the person in charge of the "Shenhuo Club":

"What was that?"

Wang Mingkang was a few steps behind, and did not see the scene of the fight. At this time, it was also a fog, and he looked forward to Zhang Zhutong.

Zhang Zhutong sighed with a slight sigh:

"It is a building."

Lou Cheng? Han Zhifei, they finally understand why the back is so familiar!

"Luocheng...ah, the champion of the provincial youth competition!" Luo Zhong, the deputy governor in charge of martial arts affairs, recalled who Loucheng was.

"No wonder, no wonder!" Cao Jincheng was so relieved and gratified, could not help but sighed, "This young man has a heart!"

Lou Cheng is a Xiushan person, and his household registration has also been moved to Songcheng. He has not worked in Gaochun. He has no relationship with the city’s gossip. If he appears in the exchange, he will be seen by the delegation of Brutal afterwards. The problem involving fraud and falsification will affect the business cooperation between the two sides.

Now, under such an understatement, Oblak took the initiative to take the initiative, and the nature of the matter is completely different!

This young man really has a sense of honor in the province... Mr. Cao thought so.

As for the fact that Lou Cheng happened to happen by chance, he did not consider it at all.

Oh, how is it possible!

"Notify all relevant responsible persons, if the delegation of Brutal asks about the matter just now, the unified caliber answer does not recognize which young warrior is." Cao Jincheng told the secretary.

Listening to their conversation, Zhang Zhutong, next to him, looked at Han Zhifei and others in a complicated way, and read the embarrassment similar to himself from their eyes.

At this moment, his heart flashed through the words that Lou Yicheng said to himself in the semi-final:

"My qualification does not require others to weigh. One year later, two years later, three years later, I hope that you will have the courage to say what you said."

Words are still in the ear, only half a year!


On the opposite side of the "Alum International Hotel", the bus, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan swayed the hands of the ten fingers, slowly traversed the crosswalk and entered the hotel lobby, ending the free date, ending the day. Dream journey.

哗啦啦, Lou Cheng is in the sound of bathing, Yan Yan has already put on a cute pajamas, the chest has a rabbit ear hanging down, swaying.

She was barefooted, sitting sideways on the bed, picking up the phone in the vibration and choosing to connect:

"Hey, frost cream, so late?"

"Hey, your orange is not kind!" Gu Frost said.

"What happened to him?" Yan Yanran asked.

Gu Frost grinds his teeth and says: "Your home orange was still in front of me yesterday and said that he would not go to the bustling delegation of Brutal. As a result, he ran to the Beetle Pavilion today and beat the fighting stars!"

Hey, guy who talks nonsense!

"Ah? That's the delegation of Brutal... It's no wonder that there are powerful foreigners..." Yan Yan woke up and explained with a smile. "He really didn't mean it. We traveled here today and saw it. Which bus is on which vehicle, where do you want to go, and finally came to the Beetle Pavilion, and the foreign fighters took the initiative to find oranges."

"Hey, the two of you are quite romantic." Gu Shuang first said half-satisfied and half-satisfied, and finally said, "This is really a coincidence. The fighter who was knocked down by your orange is called Obu. Lack, just swept Zhang Zhutong, Han Zhifei and Lushan in the Beetle Pavilion, making the grandparents and grandparents very unfaced."

"This way... the orange is that the physical condition of the foreign fighter is nearing the limit." Yan Yan confirmed the details.

"But this guy is famous for his physical metamorphosis. It is estimated to be close to non-human, just like your own orange." Gu Shuang shook out more situations and smiled. "Bring your oranges to the party, give me Raising the face, let the guys know that I know such a powerful genius!"

"Look for yourself~!" Yan Yan smiled sullenly.

Gu Shuang smiled twice and said: "Don't say, I have a new goal today, I am going to take a look."

"You, can't you fall in love, what do you mean by constantly changing your boyfriend?" Yan Yan couldn't help but say, "If you encounter extreme personality, you may be confused."

"I didn't have a few boats on my feet. They didn't feel like they were separated." Gu Shuang argued.

"Okay, okay, don't say you." Yan Yan sensible, "Other things, we continue to talk on Q."

"OK~" Gu Shuang took the initiative to hang up the phone.

Yan Yan holds the mobile phone and shouts when he subconsciously:

"Orange, orange, tell you something~"

After shouting, she remembered that Lou Cheng was taking a shower.

Hey, the sound of the water is so big, he shouldn't hear it... The thoughts are flashing, and the motion of "哗啦" is strictly stopped.

The door of the bathroom was opened, and the building was explored and the upper body came out:

"what's up?"

Seeing his bare chest, rolling water drops, wet hair, and sternly closing his eyes, he said:

"You can't wear clothes and ask again?"

As she spoke, she took a slit in her left eye and glanced at her eyes. She whispered: "It’s good..."

"Welcome to touch!" Lou Cheng responded without shame.

"Oh." Yan Yan turned his head and looked to the side. "Frost frost said that the foreigner you stumbled was the genius fighter of the Brutal delegation."

During the conversation, she returned her head and her eyes were completely open, and she looked at the bathroom door in a generous manner.

"Dr. Brutal's delegation, no wonder..." Lou Cheng opened his mouth and immediately smiled and shook his head. "Unfortunately, I didn't have a good time to compare it. I feel a little bit swallowed."

Brutal is one of the main martial arts schools in Europe and America. It is a branch of the "Teaching School". It promotes the will, controls the spirit and controls the body. But they do not have the practice of "reinforcing strength" and "building into a big Dan". It is believed that there are ten original qualities in the human body, corresponding to different symbols. When all the condensed achievements are achieved, one can "long" a "tree of life" and reach the final "crown".

These ten “original qualities” are divided into different parts. Each of the three real stimuli can achieve different traits. Based on its own traits, it is like awakening an ability, and each other will complement each other, such as physical strength. And strengths and so on.

Compared with the Dandao martial arts, such a fighting genre has a weaker ability to excite, and lacks the roundness and strength of the whole body, but it is more explosive and has a special bonus.

- These summary contents are all seen by Lou Cheng in the Dragon Tiger Club Forum. As for the more detailed things, he is not aware of it.

"You are not saying that there is an opportunity in the future?" Yan Yan smiled.

"Also." Lou Cheng retracted the bathroom, wiped his body with a towel, wiped his hair, put on his pajamas, and walked out.

Close to the bed, he looked at the sturdy squat, and smiled:

"Who did you want to kiss me before?"

I was interrupted by the guy who was in that Austria!

"I am not that I am not me~" Yan Yan smiled and shook his head like a rat.

"Since you don't admit it, then I will kiss you." Lou Cheng touched the bed.

You don't laugh at the grandfather, the uncle gives you a smile...


The hotel where the delegation of Brutal is staying.

Obrak sat on the sofa in the lobby, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hey, Obrak, how do you look like this? You played three games before going to the superpower contest. Come and drink a few cups and forget." Black Charles went with two glasses of wine. come.

Johnny also said in the side: "My lovely beautiful and intelligent little Shani told me that I couldn't see anything suddenly, and I had a good night's sleep, and there was another sunrise tomorrow."

At this moment, Obrak suddenly stood up, rushed to the elevator, rose to the 25th floor, knocked on the door of his teacher, Mason Walker.

"What?" Mason Walker looked at the students with blue eyes like sea water.

"Teacher, I want to find the superpower who really competes once!" Abrak blurted out.

Mason Walker has indulged for a dozen or so seconds: "We asked the gentlemen of Gaochun City. They didn't recognize who the superpower was, or they didn't want to tell us, and we couldn't stay for a few days."

"But..." What Aubrak wants to fight for.

Mason Walker smiled and said: "This kind of powerful superpower will become more and more famous. As long as you are still growing up, there will definitely be a day when he will meet him."

Foreign countries also attach great importance to the martial arts community in China, but the focus is more on top professional competitions and title battles.

"I hope so." Aubrak sighed in frustration.

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