Martial Arts Master

Chapter 344: Do you know the taste of despair?

Lin deficiency is a person who almost loses his desire to win. If he can still play, he will not give up. Based on the above two points, he won the reason that Luo Haize will go out on his own. Most of the reasons are the residual effects of dark poisoning. It’s a lot worse – I’m really thankful for Fang Zhirong’s chance to get a single-handed building, and the sky will really drop the pie!

A logical chain that was self-consistent before and after flashed through the mind, let him forget other factors and outline an unspeakable smile.

I hope that the internal injuries of Loucheng are also worse than I expected!

No, even if only I speculate, today’s victory will belong to me!

His gaze locked the building that stepped up the steps step by step, and looked at the other face with a slightly pale face.

With a slight smile, Yan Hui took the top hat with a gentleman's grace and placed it on his chest.

The building was arched and it was a response.

The referee did not give them extra time, immediately raised his right hand, and shouted the whole floor:


The final game of the game begins!

Hearing this sentence, even if he was full of confidence in Lou Cheng, Yan Yan couldn't help but raise his fist and widened his eyes, and Yu Hui immediately flew up and soared to a position several meters above the ground. The ground was suspended and the black top hat in his hand was taken out.

Fluttering, the hat fell to the seat of the home team.

It just had the ground, and Hui Hui suddenly settled, and fell sharply. On the head and down, the right hand clenched a fist, like a huge stone from the sky to the building!

Hey, his clothes are close to each other, hunting and screaming, the sound is thrilling.

Although the audience on the scene has seen many similar scenes, they still feel shocked, as if they are watching a special effect movie.

Facing the attack from the top of the head, Lou Cheng stood on the shelf and stood still. He thought of the body of the beast who stepped on the Red Dragon. He suppressed the enthusiasm of the body and began to expand and violently. He did not panic and clenched his fist.


His fist hit the void and blew a flame of red spectators.

I wish you a good, fire power!

The flame flow rolled outwards, and the figure of the squatting squatted suddenly, and hoisted up again, avoiding the aftermath in time, so as not to be ignited by hair and clothing, and burned to itself.

He rubbed his eyes and did not accidentally respond to Lou Cheng’s response. He suddenly took a breath and let the blood and strength of the spirit first be collected and followed.

Hey! During the expansion of the body, Yan Hui once again fell to the ground with his head and feet down, but unlike the previous one, he made a rotation, swiftly spinning, with his fist as the tip, turning himself into a ground-searching ground. The drill bit, the surrounding scene is shaking wildly, the air is affected!

The combination of the outbreak of the Danish environment and the acceleration of gravity and the rotation of terror, "Flesh and Tornado"!

If it is not the equivalent limit, you can't use the weapon. This trick will be even more terrible!

Lou Cheng kept the previous shelf. When the high-speed rotating fist fell to the top of his head, he suddenly stepped back. He seemed to want to avoid the edge and side between the opponent's waist and abdomen.

At this moment, Yan Hui’s figure changed from "vertical" to "horizontal", and accelerated the gravity to make the kinetic energy of its own ejection. The fist quickly turned to the building.

Do not break the Loulan vow not to return!

This punch is very hearty for him, not only makes the whole body force, but also makes full use of the external, the two superimposed, the spiral strength, really powerful!

From the beginning of practicing martial arts to the present, this is the strongest punch I have ever played... 瞿 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念 念

As the building sinks into the waist, he quickly made a "reinforcing force", then bounced his right arm and swollen his arms. The five fingers held the "drill bit" of the opponent.

Hey! The sound of the collision was continuous, and his palm muscles and fascia bulged, and he resisted the right fist of Yan Hui. His fingers were black and black, and they violently collided with the "edge" of the rotation.

And Hui Hui only felt that his strongest blow was like hitting a piece of steel plate, and he couldn’t break it.

No, even if it is a steel plate, it will be broken by my boxing!

Click! Wearing a black-and-white martial arts suit on the white floor, the two feet reached inside and stepped on the spider web that spread out, but his body was still moving, only the right arm reverberated slightly, followed by the undulating and pressing again. Towards the front, I firmly held the "Flesh and Torn" of Yan Hui.

I was caught in such an understatement by his strongest punch. The gap between me and him is so great? The strength of the weak six products is so horrible? At this moment, Yu Hui actually had some indescribable despair.

"Flesh and Tornado" rotates slowly, and the building is folded into five fingers, and it is necessary to hold his fist.

At this time, Yan Hui’s back was stretched and pulled up by the “invisible hand”. The danger was to avoid the enemy’s capture.

If you are caught by the building and poured into the cold cold wave, then you will lose!

He once again floated in the air for a few meters, convinced the emotions that had just been defeated, decided to change the style of play, no longer stormed the storm, but relied on the singular traits of the flying power to fight the other hurricane. Let Lu Cheng lose this and gradually expose the problem of unhealed internal injuries.

Brush it, and Hui Hui is like a fighter. He swoops to his opponent and sees both sides coming. He suddenly pulls up his body and draws a beautiful arc. He moves to the side and slams into the enemy. The temple.

boom! Lou Cheng’s left arm was the first to go up, just blocking the leg.

Snapped!瞿 化 化 踢 为 为 , , , 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 踢 瞿

However, the building into the arm was a move in advance, and the attack was held in time.

Hey! Yan Hui's feet are pulled out in a row, as if the storm hit, not giving people a breath of time.

Hey! The building was built and blocked, seemingly flustered, always grabbing the front, but it was steady.

Suddenly, Yan Hui's body changed direction without any warning. When he came to his head, his instep kicked straight to the jade pillow.

His serial kick was just to mobilize his opponent and prepare for this move!

boom! The floor was half-length on the body, and the arm was squatting, just hitting the back of Qi Hui.

Hey! Hey! Qi Hui made all the stops, constantly rushing to the emergency with the flight ability, and the strange direction changed, creating a great opportunity again and again. Unfortunately, every time it seems to be in the middle of the building, always by him. Just blocked, at most there are some errors that are irrelevant.

In the fight, Yan Hui regained the feeling of frustration, only to feel that the building in front of the building is a mountain, and he is the fool who wants to move the mountain, it costs a lot of effort, look up, mountain But it didn't move!

How does this make people not desperate?

How did he stop the attack I had just made? When the thoughts turned, Yu Hui made a thought, suppressed the negative emotions in the heart, and suddenly condensed the spirit and feelings of the blood in the air.

Ordinary attacks can't work, then "rejoy your strength" to match your abilities!


Dan gas sprayed thin, volcanic eruption, and Hui Hui was burned to the buttocks, and it burst into a violent wind and set off a strong wind.

In the wind, he circled a half arc and magically came back to Lou Cheng.

The body stopped suddenly, and the kinetic energy conveyed. In the blink of an eye, Yan Hui tightened his thigh and slammed it across his opponent's neck.

See you still can't react!

Jinfeng and body, neck tingling, Lou Cheng did not do dodge, Dan gas hold one, one right hand turned into a single whip, the reverse pumped out.

boom! A single whip hits the whip leg, causing a muffled sound.

Yan Hui greeted the bones with a pain, the body suddenly swayed, did not dare to stop, and flew up, hiding in the air.

For the grace, he resisted the urge to kick his hands.

Is this not the case? Yan Hui did not believe in evil again and launched an attack. Under the cooperation of flying abilities, he carried out two consecutive explosions. However, he was still slammed by the building and drove, and failed to create a chance to win.

call! call! call! He hung up, gasping for a breath, feeling the lack of physical body.

At the moment, he is not exhausted by his physical strength, and Lou Cheng is well-proportioned, and he has to be thin and sweaty!

How is this going? Yu Hui was born with a sense of despair, and he almost didn't want to attack.

His internal injuries have not healed, his internal injuries have not healed, and his internal injuries have not healed... He Hui constantly tells himself that he seems to be self-hypnotic.

Yes, his internal injuries have not healed, and the battle will maintain the intensity of the previous one, which should be able to influence him and force the opportunity! Yan Hui took a breath and made up his mind.

He made a point of view, running his abilities, stimulating the blood in the body!

The familiar sense of power permeated, and Hui Hui’s face was red and green, and eventually stabilized, and the body seemed to be swollen.

By the secret law, he returned to the peak state!

Come on, let's fight to the end of the game, see who wins!

Lou Cheng looked up and glanced at him, shaking his head slightly.

What do you mean? The doubts in Yan Hui’s heart flashed away, and the fighters were re-introduced and swooped down.

At this moment, Lou Cheng bowed down the back, his arms trembled, his wrists swayed, and he burst out of a crystal clear white cold and red violent flame.

boom! The cold light and the flames shot, colliding with each other in front of Yan Hui, igniting the diffuse white mist, slightly covering his sight.

Among them, Yan Hui suddenly saw a figure flying up, a few meters high!

Lou Cheng? His pupil shrinks like a needle tip and finds that the enemy has jumped to a higher position than his current position.

After a shock, it was ecstasy, and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

Is Lou Cheng stupid? Give up your advantage and run into the air to fight me?

So I can't win it, it's better to buy a piece of tofu and kill it!

The sky is falling again!

The delightful glory of Hui Hui was waiting for change, and suddenly saw the floor and the hands were printed, and the expression became solemn and solemn:


The low voice came, and Hui Hui’s body was shaken, and he was immediately caught in a thousand horses. He was smashed by the iron and blood, and he was panicked and frightened.

Nine characters, "Bing" word!

Lou Cheng came down, took the shoulders of Yan Hui, poured into the "ice cream", and then he slammed into the ground from half air!

Hula! The wind blew into the ear, and Hui Hui woke up, but it was already chilled into the body, unable to break away, and could only watch as he would fall.

This will die... He is daring to vent, and he feels that the body's whereabouts suddenly stunned, only fluttering back to the ground.

Lou Cheng took back his hand and straightened his body. He did not attack again, and Qi Hui’s body was cold and cold, and he could not move at the moment.

"The fifth inning, Lou Chengsheng!" The referee did not hesitate, "The final result, Songda Wudao Society wins!"

When I heard these two words, Yan Hui immediately woke up, but felt that she was still dreaming.

If the last wave of this attack is used in the opening, he will certainly not be able to prevent it. Then the question is coming. Why can we fight for so long?

In desperation and despair, he saw Lou Cheng smiled at himself and whispered:

"It’s very interesting to fight with flying abilities."

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