Martial Arts Master

Chapter 341: On the journey

Light rain fell, knocking on the window sill, isolated the outside world, with the words "Sunday morning", creating a lazy atmosphere that people don't want to blink and don't want to leave the bed.

Yan Xiaoling wrapped her quilt and couldn't sleep awake. In her dreams, she seemed to be able to forget yesterday's failure yesterday and no longer worry about troubles.

She has a bad habit, that is, sleeping on and off, and waking up from time to time to see the phone, the corresponding good thing is to turn over and quickly fall asleep.

Reluctantly blinking, taking the phone into the warm bed, Yan Xiaoling unlocked the screen, freely refreshed the previously viewed campus forum, and saw a new post with a red mark:

"Is there a classmate who wants to go to the martial arts now?"

Come on for the martial arts club? Is the game not yesterday? Is it my hallucination? Yan Xiaoling licked her face and clicked on the post, only to see the landlord said:

"I watched the competition between Wu Dao She and Shan Bei. It was very bloody, and I was very distressed. They played so well. They also suffered the pain of failure. They always felt that they should do something for them."

“Is there any classmates who went to the martial arts venue to express their support? Now, the man and the girl can!”

唔... Yan Xiaoling slid her thumb and looked down. I found a lot of replies. The more I saw it, the more impulsive I was. I finally defeated the cold in the winter morning and pulled myself out of the comfortable bed.

Wearing a long down jacket, she opened the dormitory door and ran into the biting north wind.

As a girl from Yanling, she did not adapt to the winter in the south.


In the martial arts venue, there will be a break in the building of the "Zen" in the building, and there will be a degree of relaxation, loose and tight, fully demonstrating the identity of the injured.

In the process, he noticed that there were students coming in at the door, and they went to the stands on both sides and sat in a mess.

what's the situation? Pointing and correcting the rigorous action of the building became a doubt, and some could not understand what happened.


Not like...

"Orange, you see, you see, a lot of classmates... We didn't have so many classmates to watch the crowd when we were in special training." Yan Yan also noticed that it was wrong, and the chance of her boyfriend approaching, raised the chin against the grandstand. .

"Yeah, it made me feel a big hair, and I was always afraid of making a big news." Lou Cheng looked around and replied with a low voice.

At this time, Cai Zongming looked around and his eyes just touched his line of sight. He said with a little excitement: "Orange, do you see it? Our training has students coming to see it, so much! This is The rhythm of being famous, this is the treatment of the martial arts strong!"

"Not so exaggerated?" Lou Cheng was wrong.

Cai Zongming was about to compile a set of theory that could be justified. He suddenly saw that the classmates who came on Sunday morning stood up and put their hands together into a horn. They shouted to the special training members:

"Come on!"

"make persistent efforts!"

The voice echoed in the slightly empty venue, and I heard that Lou Cheng and others were all glimpsed, but soon realized that it was the students who expressed their support for yesterday's game.

The lasting meaning is that you played very well in the last game!

"Come on!"

"make persistent efforts!"

The scattered voices became more and more tidy, and gradually merged into one. When they were built, they seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they became more and more motivated.

"Fast, take a quick photo!" Shu Yan's eyes were reddish, and the light shone brightly to the camera brother.

What a good classmates!

There are pictures of love!

When everyone reluctantly dissipated, the special training came to an end, and Shu Wei finally found an opportunity to make a post-game record that was not so good yesterday.

She decided to start from the most difficult one.

"Is the forest missing, how is the injury recovering? Has the ‘dark poisonous strength’ been completely ruled out?” Shu Wei piled up a friendly smile.

It’s not wrong to start with the words of concern!

Lin was short of breath, sweating, and looked at her:


secret? It is a secret! The secret of GodTM! Shu Shu mouth half a piece, the corner of the eye twitched.

With a sigh of relief, she maintains a professional smile with eight teeth: "Is it afraid that the recovery of the injury is being investigated by Sanjiang College? Well, I am changing the question, you are in good spirits, it seems to have gone out of the impact of failure. ?"

"No." Lin lacked very seriously.

It’s an honest child... Shu Yu has the urge to sigh and sigh, but he still smiles with joy: “Why do you say this? It doesn’t look like it?”

"Failure motivates me to move forward." Lin lacks conciseness.

A good standard answer... There is a feeling of being riddled with a routine... Shu Wei silently watched Lin missing and turned to the locker room.

To clean up her mood, she stopped Lou Cheng and smiled:

"Is it a good mood?"

"Young has not failed." Lou Cheng laughed.

"I just like to chat with young people like you, and I feel full of vigor." Shu Yu joked with blackness. "How did you evaluate yourself about yesterday's game?"

"I found the gap, well, I also saw hope, and set a goal." Lou Cheng said frankly, did not cover up.

"There is momentum!" Shu Yu raised his thumb and praised it sincerely. He did not do much entanglement and turned to Yan Yan.

"Isn't it regret to be able to play yesterday?" She handed the microphone over.

Yan Yan mouth smiled and said: "Yes."

Although I can't change anything on the court, it's still a pity.

"I heard that Peng Leyun likes to take a shortcut to jump off the building. This is the strength of Liu Pin Dan. Has Lucheng made a similar move before?" Shu Yu asked.

She asked so casually, Yan Yan was shocked, and almost stunned.

Shu reporter is deliberately asking this question? Deliberately?

Last night, the oranges took me to appreciate the excitement. She came to ask this matter this morning. Is it too clever?

Did someone see and broke the news last night?

"This kind of thing..." She looked at Shu Yu with a suspicious look, then hooked out the dimples, sweetly smiling. "Dangerous action, good children don't imitate! Well, that's it."

Hehe... Shu Yu’s answer to Yan’s answer is that he’s not able to figure it out.


In the rush of filling in the homework, time came to December 28, Saturday at 3 pm.

Songcheng University Wudaoshe will challenge Sanjiang College Wudaoshe on Sunday. If it fails, it will be completely out of touch with the finals of this martial arts conference!

Be cautious, they packed up their luggage and gathered at the school bus station. They planned to leave one day in advance and recharge their batteries with the rest of the night, so as to avoid the impact of the journey.

Before the specially transferred bus, Shu Shu stood at the door, holding a microphone, taking the camera as the background, and facing the lack of humanity in the building:

"You have to go on an expedition. Don't you say anything?"

Say something? Just when Lou Cheng and Yan Yan’s thoughts turned, Xiao Ming’s eyes lit up, and he patted his shoulder and whispered something.

Then, Lou Cheng and Yan Yan held each other's shoulders together. He Zi was next to He Zi, and He Zi was next to Mu Jinnian. In turn, all the members participated, and the action was uniform, and they became a curved shape.

They bowed their backs and shouted in unison:

"We want to win!"

No matter who the opponent is, we all want to win!


On December 29, at 2.50 pm on Sunday, Sanjiang College Wudao Stadium.

In the locker room of the home team, Yan Hui wore a black tuxedo and wore a top hat. He looked around Luo Haize Yin Xiangxi and others and said with a solemn expression:

“The internal injuries of Loucheng have not healed, and the lack of forests is affected by the remnants of ‘dark venom.’ The state is definitely not at its peak. This is our chance!”

"I have to admit that no matter which industry is in which circle, luck is a very important thing, and this time, it belongs to us, if it is not in the second round, if it is not loose, if it is not loose, it will be fierce. We didn't have much hope. As for now, we won a lot!"

"Since the win is great, we can't miss it, we can't grasp it because of its own mistakes!"

"There is an old saying, "Tian Yu does not take it, but it is against it!"

Tian Yu did not take it, but he was guilty of it... Luo Haize and Yin Xiangxi and others mourned these eight words, and the president said that some blood was rolling.


In the visiting team's locker room, Shi Laotou looked at Lou Cheng and Lin Xiao, and snorted, asked:

"You two stinky boys, can you play?"

Lou Cheng and Lin Xiao did not look at each other, but at the same time shouted out:


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