Martial Arts Master

Chapter 338: Dragon fights (nearly seven thousand words big

After the stagnation of the moment, a variety of contents popped up on the barrage, for the scene I just saw:

"When did the fire power of the building become so strong?"

"He seems to have practiced a certain fire!"

"The trick should be a revision of 'Ice Burning'?"

"Sure enough, the judges don't look at the three days, when they look at each other!"

"Oh, this is amazing!"

"This game is really worth looking forward to."

Just as this article was amazed at the moment when it came out at the same time, the situation on the field had a new change.

Lou Cheng’s “flame burning” shook out, and the figure was already fluttering. When the flame was ignited by Peng Leyun’s “stepping cloth”, he hit the target and burned it, illuminating the faces of the two, he thought of his mind. The magnificent scene of the Pentium River being frozen for thousands of miles is purely natural.

As soon as this picture emerged, his body muscle fascia and the internal organs had a corresponding change, and the cold current was tidal.

This is not over yet, the "Ocean Ice Seal Map" is fleeting, the sky is getting closer, the thunderclouds are rolling, the waves are bursting, and they spread out.

Lou Cheng let the power pass from the tiptoe to the back, the right arm shakes out, expands into a stick, and lifts the armpit.

Lei Yin Zhen Zen, take the lead!

This is not his variant of the move, but the original version of the simplified nephew. After he stepped into the Dan, his ability to control has been improved, the spirit has also broken through, and he has been trained in the word "人", finally the initial "Be a good drink" practice!

Awesome, swaying!

The flames of the two people swayed and swayed, and Peng Leyun’s eyes reflected the right fist of Lou Cheng’s rapid speed.

He was so excited that he even made two thoughts in his mind, and he settled on a blue jade hanging on the void.

This jade symbol is written in a few complicated words. They are like a road of lightning, entangled in enthusiasm, with a silvery glow.

At the last moment, the lines are clear and clear, and the yin and yang are combined and superimposed on each other.

This is the change that belongs to Peng Leyun!

The eyes of his eyes are shining, and they are condensed into two "electric balls". The body is quite strong. Each muscle has a **** swell, as if it is transformed into a thunder in the sky, with a fist as a slap, fiercely swaying upwards, slamming up I went to the bar of the building.

Lei, the eleventh, simplified squatting, "Thunder"!


The two fists were fixed in the air, and there was a gust of wind in the original place. Peng Leyun’s eyes lost his concentration for a short time, as if he had traveled outside in the fierce battle. On his arm, his martial arts uniform condensed a white layer. Oh, my hair is also dyed with frost!

Lou Cheng is like a dangerous power supply, the whole body is numb, the ears are full of Zizzi's voice, the hair is erected, the muscles lose control, and the tremors on their own, the internal organs seem to be affected, appear The disorder.

The two stood in the same place, the picture was like a pause, and the students at the scene watched the audience in front of the computer screen. If it was not the scene of the broadcast, the hoarfrost and the floor of the Peng Leyun body were presented. In the hair that has been erected, many people may suspect that there is a problem with their eyes or that there is a problem with their own network.

It is said that both Lou Cheng and Peng Leyun have a simplified external school.

This is the end of this hard hit?

See who is recovering first?

"Great! After the life is awesome!" Explain the guest Zhang He sighed.

I thought that at that time, when I was at this age, there were so many horrible means, no, not to mention this age, and then push back for five years and ten years, and I did not have any simplified foreign-style moves.

"Large into this trick, I have not seen it, I don't know what it is, I can only judge the combination of ice power and shock boxing. Peng Leyun's trick, called 'Thunder', before the non-human level, if it is not Lei abilities, the effect will be a lot worse, but Peng Leyun did not know what to do, made a small change, the power of his own 'Thunder' will be upgraded, only a little bit worse than the original, really vertical Wizards." Zhang He took the time to explain to the audience.

Peng Leyun is a pure warrior, no power!

He and Loucheng are close to a non-human realm, and their physical qualities are as strong as monsters. One is full of ambiguous powers, and the simplified outer-shoulder moves are even more powerful. In the end, they almost slowed down from the stiffness in the same moment, and they reappeared in one eye. , a muscle is back to control!

Of course, it almost does not mean that the completion of the agreement, or there is a precedence, the building became a second awakening of the ability, but also practiced the "person" word 诀, carried out the practice of Danjing, the physical quality of the early appearance of qualitative changes, and Peng Leyun The gap, but not to the extent of two or three weak steps, recovered earlier than the other side, took the lead, pasted the past, hands bounced, elbow wrists shaking, mental stimulation before the move to the enemy seven places Position, there is nothing but reality, real energy becomes virtual, virtual energy is real.

The force of his fascial muscles is hidden, waiting for the moment when the final direction of the attack is determined.

At the same time, the sparkling white light popped from the floor into the hand, pervading the surrounding area, turning into a frosty fog composed of ice crystals.

Hey! Every ice crystal trembles due to shocks, interferes with Peng Leyun's hearing, and has a sense of tingling, which affects his "excited Bing", and the white frost and fog make people look vague.

"Ice Department", the 13th style, "Snow"!

When the normal ice department is used to display this trick, there is definitely no such thing as a building. They can only use the force to influence the outside world, lower the temperature, create fog, interfere with the enemy's judgment, and wait until the last moment to determine the true attack. The goal is to make the use of "exciting Bing" weakest to the worst, that is to say, the warrior's induction is stinging, but because of the danger, it can only be frustrated.

This is a very complicated trick. It has been hard to practice for more than three months.

The ice was filled with fog, and the building was hit with both hands. The strength was not caused by it. Suddenly, his hip muscles were tight, and his right foot kicked out silently and kicked to Peng Leyun's ankle.

With the current close relationship between the two sides, when Peng Leyun "has a rush", this foot is almost kicking him!

"White snow, the cold from the feet", this is the true meaning of "Snow"!

However, the changes in the real and the virtual have never been step by step. Some ice warriors use this trick when they use their kicks as their imaginary and their hands are hard to beat.

However, when Lou Cheng’s right foot has not been kicked out, Peng Leyun has already put up the tail vertebrae, so that the power is ready to go, and will be directed to the leg.

He seems to have sensed the maliciousness from his feet!


Lou Cheng’s low kick just came out, and he also picked up his left foot, as if he had a tacit understanding after practicing thousands of times, and also shook his right arm and spurred forward with a big gun.

boom! Above the strength, the building was inferior, and the right foot was kicked backwards. The whole person couldn’t help but lean forward. It seemed to be falling against Peng Leyun and hitting the gun of his right arm.

At a critical juncture, Lou Cheng quickly bounced the spine, such as the focus of mercury, forcibly maintained the balance, and returned the blood, "reinforcing strength" in the lower abdomen, in order to cope with the attack of the opponent after losing the opportunity.

Peng Leyun's eyes are not retreat, his expression is very excited, the spirit of qi and blood and all kinds of feelings shrink inward, condensed into a little, driving the right arm back to swing.


The two men squirted thinly, and the right fist that swinged back swinged up, like the spirit of the thunder hammer, stepping forward, tightening the muscles of the elbow wrist, etc., pulling the arm, such as in the open bow The electric power shot the fists highlighted by the black and black veins.

boom! The boxing to the flesh, the black and white creeping, the musculoskeletal and vascular veins of the two have a slight deformation, and the resounding sound awakens the ancient factors hidden in the audience, allowing them to secrete adrenaline, and the blood will boil.

嚓 嚓, the bottom of the spider web is now, the building has been poor, and then rocked the body and made a step.

Peng Leyun followed the predecessor and made a strange idea in his mind.

He raised his fists and slammed it in a row, as if he had a machine gun in the air!

Modern form, the **** of the gods!

Hey! The audience calmed down and heard that Peng Leyun's fascia contracted and stretched, and the joints opened and closed. It felt like there was a machine running coldly and never running.

Hey! They were numb by the mechanical and repeated sounds. They saw that Lou Cheng could only rush to keep the inside line, and quickly put his arms around, constantly parry, instinctively, subconsciously, and reflexively parried.

"This..." Li Wei and others only saw Peng Leyun’s fists have a residual image. I feel that if I change to myself, I am afraid I can’t keep up with the "shooting" of the organs, even if it is inside defense, even if I need to exercise. The distance is shorter.

Lin lacked deep eyes, and the fists looked at the platform with a tight grip. It was like seeing the world’s arrogance. I felt that every sound was knocking on my heart. Yan Yan forgot to breathe and hoisted. A heart secretes a thin layer of sweat in the clenched fist, but she is not as alarmed as everyone else.

"Magic Fan" and Yan Xiaoling also held their breath and prayed silently there.

"Organization Shenquan!" commentary guest Zhang He shouted the name of Peng Leyun's martial arts.

In the modern form, the gun finger and the ejection method are the simplest, the cannon is a little difficult, and the organ **** fist has almost six pieces of control and reaction speed to be trained. Once it is applied, the fist is really as fast as a dumping bullet. The opponent can't keep up with the rhythm, blocked a few times, can't stop dozens of times.

Zhang He looked at the picture and quickly reminded the audience: "Don't pay attention to your hands and see Peng Leyun's footwork!"

If there is no change in the organ of the gods, only the same position can be played. The enemy in the defensive state can simply wave his arms and arms. Because there is no need to think, the distance of movement is extremely short, and it can keep up with the rhythm and stabilize it. Therefore, the most quintessential thing of the organ of the gods is not in the boxing of the fists. Through the cooperation of the footwork, the target of the attack is intermittently changed, and the opponents are not able to respond, and they are hit by the "sweeping".

Zhang He’s voice just fell, suddenly frowned, and he was surprised by the look and made a sound:


Why did Peng Cheng still keep up with the three attack positions? The tacit understanding of the two sides has been dozens of times hundreds of times!

"Hey!" "Gai Shi Long Wang" also noticed that it was wrong.

The building became a sea of ​​ice, and turned into a crystal clear mirror, reflecting the clear scene within a meter. In this scene, the general changes of Peng Leyun's muscles, the preparation of the footwork, are presented. Let him judge in advance and respond.

"Ice Mirror", the martial arts in the ice department, the most difficult to practice in the outer squatting!

The building is balanced into a Dan, and the spirit of the spirit is in harmony with one another and has broken into Jindan’s little premonition. Under the premise that Jingcheng Dacheng can be seen internally, there is only one step away from the “Ice Mirror” entry. "The word 诀 and the "人" 诀 内 内 , , , , , , , , , 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内 内

It is with this that he can only hold the danger under the thunder and lightning of the "organic boxing" of Peng Leyun.

Hey! Hey! The sound is continuous, and it seems to be uninterrupted. Lou Cheng always responds in advance, or swings his arm quickly, or squats on the wrist, or pops up five fingers. The sleek and transparent traits of the whole body keep the water dripping, but his strength is worse than Peng Leyun. In the last few moves, I had to make a step to remove the pressure, so I seemed to be forced to step back by the "God Boxing".

But in this process, Lou Cheng's withdrawal is a curve, not a straight line, so as not to make a direct drop.

One attack was exaggerated, the attack was rapid, one was calm, and the audience was amazed. The audience in front of the scene and the computer could not help but change their posture and move their bodies. It seems that they would like to jump and put on a few punches to vent their hearts. Passion.

"too strong!"

"Not a person, not a person, Huang He, he, no, Peng Leyun, he is not a person."

"Even if it is a piece of iron, it is estimated to be broken into slag!"

"Luo Cheng is also very powerful, I am so dizzy, he is still steadfast."

"Yeah, a little defeat is not happening, it is really a reputation under the fame!"

I don’t know how many punches passed, just when Lou Cheng felt that he couldn’t hold it down, Peng Leyun finally slowed down, and the “institutional **** fist”’s move was closed, and the abdomen swollen.

opportunity! Waiting is now! Lou Cheng took a step back and turned to the external pressure of sedimentation, and outlined an ancient word in the mind.

He did not care for the soreness of his arms and fists, raised his hands and sealed them, and solemnly opened his mouth:


Spiritual secret law "Bingzi 诀"!

The sound echoed around, and the atmosphere became fierce. Peng Leyun seemed to be trapped in the army of thousands of people. The ear was a piece of film and shouting. The sole of the foot was the earth shake that appeared because of the galloping horse. What he felt was iron and blood. Surrounded by all sides, grass and wood are soldiers!

His heart was in chaos, his body involuntarily trembled, and he was busy with his mind and thought of the yin and yang.


The Thunder broke out and turned into a **** of utmost seriousness. The feeling of the yang to the righteousness was filled with suffocation and dispelled the martial arts.

Thunder is out of school, specializing in evil spirits!


Lou Cheng was counter-attacked by the spirit, and his voice was constantly screaming. The whole person seemed to become a ghost under the lightning and thunder, and the body was trembled and seemed to disappear at any time.

His heart lake ice mirror flashed and there was a crack in the car.

At this moment, his mind outlined a big word with no momentum, one hand on the chest and one hand on Dantian.


Surrounded by the low sound, all the trepidation seems to be spit out.

"Good!" Peng Leyun's waist was pressed and swayed naturally, and he "naturally regained his strength". He displayed one of the "Tianquan 捶" of one of the twenty-four methods of the thunder, and his right arm opened and went from top to bottom. Lu Cheng, do not give him the opportunity to dodge.

Thunder's fine, self-contained!

Lou Cheng followed the hug, and the force poured into the right arm, but the flesh and blood did not see swelling, but it was tight, and the momentum was unstoppable.


Bang! On the ring, the sound of the eruption sounded loudly, and the shock wave was centered on the fists of the two men, rolling in all directions.

Lou Cheng's feet almost fell into the ground, but it also cracked around, damaged the shoes, had to shake the body, is about to retreat.

Suddenly, he took a breath, condensed the tumbling blood and the effects of the shock to a point, stabilized the center of gravity, borrowed the strength, and connected the left leg in a compact manner.

Two bursts, big avalanche!

Peng Leyun is also the same, and then bursting Dan Jin, slamming out the calf, lightning fast.

Hey! Lou Cheng has turned "Surprising Snow" into a burst of explosions, frequently trembled with Zen, and Peng Leyun.

Three bursts, four bursts, five bursts, six bursts! The place where the two men played together was full of wind and waves, and the debris splashed and the sound of the explosion continued.

Seven bursts, eight bursts, nine bursts, ten bursts! Lou Cheng was beaten back and forth, but the frequency was getting lower and lower. With the borrowing power of "Blizzard Twenty-four Strikes", Peng Leyun could gradually divide the autumn, and Peng Leyun became fiercer and fiercer, and he was not stunned. The area where they fought fiercely was trampled into obvious potholes and filled with smoke.

Hey! Every bit of the crossfire sounded like a bomb falling, bursting in the heart of Xu Wannian and others, so that Fang Zhirong could not help but tear down the white towel on his head, and looked at the ring.

"Enthusiastic! Enjoyable!" There is a similar cry on the barrage.

"I wiped my rub, can the building be able to keep up with the ten bursts?"

“The highest level of competition below the non-human level?”

"Ah, I want to find someone to fight!"

"Seeking a sister to roll, no, fight one!"

Snapped! Loucheng martial arts shoes completely cracked, turned into butterflies, flew around, Peng Leyun's martial arts shoes are smashed, silently open, they are a backhand cross, a slap in the face, each made an eleven burst!

After entering Dan Ding, I did not rely on Jin Dan to replenish my physical strength. The achievements of the building have been able to complete five consecutive explosions. After two awakenings of the powers, I practiced the Danjing exercises and practiced the word "人". He has already broken through. The limits of the human body, the physical quality has doubled, there is no Jin Dan, can also make twelve bursts, and Peng Leyun can play ten bursts when playing with Ren Li in the first half of the year, not to mention the close to non-human, can be called a monster !

Just this one, they have firmly suppressed Fang Zhirong.


The contrast between the white and the black and the sharp fists collided in a clear contrast. Lou Cheng felt that Peng Leyun had better than half the strength of the team. He couldn’t help but step back two steps and stepped on the footprints of the depression. Peng Leyun shook a few times. Did not attack in time.

After this, the two finally separated, each of them had a temper, and within the practice of the law to resolve the impact of the residual boxing, so that the crazy burst broke.

——They just “regained their strength” and they were not fully recovered.

When the break, the audience in the stands broke out like a thunder, and the sound of screaming was deafening. Yan Yan and others finally sighed with relief, some were happy, some were relieved, some were shaking, some were horrified.

"Weak six products..." In the office of the martial arts society of the Imperial College, Ren Li looked at the projection screen and thought about spitting out three words.

Weak six products? Shen worry Jiang Kongqi and others know that "Morning Star" is talking about Lou Cheng, not to look at each other, and recall the battle that I just saw.

After more than four months of hard work, has the building's achievements improved from weak seven products to weak six products?

This is too exaggerated, right? There is no reason for this!

Even more frightening is that Peng Leyun did not give the other party a chance!

What level is he at?

The building on the top of the platform is similar to their thoughts. They even played some desperation. They have thoroughly played and developed their strengths. Peng Leyun has done a good job and he has no bottom. He seems to have no way to fight. There is no chance of winning without a card.

Think about it before, he didn't have to do it with himself several times, such as when he simplifies the shackles, but he did it, instead of playing in the same month as in April, there will be dodge and there will be a turn.

In other words, he has enough confidence to be able to cope with unexpected situations.

This is not a light enemy of Peng Leyun, but when the opportunity is right, as a martial art mad he is more willing to experience the opponent's school.

Of course, this also fully shows that he is at ease!

Perhaps he can use his psychological inertia... Lou Cheng took a breath and fought again, intending to use the double-edged sword.

In his mind, he thought of the frozen river, the solidified waves, and the burning red days of the sky.

The big day fell from the sky, cut through the sky, and the body corresponding to the building changed, and slammed into the ice.

This is the mutated version of the building, "when the head is awesome," and this time, the ice and fire power balance, there will be different effects from the past, the injury also hurts the effect!

Snapped! Lou Cheng’s back muscles trembled, and he pulled out his right arm and planted his fist.

And Peng Leyun has long been excited about the look, in the mind to outline the green thunder and silver, let them bombarded on the ground, bursting out the flame of Jinhuang.

Lei, the fifteenth style, simplifying the nephew, "bonfire"!

It is a simplification of the "God's Golden Fire", and it is a "electric fire pile" that erupts briefly.

The feet are inside and the muscles are bulging. Peng Leyun is a little taller, and he is arrogant and arrogant.


The ice and fire collided, canceled each other, and quickly condensed. At the fist of Lou Cheng, it collapsed into a small whirlpool, and Peng Leyun had the power of burning and sucking and sucking!

Peng Leyun’s fist suddenly stuck to the hand of Lou Cheng, but he could not escape.


The vortex lost its balance under the influence of external forces, and it broke out and threw a fierce temper.


For the first time, Peng Leyun was defeated by Lou Cheng, swaying his body, fading his mind, and his thoughts fluctuated.

Lou Cheng endured the eruption of the eruption, stepping on a step, chasing him in front of him, the spirit first, hands and one left and right to force the fight.

In this state, he can't do "resolute force."

Excited, the body shook, Peng Leyun found the focus, quickly hugged Dan, set up two arms in front of him.

At this moment, the building was bristled with arms and fascia, and the hard-boiled ones came back, stepping on the foot, and wandering around the other side, both hands drooping, and a hook followed.

The crystal clear white light and red red dangerous flame hit the ground against Peng Leyun.

Ice flames double burning!

At the same time, Lou Cheng’s hands swayed up and **** each other, tightening the corresponding muscles, as if the giants of the mountains had moved from the upper right to the lower left, blocking the road of Peng Leyun’s dodging.

This set of strokes is the 19th style of the ice department, "cold"! There are "cold" attacks in all directions!

At this time, Lou Chengcai felt that he had seen Peng Leyun's limit for the first time and hoped to defeat him.

Suddenly, Peng Leyun’s body sounded like a turbine, and the yin and yang were excited. The thunder and lightning were pulsating. The horrible repulsion broke out, making the fall of the building’s “breaking mountain” slow, letting the cold and the flame Slowed down.


Peng Leyun’s “breaking mountain shock” did not fall, and he jumped up halfway, letting the ice burning and the flame burning slip through his feet, exploding in the distance, and spreading the white mist.

In his eyes, he reappeared in the eyes, turned into lightning, united into a ball, and at the same time volleyed his arm, hitting the fist of Loucheng with his elbow, and the "Thunder" in his mind floated in nothingness, and the electric light splashed.

boom! The building that was affected by the double-edged sword did not respond well. He was hit in the fist and felt the strong paralysis to enter the body.

The roots of his hair were erected, and the heart seemed to stop taking a shot. The internal organs were sad and he was obviously injured.

By the time he slowed down, Peng Leyun had turned his body and his fist stopped at his eyebrows.

The arrogant son of the sky gasped, and the sweat dripped from his forehead, and he was not as comfortable as he had just been.

But the referee also raised his right hand and announced the result:

"The third game, Peng Leyun wins!"

Lou Cheng immediately became awkward and seemed to be affected by the electric power.

It’s Peng Leyun... He closed his eyes bitterly.

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